Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION Parcel Post RegulationsTable of contents Chapter 1 General provisions
Chapter 2 Conditions of admission and posting. Charges. Exemption from charges. Delivery procedure
Chapter 3 Special services
Chapter 4 Dangerous substances prohibited from insertion in postal parcels. Exceptions to prohibitions. Parcels wrongly accepted. Redirection. Return to sender. Withdrawal from post. Inquiries
Chapter 5 Customs matters
Chapter 6 Liability of member countries or designated operators
Chapter 7 Procedures concerning the transmission, routeing and receipt of parcels
Chapter 8 Quality of service
Chapter 9 Rates and air conveyance dues
Chapter 10 Preparation and settlement of accounts
Chapter 11 Miscellaneous provisions
hapter 12 Transitional and final provisions
Final Protocol to the Parcel Post regulations
List of forms
Forms common to letter post and parcel post
Parcel Post RegulationsHaving regard to article 22.5 of the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union concluded at Vienna, on 10 July 1964, the Postal Operations Council has drawn up the following measures for ensuring the implementation of the postal parcels service. Chapter 1 Article RC 101 1 In these Regulations and the Final Protocol hereto, the term "parcels" shall apply to all parcels. 2 Parcels conveyed by air with priority shall be called "air parcels". Article RC 102 1 Member countries which do not provide the insured parcels service or which do not accept liability for insured parcels carried by their sea or air services shall nonetheless be bound to forward, by the quickest route and the most secure means, closed mails passed to them by other member countries. Article RC 103 1 Discontinuation of the postal service with a member country that fails to observe freedom of transit shall be notified in advance to the member countries and designated operators concerned by e-mail or any other form of telecommunication. The International Bureau shall be informed of the fact. Article RC 104 Monetary unit 1 The monetary unit laid down in article 7 of the Constitution and used in the Convention and the other Acts of the Union shall be the Special Drawing Right (SDR). 2 Designated operators of member countries may choose, by mutual agreement, a monetary unit other than the SDR or one of their national currencies for preparing and settling accounts. Article RC 105 1 The postal security strategy implemented by member countries and designated operators shall aim to: 1.1 raise quality of service as a whole; 1.2 increase employee awareness of the importance of security; 1.3 create or reinforce security units; 1.4 share operational, security and investigative information on a timely basis; and 1.5 propose to legislatures, wherever necessary, specific laws, regulations and measures to improve the quality and security of worldwide postal services. Article RC 106 1 The designated operator which has the service operated by transport companies shall make arrangements with them to ensure full implementation by them of all the provisions of the Convention and the Parcel Post Regulations, with special reference to the arrangements for the exchange of parcels. The designated operator shall be responsible for all their relations with designated operators of the other contracting countries and with the International Bureau. Chapter 2 Article RC 107 1 Parcels relating to the postal service shall be exempt from all postal charges if exchanged between the following: 1.1 designated operators; 1.2 member countries and designated operators and the International Bureau; 1.3 post offices of the designated operators of member countries; 1.4 post offices and designated operators. 2 Air parcels, with the exception of those originating from the International Bureau, shall be exempt from air surcharges. Article RC 108 1 The following shall enjoy exemption from postal charges within the meaning of article 7.2 of the Convention: 1.1 the Information Bureaux provided for in article 122 of the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 relative to the treatment of prisoners of war; 1.2 the Central Prisoner-of-War Information Agency provided for in article 123 of the same Convention; 1.3 the Information Bureaux provided for in article 136 of the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war; 1.4 the Central Information Agency provided for in article 140 of the latter Convention. Article RC 109 1 Parcels shall be prepaid by means of postage stamps or by any other method authorized by the regulations adopted by the country of origin or by its designated operators. Article RC 110 1 Member countries or their designated operators shall set the air surcharges to be collected for air parcels. 2 The surcharges shall be related to the air conveyance dues and shall be uniform for at least the whole of the territory of each country of destination, whatever the route used. 3 Member countries or their designated operators shall be authorized to apply, for calculating air surcharges, smaller weight steps than one kilogramme. Article RC 111 1 Designated operators shall be authorized to collect in the cases mentioned below the same charges as in the domestic service. 1.1 Charge on items posted outside normal counter opening hours, collected from the sender. 1.2 Charge for collection at the sender's address, collected from the sender. 1.3 Poste restante charge collected from the addressee; in the event of return to sender or redirection of a parcel addressed "poste restante", the guideline maximum amount shall be 0.49 SDR in accordance with article 13.6 of the Convention. 1.4 Storage charge for any parcel of which the addressee has not taken delivery within the prescribed period. This charge shall be collected by the designated operator which effects delivery, on behalf of the designated operator in whose service the parcel has been kept beyond the prescribed period. In the event of return to sender or redirection of a parcel on which a storage charge has been collected, the guideline maximum amount shall be 6.53 SDR in accordance with article 13.6 of the Convention. 1.5 Designated operators prepared to cover risks of force majeure shall be authorized to collect a charge for cover against risks of force majeure. In respect of uninsured parcels, this guideline maximum charge shall be 0.20 SDR per parcel in accordance with article 13.6.9 of the Convention. In respect of insured parcels, the guideline maximum amount is laid down in article RC 125. 1.6 Where a parcel is normally delivered to the addressee's address, no delivery charge may be collected from the addressee. Where delivery to the addressee's address is not normally provided, the advice of arrival should be delivered free of charge. In this case, if delivery to the addressee's addressee`s offered as an option in response to the advice of arrival, a delivery charge may be collected from the addressee. This should be the same charge as in the domestic service. Article RC 112 1 Every service parcel and its dispatch note shall bear, the former beside the address, the indication "Service des postes" (On Postal Service) or a similar indication; this indication may be followed by a translation in another language. 2 Every prisoner-of-war and civilian internee parcel and its dispatch note shall bear, the former beside the address, one of the indications "Service des prisonniers de guerre" (Prisoner-of-war Service) or "Service des internés civils" (Civilian Internees Service); these indications may be followed by a translation in another language. Article RC 113 1 The weight of the parcels shall be expressed in kilogrammes. 2 Designated operators of countries which by reason of their internal regulations are unable to adopt the metric-decimal system of weight may substitute for the weights expressed in kilogrammes the equivalents in pounds avoirdupois. Article RC 114 1 The exchange of parcels whose individual weight exceeds 20 kilogrammes shall be optional, with a maximum individual weight of 50 kilogrammes. 2 Designated operators of countries which set a weight of less than 50 kilogrammes shall, however, have the option of admitting parcels in transit in bags or other closed receptacles between the weights of 20 and 50 kilogrammes. 3 Parcels relating to the postal service as provided for in article RC 107.1 and 2 may weigh up to 20 kilogrammes. In relations between designated operators which have set a higher limit, parcels relating to the postal service may weigh more than 20 kilogrammes and up to 50 kilogrammes. Article RC 115 1 Parcels shall not exceed two metres for any one dimension or three metres for the sum of the length and the greatest circumference measured in a direction other than that of the length. 2 Designated operators which cannot accept, for any parcel or for air parcels only, the sizes prescribed under 1, may adopt instead one of the following dimensions: 2.1 1.50 metres for any one dimension or three metres for the sum of the length and the greatest circumference measured in a direction other than that of length. 2.2 1.05 metres for any one dimension or two metres for the sum of the length and the greatest circumference measured in a direction other than that of length. 3 Parcels shall not be smaller than the minimum size prescribed for letters. Article RC 116 1 As a general rule, parcels shall be delivered to the addressees as soon as possible and according to the provisions in force in the country of destination. When parcels are not delivered to the addressee's address the addressee shall, unless this is impossible, be advised of their arrival without delay. 2 When delivering or handing over an ordinary parcel, the delivering designated operator shall obtain from the recipient a signature of acceptance, or register captured data from an identity card, or obtain some other form of evidence of receipt that is legally binding under the legislation of the country of destination to confirm acceptance. Article RC 117 1 General packing conditions 1.1 Every parcel shall be packed and closed in a manner befitting the weight, the shape and the nature of the contents as well as the mode and duration of conveyance. The packing and closing shall protect the contents against crushing or damage by repeated handling and shall also be such that it is impossible to tamper with the contents without leaving clear traces thereof. 1.2 Every parcel shall be made up particularly securely if it has to be: 1.2.1 conveyed over long distances; 1.2.2 transhipped or handled many times; 1.2.3 protected against major changes in climate, temperature or, in the case of conveyance by air, variations in atmospheric pressure. 1.3 It shall be packed and closed in such a way as not to endanger the health of officials and so as not to present any danger if it contains articles of a kind likely to injure officials called upon to handle it or to soil or damage other parcels or postal equipment. 1.4 It shall have, on the packing or the wrapping, sufficient space for service instructions and for affixing stamps and labels. 1.5 The following shall be accepted without packing, and the address of the addressee may be given on the article itself: 1.5.1 articles which can be fitted together or put and kept together by a strong cord with lead or other seals, so as to form one single parcel which cannot come apart; 1.5.2 parcels in one piece, such as pieces of wood, metal, etc., which it is not the custom of the trade to pack. 2 Addresses of the sender and the addressee 2.1 To be admitted to the Post, every parcel shall bear, in roman letters and in arabic figures on the parcel itself or on a label firmly attached to it, the complete addresses of the addressee and the sender. If other letters and figures are used in the country of destination, it shall be recommended that the address be given also in these letters and figures. Addresses written in pencil shall not be allowed; nevertheless, parcels of which the address is written in indelible pencil on a surface previously dampened shall be accepted. 2.2 Only one person or a corporate body may be designated as addressee. However, addresses such as "Mr. A at ... for Mr. Z at ..." or "Bank A at ... for Mr. Z at ..." may be admitted, it being understood that only the person indicated under A shall be regarded by designated operators as the addressee. In addition, the addresses of A and Z shall be in the same country. 2.3 The office of posting shall also advise the sender to put in the parcel a copy of his address and that of the addressee. 3 Certificate of posting 3.1 A certificate of posting shall be handed over free of charge to the sender of a parcel at the time of posting. Article RC 118 1 Articles of glass or other fragile objects shall be packed in a strong box filled with an appropriate protective material. Any friction or knocks during transport either between the objects themselves or between the objects and the sides of the box shall be prevented. 2 Liquids and substances which easily liquefy shall be enclosed in perfectly leak-proof containers. Each container shall be placed in a special strong box containing an appropriate protective material to absorb the liquid should the container break. The lid of the box shall be fixed so that it cannot easily work loose. 3 Fatty substances which do not easily liquefy, such as ointments, soft-soap, resins, etc., and silk-worm eggs, the conveyance of which presents few difficulties, shall be enclosed in a first packing (box, bag of cloth, plastic, etc.) which is itself placed in a box stout enough to prevent the contents from leaking. 4 Dry colouring powders, such as aniline blue, etc., shall be admitted only in perfectly leak-proof metal boxes, placed in turn in strong boxes with an appropriate absorbent and protective material between the two containers. 5 Dry non-colouring powders shall be placed in strong containers (box, bag). These containers shall themselves be enclosed in a stout box. 6 Live bees, leeches and parasites shall be enclosed in boxes so constructed as to avoid any danger. 7 Packing shall not be required for articles in one piece, such as pieces of wood, metal, etc., which it is not the custom of the trade to pack. In this case, the address of the addressee should be given on the article itself. 8 In addition, the following conditions shall be complied with: 8.1 Precious metals shall be packed either in a stout metal box or a case made of wood. The latter shall have a minimum thickness of 1 cm for parcels up to 10 kilogrammes and 1.5 cm for parcels over 10 kilogrammes. The packing may also consist of two seamless bags forming a double wrapping. When cases made of plywood are used, their thickness may be limited to 5 mm on condition that the edges of the cases are reinforced by metal angle strips. 8.2 The wrapping of the parcel containing live animals as well as the dispatch note shall be provided with a label bearing in bold letters the words "Animaux vivants" (Live animals). Article RC 119 1 Items containing radioactive materials shall be admitted for conveyance by post subject to prior consent from the competent authorities of the country of origin and provided the activity does not exceed one tenth of that permitted in Table 3 - Activity Limits for Excepted Packages, as listed in the current edition of the IAEA TS_R_1. 2 The outside packaging of items containing radioactive materials shall be marked by the sender with a label with the applicable UN-number shown below. It shall also bear, in addition to the name and address of the sender, a request in bold letters for the return of the items in the event of non-delivery. 3 The sender shall indicate his name and address and the contents of the item on the inner wrapping. 4 The label shall be clearly crossed out should the empty package be returned to the place of origin. Article RC 120 1 Substances which are infectious or reasonably suspected to be infectious for humāns or animals and which meet the criteria of infectious substances in category B (UN 3373) shall be declared "Biological substance, category B". 2 Senders of infectious substances assigned to UN 3373 shall ensure that shipments are prepared in such a manner that they arrive at their destination in good condition and that the substances are packed according to Packing Instruction 650, as shown in the current edition of the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Technical Instructions) published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), or the current edition of the Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) published by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). For information, the text of Packing Instruction 650, as shown in the 2007/2008 edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions is provided below. Senders should consult the most recent edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions to verify the current text of Packing Instruction 650 prior to use. 3 The packaging shall be of good quality, strong enough to withstand the shocks and loadings normally encountered during transport, including transhipment between transport units and warehouses, as well as any removal from a pallet or overpack for subsequent manual or mechanical handling. Packaging shall be constructed and closed to prevent any loss of contents that might be caused under normal conditions of transport by vibration or by changes in temperature, humidity or pressure. 4 The packaging shall consist of three components: 4.1 a primary receptacle; 4.2 a secondary packaging; 4.3 a rigid outer packaging. 