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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on technical and financial cooperation

The Government of the Republic of Latvia (hereinafter - the Latvian Party) and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (hereinafter - the Ukrainian Party), hereinafter jointly referred to as the Parties,

reiterating their unequivocal condemnation of Russia's full-scale military invasion of Ukraine and the crimes committed by Russian forces in Ukraine against its people and infrastructure,

supporting firmly Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders,

recognizing Ukraine's European perspective and understanding the need for Ukraine as a European Union candidate country to implement substantial reforms to become a European Union member state,

noting their long standing and fruitful bilateral relationships,

desiring to strengthen the relationship and facilitate technical and financial cooperation between the two states,

desiring to cooperate with the aim of contributing to sustainable economic and social development and to the promotion of democracy and human rights in Ukraine,

ensuring the Latvian side's commitment to continue providing support to Ukraine,

ensuring Latvia's involvement in the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine,

have agreed as follows:

Article I
Scope and objective

1. The objective of this Agreement is to establish a set of legal rules and procedures according to which Parties ensure mutual cooperation and coordination to simplify the implementation of the support programs or projects for recovery and strengthening of Ukraine.

2. The Agreement shall apply to all programs or projects of technical and financial assistance located in Ukraine and financed wholly or partly by the Latvian Party (hereinafter - programs or projects) in connection to the provision of aid in the process of recovery and strengthening of Ukraine.

Technical assistance includes, inter alia, transfer of know-how, coaching, consultation, supply of goods, equipment and materials as well as assistance related to introducing new technologies necessary for the successful implementation of programs or projects.

Financial assistance includes, inter alia, means to finance the supply of goods, equipment and materials, works and services necessary for the successful implementation of programs or projects.

The term "Latvian expert" means an expert commissioned for the purpose of a program or project within the scope of this Agreement who is not a citizen of Ukraine and does not permanently reside in Ukraine.

3. Each program or project which falls within the scope of this Agreement shall be subject to specific arrangements between the parties to such a program or project. Such arrangements shall specify in detail the rights and obligations of each party to the program or project.

4. The Ukrainian Party shall ensure that all programs or projects within the scope of this Agreement are registered, free of charge and without delay, in the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

Article II

In matters pertaining to the implementation of the Agreement, the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Latvia shall be the competent authorities to represent the Ukrainian and the Latvian Party respectively. All communication with the Latvian Party regarding this Agreement shall be directed to the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Ukraine. All communication with the Ukrainian Party regarding this Agreement shall be directed to the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Latvia.

The Parties, acting through the competent authorities, shall have regular consultations.

Article III
Taxation and customs provisions

1. For the purpose of implementation of programs or projects within the scope of this Agreement all admission of goods in Ukraine shall be exempt from any taxes, customs duties, fees and other charges having equivalent effect. This shall also apply to services, funds and other resources in connection with the implementation of programs or projects within the scope of this Agreement.

2. The Ukrainian Party shall ensure that licenses for temporary imports or admission of goods necessary to implement programs or projects within the scope of this Agreement are promptly granted according to the Ukrainian legislation.

3. Personal property of the Latvian experts shall be exempt from indirect taxes, including import duties, as long as the said expert's stay is temporary and is related to a program or project within the scope of this Agreement.

4. Duty-free import into Ukraine of one motor vehicle per Latvian expert is allowed, provided that the vehicle is used only within the period of the expert's assignment to a program or project and is re-exported at the end of this period.

5. The Latvian experts shall be exempt in Ukraine from the income tax and any other direct tax, fees on salaries and emoluments paid within the programs or projects in Ukraine.

Article IV

The Parties shall practice zero tolerance against corruption and other financial irregularities within and related to the programs or projects. The zero-tolerance policy applies to all staff members, consultants and other non-staff personnel and to cooperating partners within and related to the programs or projects.

Article V
Rights of Latvian experts

1. The Ukrainian Party shall ensure prompt clearance, and issue of long-term visas, free of charge, for the Latvian experts assigned to the program or project of technical or financial assistance registered within the framework of this Agreement, as well as their family members, upon the invitation of the state body, enterprise or organization, which is a recipient of such assistance.

2. The Ukrainian Party shall provide Latvian experts, as well as their family members, with all the necessary documents such as temporary residence permits free of charge and carry out any formalities without unreasonable delay according to the legislation of Ukraine.

3. The Ukrainian Party shall ensure that the Latvian experts have the right to open and operate an external bank account in Ukraine for their personal needs, such accounts to be free of any foreign exchange controls or charges imposed by Ukraine, and balances being freely transferable into euro (EUR) or any other convertible currency.

Article VI
Final provisions

1. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and shall enter into force on the date of receipt through diplomatic channels of the last written notification by which the Parties have informed each other of the completion of the internal legal procedures.

2. Any modification to this Agreement shall be agreed upon in writing between the Parties and enter into force according to para 1 in this Article.

3. Each Party may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other Party. In this case, the Agreement shall expire six (6) months after the receipt of such notice by the other Party.

4. In case of its termination the provisions of this Agreement shall continue to apply to all programs or projects which have been agreed upon prior to its termination.

5. If any dispute arises relating to the implementation or interpretation of the Agreement, the Parties shall consult with a view to reaching a solution.

Done on January 11, 2024 in Riga in two originals, each in the Latvian, Ukrainian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in interpretation of provisions of this Agreement the English text shall prevail.

For the Government of the Republic
of Latvia
Arturs Krišjānis Kariņš
Minister of Foreign Affairs of
the Republic of Latvia
For the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine
Dmytro Kuleba
Minister of Foreign Affairs of
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 "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 101, 27.05.2024.
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