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Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to be held in Riga


This Memorandum of Understanding sets out the respective facilities and services to be provided by the Government of Latvia (the "Host") and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the "Bank" or "EBRD") in connection with the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Bank's Board of Governors, including The Business Forum, to be held in Riga, Latvia.

This Memorandum covers:

The Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors to be held on 21 and 22 May 2000, including a meeting of the Procedures Committee, the Opening Session, and other Plenary Sessions and related events (together referred to as the "Meeting of the Board of Governors"); and

* The Business Forum to be held from 19 to 23 May 2000, including

EBRD seminars, country presentations, an exhibition and related events, in addition to information and messenger services(together referred to as the "Business Forum").

The Memorandum of Understanding outlines the division of responsibilities between the Host and the Bank with regard to the facilities and services referred to above.



The Host shall assume the following responsibilities:


1. Premises

To provide the Bank with premises for the following:

(a) The Meeting of the Board of Governors, including the Procedures Committee meeting, the Opening Session and other Plenary Sessions and related events (together referred to as the "Meeting of the Board of Governors") to be held in the Congress Centre.

(b) The Business Forum (the programme of seminars and country presentations with information services and an exhibition) to be held in the World Trade Centre, the Latvian Society House and the Latvian University Hall.

(c) The following services and facilities:

- Registration (possibly at the Stock Exchange)

- Governors' Statements - Translation, Typing, Reproduction and Distribution

- Press Filing Centre

- General services for participants e.g. currency exchange, telecommunications centre, travel agency, social events, medical services

- Restaurant/cafeteria facilities for participants

- EBRD President's dinner for Governors

- Press Conferences of the Chairman of the Board of Governors and the EBRD President

- Press Conferences of Delegations of Member Countries

(d) Offices for:

- Chairman of the Board of Governors and Secretariat

- Delegations of Member Countries

- President and Secretariat

- Vice Presidents and other members of the EBRD Management

- EBRD Logistics Team

- Other Bank staff - including the EBRD liaison bureau in Riga (see Section V below)

- Secured storage

The Bank Management will inspect the premises being considered for the Meeting of the Board of Governors and will reserve the right to reject the premises allocated for this purpose, should they be judged unsuitable. It may be necessary to build a temporary structure in a suitable location so as to facilitate the orderly development of the Meeting.

(e) Meeting rooms for the programme of seminars and country presentations (four meeting rooms with an ideal minimum capacity of 300-500/700) and linked to large exhibition hall.

2. Equipment

The Host shall provide:

(a) Security equipment, such as archways with metal detector and x-ray scanners at entrance to the Congress Centre, World Trade Centre, Latvian Society House and the Latvian University Hall;

(b) Appropriate furniture for all venues (both in terms of amount and usage);

(c) Suitable equipment for simultaneous interpretation in four languages, to meet ISO (International Standards Organisation) standards, for use at the plenary sessions of the Board of Governors, and sound amplification and audio visual equipment in both venues, in addition to equipment for interpretation to and from Latvian, if requested by the Host;

(d) International telecommunications in both venues (telephones, telex and faxes);

(e) Information Technology in both venues (personal computers, printers, personal computer network facilities);

(f) CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) Network between the Plenary Hall, Delegation Offices' floors, and the Press Filing Centre; and an audio-visual link between the Congress Centre, World Trade Centre and Latvian Society House; and

(g) Provide free of charge tea, coffee, soft drinks, mineral water for Delegations (in their meeting rooms/offices) during the sessions of the Meeting of the Board of Governors on 21 and 22 May.

3. Travel and Transportation

The Host shall make the following arrangements:

(a) Under Article 52.1 of the Agreement Establishing the EBRD, issue general instructions to Latvian embassies and consulates to grant, without delay, visas to Annual Meeting participants and accompanying persons upon presentation of a letter of invitation from the EBRD. Governors, Alternate Governors, other members of official delegations, Directors and Alternate Directors, and officers and employees of the Bank shall be granted visas free of charge;

(b) Facilitate immigration and customs formalities at Riga airport on the arrival and departure of participants.

