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Fourth Additional Protocol to the General Regulations of the Universal Postal UnionTable of contents Article I. (Article 107 amended) Functions of the CA II. (Article 108 amended) Organization of CA sessions III. (Article 109 amended) Observers IV. (Article 113 amended) Functions of the POC V. (Article 114 amended) Organization of POC sessions VI. (Article 115 amended) Observers VII. (Article 120 amended) Composition of the CC VIII. (Article 121 amended) Membership of the CC IX. (Article 122 amended) Functions of the CC X. (Article 123 amended) Organization of the CC XI. (Article 124 amended) Representatives of the Consultative Committee at the Council of Administration, the Postal Operations Council and Congress XII. (Article 125 amended) CC observers XIII. (Article 126 amended) Information on the activities of the CC XIV. (Article 133 amended) Information. Opinions. Requests for explanation and amendment of the Acts. Inquiries. Role in the settlement of accounts XV. (Article 146 amended) Fixing of the expenditure of the Union XVI. Entry into force and duration of the Additional Protocol to the General Regulations of the Universal Postal Union Fourth Additional Protocol to the General Regulations of the Universal Postal Union The plenipotentiaries of the governments of the member countries of the Universal Postal Union, having met in Congress at Riyadh, in view of article 29.2 of the Constitution concluded at Vienna on 10 July 1964, have, by common consent and subject to article 24.3 of the Constitution, adopted the following amendments to the General Regulations. Article I 1 The Council of Administration shall have the following functions: 1.1 Supervises all the activities of the Union between Congresses, ensuring compliance with the decisions of Congress, studying questions with respect to governmental policies on postal issues, and taking account of international regulatory developments such as those relating to trade in services and to competition. 1.2 Promotes, coordinates and supervises all forms of postal technical assistance within the framework of international technical cooperation. 1.3 Examines the draft quadrennial Union business plan approved by Congress, and finalizes it by bringing the activities set out in the draft plan for the four-year period into line with the actual resources available. The plan should also, if appropriate, be in line with the results of the prioritization process carried out by Congress. The finalized version of the quadrennial Union business plan, completed and approved by the CA, will then form the basis for the preparation of the annual Programme and Budget as well as for the annual operating plans to be drawn up and implemented by the CA and POC. 1.4 Considers and approves the annual programme and budget and the accounts of the Union, while taking into account the final version of the Union Business Plan, as described in article 107.1.3. 1.5 Authorizes the ceiling of expenditure to be exceeded, if circumstances so require, in accordance with article 146.3 to 5. 1.6 Authorizes election of a lower contribution class, if it is so requested, in accordance with the conditions set out in article 151.5. 1.7 Authorizes a change of geographical group if it is so requested by a member country, taking into account the views expressed by the member countries which are members of the geographical groups concerned. 1.8 Creates or abolishes International Bureau posts financed by the regular budget, taking into account the restrictions imposed by the expenditure ceiling fixed. 1.9 Decides on the contacts to be established with member countries in order to carry out its functions. 1.10 After consulting the Postal Operations Council, decides on the relations to be established with the organizations which are not observers within the meaning of article 105.1 and 105.2.1. 1.11 Considers the reports by the International Bureau on UPU relations with other international bodies and takes the decisions which it considers appropriate on the conduct of such relations and the action to be taken on them. 1.12 Designates in due course, after consulting the Postal Operations Council and the Secretary General, the specialized agencies of the United Nations, international organizations, associations, enterprises and qualified persons to be invited as ad hoc observers to specific meetings of Congress and its Committees when this is in the interest of the Union or the work of the Congress and instructs the Director General of the International Bureau to issue the necessary invitations. 1.13 Designates the member country where the next Congress is to be held in the case provided for in article 101.3. 1.14 Determines in due course and after consulting the Postal Operations Council the number of Committees required to carry out the work of Congress, and specifies their functions. 1.15 Designates, after consulting the Postal Operations Council and subject to the approval of Congress, the member countries prepared: 1.15.1 to assume the positions of Vice-Chairs of Congress and Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Committees, taking as much account as possible of the equitable geographical distribution of the member countries; and 1.15.2 to sit on the Restricted Committees of the Congress. 1.16 (Delete). 1.17 Considers and approves, within the framework of its competence, any action considered necessary to safeguard and enhance the quality of and to modernize the international postal service. 1.18 Studies, at the request of Congress, the Postal Operations Council or member countries, administrative, legislative and legal problems concerning the Union or the international postal service; it shall be for the Council of Administration to decide, in the above-mentioned fields, whether it is expedient to undertake the studies requested by member countries between Congresses. 