5 Primary receptacles shall be packed in secondary packaging in such a way that, under normal conditions of transport, they cannot break, be punctured or leak their contents into the secondary packaging. Secondary packaging shall be secured in outer packaging with suitable cushioning material. Any leakage of the contents shall not compromise the integrity of the cushioning material or of the outer packaging. 6 For transport, the mark illustrated below shall be displayed on the external surface of the outer packaging on a background of a contrasting colour and shall be clearly visible and legible. The mark shall be in the form of a square set at an angle of 45% (diamond-shaped) with each side having a length of at least 50 mm, the width of the line shall be at least 2 mm, and the letters and numbers shall be at least 6 mm high. The proper shipping name "Biological substance, category B", "Diagnostic specimen" or "Clinical specimen" in letters at least 6 mm high shall be marked on the outer package adjacent to the diamond-shaped mark. 7 At least one surface of the outer packaging shall have a minimum dimension of 100 mm x 100 mm. 8 The completed package shall be capable of successfully passing the drop test as laid down in the ICAO Technical Instructions, except that the height of the drop shall not be less than 1.2 m. 9 For liquid substances: 9.1 The primary receptacle(s) shall be leak-proof and must not contain more than one litre of the liquid substance. 9.2 The secondary packaging shall be leak-proof. 9.3 If multiple fragile primary receptacles are placed in a single secondary packaging, they shall be either individually wrapped or separated to prevent contact between them. 9.4 Absorbent material shall be placed between the primary receptacle(s) and the secondary packaging. The absorbent material shall be in quantity sufficient to absorbē the entire contents of the primary receptacle(s) so that any release of the liquid substances will not compromise the integrity of the cushioning material or of the outer packaging. 9.5 The primary receptacle or the secondary packaging shall be capable of withstanding, without leakage, an internal pressure of 95 kPa. 9.6 The outer packaging must not contain more than four litres of the liquid substance. This quantity excludes ice or dry ice when used to keep specimens cold. 10 For solid substances: 10.1 The primary receptacle(s) shall be sift-proof and not exceed the outer packaging mass limit. 10.2 The secondary packaging shall be sift-proof. 10.3 If multiple fragile primary receptacles are placed in a single secondary packaging, they shall be either individually wrapped or separated to prevent contact between them. 10.4 Except for packages containing body parts, organs or whole bodies, the outer packaging must not contain more than four kilogrammes of the solid substances. This quantity excludes ice or dry ice when used to keep specimens cold. 10.5 If there is any doubt as to whether or not residual liquid may be present in the primary receptacle during transport, then a packaging suitable for liquids, including absorbent materials, must be used. 11 For refrigerated or frozen specimens (ice, dry ice and liquid nitrogen): 11.1 When dry ice or liquid nitrogen is used to keep specimens cold, all applicable requirements of the ICAO Technical Instructions shall be met. When used, ice or dry ice shall be placed outside the secondary packaging or in the outside packaging or an overpack. Interior supports shall be provided to secure the secondary packaging in the original position after the ice or dry ice has dissipated. If ice is used, the outside packaging or overpack shall be leak-proof. If solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) is used, the packaging shall be designed and constructed to permit the release of carbon dioxide gas to prevent a build-up of pressure that could rupture the packaging. 11.2 The primary receptacle and the secondary packaging shall be capable of maintaining their integrity at the temperature of the refrigerant used as well as the temperatures and pressures that could result if refrigeration were lost. 12 Where packages are placed in an overpack, the package markings required by this packing instruction shall either be clearly visible or be reproduced on the outside of the overpack. 13 Infectious substances assigned to UN 3373 which are packed and marked in accordance with this packing instruction are not subject to any other requirements under this article except for the following: 13.1 the proper shipping name, UN number and the name and address and telephone number of a person responsible must be provided on a written document (such as the CN 38 delivery bill) or on the package; 13.2 classification must be in accordance with provision 2;6.3.2 of the ICAO Technical Instructions; 13.3 the incident reporting requirements of provision 7;4.4 of the ICAO Technical Instructions must be met; and 13.4 the inspection for damage or leaking requirements in provisions 7;3.1.3 and 7;3.1.4 of the ICAO Technical Instructions shall apply. 14 Clear instructions on filling and closing such packages shall be provided by packaging manufacturers and subsequent distributors to the consignor or to the person who prepares the package (e.g. patient) to enable each single package to be correctly prepared for transport. 15 Other dangerous goods must not be packed in the same packaging as Division 6.2 infectious substances unless they are necessary for maintaining the viability, stabilizing or preventing degradation or neutralizing the hazards of the infectious substances. A quantity of 30 ml or less of dangerous goods included in Classes 3, 8 or 9 may be packed in each primary receptacle containing infectious substances. When these small quantities of dangerous goods are packed with infectious substances in accordance with this packing instruction no other requirements in this article need be met. 16 Solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) used as refrigerant 16.1 If solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) is used as refrigerant, the packaging requirements of Packing Instruction 904 as set out in the current edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions or IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations must be met. Senders must also comply with the marking and labelling requirements applicable to packages containing solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) in addition to those applicable for Packing Instruction 650. 16.2 For air transport, a transport document shall be provided in accordance with ICAO Technical Instructions or the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. In addition, the CN 38 delivery bill covering this shipment shall contain the following statement: "Dangerous Goods as per attached shipper's declaration". 16.3 Bags containing infectious substances only and identified by special "UN 3373" labels shall be handed over by postal authorities to airlines in unsealed mailbags. Article RC 121 1 Every air parcel shall bear at the time of dispatch a special blue label inscribed "Par avion" (By airmail), with, if desired, a translation in the language of the country of origin. The method of forwarding shall also be clearly indicated on the dispatch note relating to the parcel, either by means of the special blue airmail label or by a corresponding indication in the appropriate box. 2 If the dispatch note is included in a self-adhesive document pack pasted firmly to the parcel and provided with a duly marked blue tick-box, the label mentioned in 1 shall not be mandatory, either on the dispatch note document pack or on the parcel. Article RC 122 1 Each parcel shall be accompanied by a CP 71 dispatch note, either as part of a CP 72 manifold set or as a single CP 71 form. 2 A CN 23 customs declaration shall be attached to each parcel, either as a single form or as part of a CP 72 manifold set. The contents of the parcel shall be shown in detail on the customs declaration and indications of a general kind shall not be admitted. The CN 23 customs declaration shall be attached to the outside of the parcel, in such a way as to prevent its loss. 3 Where designated operators so agree in advance, customs data provided in accordance with the instructions on the CN 23 customs declaration, including the names and addresses of the sender and addressee, may be transmitted electronically to the designated operator of the country of destination. The designated operator of origin may share all or part of these data with the customs administration in the country of origin for export purposes, and the designated operator of destination may share all or part of the data referenced above with the customs administration in the country of destination for customs import purposes. 4 The use of the data from the paper CN 23 customs declaration provided for in paragraph 3 above shall be restricted to processes related to the exchange of mail and customs formalities in respect of the export or import of postal items and may not be used for any other purpose. 5 All provisions of article RC 146 shall also apply to the data from the paper CN 23 customs declaration provided for in paragraph 3 above. In case of a discrepancy between data on the CN 23 customs declaration and the electronic data provided pursuant to paragraph 3 above, the CN 23 customs declaration shall constitute the customs declaration. 6 The sender may also attach to the dispatch note any document (invoice, export licence, import licence, certificate of origin, certificate of health, etc.) necessary for customs treatment in the dispatching country and in the country of destination. 7 The addresses of the sender and addressee, and all other particulars to be furnished by the sender, shall be identical on the parcel and the dispatch note. In the event of a discrepancy, the particulars appearing on the parcel shall be regarded as valid. Article RC 123 1 At the time of posting of a parcel, the sender shall be required to indicate the treatment to be given in case of non-delivery. For this purpose he shall insert a cross in the appropriate box of the dispatch note. 2 He may give only one of the following instructions: 2.1 return forthwith to the sender by the most economical route or by air; 2.2 return to the sender by the most economical route or by air at the end of a period of time, which may not exceed the regulation period of retention in the country of destination; 2.3 redirection of the parcel by the most economical route or by air, for delivery to the addressee; 2.4 abandonment of the parcel by the sender. 3 Designated operators of origin shall have the option of not allowing all the instructions mentioned under 2. The number of boxes on the dispatch note shall be limited accordingly. However, designated operators shall always allow instructions 2.1 and 2.4. The sender may reproduce or have printed only one of the permitted instructions on the dispatch note. The instruction marked on the dispatch note shall be reproduced on the parcel itself, either by sticking a copy of the CP 71 or CP 72 "Address label" on the parcel, or by reproducing in some other way the instructions given on that form. It shall be in French or in a language known in the country of destination. 4 If the sender wishes to forbid any redirection, the parcel and the dispatch note must bear the indication "Ne pas réexpédier" (Do not redirect) in French or in a language known in the country of destination. 5 Parcels shall be returned without advice if the sender has given no or contradictory instructions. Article RC 124 1 The office of origin or the dispatching office of exchange shall be responsible for affixing a CP 73 label on the parcel beside the address and on the dispatch note. This label shall show clearly the serial number of the parcel and the name of the office of origin. If the designated operator of origin so permits, that part of the CP 73 label which is to be affixed to the dispatch note may be replaced by a preprinted indication having the same layout as the corresponding part of the label. 2 The weight of the parcel in kilogrammes and hundreds of grammes shall be given on the parcel and on the dispatch note. Each fraction of a hundred grammes shall be rounded up to the next hundred 3 A date-stamp impression shall be applied on the dispatch note only. 4 The postage stamps or any other method of showing prepayment authorized by the regulations adopted by the country of origin or by its designated operator shall be affixed either on the parcel, or on the dispatch note. 5 Designated operators may agree to dispense with the formalities mentioned under 1 to 4. 6 The same office of origin or the same dispatching office of exchange may not use two or more series of labels at the same time, unless the series are distinguished by a distinctive mark. Chapter 3 Article RC 125 1 Parcels may be exchanged with insurance of the contents for the value declared by the sender. This exchange shall be restricted to relations between designated operators which have declared their willingness to admit such items, whether reciprocally or in one direction only. 2 Insured value 2.1 In principle, the amount of insured value shall be unlimited. Every member country or designated operator may limit the insured value, so far as it is concerned, to an amount which may not be less than 4,000 SDR or to an amount at least equal to that adopted in its internal service if that amount is less than 4,000 SDR. However, the limit of insured value adopted in the internal service shall be applicable only if it is equal to or higher than the amount of indemnity set for a parcel weighing one kilogramme. The maximum amount shall be notified in SDR to the member countries of the Union. 2.2 In the service between member countries or designated operators which have adopted different maximum values, all parties shall observe the lowest limit. 2.3 The insured value may not exceed the actual value of the contents of the parcel but it is permitted to insure part only of that value. 2.4 Any fraudulent insurance for a value greater than the actual value of the contents of a parcel shall be liable to the legal proceedings prescribed by the legislation of the country of origin. 2.5 The insured value shall be expressed in the currency of the country of origin and written by the sender, on the parcel and the dispatch note. These entries shall be made in roman letters and in arabic numerals, without erasure or alteration, even if certified. The amount of the insured value shall not be indicated in pencil or indelible pencil. 2.6 The amount of the insured value shall be converted into SDRs by the sender or by the office of origin. The result of the conversion, rounded up where appropriate to the nearest SDR, shall be shown in figures at the side of or below those representing the value in the currency of the country of origin. The conversion shall not be carried out in direct services between countries which have a common currency. 2.7 When circumstances of any kind disclose a fraudulent insurance for a value greater than the actual value of the contents of the parcel, the designated operator of origin shall be advised as soon as possible. Where appropriate, the documents relating to the inquiry shall be sent to that designated operator. If the parcel has not yet been delivered to the addressee, the designated operator of origin may ask for its return. 3 Charges 3.1 The charge on insured parcels shall be paid in advance. 3.2 It shall be made up of the principal charge, an optional dispatch charge and an ordinary insurance charge; any air surcharges and charges for special services shall be added to the principal charge; the guideline maximum dispatch charge shall be the same as the registration charge for letter-post items, viz 1.31 SDR or the corresponding charge of the internal service if this is higher or exceptionally, a guideline maximum charge of 3.27 SDR. 3.3 The guideline maximum ordinary insurance charge shall be 0.33 SDR for each 65.34 SDR of insured value or fraction thereof, or 0.5% of the scale of the insured value. 3.4 Any charge for cover against risks of force majeure shall be set so that the sum of this charge and the ordinary insurance charge do not exceed the maximum amount of the insurance charge. 3.5 In cases where exceptional security measures are required, designated operators may collect from the sender or from the addressee, in addition to the charges mentioned under 3.2 to 4, the special charges provided for by their internal legislation. 4 Designated operators shall have the right to provide their customers with an insured items service in accordance with specifications other than those defined in this article. 5 Admission 5.1 Every insured parcel shall be subject to the following special rules regarding make-up. 5.1.1 Insured parcels shall be made up in such a way that the contents cannot be tampered with without obvious damage to the envelope, the packaging or the seals and shall be sealed by effective means such as fine adhesive tape with a special uniform design or mark of the sender. Designated operators may, however, agree not to require such a design or mark. 5.1.2 Notwithstanding 5.1.1, designated operators may require insured parcels to be sealed with identical wax seals, lead seals or other effective means, with a special uniform design or mark of the sender. 5.1.3 The wax, seals, labels of any kind and the postage stamps, if any, affixed to these parcels shall be spaced out so that they cannot hide any damage to the packing. 5.1.4 The labels and postage stamps shall not be folded over two sides of the packing so as to cover an edge. 5.1.5 An address-label may be gummed to the packing itself. 5.2 Every designated operator shall have the option of setting a maximum amount for the insured value up to which it will forgo application of the provisions of 5.1.1 and 5.1.2. The lower of the amounts concerned shall be applied in relations between member countries or designated operators that have set different maximum values. 