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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia
and the Government of the Republic of Moldova
on co-operation in the field of tourism

The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Moldova hereinafter called "Parties",
Willing to contribute to the development of tourism relations between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Moldova and to the co-operation between the empowered authorities in the field of tourism of both states,
Recognizing the fact that the co-operation in the field of tourism is considered an important and necessary element for the consolidation of friendship relations development between the people of both countries,
Tending to create a basis for the extension of tourism relations between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Moldova,
Have agreed on the following:

Article 1

The Parties pursuant to the national legislation of both states and in accordance with the international law regulations will contribute to the development of relations in the field of tourism.

Article 2

The Parties will facilitate tourism development in its divers forms, which are accepted by the international practice, including:
• cultural tourism
• business tourism
• academic tourism
• balneal and health recovering tourism rural tourism
• ecological tourism
• event trips while attending exhibitions, fairs, cultural and sport events, etc. group and individual tourism youth tourism, etc.

Article 3

The Parties shall favor closer mutual co-operation as well as closer co-operation between tourist organizations, public institutions and other organizations participating in the field of international and domestic tourism.

Article 4

In order to further bilateral relations in the field of tourism the Parties will offer mutual assistance in opening tourism information bureaus on the territory of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Moldova.
The above mentioned bureaus will activate on the basis of the current national legislation of each of the states, and pursuant to the international law regulations.

Article 5

In order to develop the tourism between Parties, there will be organized, on a regular and mutual basis, informative and tourism promotion activities, namely:
• exhibitions, trade fairs, press conferences, round tables;
• presentation of tourism documentaries;
• exchange of promotional and informative materials on tourism, exchange of specialized magazines and scientific publications offered by libraries and printing houses from both states;
• exchange of information regarding any national regulations on tourism activities and on the protection of the cultural and natural resources of tourism value;
• exchange of experience and information regarding: the construction problems, scientific research in the field of tourism, membership in international tourism organizations, as well as other fields related to the development of tourism.
The specific forms, the agenda and the financial terms of these actions, as well as the volume of tourist information and promotional materials that shall be made available mutually, will be established by the Parties through dually agreed programs.

Article 6

The Parties will extend the collaboration with the purpose of training and development of professionals for tourism industry.
For this purpose the Parties agreed on:
a) dual exchange of students in the related specialties, with the purpose of studying at the higher education establishments from both states;
b) offering mutual possibilities of training and development of the executive personnel and specialists of the empowered authorities in the field of tourism; of the economic agents and organizations; as well as of the hotel and restaurant personnel and of other categories of specialists that offer tourist services.

Article 7

To enhance the implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall establish a Joint Tourism Committee comprising tourism officials from both countries, with the aim to implement joint proposals, programs and resolutions concerning the development of bilateral co-operation in the field of tourism.
The Committee shall elaborate working program for a two-year period determining priorities of the co-operation.
Each Party on a reciprocal basis shall determine the quantitative and qualitative membership of the Joint Committee. The Parties shall inform each other about this.
The Parties shall inform each other within six months from the entry into force of this Agreement, about the nomination of two Co-chairmen, one from each Party. Until the first meeting of the Committee the Co-chairmen shall act as contact persons between the Parties for the implementation of this Agreement.
The Committee shall meet when agreed upon the Parties alternately in the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Moldova.
The Parties may invite experts and representatives of the private sector from both countries to participate in the activities of the Committee.

Article 8

The Parties have agreed that the implementation of the obligations of this Agreement shall be coordinated by the following state authorities:
• in the Republic of Latvia: Ministry of Economics;
• in the Republic of Moldova: Department of Tourism Development of the Republic of Moldova

Article 9

This Agreement does not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties, that result from other international treaties to which Parties are the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Moldova.

Article 10

The Parties will settle the disputes that could appear concerning the interpretation and the accomplishment of this Agreement by means of negotiations and consultations.

Article 11

The alterations and amendments to this Agreement shall be made by the mutual consent of the Parties through the protocols, which are an integral part of this Agreement and shall follow the same procedure as its entering into force.

Article 12

This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receiving, through diplomatic channels, of the last written notification about the fulfilment by the Parties of internal procedures necessary for its entering into force.
This Agreement shall be valid for a period of five years and shall be automatically extended for another period of five years unless either party informs the other Party in writing of its desire to terminate this Agreement six months before the expiration date of the Agreement.
Termination of the Agreement shall not affect the implementation of programs and projects, which may be launched during the period of its validity, unless agreed upon otherwise by the Parties.
Done at Chisinau on 6 November 2003, in two original copies, each in Latvian, Moldavian and English languages, all the text being equally authentic.
In case of discordance, the text in English shall prevail.

For the Government For the Government
of the Republic of the Republic
of Latvia of Moldova

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 Ministru kabinets
Atruna: Nav
Deklarācija: Nav
 "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 41, 16.03.2004.
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