1.19 Formulates proposals which shall be submitted for the approval either of Congress or of member countries in accordance with article 142. 1.20 Submits subjects for study to the Postal Operations Council for examination in accordance with article 113.1.6. 1.21 Reviews and approves, in consultation with the Postal Operations Council, the draft Strategy for presentation to Congress. 1.22 Receives and discusses proposals, opinions and reports from the Consultative Committee and considers proposals and reports from the Consultative Committee for submission to Congress. 1.23 Provides control over the activities of the International Bureau. 1.24 Approves the annual report on the work of the Union and the annual Financial Operating Reports prepared by the International Bureau and, where appropriate, furnishes observations on them. 1.25 Establishes principles, as may be considered necessary, for the Postal Operations Council to take into account in its study of questions with major financial repercussions (charges, terminal dues, transit charges, basic airmail conveyance rates and the posting abroad of letter-post items), follows closely the study of these questions, and reviews and approves, for conformity with the aforementioned principles, Postal Operations Council proposals relating to these questions. 1.26 Approves, within the framework of its competence, the recommendations of the Postal Operations Council for the adoption, if necessary, of regulations or of a new procedure until such time as Congress takes a decision in the matter. 1.27 Considers the annual report prepared by the Postal Operations Council and any proposals submitted by the Council. 1.28 Approves the four-yearly report prepared by the International Bureau in consultation with the Postal Operations Council, on the performance of member countries in respect of the execution of the Union Strategy approved by the preceding Congress, for submission to the following Congress. 1.29 Establishes the framework for the organization of the Consultative Committee and concurs in the organization of the Consultative Committee, in accordance with the provisions of article 123. 1.30 Establishes criteria for membership of the Consultative Committee and revokes membership in accordance with those criteria, as further detailed in the relevant rules of procedure referred to in article 123. 1.31 Lays down the Financial Regulations of the Union. 1.32 Lays down the rules governing the Reserve Fund. 1.33 Lays down the rules governing the Special Fund. 1.34 Lays down the rules governing the Special Activities Fund. 1.35 Lays down the rules governing the Voluntary Fund. 1.36 Lays down the Staff Regulations and the conditions of service of the elected officials. 1.37 Lays down the Regulations of the Social Fund. 1.38 Exercises, within the context of article 153, overall supervision of the creation and activities of userfunded subsidiary bodies. 1.39 Adopts its Rules of Procedure and the amendments to those Rules. Article II 1 At its constituent meeting, which shall be convened and opened by the Chair of Congress, the Council of Administration shall elect four Vice-Chairs from among its members. The Chair and four Vice-Chairs shall be member countries from each of the five geographical groups of the Union. 2 The Council of Administration shall meet twice a year, or additionally on an exceptional basis, at Union headquarters, in accordance with the relevant procedures set forth in its Rules of Procedure. 3 The Chair and Vice-Chairs, and the Committee Chairs, Co-Chairs and Vice-Chairs, of the Council of Administration shall form the Management Committee. This Committee shall prepare and direct the work of each session of the Council of Administration. It shall approve, on behalf of the Council of Administration, the annual report prepared by the International Bureau on the work of the Union and it shall take on any other task which the Council of Administration decides to assign to it or the need for which arises in the course of the strategic planning process. 4 The Chair of the Postal Operations Council shall represent that body at meetings of the Council of Administration when the agenda contains questions of interest to the Postal Operations Council. 5 (delete). Article III 1 Observers 1.1 To ensure effective liaison between the work of the two bodies, the Postal Operations Council may designate representatives to attend Council of Administration meetings as observers. 1.2 Member countries of the Union which are not members of the Council, as well as the observers and ad hoc observers referred to in article 105, may participate in the plenary sessions and Committee meetings of the Council of Administration, without the right to vote. 1.3 Members of the Consultative Committee, as well as the other observers and ad hoc observers referred to in article 105, also have the right to attend meetings of the standing groups, task forces and other bodies of the Council of Administration as observers, without the right to vote, subject to the provisions of paragraph 2.3. 2 Principles 2.1 For logistical reasons, the Council of Administration may limit the number of attendees per observer and ad hoc observer participating. It may also limit their right to speak during the debates. 2.2 Observers and ad hoc observers may, at their request, be allowed to cooperate in the studies undertaken, subject to such conditions as the Council may establish to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of its work. They may also be invited to chair standing groups and task forces when their experience or expertise justifies it. The participation of observers and ad hoc observers shall be carried out without additional expense for the Union. 