5.3 A receipt shall be handed over free of charge to every sender of an insured parcel at the time of posting. 6 Marking and treatment of parcels 6.1 Any insured parcel and its dispatch note shall be provided with a CP 74 pink label. This label shall bear in roman letters the letter V, the name of the office of origin and the serial number of the parcel. It shall be gummed on the parcel, on the same side as, and near to, the address. 6.2 Designated operators may, however, use at the same time the CP 73 label prescribed in article RC 124.1 and a small pink label, bearing in bold letters the words "Valeur déclarée" (Insured). 6.3 The weight in kilogrammes and tens of grammes shall be given both on the parcel beside the address and on the dispatch note in the space provided. Any fraction of 10 grammes shall be rounded up to the next ten. 6.4 No serial number shall be placed on the front of insured parcels by the intermediate designated operator. 7 Delivery procedure 7.1 Role of office of destination. 7.1.1 When delivering or handing over an insured parcel, the delivering designated operator shall obtain from the recipient a signature of acceptance, or register captured data from an identity card, or obtain some other form of evidence of receipt that is legally binding under the legislation of the country of destination to confirm acceptance. Article RC 126 1 Parcels may be sent cash-on-delivery. The exchange of cash-on-delivery parcels shall require prior agreement between designated operators of origin and destination. These designated operators may agree to apply the provisions of the Postal Payment Services Agreement and the Regulations thereof. 2 Parcels admitted and charges 2.1 On the basis of bilateral agreements, parcels which fulfil the conditions laid down in these Regulations may be sent. 2.2 The designated operator of origin of the item shall freely decide the charge to be paid by the sender, in addition to the postal charges payable on the category to which the parcel belongs. 3 Role of office of posting 3.1 Indications to be given on the parcels and dispatch notes. 3.1.1 Parcels on which a COD charge is payable and the corresponding dispatch notes shall bear very prominently, on the address side in the case of the parcels, the heading "Remboursement" (COD) followed by the COD amount. 3.1.2 The sender shall write his name and address in roman letters on the address side of the parcel and on the front of the dispatch note. 3.2 Label 3.2.1 The dispatch notes of COD parcels shall bear an orange label in the form of the specimen CN 29. If the dispatch note is included in a self-adhesive document pack with a proper indication of the COD amount, the CN 29 label shall not be mandatory. In addition, COD parcels shall bear, on the address side, two further labels in the form of specimen CN 29bis and specimen CP 95. 3.3 Form to be attached to the parcels 3.3.1 Every COD parcel shall be accompanied by a form CN 29ter on the basis of which a separate postal payment order shall be issued. 4 Role of office of destination 4.1 The designated operator which has delivered the parcel to its addressee shall issue its own postal payment order on the basis of the data of the form CN 29ter, in favour of the sender of the parcel. 5 Redirection 5.1 Any parcel on which a COD charge is payable may be redirected if the country of new destination provides the service for items of this type in its relations with the country of origin. 6 Indemnities 6.1 If a COD parcel is delivered without collection of the COD amount, the destination designated operator shall pay the dispatching designated operator an indemnity corresponding to the COD amount. 6.2 If the item is partially rifled, the indemnity shall be set at the actual value of the theft, on the basis of the COD amount. 6.3 In the event of loss, the indemnity shall be limited to the total COD amount. Article RC 127 1 Marking of parcels 1.1 Every express parcel and its dispatch note shall be provided with a light red label, bearing very conspicuously the printed indication "Exprès" (Express). This label shall be affixed whenever possible beside the name of the place of destination. 2 Charges 2.1 The guideline maximum supplementary charge to which express parcels shall be subject shall be 1.63 SDR. This charge must be fully paid in advance. It is payable even if the parcel cannot be delivered by special messenger but only the advice of arrival. 2.2 An additional charge may be collected in accordance with the provisions relating to items of the same kind in the internal service, when express delivery involves special demands. This charge shall be paid even if the parcel is returned to sender or redirected; however, in such a case, the guideline maximum amount of the supplementary charge prescribed in 2.1 shall be 1.63 SDR. 2.3 Addressees may ask the destination office, subject to what is laid down in 2.1, for express delivery of items which are intended for them, if the regulations of the designated operator of destination so permit. In that case the designated operator of destination shall be authorized to collect, on delivery, the charge that applies in its internal service. 3 Treatment of parcels 3.1 In countries whose designated operator does not provide delivery to the place of address, express parcels shall give rise to the delivery, by special messenger, of an advice of arrival. The advice may also be sent by telecommunications. 3.2 If the address of the addressee is situated outside the local delivery area of the office of destination, delivery of an express parcel or of an advice of arrival by special messenger shall not be obligatory. 3.3 The delivery by special messenger of an express parcel or of the advice of delivery shall be attempted at least once. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, any subsequent attempt to deliver the parcel or the advice of delivery by special messenger shall not necessarily be obligatory. 3.4 Designated operators which participate in the exchange of express parcels shall take all steps to speed up customs clearance. Article RC 128 1 In the case of designated operators which offer the advice of delivery service to customers, the sender of a parcel may apply for an advice of delivery at the time of posting by paying a charge the guideline maximum amount of which is set in 3.1. This advice of delivery shall be returned to him by the quickest route (air or surface). Designated operators may restrict this service to insured parcels if such restriction is provided for in their internal service. 2 Marking of parcels 2.1 Every parcel for which the sender requests an advice of delivery shall bear very conspicuously the stamp impression A.R. The same indication shall also be made on the dispatch note. 2.2 Parcels with advices of delivery shall be accompanied by a copy of the CN 07 form duly completed. This form shall be attached to the dispatch note. If the CN 07 form does not reach the office of destination, that office shall automatically make out a new advice of delivery. 3 Charge 3.1 The guideline maximum amount of the charge for an advice of delivery prescribed in 1 shall be 0.98 SDR. 4 Treatment of advices of delivery 4.1 As a matter of priority the advice of delivery shall be signed by the addressee or, if that is not possible, by another person authorized under the regulations of the country of destination. If those regulations so provide, the advice may be signed by the official of the office of destination. In addition to the signature, the name in capital letters or any clear and legible indication permitting unambiguous identification of the person signing shall also be obtained. 4.2 Immediately the parcel has been delivered, the office of destination shall return the CN 07 form, duly completed, to the address shown by the sender. This form shall be sent à découvert and post free by the quickest route (air or surface). If the advice of delivery is returned without having been duly completed, the irregularity shall be notified by means of the CN 08 inquiry form provided for in article RC 145, to which the relevant advice of delivery shall be attached. 4.3 When the sender inquires about an advice of delivery which he has not received within a normal period, this advice shall be requested free of charge on form CN 08. A duplicate of the advice of delivery, bearing on the front in bold letters the word "Duplicata" (Duplicate), shall be attached to the CN 08 inquiry form. The latter shall be dealt with in accordance with article RC 145. Article RC 129 1 In the service between designated operators which have notified their agreement to that effect, senders may, by means of a previous declaration at the office of origin, undertake to pay the whole of the charges and fees to which the parcels are subject on delivery. 2 Senders shall undertake to pay the amounts which may be claimed by the office of destination. If necessary, they shall make a provisional payment. 3 The designated operator of origin shall collect from the sender a charge, the guideline maximum amount of which is set in 6.1, which it shall retain as payment for services rendered in the country of origin. 4 The designated operator of destination shall be authorized to collect a commission charge the guideline maximum amount of which is set in 6.2. This charge shall be independent of the presentation-to-Customs charge. It shall be collected from the sender on behalf of the designated operator of destination. 5 Marking and treatment of parcels 5.1 Every parcel for delivery to the addressee free of charges and fees and its dispatch note shall bear, in very bold characters, the heading "Franc de taxes et de droits" (Free of charges and fees) or any other equivalent expression in the language of the country of origin. The parcel and the dispatch note shall be provided with a yellow label bearing, also very boldly, the indication "Franc de taxes et de droits". 5.2 Every parcel sent for delivery free of charges and fees shall be accompanied by a CN 11 franking note on yellow paper. The sender of the parcel shall complete the text of the right-hand side of the front of parts A and B of the franking note. The dispatching office shall enter on it the postal service indications. The entries of the sender may be made with the use of carbon paper. The text shall include the undertaking prescribed in 2. The dispatch note, the customs declarations and the franking note shall be securely fastened together. 6 Charges 6.1 The guideline maximum amount of the charge referred to in 3 shall be 0.98 SDR per parcel. 6.2 The guideline maximum amount of the commission charge referred to in 4 shall be 0.98 SDR per parcel. 7 Return of franking notes (Part A). Recovery of charges and fees 7.1 The provisions of the Letter Post Regulations shall apply. 7.2 When the sender disputes the amount of the charges shown in part A of the franking note, the designated operator of destination shall verify the amount of the sums paid out. If necessary, it shall approach its national customs services. After making any necessary corrections, it shall send part A of the note in question to the designated operator of origin. Likewise, if the designated operator of destination finds an error or omission regarding the charges relating to a parcel free of charges and fees for which part A of the franking note has been returned to the designated operator of origin, it shall issue a corrective duplicate. It shall send part A to the designated operator of origin to put the matter in order. 8 Accounting with the designated operator of posting 8.1 Accounting in respect of charges, customs duty and other fees paid out by each designated operator on behalf of another shall be effected by means of CN 12 detailed accounts, drawn up on a quarterly basis by the creditor designated operator. The data of parts B of the franking notes which it has retained shall be entered in the alphabetical order of the offices which have advanced the charges and in the numerical order given to them. "Nil" accounts shall not be prepared. 8.2 The detailed account, accompanied by parts B of the franking notes, shall be forwarded to the debtor designated operator at the latest by the end of the second month after the quarter to which it relates. 8.3 Accounting shall be effected by means of the CP 75 account mentioned in article RC 207. 8.4 Unless the designated operators concerned have agreed otherwise, the amount on the last line of the CN 12 account shall be included by the creditor designated operator in the next CP 75 sent by that designated operator, with justification given in the "Observations" column. 8.5 In cases where the designated operator does not use the CP 75 in its relations with the debtor designated operator, the CN 51 account can, exceptionally, be used in similar fashion. Article RC 130 1 Any parcel containing articles which are liable to break easily and which are to be handled with special care shall be called a "fragile parcel". 2 The following shall be called a "cumbersome parcel"; any parcel: 2.1 whose dimensions exceed the limits laid down in the Parcel Post Regulations or those which designated operators shall set between themselves; 2.2 which, by reason of its shape or structure, does not readily lend itself to loading with other parcels or which requires special precautions. 3 Fragile parcels and cumbersome parcels shall be subject to a supplementary charge, the guideline maximum amount of which is laid down in 6.1. If the parcel is both fragile and cumbersome the supplementary charge shall be collected once only. However, the air surcharges in respect of these parcels shall not be increased. 4 The exchange of fragile parcels and cumbersome parcels shall be restricted to those designated operators which admit such items. 5 Marking of fragile parcels and of cumbersome parcels 5.1 Without prejudice to compliance with the general rules regarding make-up and packing, every fragile parcel shall be provided, either by the sender or by the office of origin, with a label featuring a picture of a glass printed in red on a white background. 5.2 The relative dispatch note shall bear very conspicuously on the front the indication "Colis fragile" (Fragile parcel) either in manuscript or printed on a label. 5.3 Every parcel, the fragile nature of whose contents is indicated by any external sign whatever affixed by the sender, shall be provided by the office of origin with the label prescribed in 5.1. The corresponding supplementary charge shall be collected. If the sender does not wish the parcel to be treated as fragile, the office of origin shall cross out the marking made by the sender. 5.4 Every cumbersome parcel and the front of its dispatch note shall bear a label showing in bold letters the word "Encombrant" (Cumbersome). 5.5 Designated operators which admit the limits of sizes set out in article RC 115.1 may charge as cumbersome any parcel whose dimensions exceed the limits set out in article RC 115.2 but which weighs less than 10 kilogrammes. In such a case, the word "Encombrant" shall be supplemented on the dispatch note only by the words "en vertu de l'article RC 130.5.5" (pursuant to article RC 130.5.5). 6 Charges 6.1 The guideline maximum amount of the supplementary charge referred to in 3 is 50% of the principle charge. Article RC 131 1 Designated operators may agree among themselves to take part in an optional "Consignment" service for collective items from one consignor sent abroad. 2 Wherever possible, this service shall be identified by the logo defined in 4. 3 The details of this service shall be laid down bilaterally between the designated operator of origin and the designated operator of destination on the basis of provisions defined by the Postal Operations Council. 4 Identification of the "Consignment" service 4.1 The logo designed to identify the "Consignment" service shall consist of the following components: - the word "CONSIGNMENT" in blue; - three horizontal bands (one red, one blue and one green). Article RC 132 1 In relations between designated operators which have agreed to provide this service, the integrated logistics service may include the collection, receipt, processing, storage, handling, dispatch, transfer, transport and physical delivery of separate or combined documents or goods. 2 The details for an integrated logistics service involving two or more designated operators shall be based on bilateral agreements. Aspects that are not expressly governed by the latter shall be subject to the appropriate provisions of the Acts of the Union. Charges for the service shall be set by the designated operator of origin in consideration of costs and market requirements. Chapter 4 Article RC 133 1 The articles covered by the "Recommendations on Transport of Dangerous Goods" drawn up by the United Nations, with the exception of certain dangerous goods and radioactive materials provided for in these Regulations, and by the Technical Instructions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations shall be considered as dangerous substances in accordance with the provisions of article 15.3 of the Convention and prohibited from insertion in postal parcels. Article RC 134 1 The prohibition relating to narcotics and psychotropic substances shall not apply to consignments sent for a medical or scientific purpose to countries which admit them on this condition. 