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The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Poland, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties",

conscious of the historic ties between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Poland,

seeking to implement the provisions of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, signed on 1st August 1975 in Helsinki and other documents of the Conference on Security and Co- operation in Europe, including the decisions reached during the Krakow Symposium of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe on European cultural heritage, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, and the Conventions of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ratified by both States,

desiring to strengthen and develop friendly relations between the two Parties, based on mutual assistance, sovereign equality and non-interference in the internal affairs of the other Party,

convinced, that co-operation in the field of culture and education and other related fields will enhance better mutual understanding between the societies of the two States,

striving to build partner - like relations with a geographically close country within the European Union,

in compliance with the national legislation of each Party,

have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties, guided by the principle of reciprocity, in compliance with their national legislation and interests, shall support co-operation and exchange of experience in the field of culture, art, education, sports, youth, the mass media and audiovisual sector.

Article 2

The Parties shall support co-operation in the field of education, and shall create favourable conditions for direct contacts between schools of all types and other educational establishments, seeking to encourage:

1) exchange of experience and information on the training of teachers;

2) exchange of pupils and implementation of co-operation programmes for children and youth;

3) exchange of information on their educational systems.

Article 3

The Parties shall support co-operation in the field of higher education, and shall create favourable conditions for direct co-operation between institutions of higher education, as well as academic teachers and students, seeking to facilitate in particular:

1) exchange of experience;

2) exchange of students and academic teachers;

3) organisation of joint seminars, conferences and symposia.

Article 4

With regard to the recognition for academic purposes of documents concerning education, the Parties shall take into consideration the provisions of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, done at Lisbon on 11th April 1997. The recognition of professional qualifications shall be regulated by national legislation of the two States and the legal acts of the European Union.

Article 5

In order to develop and maintain their national, ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identities, the Parties shall ensure that individuals of Latvian origin living in the Republic of Poland and interested members of the Polish minority in the Republic of Latvia have access to the study of their native language, history and culture and education in the native language within the framework of the educational systems (pre-schools and schools) in the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Latvia.

The Parties shall provide the appropriate assistance to Latvians living in the Republic of Poland and to the Polish national minority in the Republic of Latvia respectively.

Article 6

The Parties shall support the teaching of the Latvian language as a foreign language in the Republic of Poland and of the Polish language in the Republic of Latvia in educational institutions of all levels.

Article 7

The Parties shall support co-operation between youth organisations of the two States, and shall encourage exchange of information on youth - related issues.

Article 8

The Parties shall encourage exchange of experience on the development, planning and management of education and sports.

Article 9

The Parties shall support co-operation in the field of sports and physical culture between the competent sports institutions and organisations of the two States.

Article 10

The Parties shall support comprehensive, direct co-operation in the field of culture and art. The Parties shall encourage interest in the cultural heritage and contemporary cultural achievements of the other Party.

For that purpose the Parties shall support, in accordance with the principle of mutual interest and benefits, exchanges and co-operation in all fields of culture and art, and shall create favourable conditions for co-operation between organisations, institutions and individuals active in those fields.

Article 11

In order to promote knowledge of the culture of the other country, the Parties shall support:

1) establishment of contacts between the competent institutions and experts in the field of culture, art, the mass media and the audiovisual sector;

2) exchange of visits by artists, artistic ensembles and delegations of artistic associations, and exchange of information and materials concerning culture;

3) mutual organisation of cultural events, such as art exhibitions, musical and theatre performances, workshops, symposia, festivals, film shows and reviews;

4) co-operation between museums and libraries governed by the state or local authorities;

5) co-operation in order to preserve the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, including collaboration of the institutions involved in the protection and preservation of monuments;

6) translation, publication and exchange of works of literature;

7) particular initiatives and undertakings by individuals creating new cultural values;

8) exchange of traditional folk art groups and their participation in festivals and events organised by the other Party.

Article 12

The Parties shall support establishment of contacts and co-operation between representatives of artistic institutions and organisations, unions and associations, in particular - through direct cultural exchanges at the local-government and regional level, as well as conclusion of direct agreements between cities and regions.

Article 13

The Parties shall support the activity of cultural institutes and centres, Latvian - in the Republic of Poland, and Polish - in the Republic of Latvia.

Article 14

The Parties shall support direct co-operation in the field of radio and television broadcasting.

Article 15

The Parties express their will to co-operate in the realm of copyright law and related law.

Article 16

In the field of cinematography the Parties shall support:

1) mutual participation in international film festivals, in accordance with the rules of such festivals, and in film reviews and shows organised on the territory of the other Party;

2) co-operation of the national film institutions and related bodies, as well as direct collaboration between Latvian and Polish associations affiliating film and television artists;

3) joint production of films and mutual provision of production services;

4) co-operation of the film archives of the Parties.

Article 17

The Parties shall support development of co-operation and exchange between journalistic organisations, editorial offices and press agencies of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Poland.

Article 18

The Parties shall ensure the protection of the national cultural heritage of the other Party on their territories, and shall undertake joint efforts for the preservation and conservation of movable and immovable valuable objects as well as, archaeological monuments of the other Party on their territories.

Article 19

The Parties shall collaborate in the sphere of regulating the issue of illicit transfer of cultural goods onto the territory of the other Party. The Parties shall take measures to prevent illicit import and export of cultural goods. The Parties shall exchange information on those issues and shall facilitate the return of illicitly transferred cultural goods.

Article 20

The Parties shall support joint participation in multilateral projects, particularly those implemented under the auspices of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union.

Article 21

The Parties shall support direct co-operation between their National Commissions for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Article 22

The Parties shall support co-operation in the field of archive management, with particular reference to the access to archives for scientific, social and legal purposes, exchange of experience, publications and microfilms - on the basis of direct agreements between state authorities competent in matters of state archives.

Article 23

For the purpose of implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall establish a Mixed Commission for cultural and educational co-operation, hereinafter referred to as "the Commission", which shall meet alternatively in Riga and Warsaw, for the purpose of co-ordinating the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement, as well as elaborating and adopting periodic programmes of exchange defining the financial and organisational terms of co- operation. The dates of the Commission meetings shall be determined through diplomatic channels.

Article 24

The Parties have agreed that the competent institutions involved in the implementation of various parts of this Agreement may conclude periodic programs, elaborating the particulars of their co-operation.

Article 25

This Agreement shall be subject to adoption in accordance with the law of each Party, which fact shall be communicated through an exchange of notes. The Agreement shall enter into force thirty (30) days after the receipt of the latter note.

Article 26

1. This Agreement shall remain in force for indefinite period, and each Party shall have the right to denounce it through notification - with six (6) months' notice.

2. The programmes of exchange, projects and undertakings initiated under this Agreement shall remain in force until their completion - regardless of the period of validity of this Agreement.

Article 27

Upon the entry into force of this Agreement, the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Poland on cultural, scientific and educational co-operation, done at Riga on 1st July 1992, shall cease to have effect.

Done at Riga, this 29 day of March 2006, in duplicate, each copy in the Latvian, Polish and English language, all texts being equally authentic.

In case of divergence in the interpretation of this Agreement, the English text shall prevail.


For the Government

of the Republic of Latvia

For the Government

of the Republic of Poland


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 "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 106, 04.07.2007.
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