2.3 In exceptional circumstances, members of the Consultative Committee and ad hoc observers may be excluded from a meeting or a portion of a meeting or may have their right to receive documents restricted if the confidentiality of the subject of the meeting or document so requires. This restriction may be decided on a case-by-case basis by any body concerned, or by its Chair in consultation with the Chair of the Council of Administration and the Secretary General. The case-by-case situations shall be reported to the Council of Administration and to the Postal Operations Council when matters of interest to the Postal Operations Council are concerned. If it considers this necessary, the Council of Administration may subsequently review restrictions, in consultation with the Postal Operations Council where appropriate. Strictly in so far as prospective meetings are concerned, notification of restrictions shall preferably be sent to the members of the Consultative Committee and ad hoc observers concerned at least 14 days in advance of the relevant meeting (or as soon as possible in the case of urgent meetings convened less than 14 days following issuance of the relevant invitation by the International Bureau). Accordingly, such notifications shall not apply in the event of exclusions or document access restrictions deemed necessary in the context of an ongoing meeting of the body concerned. Article IV 1 The Postal Operations Council shall have the following functions: 1.1 Coordinates practical measures for the development and improvement of international postal services. 1.2 Takes, subject to Council of Administration approval within the framework of the latter's competence, any action considered necessary to safeguard and enhance the quality of and to modernize the international postal service. 1.3 Decides on the contacts to be established with member countries and their designated operators in order to carry out its functions. 1.4 Takes the necessary steps to study and publicize the experiments and progress made by certain member countries and their designated operators in the technical, operational, economic and vocational training fields of interest to other member countries and their designated operators. 1.5 Takes, in consultation with the Council of Administration, appropriate steps in the sphere of technical cooperation with all member countries of the Union and their designated operators and in particular with the new and developing countries and their designated operators. 1.6 Examines any other questions submitted to it by a member of the Postal Operations Council, by the Council of Administration or by any member country or designated operator. 1.7 Receives and discusses proposals, opinions and reports from the Consultative Committee and, when matters of interest to the Postal Operations Council are involved, to examines and comments on proposals and reports from the Consultative Committee for submission to Congress. 1.8 (delete). 1.9 Conducts the study of the most important operational, commercial, technical, economic and technical cooperation problems which are of interest to all member countries or their designated operators, including questions with major financial repercussions (charges, terminal dues, transit charges, airmail conveyance rates, parcel-post rates, and the posting abroad of letter-post items), and prepares information, opinions and recommendations for action on them. 1.10 Provides input to the Council of Administration for the development of the draft Union Strategy and draft quadrennial Union business plan to be submitted to Congress. 1.11 Studies teaching and vocational training problems of interest to member countries and their designated operators, as well as to the new and developing countries. 1.12 Studies the present position and needs of the new and developing countries and prepares appropriate recommendations on ways and means of improving their postal services. 1.13 Revises the Regulations of the Union; in this regard, the Postal Operations Council shall be subject to Council of Administration guidance on matters of fundamental policy and principle. 1.14 Formulates proposals which shall be submitted for the approval either of Congress or of member countries in accordance with article 142; the approval of the Council of Administration is required when these proposals concern questions within the latter's competence. 1.15 Examines, at the request of a member country, any proposal which that member country forwards to the International Bureau under article 141, prepares observations on it and instructs the International Bureau to annex these observations to the proposal before submitting it for approval to the member countries. 1.16 Recommends, if necessary, and where appropriate after approval by the Council of Administration and consultation of all the member countries, the adoption of regulations or of a new procedure until such time as Congress takes a decision in the matter. 1.17 Prepares and issues, in the form of recommendations to member countries and their designated operators (or as binding provisions if the Acts of the Union so provide), standards for technological, operational and other processes within its competence where uniformity of practice is essential; it shall similarly issue, as required, amendments to standards it has already set. 1.18 Establishes the framework for the organization of user-funded subsidiary bodies and concurs in the organization of these bodies in accordance with the provisions of article 153. 1.19 Receives and discusses reports from the user-funded subsidiary bodies on an annual basis. 