2 If the internal regulations of the member countries concerned so permit, parcels may also contain any document exchanged between the sender and the addressee of the parcel or persons residing with them. 3 Article of the Convention shall not apply when the exchange of parcels between two member countries admitting insured parcels can only be made in transit through the intermediary of a member country which does not admit them. Article RC 135 1 Parcels containing articles mentioned in article 15.2, 15.4.3 and 15.5 of the Convention, and wrongly admitted to the Post shall be dealt with according to the legislation of the country of the designated operator establishing their presence. 2 In the case of the insertion of a single item of correspondence prohibited within the meaning of article 15.5 of the Convention, this shall be treated as an unpaid letter-post item. The parcel shall not be returned to sender on this account. 3 The designated operator of destination shall be authorized to deliver to the addressee, under the conditions prescribed by its regulations, an uninsured parcel originating in a country which admits insurance and containing articles listed in article and of the Convention. If delivery is not permitted, the parcel shall be returned to sender. 4 The provisions in 3 shall be applicable to parcels the weight or the dimensions of which appreciably exceed the permitted limits. However, these parcels may, where appropriate, be delivered to the addressee if he first pays any charges which may be due. 5 If a wrongly admitted parcel or part of its contents is neither delivered to the addressee nor returned to sender, the designated operator of origin shall be notified without delay how the parcel has been dealt with. This notification shall clearly indicate the prohibition under which the parcel falls or the articles which gave rise to its seizure. 6 In the event of the seizure of a wrongly admitted parcel, the destination or transit designated operator shall so inform the designated operator of origin through the dispatch of a CN 13 form or, if agreed bilaterally, by using the appropriate standard UPU EDI item-level message. Article RC 136 1 A parcel may be redirected within the country of destination at the request of the sender, at the request of the addressee, or automatically if the regulations of that country permit. 2 A parcel may be redirected out of the country of destination only at the request of the sender or of the addressee. In this case the parcel shall comply with the conditions required for the onward transmission. 3 A parcel may also be redirected by air at the request of the sender or the addressee. Payment of the air surcharge in respect of the onward transmission shall be guaranteed. 4 For the frst and any subsequent redirection of each parcel, the following may be collected: 4.1 the charges authorized by the internal regulations of the designated operator concerned for such redirection, in the case of redirection within the country of destination; 4.2 the rates and air surcharges entailed in the onward transmission, in the case of redirection out of the country of destination; 4.3 the charges and fees which the former designated operators of destination do not agree to cancel. 5 The charges, rates and fees mentioned in 4 shall be collected from the addressee. 6 If the charges, rates and fees mentioned in 4 are paid at the time of redirection the parcel shall be dealt with as if it had originated in the redirecting country and been addressed to the country of the new destination. 7 If an express parcel to be redirected has been the subject of an unsuccessful attempt at delivery to the place of address by special messenger, the redirecting office shall strike through the label or endorsement "Exprès" (Express) with two thick horizontal lines. Article RC 137 1 When an addressee has been notified of the arrival of a parcel, it shall be held at his disposal for a fortnight or, at most, for a month from the day after that on which the advice is sent. Exceptionally, this period may be increased to two months if the regulations of the country of destination permit. 2 When it has not been possible to notify an addressee of the arrival of a parcel, the period of retention prescribed by the regulations of the country of destination shall apply. The same shall also apply to parcels addressed poste restante. This period shall start to run from the day after the day from which the parcel is held at the addressee's disposal. It shall not exceed two months. The parcel shall be returned within a shorter period if the sender has so requested in a language known in the country of destination. 3 The periods of retention prescribed in 1 and 2 shall be applicable, in the case of redirection, to parcels to be delivered by the new office of destination. 4 If, at the end of the customs inspection of a parcel, a period of more than three months has elapsed, the designated operator of destination shall request instructions concerning this parcel from the designated operator of origin. 5 If the designated operator of destination does not comply with provisions 1 to 4 above, it shall pay the rates and charges due for return to origin. Article RC 138 1 For every parcel automatically retained or pending because of theft or damage or for some other cause of the same kind, the designated operator of destination shall prepare a CP 78 verification note. However, this procedure shall not be compulsory in cases of force majeure or when the number of parcels automatically retained is such that the sending of an advice is physically impossible. 2 The CP 78 verification note shall be prepared by the intermediate designated operator concerned for every parcel automatically retained in course of transmission either by the postal service (accidental interruption of traffic) or by the Customs. The reservation made under 1 shall also apply in such cases. 3 The CP 78 verification note shall include all the particulars shown on the CP 74 and CP 73 labels and the date of posting of the parcel. The CP 78 verification note shall be sent by the quickest route to the designated operator of the sender's country of residence. 4 The CP 78 verification note shall be accompanied by a copy of the dispatch note. In the cases referred to in 1 and 2, the CP 78 shall be endorsed in bold letters "Colis retenu d'office" (Parcel automatically retained). If the parcel is pending owing to theft or damage, a CN 24 report shall be prepared. A copy of the report giving information on the extent of the damage shall accompany the CP 78. 5 Several parcels posted at the same time by the same sender and addressed to the same addressee may be the subject of one CP 78 verification note, even if these parcels were accompanied by several dispatch notes. In such a case, all these notes shall be attached to the CP 78. 6 As a general rule, a CP 78 shall be exchanged between the office of destination and the office of exchange of origin. However, any designated operator may request that the CP 78 concerning its service be sent to its central administration or to a specially appointed office. The name of that office shall be notified to designated operators through the International Bureau. The designated operator of the sender's country of residence shall be responsible for advising the sender. The exchange of CP 78 verification notes shall be expedited as much as possible by all the offices concerned. Article RC 139 1 If a parcel cannot be delivered or if it is held officially, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the instructions given by the sender within the limits set in article RC 123. 2 A parcel which it has not been possible to deliver shall be returned immediately if: 2.1 the sender has requested its immediate return; 2.2 the sender has made an unauthorized request; 2.3 the sender's instructions at the time of posting have not achieved the desired result. 3 A parcel which it has not been possible to deliver shall be returned immediately after the expiry: 3.1 of the period, if any, fxed by the sender; 3.2 of the periods of retention laid down in article RC 137, if the sender has not complied with article RC 123. In this case, however, the sender may be asked for instructions by any convenient means; 3.3 of a period corresponding to the period of retention applied in the domestic service if a COD parcel has not been paid for within that limit. 4 Every parcel shall be returned by the route normally used for dispatching the lowest priority mails. It shall not be returned by air unless the sender has guaranteed the payment of the air surcharges. However, when the designated operator returning the item no longer uses surface conveyance, it shall return undeliverable items by the most appropriate means in use. 5 An office which returns a parcel shall give the reason for non-delivery on the parcel and on the dispatch note. It shall use for this purpose a stamped impression or a CN 15 label. If there is no dispatch note, the reason for the return shall be entered on the parcel bill. The endorsement shall be made in French. Each designated operator has the option of adding a translation in its own language and any other appropriate particulars. 6 The office of destination shall strike out the address particulars with which it is concerned and write "Retour" (Return) on the front of the parcel and on the dispatch note. It shall also apply its date-stamp beside this indication. 7 Parcels shall be returned to sender in their original packing. They shall be accompanied by the dispatch note prepared by the sender. If a parcel has to be repacked or the original dispatch note replaced, the name of the office of origin of the parcel, the original serial number and, if possible, the date of posting shall appear on the new packing and on the dispatch note. 8 If an air parcel is returned to sender by surface, the "Par avion" (By airmail) label and any notes relating to transmission by air shall be automatically struck through. 9 A parcel returned to sender shall be subject to the rates entailed in the further transmission. It shall also be subject to the uncancelled charges and fees which are due to the designated operator of destination at the time of return to sender. That parcel shall be treated by the designated operator according to its own legislation. However, if the sender has abandoned a parcel which it has not been possible to deliver to the addressee, neither the sender nor other designated operators shall be required to cover any postal charges, customs duties or other fees which may be incurred in respect of such a parcel. 10 The allocation and recovery of rates, charges and fees paid on the parcel shall be made as mentioned in article RC 202. They shall be indicated in detail on a CP 77 statement of charges. This statement shall be affixed at one edge to the dispatch note. 11 The rates, charges and fees provided for under 9 shall be collected from the sender. Designated operators may however refrain from calculating the exact amount of these charges and instead fix standard rates for parcels to be returned to sender. 12 Parcels returned to the sender and undeliverable to him shall be dealt with by the designated operator concerned in accordance with its own legislation. Article RC 140 1 Any parcel wrongly accepted and returned to sender shall be subject to the rates, charges and fees prescribed in article RC 139.9. 2 These rates, charges and fees shall be payable by the sender, if the parcel has been wrongly admitted in consequence of an error of the sender or if it falls within one of the prohibitions laid down in article 15 of the Convention. 3 They shall be payable by the designated operator responsible for the error, if the parcel has been wrongly admitted in consequence of an error attributable to the postal service. In this case the sender shall be entitled to a refund of the charges paid. 4 If the rates which have been allocated to the designated operator returning the parcel are insufficient to cover the rates, charges and fees mentioned in 1, the outstanding charges shall be recovered from the designated operator of the sender's country of residence. 5 If there is a surplus, the designated operator which sends back the parcel shall return the balance of the rates to the designated operator of the sender's country of residence for refund to the sender. Article RC 141 1 The return of a parcel to the sender due to the suspension of services shall be free of charge. The unallocated rates collected for the outward journey shall be credited to the designated operator of the sender's country of residence for refund to the sender. Article RC 142 1 When the designated operator of destination or an intermediate designated operator has not complied with the instructions given at the time of posting or subsequently, it shall bear the conveyance charges (outward and return) and any other uncancelled charges or fees. Nevertheless, the charges paid for the outward journey shall remain the responsibility of the sender if he declared, at the time of posting or subsequently, that in the event of non-delivery he would abandon the parcel. 2 The designated operator of the sender's country of residence shall be authorized automatically to bill the charges referred to in 1 to the designated operator which has not complied with the instructions given and which, althoughduly informed, has allowed three months without finally settling the matter. The period shall run from the date on which that designated operator was informed of the case. 3 The provision in 2 shall also apply if the designated operator of the sender's country of residence has not been informed that the non-compliance appeared to be due to force majeure or that the parcel had been detained, seized or confiscated in accordance with the internal regulations of the country of destination. Article RC 143 1 Articles contained in a parcel whose early deterioration or decay is to be feared shall be separated from other parcels in order to avoid deterioration to other parcels. If separation is impossible, the spoilt or decayed articles shall be destroyed. This provision shall apply in accordance with the national legislation of the member country. 2 When a parcel has been destroyed in accordance with 1, a formal report of the destruction shall be drawn up. A copy of the report accompanied by the dispatch note shall be sent to the office of origin. Article RC 144 1 The sender of a parcel may ask for it to be returned or for its address to be altered. He must guarantee payment of the amounts due for any onward transmission. 2 However, designated operators shall have the option of not accepting the requests referred to in 1 when they do not accept them in their internal service. 3 Preparation of request 3.1 Every request for withdrawal of items from the post or for alteration or correction of address shall entail completion by the sender of a CN 17 form. One form may be used for several items posted at the same time, at the same office, by the same sender to the same addressee. 3.2 In handing in the request at the post office the sender shall prove his identity and produce the certificate of posting, if any. The designated operator of the country of origin shall assume responsibility for the proof of identity. 3.3 A request for simple correction of address (without alteration of the name or status of the addressee) may be made direct to the office of destination by the sender. The charge prescribed in 4 shall not be collected in such a case. 3.4 Through notification of the International Bureau, any designated operator may make provision for CN 17 requests concerning it to be exchanged through its central administration or through a specially appointed office. This notification shall include the name of this office. 3.5 Designated operators which exercise the option provided for under 3.4 shall bear any charges which may result from the transmission in their internal service by post or by telecommunication of the communications to be exchanged with the office of destination. Recourse to telecommunication or other similar service shall be compulsory when the sender has himself used such means and the office of destination cannot be advised in time by post. 3.6 If the item is still in the country of origin, the request shall be dealt with according to the legislation of that country. 4 Charges 4.1 The sender shall pay, for each request, a special charge the guideline maximum amount of which shall be 1.31 SDR. 4.2 The request shall be forwarded by post or by telecommunication at the sender's expense. The forwarding conditions and the provisions relating to the use of telecommunications are set out in 6 below. 4.3 The charges prescribed under 4.1 and 4.2 shall be levied only once for each request for withdrawal from the post or alteration or correction of address involving several items posted at the same time, at the same office, by the same sender to the same addressee. 5 Transmission of request by post 5.1 If the request is to be sent by post, the CN 17 form, accompanied if possible by a perfect facsimile of the envelope or of the address of the item, shall be sent direct to the office of destination under registered cover by the quickest route (air or surface). 5.2 If requests are exchanged through the central administrations, a copy of the request may, in an emergency, be sent direct by the office of origin to the office of destination. Requests sent direct shall be acted on. The items concerned shall be withheld from delivery until the arrival of the request from the central administration. 5.3 On receipt of the CN 17 form, the office of destination shall search for the item in question and take the necessary action. 5.4 The action taken by the office of destination on every request for withdrawal from the post or alteration or correction of address shall be communicated immediately to the office of origin by the quickest route (air or surface), using a copy of the CN 17 form with the "Reply of the office of destination" part duly completed. The office of origin shall inform the applicant. The same shall apply in the following circumstances: 5.4.1 fruitless searches; 5.4.2 items already delivered to the addressee; 5.4.3 item confiscated, destroyed or seized. 