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Agreement between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria on Co-operation in the Sphere of Defence

The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria, referred to hereafter Parties,

Taking into consideration the necessity to contribute to strengthening of peace, trust, stability and relations between the counties in Europe and in the world in the spirit of the Charter of United Nations Organization, the Final Act of the Conference for security and cooperation in Europe and the Paris Charter for a New Europe,

Expressing their desire for a full membership in NATO as a basic, mutually assisted aim in the sphere of their national security,

Assessing positively the integration processes going on in Europe,

Expressing their desire for a mutually beneficial cooperation based on mutual respect, confidence and cooperation,

Agreed upon the following:

Article 1


1. Within the limits of their responsibilities as defined by their national legislation The Parties establish by this Agreement a framework for bilateral co-operation in the defence field.

2. This Agreement does not restrict fields and forms of co-operation. The Parties may agree to take up co-operation in other areas which both of them consider of mutual interest.

Article 2


1. The cooperation and the exchange of information between the Parties can cover the following spheres:

a. Defence policy and security policy.

b. Democratic control over the armed forces.

c. Alternative service.

d Interoperability of the national armed forces with the armed forces of NATO member countries.

e. Exchange of information about joint initiatives within the framework of the Euro Atlantic Partnership Council.

f. Education of military and civilian staff, training and increasing the qualification of the staff.

g. Issues related to peace keeping and humanitarian operations.

h. Military science.

i. Structure of the armed forces, logistics.

j. Military law.

k. Exchange in the sphere of culture and sports.

l. Other spheres of mutual interest.

2. The detailed regulation related to specific spheres of cooperation in the above mentioned fields or in others can be settled by the Parties in the form of protocols.

Article 3


1. In accordance with the decision of the Parties the cooperation can be conducted in the following forms:

a. Meetings of the ministers of defence and the chiefs of the general staff and their deputies or of other officials authorized by the Parties.

b. Exchange of experience between experts of the Parties in different spheres of action.

c. Organizing and conducting of joint activities in the framework of Partnership for Peace programs.

d. Participation of military observers in militarily exercises.

e. Organizing of joint discussions, consultations meetings and participation in courses, symposiums and conferences.

Article 4


1. In order the provisions of this Agreement to be applied, a work team consisting of representatives appointed by the Parties will prepare annual co-operation plans.

2. The working group will annually meet on reciprocal basis on the territory of each Party in turn to co-ordinate the co-operation plan for the coming year.

3. The annual co-operation plan will be signed by authorized representatives before 15 December each year.

Article 5


1. The Parties organize official and working visits on a reciprocal basis. The financial expenses of the visits are taken on by the Parties in the following manner.

2. The transport expenses to a mutually agreed point in the host Party are taken by the sending Party.

3. The host Party provides the following to the members of the delegation of the sending Party:

a. Food and accommodation.

b. Transport in accordance with the program of the visit.

c. Cultural program.

d. Emergency medical assistance.

4. When the delegation arrives with a military aircraft the host Party provides on its own expense the accommodation and the food for the members of the crew of the aircraft, as well as the acceptance, the location stand and the protection of this aircraft.

5. All other expenses which might arise in different spheres of cooperation are defined by additional provisions between the Parties outside the principle of reciprocity.

Article 6


1. The information exchanged in the course of the cooperation cannot be used against the interest of the Parties.

2. The provision of such information to a third party, including physical and jurisdictional persons is allowed only with the explicit written agreement of the Party which is the source of the information.

Article 7


1. This Agreement will be valid for an indefinite time and enters into force on the date of its signing.

2. The Parties can make amendments and additions to the present Agreement on mutual consent, expressed in a written form.

3. Each dispute which might arise at the interpretation or during the application of this Agreement will be settled by consultations and negotiations between the Parties.

4. This Agreement can be terminated by any Party by a written statement addressed to the other Party. The Agreement ceases to be in force upon expiry of 6 (six) months on the date of the receipt of the written of the written statement of withdrawal.

Signed in Sofia on April 27, 2001 in two identical copies, each in Latvian, Bulgarian and English, all the texts being equally authentic.

In case of differences of interpretation the English version shall prevail.


On behalf of the Ministry of Defence

of the Republic of Latvia

On behalf of the Ministry of Defence

of the Republic of Bulgaria



Tiesību akta pase
Nosaukums: Agreement between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Defence of the .. Statuss:
Zaudējis spēku
zaudējis spēku
Veids: starptautisks dokuments Pieņemts: 27.04.2001.Stājas spēkā: 27.04.2001.Zaudē spēku: 04.06.2014.Publicēts: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 163, 20.11.2003.
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