Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
Reference: C.N.7.2016.TREATIES-XVIII.10 (Depositary Notification) ROME STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL
ROME STATUTE The Secretary-General of the United Nations, acting in his capacity as depositary, communicates the following: On 26 November 2015, at the 11th plenary meeting of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute, which was held from 18 to 26 November 2015 in The Hague, Netherlands, the Parties adopted by Resolution ICC-ASP/14/Res.2, in accordance with article 121, paragraph 3, of the Rome Statute, the Amendment to Article 124 of the Rome Statute. The Amendment will enter into force in accordance with article 121, paragraph 4 of the Rome Statute which reads as follows: "Except as provided in paragraph 5, an amendment shall enter into force for all States Parties one year after instruments of ratification or acceptance have been deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations by seven-eighths of them". A certified true copy of the Amendment to article 124 in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages is transmitted herewith. 15 January 2016 Attention: Treaty Services of Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of international organizations concerned. Depositary notifications are issued in electronic format only. Depositary notifications are made available to the Permanent Missions to the United Nations in the United Nations Treaty Collection on the Internet at https://treaties.un.org, under "Depositary Notifications (CNs)". In addition, the Permanent Missions, as well as other interested individuals, can subscribe to receive depositary notifications by e-mail through the Treaty Section's "Automated Subscription Services", which is also available at https://treaties.un.org.
Amendment to article 124 of the Rome Statute Article 124 of the Rome Statute is deleted.
I hereby certify that the foregoing text is a true copy of the Amendment to article 124 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, adopted on 26 November 2015, at the 11th plenary meeting of the Assembly od States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which was held from 18 to 26 November 2015 in The Hague, Netherlands. For the Secretary-General, Miguel de Serpa Soares
Reference: C.N.116.2018.TREATIES-XVIII.10 (Depositary Notification) ROME STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL
CRIMINAL COURT AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 8 The Secretary-General of the United Nations, acting in his capacity as depositary, communicates the following: On 14 December 2017, at its 12th plenary meeting, the Assembly of State Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted by Resolution ICC-ASP/16/Res.4, in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 121 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, an amendment to article 8 in order to insert new articles 8-2-b)xxvii) and 8-2-e)xvi) relating to weapons which use microbial or other biological agents, or toxins. A copy of the text of the amendment in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, is attached as an annex. 8 March 2018 Attention: Treaty Services of Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of international organizations concerned. Depositary notifications are issued in electronic format only. Depositary notifications are made available to the Permanent Missions to the United Nations in the United Nations Treaty Collection at <https://treaties.un.org>, under "Depositary Notifications (CNs)". In addition, the Permanent Missions, as well as other interested individuals, can subscribe to receive depositary notifications by e-mail through the Treaty Section's "Automated Subscription Services", which is also available at <https://treaties.un.org/Pages/Login.aspx?lang=_en>.
C.N.116-2018.TREATIES-XVIII-10 Annex
English Amendment to be inserted as article 8-2-b)xxvii) and article 8-2-e)xvi) of the Rome Statute Employing weapons, which use microbial or other biological agents, or toxins, whatever their origin or method of production;
Reference: C.N.125.2018.TREATIES-XVIII.10 (Depositary Notification) ROME STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL
CRIMINAL COURT AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 8 The Secretary-General of the United Nations, acting in his capacity as depositary, communicates the following: On 14 December 2017, at its 12th plenary meeting, the Assembly of State Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted by Resolution ICC-ASP/16/Res.4, in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 121 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, an amendment to article 8 in order to insert new articles 8-2-b)xxviii) and 8-2-e)xvii) relating to weapons the primary effect of which is to injure by fragments which in the human body escape detection by X-rays. A copy of the text of the amendment in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, is attached as an annex. 8 March 2018 Attention: Treaty Services of Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of international organizations concerned. Depositary notifications are issued in electronic format only. Depositary notifications are made available to the Permanent Missions to the United Nations in the United Nations Treaty Collection at <https://treaties.un.org>, under "Depositary Notifications (CNs)". In addition, the Permanent Missions, as well as other interested individuals, can subscribe to receive depositary notifications by e-mail through the Treaty Section's "Automated Subscription Services", which is also available at <https://treaties.un.org/Pages/Login.aspx?lang=_en>.
C.N.125-2018.TREATIES-XVIII-10 Annex
English Amendment to be inserted as article 8-2-b)xxviii) and article 8-2-e)xvii) Employing weapons the primary effect of which is to injure by fragments which in the human body escape detection by X-rays;
Reference: C.N.126.2018.TREATIES-XVIII.10 (Depositary Notification) ROME STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL
CRIMINAL COURT AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 8 The Secretary-General of the United Nations, acting in his capacity as depositary, communicates the following: On 14 December 2017, at its 12th plenary meeting, the Assembly of State Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted by Resolution ICC-ASP/16/Res.4, in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 121 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, an amendment to article 8 in order to insert new articles 8-2-b)xxix) and 8-2-e)xviii) relating to weapons specifically designed, as their sole combat function or as one of their combat functions, to cause permanent blindness to unenhanced vision, that is to the naked eye or to the eye with corrective eyesight devices. A copy of the text of the amendment in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, is attached as an annex. 8 March 2018 Attention: Treaty Services of Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of international organizations concerned. Depositary notifications are issued in electronic format only. Depositary notifications are made available to the Permanent Missions to the United Nations in the United Nations Treaty Collection at <https://treaties.un.org>, under "Depositary Notifications (CNs)". In addition, the Permanent Missions, as well as other interested individuals, can subscribe to receive depositary notifications by e-mail through the Treaty Section's "Automated Subscription Services", which is also available at <https://treaties.un.org/Pages/Login.aspx?lang=_en>.
C.N.126-2018.TREATIES-XVIII-10 Annex
English Amendment to be inserted as article 8-2-b)xxix) and article 8-2-e)xviii) Employing laser weapons specifically designed, as their sole combat function or as one of their combat functions, to cause permanent blindness to unenhanced vision, that is to the naked eye or to the eye with corrective eyesight devices; |
Tiesību akta pase
Statuss: Vēl nav spēkā Starpt. org.: Veids: starptautisks dokuments daudzpusējs Pieņemts: 26.11.2015. Pieņemšanas vieta: HāgaRatificēja: Saeima Atruna: Nav Deklarācija: Nav Depozitārijs: Apvienoto Nāciju OrganizācijaPublicēts: "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 46, 05.03.2020.Dokumenta valoda: Saistītie dokumenti