5.5 A non-priority or surface item shall be returned to origin by priority or by air following a request for withdrawal from the post when the sender undertakes to pay the corresponding difference in postage. When an item is redirected by priority or by air following a request for alteration or correction of address, the difference in postage corresponding to the new route shall be collected from the addressee and retained by the delivering designated operator. 6 Transmission of request by telecommunications 6.1 If the request is to be made by telecommunications, the CN 17 form shall be handed over to the corresponding service for transmission of the details to the post office of destination. The sender shall pay the corresponding charge for that service. 6.2 On receipt of the message received by telecommunications, the office of destination shall search for the item in question and take necessary action. 6.3 Any request for alteration or correction of address concerning an insured item made by telecommunications shall be confirmed by post, by the first mail, as prescribed under 5.1. The CN 17 form shall then bear at the head, in bold letters, the note "Confrmation de la demande transmise par voie des télécommunications du ..." (Confirmation of request made by telecommunications dated ...); pending such confirmation, the office of destination shall merely retain the item. However, the designated operator of destination may, on its own responsibility, act on the request made by telecommunications without waiting for confirmation by post. 6.4 In relations between two designated operators of countries which admit this procedure, the sender may ask to be informed by telecommunications of the action taken by the office of destination on his request. He shall pay the relevant charge. If telegrams are used, he must pay the charge for a telegram, calculated on a fifteen-word basis. When telex is used, the charge to the sender shall normally be the same amount as that charged for forwarding the request by telex. 6.5 If the sender of a request sent by telecommunications has asked to be notified by similar means, the reply shall be sent by this means to the office of origin. It shall inform the applicant as quickly as possible. The same shall apply if a request by telecommunications is not sufficiently explicit to identify the item with certainty. Article RC 145 1 Separate inquiries shall be made for uninsured and insured parcels. 2 Principles 2.1 Within the period of time prescribed in article 17 of the Convention, inquiries shall be accepted as soon as the problem is reported by the sender or the addressee. However, where a sender's inquiry concerns an undelivered parcel and the anticipated transmission time has not expired, the sender should be informed of this transmission time. 3 Preparation of request 3.1 Every inquiry shall involve the preparation of a CN 08 form. 3.2 The CN 08 form shall be accompanied, whenever possible, by a facsimile of the address of the item. The inquiry form shall be completed with all the details called for, including the mandatory information on charges paid, and very legibly, preferably in roman capital letters and arabic figures, or even better, in printed characters. 3.3 If the inquiry concerns a cash-on-delivery item, it shall also be accompanied by a duplicate form CN 29ter. 3.4 One form may be used for several items posted at the same time at the same office by the same sender and sent by the same route to the same addressee. 3.5 Any designated operator may, by notifying the International Bureau, ask for CN 08 inquiries concerning its service to be forwarded to the central administration or to one or more specially appointed offices. 3.6 The first designated operator to receive the CN 08 form and accompanying documents from a customer shall invariably complete its investigations within ten days and forward the CN 08 form and accompanying documents to the corresponding designated operator. The form and documents shall be returned to the designated operator which originated the inquiry as soon as possible and at the latest within two months from the date of the original inquiry or within 30 days from the date of the original inquiry if the case was reported by fax or any other electronic means. If the sender so requires, they shall be accompanied by the addressee's declaration made out on a CN 18 form and certifying the non-receipt of the item under inquiry. After the corresponding period has elapsed, a reply shall be sent by fax, e-mail or any other means of telecommunication to the designated operator of origin, at the expense of the designated operator of destination. 3.7 Replies to inquiries sent by fax or e-mail must, wherever possible, be sent by the same means. 3.8 If the sender asserts that, despite the designated operator of destination's attestation of delivery, the addressee claims not to have received the item under inquiry, the following procedure shall be followed. At the express request of the designated operator of origin, the designated operator of destination shall be obliged to provide the sender as soon as possible and, at the latest, within a period of 30 days from the date of sending of such a request, through the designated operator of origin, confirmation of the delivery by letter, CN 07 advice of delivery or some other means, signed in conformity with article RC 128.4.1, or a copy of a signature of acceptance or some other form of evidence of receipt from the recipient, in conformity with article RC 116.2 or RC 4 Inquiries about ordinary and insured parcels 4.1 Where an inquiry concerns ordinary parcels exchanged under the system of bulk advice, the number and date of dispatch of the mail shall be entered on the CN 08 inquiry form. The form shall, where possible, be sent by fax or e-mail, without additional cost to the customer; otherwise the inquiry shall be sent by registered post. In the latter case, the form shall be sent automatically, without a covering letter and always by the quickest route (air or surface). 4.2 If the designated operator of origin or the designated operator of destination so requests, the inquiry shall be forwarded direct from the office of origin to the office of destination. 4.3 If, upon receipt of the inquiry, the central administration of the country of destination or the specially appointed office concerned is able to say what finally happened to the item, it shall complete the "Particulars to be supplied by the service of destination" part of the CN 08 form. In cases of delayed delivery, retention or return to origin the reason shall be shown briefly on the CN 08 form. 4.4 A designated operator which is unable to establish either delivery to the addressee or correct transmission to another designated operator shall immediately order the necessary inquiry. It shall record in the "Final reply" part of the CN 08 form its decision on liability. 4.5 The CN 08 form, duly completed as prescribed under 4.3 and 4.4, shall, where possible, be returned by fax or e-mail or by the quickest route (air or surface) to the address of the office which prepared it. 4.6 The designated operator of origin shall send inquiries about parcels sent in transit à découvert at the same time to both the intermediate designated operator and the designated operator of destination. Inquiries about items contained in closed mails which have transited through one or more intermediate designated operators shall in principle be handled directly between the country of origin and the country of final destination. Nevertheless, the designated operator of origin may, in order to speed up the process of investigation, ask any intermediate designated operator to provide appropriate dispatch information. 4.6.1 Inquiries sent to intermediate designated operators that so indicate in the Parcel Post Compendium shall be accompanied by a CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41, as appropriate. The copies may be either electronic or physical, according to the principles stated under 3.6. 4.6.2 Any intermediate designated operator consulted shall forward the CN 08 form to the next designated operator, and the corresponding CN 21 form to the designated operator of origin, as soon as possible, but within a period not exceeding 10 days. 5 Inquiries about the non-return to sender of an advice of delivery 5.1 In the case provided for in article RC 128.4.3 and if an item has been delivered, the designated operator of the destination country shall obtain on the CN 07 advice of delivery form bearing the word "Duplicate" the signature of the person who has received the item. Subject to the legislative provisions of the country of the designated operator dispatching an advice of delivery, instead of obtaining a signature on the duplicate of the advice of delivery, it shall also be authorized to attach to the CN 07 form a copy of a document used in the domestic service with the signature of the person who has received the item or a copy of the electronic signature affixed upon delivery of the item. The CN 07 form shall remain attached to the CN 08 inquiry form for subsequent delivery to the claimant. 6 Requests to be sent by telegram, by telex or by EMS 6.1 If a request is made for transmission of an inquiry by telegraph, a telegram shall be sent, instead of the CN 08 form either to the designated operator of the country of destination or to the specially appointed office concerned. The telegraph charge shall be collected from the inquirer. 6.2 If a request is made for transmission by EMS, the charges normally collected for this service may be collected from the inquirer. 6.3 In relations between two designated operators of countries admitting this procedure, the sender may ask to be advised by telegram of the action taken on his inquiry. In this case, he must pay the charge for a telegram, calculated on a fifteen-word basis. When telex is used, the charge collected from the sender shall normally be the same amount as that charged for forwarding the inquiry by telex. The cost of a reply sent by other means of telecommunication or by EMS shall be waived on the basis of reciprocity. 6.4 If the inquiry by telegram or by telex does not establish what happened to an item, the inquiry shall be made again by post before indemnity is considered. A CN 08 form shall then be prepared for treatment according to 4.1 to 4.6. 7 If the inquiry concerns a parcel posted in another country, the CN 08 form shall be forwarded to the designated operator or the specially appointed office of the designated operator of origin of the item. It shall reach it within the period prescribed for the retention of documents. The certificate of posting must be produced but shall not be attached to the CN 08 form. The latter shall be endorsed "Vu récépissé de dépôt No … le … par le bureau de …". (Seen, certificate of posting No. … issued on … by the office of …). 8 As a complete replacement for the sending of the CN 08 form for inquiries, designated operators shall use the common Internet-based Inquiry System, in cases involving barcoded items. However, for COD items and transit items, form CN 08 may be used instead. The following standards shall be used: 8.1 Investigation request: an initial request from the sending designated operator to the destination designated operator asking for information from the tracking system. This shall be returned within 12 working hours where the common Internet-based Inquiry System or e-mail communication is in place. 8.2 Special search: if the investigation request is unsuccessful, the sending designated operator can ask for a check to be made, by the destination designated operator, of the distribution centres and offices that the item should have passed through en route to its destination. This shall be returned within 24 working hours where the common Internet-based Inquiry System or e-mail communication is in place. 8.3 Full investigation: if the special search fails to locate the item, then a further search shall be completed within 160 working hours, after which the sending designated operator may indemnify the rightful claimant on behalf of the destination designated operator. An appropriate authorization code should be provided electronically by the liable designated operator. If the destination designated operator fails to return the authorization code within the prescribed time or if the information received cannot be considered as a final reply within the meaning of article RC 152.1, the sending designated operator shall indemnify the rightful claimant automatically on behalf of the destination designated operator. 9 Designated operators are encouraged to observe the following indicative targets associated with the on-time response to inquiries using the common Internet-based Inquiry System with partner designated operators: 9.1 95% on-time response to inquiries based on the standards specified in paragraph 8 of this article if the operator operates a track and trace system; or 9.2 85% on-time response to inquiries based on the standards specified in paragraph 8 of this article if it does not have a track and trace system. 10 No reservations concerning the periods for the handling and settlement of inquiries may be made to this article, other than within the framework of a bilateral agreement. Chapter 5 Article RC 146 1 Designated operators shall accept no liability for the customs declarations. Completion of customs declarations shall be the responsibility of the sender alone. However, designated operators shall take all the necessary steps to inform their customers on how to comply with customs formalities, and specifically to ensure that CN 23 customs declarations are completed in full in order to facilitate rapid clearance of items. 2 Designated operators shall take all steps to speed up customs clearance of air parcels as much as possible. Article RC 147 1 The guideline maximum amount of the presentation-to-Customs charge referred to in article 18.2 of the Convention which may be levied on parcels submitted to customs control in the country of origin shall be 0.65 SDR per parcel. 2 Parcels submitted to customs control in the country of destination may be subjected to a guideline maximum charge of 3.27 SDR per parcel in accordance with article 18.2 of the Convention. 3 In the absence of special agreement, the charge shall be collected at the time of delivery of the parcel to the addressee. However, in the case of parcels for delivery free of charges and fees, the presentation-to-Customs charge shall be collected by the designated operator of origin on behalf of the designated operator of destination. Article RC 148 1 Designated operators shall undertake to seek from the competent authorities in their countries cancellation of the fees (including customs duty) in the case of a parcel: 1.1 returned to sender; 1.2 redirected to a third country; 1.3 abandoned by the sender; 1.4 lost in their service or destroyed because of total damage of the contents; 1.5 rifled or damaged in their service. 2 In cases of rifled or damaged parcels, cancellation of fees shall be requested only to the value of the missing contents or the depreciation suffered by the contents. Chapter 6 Article RC 149 1 Principles 1.1 Designated operators' liability shall be as binding for parcels conveyed à découvert as for those forwarded in closed mails or those returned with no reason for non-delivery given on the parcel. 1.2 Designated operators which undertake to cover risks arising from a case of force majeure shall be liable towards senders of parcels posted in their country for any loss, theft or damage due to a case of force majeure occurring at any time during transmission of the parcels. This undertaking shall also cover any redirection or return to sender. 1.3 The designated operator in whose service the loss, theft, damage or unexplained return occurred shall decide, according to the laws of its country, whether the loss, theft, damage or unexplained return damage was due to circumstances amounting to force majeure. These circumstances shall be communicated to the designated operator of the country of origin if the latter designated operator so requests. 1.4 Designated operators participating in the exchange of COD parcels shall be liable, up to the COD amount, for the delivery of COD parcels without collection of funds or against collection of a sum lower than the COD amount. Designated operators shall assume no liability for delays which may occur in the collection and dispatch of funds. 1.5 With effect from 1 March 2006, all liability claims shall be limited to parcels identified by a unique item identifier conforming to Standard S10d (Identification of postal items: Part D: 13-character identifier for parcels), as published in the UPU Technical Standards. 2 Indemnities 2.1 The indemnity referred to in article 21.4.1 of the Convention shall not exceed the amounts calculated by combining the rate of 40 SDR per ordinary parcel and the rate of 4.50 SDR per kilogramme. Charges and fees paid for posting the item shall be added. 2.2 Designated operators may agree to apply, in their reciprocal relations, the amount of 130 SDR per parcel regardless of the weight. 2.3 The amount of the indemnity referred to in article 21.4.2 of the Convention for an ordinary parcel that is partially rifled or partially damaged shall not exceed the corresponding amounts mentioned in paragraph 2.1 or in paragraph 2.2 respectively for parcels that are lost, totally rifled or totally damaged. 