1.20 Adopts its Rules of Procedure and the amendments to those Rules. Article V 1 At its first meeting, which shall be convened and opened by the Chair of Congress, the Postal Operations Council shall choose from among its members a Chair and four Vice-Chairs, and the Committee Chairs/Vice-Chairs/Co-Chairs. The Chair and four Vice-Chairs shall be member countries from each of the five geographical groups of the Union. 2 The Postal Operations Council shall meet twice a year, or additionally on an exceptional basis, at Union headquarters, in accordance with the relevant procedures set forth in its Rules of Procedure. 3 The Chair and Vice-Chairs, and the Committee Chairs, Co-Chairs and Vice-Chairs, of the Postal Operations Council shall form the Management Committee. This Committee shall prepare and direct the work of each meeting of the Postal Operations Council and take on all the tasks which the latter decides to assign to it or the need for which arises in the course of the strategic planning process. 4 On the basis of the Union Strategy adopted by Congress and, in particular, the part relating to the strategies of the permanent bodies of the Union, the Postal Operations Council shall, at its session following Congress, prepare a basic work programme containing a number of tactics aimed at implementing the strategies. This basic work programme, which shall include a limited number of projects on topical subjects of common interest, shall be revised annually in the light of new realities and priorities. 5 (delete). Article VI 1 Observers 1.1 In order to ensure effective liaison between the work of the two bodies, the Council of Administration may designate representatives to attend Postal Operations Council meetings as observers. 1.2 Member countries of the Union which are not members of the Council, as well as the observers and ad hoc observers referred to in article 105, may participate in the plenary sessions and Committee meetings of the Postal Operations Council, without the right to vote. 1.3 Members of the Consultative Committee, as well as the other observers and ad hoc observers referred to in article 105, have the right to attend meetings of the standing groups, task forces and other bodies of the Postal Operations Council as observers, without the right to vote, subject to the provisions of paragraph 2.3. 2 Principles 2.1 For logistical reasons, the Postal Operations Council may limit the number of attendees per observer and ad hoc observer participating. It may also limit their right to speak during the debates. 2.2 Observers and ad hoc observers may, at their request, be allowed to cooperate in the studies undertaken, subject to such conditions as the Council may establish to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of its work. They may also be invited to chair standing groups and task forces when their experience or expertise justifies it. The participation of observers and ad hoc observers shall be carried out without additional expense for the Union. 2.3 In exceptional circumstances, members of the Consultative Committee and ad hoc observers may be excluded from a meeting or a portion of a meeting or may have their right to receive documents restricted if the confidentiality of the subject of the meeting or document so requires. This restriction may be decided on a case-by-case basis by any body concerned, or by its Chair in consultation with the Chair of the Postal Operations Council and the Secretary General. The case-by-case situations shall be reported to the Council of Administration and to the Postal Operations Council. If it considers this necessary, the Council of Administration may subsequently review restrictions, in consultation with the Postal Operations Council where appropriate. Strictly in so far as prospective meetings are concerned, notification of restrictions shall preferably be sent to the members of the Consultative Committee and ad hoc observers concerned at least 14 days in advance of the relevant meeting (or as soon as possible in the case of urgent meetings convened less than 14 days following issuance of the relevant invitation by the International Bureau). Accordingly, such notifications shall not apply in the event of exclusions or document access restrictions deemed necessary in the context of an ongoing meeting of the body concerned. Article VII 1 The Consultative Committee shall consist of: 1.1 non-governmental organizations (including those representing customers, delivery service providers, postal employees or postal employers); philanthropic entities; standardization, financial and development organizations; suppliers of goods and services to the postal services sector; transportation entities; academic and research institutions; think tanks and similar knowledge-based institutions; and like organizations that have an interest in supporting the mission and objectives of the Union; 1.2 high-level figures from the postal sector recommended by member countries or the bodies of the Union concerned, including the Consultative Committee. 2 All members of the Consultative Committee shall have their principal place of business (and, if so required by the member country concerned, be duly registered) or, in the case of the high-level figures referred to in 1.2, have permanent residence, in a Union member country. 3 The operational costs of the Consultative Committee shall be shared by members of the Consultative Committee, except as otherwise determined by the Council of Administration. In this regard, and as further outlined in the Rules of Procedure of the Consultative Committee, different membership fees may apply depending on the specific legal nature and financial capability of members of the Consultative Committee. 4 The members of the Consultative Committee shall not receive remuneration or any other compensation. Article VIII 1 Membership of the Consultative Committee shall be determined through a process of application and acceptance established by the Council of Administration, and carried out in accordance with article 107.1.30. 