(c) Provide reception service for participants at Riga airport.

Governors/Heads of Delegation, the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General, General Counsel, Chief Economist and other members of EBRD Management designated by the EBRD shall be given VIP treatment;

(d) From 19 to 24 May 2000, provide one chauffeur-driven car for each Governor or Head of Delegation, for the President, for each Vice-President, for the Secretary General, the General Counsel, the Chief Economist and for each of EBRD Management designated by the EBRD;

(e) Provide transport for the accompanying persons programme;

(f) Provide shuttle bus service on routes between the airport, the Congress Centre, the World Trade Centre, the Latvian Society House and hotels used by participants from 19 to 24 May; and

(g) From 15 to 24 May provide two cars and a minibus for the Bank's logistics team and from 18 to 24 May provide a shuttle bus service between staff hotel and venues.

4. Immunities, Privileges and Exemptions

(a) Grant all appropriate immunities, privileges and exemptions in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Agreement Establishing the EBRD.

(b) Take appropriate measures to grant exemption from taxes or duties (including VAT) or provide for their reimbursement in respect of purchases, goods and services by the Bank for the Annual Meeting (Chapter VIII, Article 53.2).

(c) Grant exemption from import (customs) duties and taxes in respect of goods imported by the Bank for the Annual Meeting (Chapter VIII, Article 53.3).

5. Local Staff

Provide and pay for the services of suitably qualified local staff to carry out the work and services falling within the responsibility of the Host in accordance with this Memorandum.

6. Security

(a) Provide the necessary external security services for the protection of all participants and for the protection of all personnel and equipment at the Congress Centre, the World Trade Centre, the Latvian Society House and the Latvian University Hall, hotels, parking areas, and venues for other conference activities.

(b) Ensure internal security at all venues in consultation with the Bank's Security Unit.

(c) Provide secure parking spaces next to the Congress Centre, the World Trade Centre, the Latvian Society House and the Latvian University Hall.

7. Medical Services

Provide adequate medical services for all participants at the Congress Centre, the World Trade Centre, the Latvian Society House and the Latvian University Hall and access to predetermined hospitals in Riga.


The Business Forum will take place from 19 May until 23 May in the World Trade Centre and the Latvian Society House. The programme of events will be determined by the EBRD in consultation with the Host country. It will be organised as far as possible on a cost-recovery basis and will aim to promote business in the Bank's countries of operations, including the Host country.

The events will comprise EBRD Seminars, the Country Presentations Programme and information services.

The Host will provide the following:

(a) Venue: the World Trade Centre and the Latvian Society House;

(b) Appropriate furniture for the World Trade Centre and the Latvian Society House;

(c) Equipment for simultaneous interpretation in four working languages, to meet ISO standards, sound amplification and audio-visual equipment, where requested, and equipment for interpretation to and from Latvian, if requested by the Host;

(d) International telecommunications, such as telephones, telex and faxes;

(e) Information Technology, such as personal computers, printers, personal computer network facilities within the Congress Centre, the World Trade Centre and the Latvian Society House; and

(f) Closed Circuit Television Network (to be determined).

The Bank Management will inspect the premises being considered for the EBRD Business Forum and will reserve the right to reject the premises allocated for this purpose, should they be judged unsuitable. It may be necessary to build a temporary structure in a suitable location so as to facilitate the orderly development of the Meeting.


The Official Social Events will include:

* The reception hosted by the Latvian Government on 21 May;

A concert hosted by the Latvian Government on 22 May;

A cultural programme on 21 and 22 May for persons accompanying the Governors, Alternate Governors, Representatives of IFIs, Directors and Alternate Directors;

* Lunch for Alternate Governors and lunch for Directors and Alternate Directors on 22 May; and

A cultural evening event on 20 May.