2.4 The indemnity for the unexplained return of a postal parcel shall be commensurate with the charges paid by the sender for posting the parcel in the country of origin and the charges incurred for returning the parcel from the country of destination. Article RC 150 1 The office making delivery of a rifled or damaged parcel shall prepare a CN 24 report on the joint inspection and have it countersigned, whenever possible, by the addressee. One copy shall be handed to the addressee or, if the parcel is refused or redirected, attached to it. One copy shall be retained by the designated operator which prepared the report. 2 When internal regulations so require, a parcel treated in accordance with 1 shall be returned to the sender if the addressee refuses to countersign the CN 24 report. 3 If the parcel is delivered, the copy of the CN 24 report prepared by the office of exchange in accordance with article RC 186.2 shall be dealt with in accordance with the regulations of the country of destination. If the parcel is refused, the said copy shall remain attached to the parcel. 4 If the liability assumed according to article 22.1 of the Convention has to be shared with another designated operator the request to this effect shall be sent to it by letter accompanied by a copy or a translation of the CN 24 report. Where appropriate, a copy of the CP 78 verification note mentioned in article RC 183.4 shall be attached to the letter. Article RC 151 1 A designated operator which finds damage that is due to the fault of the sender shall inform the designated operator of origin, whose responsibility it is to take action against the sender where appropriate. Article RC 152 1 The designated operator of origin or destination, as the case may be, shall be authorized to indemnify the rightful claimant on behalf of the designated operator which, having participated in the conveyance and having been duly informed, has allowed two months and, if the case was reported by fax or any other electronic means by which the receipt of inquiry can be confirmed, 30 days to pass without finally settling the matter, or without having reported: 1.1 that the damage appeared to be due to a case of force majeure; 1.2 that the item had been detained, confiscated or destroyed by the competent authority because of its contents or seized under the legislation of the country of destination. 2 The periods of two months and thirty days stipulated under 1 begin to run from the date on which the CN 08 form was duly completed by the designated operator of origin, including the necessary information concerning the transmission of dispatches. 3 This clause shall be valid only if the designated operator sent the CN 08 form to the correct address of the recipient designated operator as listed in the Parcel Post Compendium or updated by an International Bureau circular. 4 The designated operator of origin shall be authorized to indemnify the rightful claimant on behalf of the designated operator of destination which, having been duly informed about the request of the designated operator of origin to provide confirmation of delivery of the item under inquiry, mentioned in article RC 145.3.8, has allowed 30 days to pass, from the date of sending of such a request by the designated operator of origin, without replying to a second inquiry concerning inappropriate execution of service. 5 The designated operator of origin or destination, as the case may be, shall be authorized to postpone indemnifying the rightful claimant in cases where the inquiry form is not properly completed or incorrect and has to be returned foradditional information or correction, thereby causing the time limit set in 1 to be exceeded. The indemnity may be paid by the end of an additional period of two months from the date of completion or correction of the CN 08 form. Without this additional information or correction, the designated operator concerned shall be authorized not to indemnify the rightful claimant. 6 In case of an inquiry concerning a COD item, the designated operator of origin shall be authorized to indemnify the rightful claimant up to the COD amount on behalf of the designated operator of destination which, having been duly informed, has allowed two months to pass without finally settling the matter. 7 No reservations concerning the periods for the handling and settlement of inquiries and the period and conditions for the payment of indemnity and the reimbursement of paying designated operators may be made to this article, other than within the framework of a bilateral agreement. Article RC 153 1 The payment of the indemnity shall be made as soon as possible and, at the latest, within a period of three months from the day following the day of inquiry. 2 No reservations concerning the period for the payment of indemnity may be made to this article, other than within the framework of a bilateral agreement. Article RC 154 1 The return of a CN 08 form in which the "Particulars to be supplied by the intermediate services or by the service of destination", "Particulars to be supplied by the service of destination" and "Final reply" sections have not been completed shall not be considered as a final reply within the meaning of article RC 152.1. Article RC 155 1 Until the contrary is proved, liability shall rest with the designated operator which having received the item without reporting a discrepancy by means of a CN 43 verification note and/or a CP 78 verification note, or a CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bill, at the time of receipt of the mail in which the item was dispatched, and being furnished with all the prescribed means of inquiry, cannot prove either delivery to the addressee or, where appropriate, correct transfer to another designated operator. 2 If the loss, theft or damage occurs in course of conveyance without it being possible to establish in which country's territory or service it happened, the designated operators concerned shall bear the loss equally. However, in the case of an uninsured parcel, when the amount of indemnity does not exceed the amount calculated in article 21.4.1 of the Convention for a parcel of one kilogramme, this sum shall be borne equally by the designated operator of origin and the designated operator of destination, intermediate designated operators being excluded. 3 As regards insured items, the liability of a designated operator towards other designated operators shall in no case exceed the maximum insured value that it has adopted. 4 Designated operators not providing the insured items service shall assume, in respect of such items conveyed in closed mails, the liability laid down for registered items and/or for uninsured parcels. This provision shall also apply when designated operators do not accept liability for insured items carried on board the ships or aircraft used by them. 5 If the loss, theft or damage of an insured item occurs in the territory or service of an intermediate designated operator which does not provide the insured items service, the designated operator of origin shall bear the loss not covered by the intermediate designated operator. The same rule shall apply if the amount of the damage is higher than the maximum insured value adopted by the intermediate designated operator. 6 Customs duty and other duties of which it has not been possible to secure cancellation shall be borne by the designated operator liable for the loss, theft or damage. 7 A designated operator which has paid the indemnity shall take over the rights, up to amount of indemnity, of the person who has received it in any action which may be taken against the addressee, the sender or third parties. Article RC 156 1 Until the contrary is proved and subject to article RC 155.2, an intermediate designated operator or designated operator of destination shall be relieved of all liability: 1.1 when it has observed the provisions for inspection of mails and parcels and establishment of irregularities; 1.2 when it can prove that it was informed of the inquiry after the destruction of the official records relating to the parcel in question, the period of retention having expired. This reservation shall not prejudice the rights of the claimant. 2 If the theft
or damage has been established in the country of
destination 2.1 that neither the wrapping nor the fastening of the parcel bore any apparent trace of theft or damage; 2.2 that in the case of an insured parcel, the weight established at the time of posting has not varied; 2.3 that, in the case of parcels forwarded in closed receptacles, both the receptacles and their fastening were intact. 3 When the proof mentioned in 2 has been furnished, none of the other designated operators concerned may repudiate its share of liability on grounds that it handed over the parcel without the next designated operator having made any objection. 4 In the case of parcels sent in bulk, none of the designated operators concerned may repudiate its share of liability by showing that the number of parcels found in the mail differs from that advised on the parcel bill. 5 In the case of bulk transmission, the designated operators concerned may agree that liability be shared in the event of loss of, theft from or damage to certain categories of parcels, determined by mutual agreement. 6 When a parcel has been lost, rifled or damaged as the result of force majeure, the designated operator in whose territorial jurisdiction or services the damageoccurred shall not be liable towards the designated operator of origin unless the two designated operators undertake to cover risks of force majeure. Article RC 157 1 When the loss, theft or damage occurs in the service of an air carrier, the designated operator which collects the conveyance dues shall reimburse the designated operator of origin for the indemnity paid to the sender. It shall be for the former designated operator to recover this amount from the air carrier in question. Where the designated operator of origin settles the conveyance dues direct with the air carrier, it shall itself seek reimbursement of the indemnity from the air carrier. Article RC 158 1 The designated operator which is liable or on behalf of which payment is made shall reimburse the paying designated operator the amount of indemnity, charges and fees paid to the rightful claimant according to the mandatory information provided on the CN 08 form. The reimbursement shall be made within two months of the date of dispatch of the notice of payment. 2 If the indemnity, charges and fees paid which were reimbursed to the rightful claimant are due to be borne by several designated operators, the whole of the indemnity, charges and fees paid which were reimbursed to the rightful claimant shall be paid to the paying designated operator, within the period mentioned under 1, by the first designated operator which, having duly received the parcel claimed for, is unable to prove its correct transfer to the next service. It shall rest with this designated operator to recover from the other designated operators which are liable each one's share of the indemnity, paid to the rightful claimant. Article RC 159 1 If, one year after the date of dispatch of authorization to pay the indemnity, the paying designated operator has not debited the account of the designated operator which is liable, the authorization shall be considered null and void. The designated operator which received it shall then no longer be entitled to claim reimbursement of any indemnity paid. 2 When liability has been admitted, as well as in the case provided for in article RC 152.1, the amount of the indemnity may also be automatically recovered from the designated operator which is liable. This shall be effected through a liquidation account, either direct or through the intermediary of an designated operator which regularly draws up liquidation accounts with the designated operator which is liable. 3 If the sender or the addressee takes delivery of an item found afterwards against repayment of the amount of the indemnity, that sum shall be refunded to the designated operator or, where appropriate, designated operators which bore the loss. This refund shall be made within one year of the date of such repayment. 4 The designated operators of origin and destination may agree that the whole of the loss shall be borne by the designated operator which has to make the payment to the rightful claimant. 5 The creditor designated operator shall be reimbursed in accordance with the rules for payment laid down in articles RC 211 and RC 212. Article RC 160 1 When it is necessary to recover payments from the designated operators which are liable and several amounts are involved, these shall be summarized on a CN 48 form. The total amount shall be carried forward to the CP 75 account mentioned in article RC 207.3. 2 In case of disputed compensation claims unrelated to article RC 152 received via the CN 48 form, the sending designated operator shall provide on request evidence to support its claim, including a copy of both sides of the appropriate CN 08 forms where the Internet-based Inquiry System is not used. Chapter 7 Article RC 161 1 Designated operators may exchange, via one or more of their number, closed mails as well as à découvert parcels according to needs and service requirements. 2 When exceptional circumstances oblige a designated operator temporarily to suspendē its services wholly or in part, it shall immediately inform the designated operators concerned. 3 When the conveyance of parcels in transit through a country takes place without the participation of the designated operator of that country, this form of transit shall not involve the liability of the member country or the designated operator of the transit country. 4 Designated operators may send surface parcels by air, with reduced priority. The designated operator of destination shall indicate, by providing an appropriate entry in the Parcel Post Compendium of Information, the details of the office of exchange or the airport of destination that will accept such parcels. 5 Each designated operator shall state on what conditions it accepts parcels in transit for countries for which it can act as intermediary. For that purpose, it shall use the CP 81 and CP 82 tables. These shall show, in particular, the rates to be assigned to it. 6 The official Compendium of Information of general interest relating to the implementation of the postal parcels service provides the details on the exchange of parcels. 7 On the basis of that information and of the CP 81 and CP 82 tables of intermediate designated operators, each designated operator shall decide on the routes to be used for forwarding its parcels. These data also enable it to set the charges to be collected from senders. 8 Designated operators shall send the CP 81 and CP 82 tables direct to each other at least one month before their application. They shall send copies of them to the International Bureau. Subsequent amendments to these tables shall be announced in the same way. The time limit for notification shall not apply to the cases mentioned in article RC 198.1. 9 Each designated operator shall forward by the routes and means that it uses for its own parcels those parcels transferred to it by another designated operator for transit across its territory. 10 In the event of the interruption of a prescribed route, parcels in transit shall be forwarded by the best route available. 11 If the use of the new dispatch route occasions higher costs (additional land or sea rates), the transit designated operator shall act in accordance with article RC 198.1. 12 Transit shall be effected under the conditions laid down by these Regulations, even when the designated operator of origin or destination of the parcels does not participate in the postal parcels service. 13 In the relations between designated operators of countries separated by one or more intermediate territories parcels shall follow the routes which the designated operators concerned have agreed upon. 14 Every designated operator providing the air parcel service shall forward by the air routes that it uses for its own items of that type, air parcels transferred to it by another designated operator. If the forwarding of air parcels by another route offers advantages over the existing air routes, the air parcels shall be forwarded by that route. 15 Designated operators which do not participate in the air parcel service shall forward such parcels by the air communications they use for the conveyance of their airmail correspondence. In the absence of an air link, air parcels shall be forwarded by such designated operators by the surface route normally used for other parcels. 16 The exchange of postal parcel mails shall be carried out by offices called "offices of exchange". Wherever an office of exchange needs to be specified on a postal form, this shall be done in accordance with the rules set out in UPU Technical Standard S34 (Registration of International Mail Processing Centres). This encompasses: 16.1 the name of the office of exchange; 16.2 the name of the designated operator responsible for the office of exchange; 16.3 in barcoded identifiers: the S34 code identifying the office of exchange. 17 Designated operators that send more than 100 tonnes of parcels per year must, and all other designated operators are encouraged to: 17.1 identify receptacles using UPU-standard S9 receptacle content identifiers; 17.2 include the S9 identifier on the receptacle label in accordance with S29; 17.3 electronically pre-advise all outbound dispatches using UPU-standard compliant messages specifying the S9 identifiers of the receptacles contained in each dispatch; 17.4 electronically confirm receipt of inbound receptacles, that have been preadvised, using UPU-standard compliant response and/or event reporting messages. 