2 Without prejudice to the requirement set forth in article 120.2, any requests for membership of the Consultative Committee as submitted by the entities or high-level figures referred to in article 120 shall be accompanied by the prior written authorization or recommendation of the corresponding Union member country. 2bis Revocation of membership of the Consultative Committee shall be determined through a process established by the Council of Administration in accordance with article 107.1.30. 3 Each member of the Consultative Committee shall appoint its own representative(s). Article IX 1 The Consultative Committee shall have the following functions: 1.1 Examines documents and reports of the Council of Administration and the Postal Operations Council, and their respective bodies. In exceptional circumstances, the right to receive certain texts and documents may be restricted if the confidentiality of the subject of the meeting or document so requires, in accordance with articles 109.2.3 and 115.2.3. 1.2 Conducts and contributes to studies of issues of importance to the Consultative Committee's members. 1.3 Considers issues affecting the postal sector and provides input on such issues in the form of proposals, opinions and reports to the Council of Administration and Postal Operations Council, and their respective bodies, as appropriate. 1.4 (delete). 1.5 Submits proposals and reports to Congress, subject to the approval of the Council of Administration and in the name of the latter and, when matters of interest to the Postal Operations Council are involved, subject to examination and comments by the Postal Operations Council in accordance with articles 107.1.22 and 113.1.7. Article X 1 The Consultative Committee shall reorganize itself after each Congress in accordance with the framework established by the Council of Administration. The Chair of the Council of Administration shall preside at the organizational meeting of the Consultative Committee, which shall elect its Chair at that meeting. 2 The Consultative Committee shall determine its internal organization and shall draw up its own rules of procedure, taking into account the general principles of the Union and subject to the concurrence of the Council of Administration after having consulted the Postal Operations Council. 3 The Consultative Committee shall meet at least once a year or additionally as deemed appropriate for its work. The date and location of each meeting shall be fixed by the Chair of the Consultative Committee, in agreement with the Chairs of the Council of Administration and the Postal Operations Council and the Director General of the International Bureau. Article XI 1 Without prejudice to article 124.2, members of the Consultative Committee representatives to have the right to attend meetings of Congress, the Council of Administration, and the Postal Operations Council, as well as their respective Committees, standing groups, task forces and other bodies, as observers without the right to vote, subject to the provisions of articles 109 and 115 and of the Rules of Procedure of Congresses, as relevant to the body concerned. 2 In order to ensure effective liaison with the bodies of the Union, the Consultative Committee shall designate representatives, who shall be the only representatives of the Consultative Committee, to formally provide, on behalf of that body, the input referred to in article 122. Such designated representatives shall have the right to attend, on behalf of the Consultative Committee, meetings of Congress, the Council of Administration and the Postal Operations Council, as well as their respective Committees, standing groups, task forces and other bodies, as observers without the right to vote, subject to the provisions of articles 109 and 115 and of the Rules of Procedure of Congresses, as relevant to the body concerned. 3 The Chair of the Council of Administration and the Chair of the Postal Operations Council shall represent those bodies at meetings of the Consultative Committee when the agenda of such meetings contains questions of interest to those bodies. Article XII 1 Member countries of the Union and the observers and ad hoc observers referred to in article 105 may participate in the sessions of the Consultative Committee, without the right to vote. 2 For logistical reasons, the Consultative Committee may limit the number of attendees per observer and ad hoc observer participating. It may also limit their right to speak during the debates. 3 In exceptional circumstances, observers and ad hoc observers may be excluded from a meeting or a portion of a meeting of the Consultative Committee or may have their right to receive documents restricted if the confidentiality of the subject of the meeting or document so requires. This restriction may be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Consultative Committee or its Chair, in consultation with the Chair of the Council of Administration and the Secretary General. The case-by-case situations shall be reported to the Council of Administration and to the Postal Operations Council when matters of interest to the Postal Operations Council are concerned. If it considers this necessary, the Council of Administration may subsequently review restrictions, in consultation with the Postal Operations Council where appropriate. Strictly in so far as prospective meetings are concerned, notification of restrictions shall preferably be sent to the observers and ad hoc observers concerned at least 14 days in advance of the relevant meeting (or as soon as possible in the case of urgent meetings convened less than 14 days following issuance of the relevant invitation by the International Bureau). Accordingly, such notifications shall not apply in the event of exclusions or document access restrictions deemed necessary in the context of an ongoing meeting of the body concerned. Article XIII 1 After each session, the Consultative Committee shall inform the Council of Administration and the Postal Operations Council of its activities by sending to the Chairs of those bodies, inter alia, a summary record of its meetings and its recommendations and views. The Chair of the Consultative Committee, or another designated representative of the Consultative Committee, shall also report on the activities of the Consultative Committee at each plenary session of the Council of Administration and the Postal Operations Council respectively. 