Amendment 1 to the Letter of
Agreement on Law Enforcement of September 2004 between the
Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the
United States of America
The Government of the Republic of Latvia, and the Government
of the United States of America (each individually, a
"Party," and collectively, the "Parties")
jointly agree to modify and amend the Letter of Agreement on Law
Enforcement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and
the U.S. Government, signed on September 27, 2004 (hereinafter -
the "LOA") in the following respect:
Regional Law Enforcement Initiative: to establish and
support a project designed to enhance cooperation and information
sharing among law enforcement actors in Europe.
The project description and project performance goals are
described in Section II and III below. This amendment to the LOA
does not alter the performance measurements applicable to
projects enumerated under that LOA. All other obligations, terms,
and conditions contained in the LOA shall remain applicable and
in full force and effect. Provision of U.S. Government funding
beyond the current fiscal year is conditioned upon satisfactory
progress toward project goals and the availability of funds
authorized and appropriated on a year-to-year basis by the U.S.
Congress and approved by the U.S. Department of State. The
Parties agree that additional funds may be provided for these
purposes, subject to the same terms and conditions as set forth
in the LOA, as amended, without further need to amend the LOA to
reflect the amount of funds provided. The U.S. Government will
notify the Government of the Republic of Latvia when additional
resources are to be provided in support of these projects.
Regional Law Enforcement
The Regional Law Enforcement Initiative is designed to augment
European partners' capacity to deter and investigate
transnational crime and associated corruption to form a
sustainable neutral platform for information sharing among law
enforcement actors in Europe. Toward that goal, the
Government of Latvia and the U.S. Government shall take actions
and commit resources on an annual basis as authorized by their
respective legislative processes to support this LOA.
Actions to be taken include supporting efforts in Latvia and
other European countries to improve the criminal justice sector's
ability to combat corruption and money laundering; promote secure
borders; investigate and prosecute financial, cyber and organized
crime; and engage civil society in advancing related
reforms. A special focus will be placed on using training,
mentoring, and technical assistance to improve institutional
capacities within the criminal justice sector and enhance
information and working-level coordination among European
countries on issues related to transnational organized crime. The
anticipated life of the project is two to four years.
The Parties may increase, amend, or terminate projects
undertaken in conjunction with this LOA as agreed to by the
Parties in writing. Such projects shall be subject to the terms
and conditions of this LOA.
III. Project Performance Goals and
Achievement Verification
The long-term goals of this project are 1) to augment the
capacity of Latvia and other European partner nations to combat
corruption, money laundering, and other transnational financial
crimes and 2) to significantly reduce the amount of time
necessary to successful prosecute financial and other criminal
cases. The project objectives are to 1) increase the technical
capacity of investigators, prosecutors, and judges to handle
complex financial cases; and 2) support governments to develop
strategies to streamline criminal prosecutions and strengthen the
rule of law. Activities will include training, workshops,
peer-to-peer mentoring, and a legal analysis to identify
opportunities to streamline criminal prosecutions and strengthen
the rule of law.
Progress toward achievement of the project goals and
objectives will be measured in terms of transnational organized
crime cases initiated as a result of project activities, as well
as the number of cases successfully prosecuted. It will also
measure the average amount of time it takes criminal cases to
move through the system. Methods of verification of project
achievement include observation by personnel of the two
cooperating governments and by official records of arrests and
convictions of law violators and seizures of proceeds of crime.
Such records shall be processed in accordance with the
legislation of the Parties governing protection of personal data
and disclosure of restricted information.
IV. Program Evaluation
Representatives of the the Government of Latvia and the
Government of the United States will meet at least every year to
review progress towards achievement of the project goal and
objectives. Progress will be evaluated in accordance with the
measurements of success described above. Information to be
considered in conducting these evaluations will include
qualitative and quantitative indicators. A report will be
prepared jointly to summarize the results of these evaluations.
These evaluations are in addition to the ongoing monitoring of
the programs and activities conducted by relevant personnel of
both governments.
This amendment shall enter into force on the date of receipt
of the last written notification through diplomatic channels by
which Parties inform that the internal legal procedures have been
Done in duplicate at Riga, Latvia, this 4th day of
September of 2019, in Latvian and English languages, both
texts being equally authentic.
For the Government of The
Republic of Latvia
Jānis Bordāns
Deputy Prime Minister,
Minister of Justice
For the Government of the
United States of America
Paul Poletes
Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the
Embassy of the United States of America