18 The volume requirements shall have yearly incremental reductions to allow all designated operators to comply with these standards. The volume will be reduced to 75 tonnes of parcels per year beginning in 2011; 50 tonnes of parcels beginning in 2012; and 25 tonnes of parcels beginning in 2013. 19 All offices of exchange shall be registered in the International Mail Processing Centre code list by the designated operator responsible for that office. This list is published on the UPU website. 20 On any form, an office of exchange shall be identified by its name, together with the name of the responsible designated operator, as published in the above-mentioned code list. 21 In barcoded identifiers, the S34 code shall be used to identify a particular office of exchange. Designated operators should maintain a list of the operator responsible for each code in their databases. Article RC 162 1 All designated operators shall apply a barcodes on all outward international postal parcels (i.e. air, S.A.L., surface). The specifications shall be as follows: 1.1 Each parcel must be identified by a unique item identifier conforming to Standard S10d (Identification of postal items: Part D: 13-character identifier for parcels), as published in the UPU Technical Standards. 1.2 The item identifier must also be represented by a barcode conforming to Standard S10d (Identification of postal items: Part D: 13-character identifier for parcels), as published in the UPU Technical Standards. 1.3 Designated operators of origin shall apply only one UPU standard S10d (Identification of postal items - Part D: 13-character identifier for parcels) barcode to parcels dispatched to other countries. 1.4 In cases where intermediate and destination designated operators overlabel parcels with a barcode label, they shall have the option of either: 1.4.1 applying an S10d overlabel barcode that shall duplicate the originating designated operator's original unique item identifier; or 1.4.2 applying an overlabel barcode that shall not cover the originating designated operator's S10d barcode. 1.5 In cases where a parcel is undeliverable and must be returned to the designated operator of origin, any S10d barcode overlabel that is not identical to the originating designated operator's unique item identifier shall be removed or obliterated. The returning designated operator shall ensure that the sender's address is not covered by any overlabels. 1.6 Designated operators may agree bilaterally to the use of unique item identifiers and barcodes which are already in use on international parcels. 1.7 Designated operators may agree bilaterally to the use of licence plates which conform to Standard S26 (Licence plates for parcels), as published in the UPU Technical Standards. Article RC 163 1 Designated operators that operate a track and trace system shall under-take to provide track and trace information using UPU messaging standard M17 - EMSEVT version 1.0 about outward and inward parcels on their national territory and shall ensure that the data are exchanged with all partner designated operators for the following tracking events and associated data elements: 1.1 Mandatory tracking events
1.2 Optional tracking events
1.2.8 The capture and transmission of event EMF shall be mandatory where event EME is captured and transmitted, unless governmental and legally binding provisions prevent this. 2 All designated operators shall capture and exchange pre-dispatch and dispatch receipt information in accordance with UPU messaging standards M14 - PREDES version 2.0 and M13 -RESDES version 1.1 inclusive of the following associated data elements: 2.1 PREDES version 2.0 data element requirements
2.2 RESDES version 1.1 data element requirements
2.3 Designated operators may agree bilaterally to use UPU messaging standard M36b PREDES version 3 for the transmission of pre-dispatch information. Article RC 164 1 Designated operators shall endeavour to observe the following targets associated with the transmission of item event information from the time of the actual event in the transmission of such information to partner designated operators:
2 Designated operators shall endeavour to observe the following targets associated with the transmission of dispatch information in the exchange of such information with partner designated operators:
Article RC 165 1 Designated operators are encouraged to observe the following indicative targets associated with the transmission of item event information in the exchange of such information with partner designated operators: 1.1 Ninety percent of parcels that receive an EMC (Departure from office of exchange) event should have an EMD event transmitted within 48 hours of the event time and date. 1.2 Ninety percent of parcels that receive an EMD event should have an EMH and/or an EMI event transmitted within 120 hours of the event time and date. Article RC 166 1 If services are temporarily suspended, the designated operator or designated operators concerned must be notified of the fact by telecommunications, indicating, if possible, the probable duration of the suspension of services. The same procedure shall be applied when the suspended services are resumed. 2 The International Bureau must be notified of the suspension or resumption of services if a general announcement is considered necessary. If necessary, the International Bureau shall notify designated operators by telecommunications. 3 The designated operator of origin shall have the option of refunding the postage charges, special charges and air surcharges to the sender if, owing to the suspension of services, the benefit accruing from conveyance of the item in question was obtained only in part or not at all.. Article RC 167 1 The exchange of parcel mails shall be effected, as a general rule, by means of receptacles. Adjacent designated operators may agree to the handing over of certain categories of parcels unenclosed. 2 In the service between designated operators of non-adjacent countries, the exchange shall, as a general rule, be effected in closed mails. 3 Designated operators may agree to effect exchanges in transit à découvert. However, it shall be obligatory to make up closed mails if an intermediate designated operator states that the parcels in transit à découvert are such as to hinder its work. 4 Surface airlifted parcels (S.A.L.) shall be exchanged on the conditions agreed upon between the designated operators concerned. Article RC 168 1 In the normal circumstances of transmission in closed mails, the receptacles (bags, baskets, crates, etc) shall be marked, closed and labelled in the manner laid down below. 2 Making up of bags 2.1 Mails, including those made up solely of empty bags, shall be contained in bags the number of which shall be kept to the strict minimum. The bags shall be in good condition to protect their contents. Each bag shall be labelled. 2.2 The bags shall be closed, sealed preferably with lead. The seals may also be made of light metal or plastic. The sealing shall be so done that it cannot be handled or tampered with without showing signs thereof. The impressions of the seals shall reproduce, in very legible roman letters, the name of the office of origin or an indication sufficient to identify that office. However, if the designated operator of origin so wishes, the impressions of the seals need only reproduce an indication of the name of the designated operator of origin. 2.3 For the make-up of air parcels, bags either entirely blue or with wide blue bands shall be used. For making up surface mails or surface airlifted mails, surface bags of a colour other than that of the airmail bags (e.g. beige, brown, white, etc) shall be used. Designated operators of destination must, however, check all the bag labels in order to ensure correct processing. 2.4 The bags shall show legibly in roman letters the office or country of origin and bear the word "Postes" (Post) or any other similar expression distinguishing them as postal dispatches. 3 Labelling of mails 3.1 The labels of the bags shall be made of sufficiently rigid canvas, of plastic, of strong cardboard, of parchment, or of paper glued to wood. They shall be provided with an eyelet. Yellow ochre coloured CP 83, CP 84 and CP 85 labels shall be used. Their layout and text shall conform to the specimens annexed hereto. The gross weight of each bag or receptacle forming part of the mail shall be shown on each respective label. The weight shall be rounded up to the nearest hectogramme when the fraction of the hectogramme is equal to or greater than 50 grammes and rounded down to the nearest hectogramme otherwise. 3.2 The labels or addresses of closed receptacles containing air parcels shall bear the indication or label "Par avion" (By airmail). 3.3 In addition, a special closing may be adopted for receptacles other than bags, provided that the contents are sufficiently protected. 4 Intermediate offices shall not enter any serial number on the labels of bags or packets of closed mails in transit. 5 Insured parcels shall be sent in separate receptacles. In case of dispatch in the same bag as uninsured parcels, insured parcels shall be placed in an inner receptacle sealed with wax or lead. The outer bag containing insured parcels shall be in good condition. It shall be provided, if possible, at the edge of its mouth with piping making it impossible to open the bag illicitly without leaving visible traces. Receptacles containing insured parcels, whether alone or together with uninsured parcels, shall be marked with the letter V. 6 Fragile parcels shall also be sent in separate receptacles. They shall be provided with the label referred to in article RC 130.5.1. 7 Express parcels shall be sent in separate receptacles, if their number justifies it. Receptacles containing only or some such parcels shall bear the label or indication "Exprès" (Express). 8 COD parcels shall be sent in separate receptacles, if their number so justifies. Receptacles containing COD parcels only shall bear the label or indication "Remboursement" (COD). 9 The label of the receptacle containing the parcel bill shall always be marked with a very clearly drawn F. By special agreement between the designated operators concerned, it may be marked with the number of bags making up the mail and, if applicable, the number of parcels sent à découvert. 10 Cumbersome parcels, fragile parcels, or those whose nature necessitates it may be sent unenclosed: in order to determine the mail of which they are part, such parcels shall be provided with a CP 83 or CP 84 label. Labels of unenclosed insured parcels shall be endorsed with the letter V. However, parcels going by sea, with the exception of cumbersome parcels, shall be sent in receptacles. 11 As a general rule, bags and other receptacles containing parcels shall not weigh more than 32 kilogrammes. 12 For conveyance purposes, bags of parcels and unenclosed parcels may be placed in containers. The methods of using containers shall be subject to special agreement between the designated operators concerned. Article RC 169 1 Designated operators may use computer-generated barcodes and a unique identification system in the international postal services for purposes such as track/ trace systems and other identification purposes. The specifications shall be laid down by the Postal Operations Council. 2 Designated operators which choose to use barcodes in the international services shall comply with the technical specifications laid down by the Postal Operations Council. Article RC 170 1 All the parcels to be forwarded by surface, S.A.L or air shall be entered by the dispatching office of exchange on a CP 87 parcel bill. The gross weight of the dispatch shall always be entered on the CP 87. 2 The parcel bill shall be inserted in one of the receptacles comprising the mail. Where appropriate, it shall be inserted in one of the bags containing insured parcels or express parcels. 3 The parcel bills relating to mails containing insured parcels shall be inserted in a pink envelope. If the insured parcels are placed in a wax-sealed inner receptacle, the pink envelope containing the parcel bill shall be attached to the outside of this receptacle. 4 The parcel bill shall be completed with all the details called for. 5 Designated operators may agree, bilaterally or multilaterally, to exchange parcel bills or parcel bill data via electronic means. In this case, they may decide that the dispatches they exchange do not need to be accompanied by a CP 87 parcel bill. 6 As regards service parcels and prisoner-of-war and civilian internee parcels sent by air, the air conveyance dues shall be credited to the designated operators concerned. 7 In the absence of special agreement, surface and S.A.L. parcel bills shall be numbered separately according to an annual series for each dispatching office of exchange and each office of exchange of destination. The numbering shall be different for each route if more than one route is used. The last number of the year shall be shown on the first parcel bill of the following year. If a mail is cancelled, the dispatching office shall enter on the parcel bill beside the number of the mail the indication "Dernière dépêche" (Last mail). In the case of sea and air services, the name of the ship carrying the mail or, where appropriate, the air service used shall be shown, whenever possible, on the parcel bills. 8 If air parcels are sent from one country to another by surface routes along with other parcels, their presence shall be shown by an appropriate note on the CP 87 parcel bill. 9 Every insured parcel shall be entered on the parcel bill with the letter "V" in the "Observations" column. 10 Every parcel redirected or returned to sender shall be entered on the parcel bill with the note "Réexpédié" (Redirected) or "Retour" (Return) in the "Observations" column. 11 The number of receptacles comprising the mail and, unless otherwise agreed between the designated operators concerned, the number of receptacles to be returned, shall be entered on the parcel bill. In the absence of special agreement, designated operators shall number the receptacles of the same mail. The serial number of each receptacle shall be written on the CP 83 and CP 84 label. 12 Where closed mails are exchanged between designated operators of countries which are not adjacent, the dispatching office of exchange shall prepare for each of the intermediate designated operators a CP 88 special parcel bill. That office shall insert thereon the total number of parcels and the gross weight of the mail. The CP 88 parcel bill shall be numbered in an annual series for each dispatching office of exchange and for each intermediate designated operator. In addition, it shall bear the serial number of the relative mail. The last number of the year shall be shown on the first parcel bill of the following year. In the case of sea services, the name of the ship carrying the mail shall be entered on the CP 88 parcel bill, whenever this is possible. 13 When air parcels are forwarded by surface mail, the dispatching office of exchange shall prepare a CP 88 special parcel bill for the transit designated operators concerned. 14 The special CP 88 parcel bill shall be sent unenclosed or in any other way agreed between the designated operators concerned, accompanied, where appropriate, by the documents required by the intermediate countries. Article RC 171 1 With the exception of those categories of parcels mentioned in 2 to 6 below, all parcels sent to designated operators of destination shall be entered in bulk in the CP 87 parcel bill. The number and total weight of these parcels, including the weight of the bags, shall be indicated in the "Bulk entry" section of the parcel bill. 2 Parcels which are redirected, parcels returned to sender or parcels forwarded in transit à découvert shall always be entered individually, with the amount of dues payable or the corresponding rate mentioned. The number and weight of these parcels shall not be included in the number and gross weight of the parcels indicated in the "Bulk entry" section of the parcel bill. The number and gross weight of the parcels indicated in the "Bulk entry" section of the parcel bill shall always include all parcels other than those redirected, returned to sender, or forwarded in transit à découvert. 3 Insured parcels shall also be entered individually but without mention of the corresponding rate. Their number and weight shall be included in the number and total weight of the parcels indicated in the "Bulk entry" section of the parcel bill. 4 When the designated operators concerned have agreed to detailed entry of parcel bills, all ordinary parcels sent to designated operators of destination shall be entered individually in the parcel bill, but without the corresponding inward land rate. In accordance with paragraph 2, their number and weight, including the weight of the bags, shall be included in the number and total weight of the parcels indicated in the "Bulk entry" section of the parcel bill. 5 The presence of COD parcels shall be indicated in the bulk entry section of the form. 6 Service parcels and prisoner-of-war and civilian internee parcels for which, under article 7.1 and 2 of the Convention, no rates are allocated shall not be included in the number and total weight of the parcels indicated on the parcel bill. Article RC 170.6 shall be applicable for the dispatch of such parcels by air. Article RC 172 1 The accompanying documents referred to in article RC 122.1 and 2 shall be affixed to the relevant parcel. 2 The CP 72 manifold set shall be pasted on the parcel. 3 If the CP 72 manifold set cannot be pasted on the parcel or if the parcel is to be accompanied by other documents not included in the set, the accompanying documents shall be placed in a CP 91 or CP 92 transparent adhesive envelope. This shall be affixed to the parcel. 