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The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Peru hereafter called "The Parties";

Inspired by the desire to strengthen the relations between both countries and to deepen the mutual understanding;

Convinced that the cultural, scientific and educational relations will intensify the cooperation and will lead to a better comprehension of the culture and way of life in each country;

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties shall contribute to the exchange of experiences and progress obtained in the areas of culture, science and education. For this purpose, as far as available funding allows, The Parties shall encourage:

a) The collaboration between their cultural, academic, research and sports institutions with the purpose of carrying out activities of common interest,

b) The exchange of professors, experts, technicians, researchers and students to give and take courses, seminars and series of conferences,

c) The granting of scholarships in the area of the application of the present Agreement,

d) The exchange of books, publications and printed material, as well as support material for the accomplishment of the activities organized within the frame of this Agreement,

e) The cooperation between their competent institutions in the areas of radio, television and cinematography, compromising themselves to sign a Cooperation Protocol,

f) The cooperation between their professional press institutions aiming to enhance the contacts among their official and private news agencies,

g) Without prejudice to the modalities above mentioned, the Parties can arrange, by mutual agreement, other modalities that will yield to a closer cooperation in the areas of culture, education, literature and science.

The activities indicated beforehand shall be executed, subject to the domestic legislation of each State.

Article 2

The Parties shall exchange information about the laws and regulations in the sphere of education adopted in their respective states in order to consider possibilities of mutual recognition of scientific degrees, scientific titles and graduation diplomas awarded by the higher educational institutions.

Article 3

The Parties shall promote the cultural exchange through the visit of artists, artistic groups, including music, theater and visual art groups among others. Likewise the exchange of information on cultural events and on international film festivals to be celebrated in each country. They shall also organize the presentation of exhibitions and other cultural happenings.

Article 4

The Parties shall promote the studies of language and literature of their respective countries in Universities and other academic institutions of the other State.

Article 5

Each of the Parties shall promote in its own country, the actions that shall contribute to a better understanding of the culture, history and customs of the other Party for the mutual enrichment of cultural diversity and the strengthening of mutual points of concurrence.

Article 6

With the purpose of accomplishing a better collaboration, the Parties agree to take the necessary measures, in compliance with their domestic legislation and execution of the international treaties of which they are members, to hinder the illegal import, export and transfer of properties of the goods which are part of their respective cultural patrimony, whether these are archeological, artistic or historical.

Article 7

The Parties shall promote the exchange of information and publications about their museums, libraries, and other cultural institutions as well as the exchange of information concerning natural history, art and handicrafts.

Article 8

The Parties shall promote, by all means at their disposal, cooperation and exchange in the fields of physical education and sport by exchanging athletes, sport teams, sport journalists and specialists; participation of teams in international competitions; and exchange of information on sports infrastructure and publications on sports.

Article 9

The Parties, recognizing the importance of the cultural heritage in each country, shall encourage the cooperation in the area of cultural heritage, through the exchange of experiences on an expert level in protection, preservation, restoration and investigation of cultural heritage.

Article 10

The Parties shall collaborate regarding the preservation and development of oral and intangible cultural heritage and invite traditional art groups to participate in international festivals organized in each country as well as encourage the exchange of experts within the seminars and workshops of amateur art.

Article 11

The Parties shall protect the author copyright and the collateral rights in the area of culture and art according to the national legislation, as well as international obligations assumed by each country.

Article 12

The Parties shall establish a Latvian - Peruvian Commission for the cultural, scientific and educational cooperation, with the participation of an equal number of members from each country. This Commission shall carry out a periodic evaluation of the course of the Agreement and shall propose the necessary measures to its progressive implementation.

Article 13

Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the present Agreement shall be settled by way of negotiations between the Parties.

Article 14

The present Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time.

The Parties may terminate the present Agreement at any time by giving a written notice of this intention through diplomatic channels. The termination shall take effect six (6) months after the day of receipt of such notification.

Article 15

The present Agreement may be modified on the basis of a mutual written consent of both Parties through diplomatic channels. Such amendments shall enter into force in accordance with provisions of Article 16 of the present Agreement.

Article 16

The present Agreement shall enter into force, on the date of receipt of the last written notification through diplomatic channels by which the Parties inform each other that internal legal requirements necessary for its entry into force have been fulfilled.

In witness whereof, the undersigned duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed the present Agreement.

Signed in Santo Domingo, the 19th day of April of 2007 in the Latvian, Spanish and English languages, all three (3) texts being original, equally authentic and valid. In case of any controversy in the interpretation of the original texts the English text shall serve as a reference document.


Normans Penke

State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Jose Antonio Garsia Belaunde

Minister of Foreign Affairs

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Deklarācija: Nav
 "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 55, 07.04.2011.
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