The Bank shall assume the following responsibilities:

1. Registration and Invitations

a) Maintain database: mailing invitations to participants.

b) Management and supervision of registration.

c) Issuing of security badges for entry to the venues used during the Annual Meeting.

2. Media

(a) Registration of accredited representatives of national and international press, radio, television and news agencies.

(b) Organisation of Press conferences, radio and television interviews for the Governors and senior officials of the Bank, prior and during the Annual Meeting.

(c) Issuing of all news releases, prior and during the Annual Meeting.

3. Documentation

Preparation and printing of all documentation for the Annual Meeting.

4. The Business Forum

Preparation and delivery of the services in The Business Forum. Preparation and delivery of the EBRD seminars, the Country Presentations Programme (CPP), information services and Messenger.

5. Interpretation and Translation

(a) Simultaneous and consecutive interpretation for all official meetings and functions.

(b) Written translation of all official documents.

6. Document Reproduction

Supplying, installing and operating the equipment required by the Document Reproduction Unit.

7. Meeting Room Set-up

Meeting room services, and training of conference room officers.

8. Signage

Design, production, installation and dismantling of signage, flags and name plates.

9. Hotel Accommodation

(a) Organising and monitoring hotel accommodation for official Delegations through the Bank and Host selected travel agents.

(b) Hotel accommodation for Bank staff.

(c) Arrange block booking for other participants through the services of the selected travel agents.

10. Social Events

Organising and bearing the cost of the following social events:

Dinner hosted by the President of the EBRD for the Board of Governors on 21 May;

Working lunch for Governors on 22 May; and

Lunch for Governors' accompanying persons hosted by the President's spouse on 22 May.

11. Shipment

Organising and bearing the costs of shipping all documents, material and equipment from London to Riga before the Annual Meeting, and from Riga to London after the Annual Meeting.

12. Travel

Organising and bearing the cost of Bank staff travel for the Annual Meeting and the preceding missions.

13. Supplies

Provide stationery to be used in the offices.

14. Equipment

(a) Supplying the software required for computers and the computer network.

(b) Providing high-speed data circuits between Riga and London for electronic mail and other data communication services.

(c) Providing assistance with technical facilities to be provided by the Host for the Annual Meeting as the Host may request.

(d) Provide walkie-talkies and mobile phones for designated Bank staff and Host staff.

15. Local Staff

Recruiting and paying for the services of local staff who are part of the Annual Meeting support group, except as provided in paragraph I.A.5 above.

16. Telecommunications

Bearing the cost of telephone and fax bills incurred by staff and employees of the Bank and by the Delegation Offices.



1. Both the Host and the Bank shall consider their insurance needs in connection with the Annual Meeting and shall obtain such insurance to cover their respective risks and obligations, including those arising under this Memorandum of Understanding, as they may consider appropriate.

2. Each party shall bear its own insurance costs.



The designation of liaison officers on behalf of the Host and on behalf of the Bank will be made by an exchange of letters at a later date.



The Host will provide the Bank from 1 September 1999 with suitably furnished offices to be used by the Conference Planning Adviser resident in Riga, his secretarial staff, and Bank staff on mission to Riga. The cost of installing equipment in these offices and of using such equipment will be borne by the Bank.



This Memorandum may be amended at the request of either party provided that both parties agree to the proposed amendment. Any such amendment shall be in writing signed by the authorised representatives of the parties.



Annexes to this Memorandum of Understanding shall be drawn up and agreed between the Parties on various logistical matters relating to the commitments of each party in more specific detail. Upon signature on behalf of the Parties, each such Annex shall form an integral part of this Memorandum of Understanding.


This Memorandum is signed in London on 29 May 1998, in four originals: two in English and two in Latvian. In the event of any difference, the English language version shall prevail.


For the Government of Latvia For the European Bank

for Reconstruction and Development

……………………… ………………………

Roberts Zile Antonio Maria Costa

Finance Minister, Secretary General, EBRD

EBRD Governor for Latvia

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