2 The Consultative Committee shall make to the Council of Administration and the Postal Operations Council an annual activity report. This report shall be included in the documentation of the Council of Administration and the Postal Operations Council provided to member countries of the Union, to their designated operators and to the Restricted Unions, in accordance with articles 111 and 117. 3 The Consultative Committee shall make to Congress a comprehensive report on its work and send it to the member countries and their designated operators at least two months before the opening of Congress. Article XIV 1 The International Bureau shall be at all times at the disposal of the Council of Administration, the Postal Operations Council, the Consultative Committee and member countries and their designated operators for the purpose of supplying them with any necessary information on questions relating to the service. 2 In particular it shall collect, collate, publish and distribute all kinds of information of interest to the postal service; give an opinion or provide dispute settlement services (in the latter case on a paid basis and in accordance with the relevant procedures adopted by the Council of Administration), at the request of the parties involved, on questions in dispute; act on requests for explanation and amendment of the Acts of the Union; and, in general, carry out such studies and editorial or documentary work as are assigned to it by those Acts or as may be referred to it in the interest of the Union. 3 It shall also conduct inquiries requested by member countries and their designated operators to obtain the views of other member countries, designated operators, members of the Consultative Committee and the public, as appropriate, on a particular questions. The result of such inquiries shall not have the status of a vote and shall not be formally binding. 4 It may act as a clearing house in the settlement of accounts of all kinds relating to the postal service. 5 The International Bureau shall ensure the confidentiality and security of commercial data provided by member countries, their designated operators and/or members of the Consultative Committee for the performance of its duties arising from the Acts or decisions of the Union. Article XV 1 Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 6, the annual expenditure relating to the activities of bodies of the Union may not exceed 38,890,030 Swiss francs for the years 2022 and 2023, and 39,512,270 Swiss francs for the years 2024 and 2025. In the event that the Congress planned for 2025 is postponed, the same latter ceilings shall also apply to the post-2025 period. 2 The expenditure relating to the convening of the next Congress (travelling expenses of the secretariat, transport charges, cost of installing simultaneous interpretation equipment, cost of reproducing documents during the Congress, etc.) shall not exceed the limit of 2,900,000 Swiss francs. 3 The Council of Administration shall be authorized to exceed the limits laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2 to take account of increases in salary scales, pension contributions or allowances, including post adjustments, approved by the United Nations for application to its staff working in Geneva. 4 The Council of Administration shall also be authorized to adjust, each year, the amount of expenditure other than that relating to staff on the basis of the Swiss consumer price index. 5 Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the Council of Administration, or in case of extreme urgency, the Director General, may authorize the prescribed limits to be exceeded to meet the cost of major and unforeseen repairs to the International Bureau building, provided however that the amount of the increase does not exceed 125,000 Swiss francs per annum. 6 If the credits authorized in paragraphs 1 and 2 prove inadequate to ensure the smooth running of the Union, these limits may only be exceeded with the approval of the majority of the member countries of the Union. Any consultation shall include a complete description of the facts justifying such a request. Article XVI This Additional Protocol shall come into force on 1 March 2024 (with the exception of article XV, which shall come into force on 1 January 2024) and shall remain in force for an indefinite period. In witness whereof the plenipotentiaries of the governments of the member countries have drawn up this Additional Protocol, which shall have the same force and the same validity as if its provisions were inserted in the text of the General Regulations itself, and they have signed it in a single original which shall be deposited with the Director General of the International Bureau. A copy thereof shall be delivered to each member country by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union. Done at Riyadh, 5 October 2023. |
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Nosaukums: Fourth Additional Protocol to the General Regulations of the Universal Postal Union
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