4 Where applicable, the COD money order forms, franking notes and advices of delivery shall be dispatched in the same way. 5 The designated operators of origin and destination may agree to attach the accompanying documents to the parcel bill. 6 In the case provided for in 5, the designated operators concerned may agree to send the parcel bill and the documents accompanying the parcels by air to the office of exchange of destination. 7 In the case of parcels on which the CP 72 manifold set cannot be pasted or to which the transparent adhesive envelope cannot be affixed because of the size or the nature of the wrapping of the parcels, the accompanying documents shall be attached firmly to the parcel. 8 Designated operators which are unable to use transparent adhesive envelopes shall have the option of sending the accompanying documents by attaching them firmly to the parcels. 9 The designated operators of origin and destination may agree that documents accompanying parcels exchanged in direct mails shall be dispatched in accordance with any other system which suits them. Article RC 173 1 Closed mails shall be forwarded by the most direct route possible. 2 When a mail consists of several bags, these shall as far as possible remain together and be forwarded by the same post. 3 The designated operator of the country of origin may prescribe the route to be followed by the closed mails which it dispatches, provided that the use of that route does not entail special costs for an intermediate designated operator. Information about the routeing shall be entered on the CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 bills and on the CP 83, CP 84 or CP 85 labels. 4 Closed airmails shall be forwarded by the fight requested by the designated operator of the country of origin, provided that it is used by the designated operator of the country of transit for the transmission of its own mails. If that is not the case or if there is insufficient time for the transhipment, the designated operator of the country of origin shall be so informed. 5 In the event of a change in a service for the exchange of closed mails established between two designated operators via one or more third-party countries, the designated operator of origin of the mail shall inform the designated operators of those countries of the fact. 6 If it is a question of an alteration in the routeing of mails, the new route to be followed shall be reported to the designated operators which previously provided the transit. The old route shall be reported, for information, to the designated operators which will provide the transit in the future. Article RC 174 1 In principle, the transhipment at the same airport of parcel mails in course of transmission shall be performed by the designated operator of the country in which the transhipment takes place. 2 This shall not apply when the transhipment takes place between aircraft of the same airline performing successive stages of the journey. 3 In the case referred to under 2 and where the designated operators of origin and of destination and the airline concerned agree in advance, the airline making the transhipment may prepare, if necessary, a special delivery bill to replace the original CN 38 or CN 41 bill. The parties concerned shall mutually agree on the relevant procedures and form in conformity with article RC 176. 4 If the designated operator of the country of origin so wishes, its mails shall be transhipped directly at the transit airport, between two different airlines. The airlines concerned must however agree to make the transhipment and the designated operator of the transit country must be informed of it beforehand. 5 In the case referred to under 4 and where the designated operators of origin and of destination and the airline concerned agree in advance, the airline making the transhipment may prepare if necessary a special delivery bill to replace the original CN 38 or CN 41 bill. The parties concerned shall mutually agree on the relevant procedures and form in conformity with article RC 176. 6 In the cases referred to under 2 and 4, the bags of mails may be provided with a CN 42 label, in addition to the labels provided for the conveyance of airmail. 7 When surface mails from a designated operator are reforwarded by air by another designated operator, the conditions of such reforwarding shall be covered by a special agreement between the designated operators. Article RC 175 1 If mails documented for direct transhipment fail to connect with the scheduled fight at the transhipment airport, the airline shall hand them over immediately to postal officials at the transhipment airport for reforwarding by the quickest route (air or surface). 2 This shall not apply when: 2.1 the designated operator dispatching the mails has provided for reforwarding on a later fight; 2.2 in the absence of the arrangements referred to under 2.1, the airline responsible for handing over the mails can arrange for them to be reforwarded within 24 hours of their arrival at the transhipment airport. 3 In the case referred to under 1, the office which did the reforwarding shall inform the office of origin of each mail by CP 78 verification note, indicating in particular on the verification note the air service from which the mail was taken and the services used (air or surface) for onward transmission to its destination. Article RC 176 1 The delivery bills shall be completed, in accordance with their layout, on the basis of the particulars appearing on the bag labels or with the address. The total number and total weight of the bags and items in each mail shall be entered in bulk by category. Designated operators of origin may elect to enter each bag individually should they wish to do so. However, any intermediate or transit country must list each transit receptacle individually, maintaining the designated operator of origin, office of destination, dispatch and receptacle number indicated by the designated operator of origin. The six-character IMPC code identifying the origin and destination of the receptacle shall be recorded in columns 2 and 3 respectively. 2 Any intermediate office or office of destination which notices errors in the entries on the CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bill shall immediately correct them. It shall report them by CP 78 verification note to the last dispatching office of exchange and to the office of exchange which made up the mail. Designated operators may agree to make systematic use of electronic mail or any other appropriate means of telecommunication for reporting irregularities. 3 When the mails forwarded are inserted in containers sealed by the postal service, the serial number and the number of the seal of each container shall be entered in the column of the CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 bill reserved for that purpose. Article RC 177 1 In the absence of the CN 37 bill, the receiving office shall prepare one in triplicate in accordance with the load received. Two copies accompanied by a CP 78 verification note shall be sent to the dispatching office, which shall return one copy after examination and signature. 2 When a mail reaches the airport of destination - or an intermediary airport responsible for forwarding it with another carrier - without a CN 38 or CN 41 bill, the designated operator under whose jurisdiction the airport comes shall automatically prepare one. The latter shall be duly countersigned by the carrier from whom the mail is received. This fact shall be reported by CP 78 verification note, together with two copies of the CN 38 thus prepared, to the office responsible for loading the mail. The latter office shall be requested to return one copy duly authenticated. 3 If the original CN 38 or CN 41 bill is missing, the designated operator receiving the mail shall accept the CN 46 substitute bill prepared by the airline. This fact shall be reported to the office of origin by means of a CP 78 verification note, accompanied by two copies of the CN 46 substitute bill. 4 Designated operators may agree to make systematic use of electronic mail or any other appropriate means of telecommunication for settling cases where the CN 38 or CN 41 bill is missing. 5 The exchange office at the airport of destination - or an intermediary airport responsible for forwarding the mail with another carrier - may accept, without preparation of a CP 78 verification note, a CN 38 or CN 41 bill provided by the original carrier which has been electronically transmitted from its office at the airport of dispatch and signed by its representative at the airport where the mail is unloaded. 6 If the airport of loading cannot be determined, the verification note shall be sent straight to the office of dispatch of the mail for it to forward the note to the office through which the mail transited. Article RC 178 1 When, as a result of an accident in course of conveyance, a ship, train, aircraft or any other transport facility is unable to continue its journey and deliver the mail at the scheduled ports of call or stations, the crew shall hand over the mails to the post office nearest to the place of the accident or to the office best able to reforward the mail. If the crew are unable to do this, that office, having been informed of the accident, shall take immediate action, taking over the mail and reforwarding it to its destination by the quickest route after its condition has been checked and any damaged items put in order. 2 The designated operator of the country in which the accident occurred shall inform all designated operators of previous ports of call or stations, by telecommunications, of the fate of the mail. These designated operators in turn shall advise by the same means all other designated operators concerned. 3 Designated operators which had mail on the transport facility involved in the accident shall send a copy of the CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bills to the designated operator of the country where the accident occurred. 4 The qualified office shall then notify the offices of destination of the mails involved in the accident by CP 78 verification note giving details of the circumstances of the accident and the results of the check of the mails. One copy of each verification note shall be sent to the offices of origin of the relative mails and another to the designated operator of the country to which the transport company belongs. These documents shall be sent by the quickest route (air or surface). Article RC 179 1 When an aircraft interrupts its fight for a length of time likely to delay the mails or when, for any reason whatsoever, the mails are unloaded at an airport other than that given on the CN 38 delivery bills, the airline shall hand over such mails immediately to the officials of the designated operator of the country where the stop has been made. The latter shall reforward them by the quickest route (air or surface). 2 The designated operator which receives missent airmail dispatches or bags owing to a labelling error shall attach a new label to the dispatch or bag, with an indication of the office of origin, and reforward it to its correct destination. 3 In every case the office which did the reforwarding shall inform the office of origin of each dispatch or bag by CP 78 verification note, indicating in particular on the verification note the air service from which the mail was taken, the services used (air or surface) for onward transmission to its destination and the cause of missending, such as transportation or labelling error. Article RC 180 1 When mails included in a surface dispatch sent by air (S.A.L.) are on a fight that is interrupted or are unloaded at an airport other than the one indicated on the CN 41 delivery bill, the procedure shall be as follows: 1.1 Officials of the designated operator of the country where the mails are in transit shall take charge of them and reforward them by surface if conditions are such that the mails can be sent promptly to the country of destination. The designated operator of origin shall be informed by e-mail or any other form of telecommunication. 1.2 If rapid delivery by surface to the country of destination cannot be ensured, the designated operator of the transit country shall get in touch, by e-mail or any other form of telecommunication, with the designated operator of origin of the mails to determine how the latter are to be reforwarded to their destination and how compensation for reforwarding is to be calculated and settled. 1.3 The designated operator of the country of transit shall make out a new delivery bill (CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41, as required) and redirect the mails as instructed by the designated operator of origin. Article RC 181 1 To determine the most favourable route for the dispatch of parcels, the dispatching office of exchange may send to the office of exchange of destination a trial note in the form of the specimen CN 44. This note shall be attached to the parcel bill on which its presence shall be indicated. If the CN 44 form is missing when the mail arrives, the office of destination shall make out a duplicate. The trial note, duly completed by the office of destination, shall be returned by the quickest route to the address indicated or, in the absence of such an indication, to the office which prepared it. Article RC 182 1 Surface parcels 1.1 In the absence of special agreement between the designated operators concerned, the transfer of surface parcel mails shall be carried out by means of a CN 37 delivery bill. 1.2 Two copies of the CN 37 bill shall be prepared. The first shall be for the receiving office and the second for the dispatching office. The receiving office shall acknowledge receipt on the second copy and return it immediately by the quickest route (air or surface). 1.3 The CN 37 delivery bill may be prepared in triplicate when the transfer of mails between two corresponding offices is made through a transport service. In that case, the first copy shall be for the receiving office and shall accompany the mail. The second shall receive the acknowledgement of receipt by the transport service and shall be given to the dispatching office. The third shall be retained by the transport service after being signed by the receiving office. 1.4 The CN 37 delivery bill may also be prepared in triplicate when the transmission of mails is effected by a means of transport without accompanying staff. The first two copies shall be sent with the mail and the third retained by the dispatching office. The first copy shall be for the receiving office and the second shall be returned by the quickest route, duly signed by the latter, to the dispatching office. 1.5 Because of their internal organization, certain designated operators may request that separate CN 37 bills be made out for letter-post mails on the one hand, and for parcels on the other. 1.6 When the transfer of mails between two corresponding offices involves a sea service, the dispatching office of exchange may prepare a fourth copy of the CN 37 delivery bill, which the receiving office of exchange shall return after certifying it. In this case the third and fourth copies shall accompany the mail. One copy of the CN 37 bill must be sent beforehand by air or by electronic mail or any other appropriate means of telecommunication, either to the receiving office of exchange or the port of offloading or to its central administration. 2 Air parcels and surface airlifted (S.A.L.) parcels 2.1 Air parcel mails to be handed over at the airport shall be accompanied by CN 38 forms. 2.2 Mails to be handed over at the airport shall be accompanied by fve copies of a CN 38 delivery bill, for each stop in the case of air parcels or a CN 41, in the case of surface airlifted (S.A.L.) parcels. 2.3 One copy of the CN 38 or CN 41 bill, signed as a receipt for the parcels by the airline or the authority responsible for the ground services, shall be retained by the dispatching office. 2.4 Two copies of the CN 38 or CN 41 bill shall be retained at the airport of loading by the airline carrying the parcels. 2.5 Two copies of the CN 38 or CN 41 bill shall be inserted in a CN 45 envelope. These shall be conveyed in the aircraft's fight portfolio or other special pouch in which the fight documents are kept. Upon arrival at the airport of offloading of the parcels, the first copy, duly signed as a receipt for the parcels, shall be kept by the airline which has carried the parcels. The second copy shall accompany the parcels to the post office to which the CN 38 or CN 41 bill is addressed. 2.6 CN 38 or CN 41 bills which have been transmitted electronically by the air carrier may be accepted at the receiving exchange office if the two copies identified under 2.4 are not immediately available. In this case, two copies of the CN 38 or CN 41 bill must be signed by the air carrier representative at the destination airport prior to submission to the receiving designated operator. Except as noted in 2.6.1 and 2.6.2, one copy shall be signed by the receiving designated operator as a receipt for the parcels and shall be kept by the air carrier. The second copy shall, in any case, accompany the parcels to the post office to which the CN 38 or CN 41 bill is addressed. 2.6.1 Designated operators that have developed an electronic receipting system for parcel dispatches which they receive from transport carriers may use the receipting records of that system instead of the CN 38 or CN 41 process described under 2.6. In lieu of the signed copy of the CN 38 or CN 41 forms, the receiving designated operator may provide the air carrier with a printed copy of the electronic receipting record for that dispatch. 2.6.2 Alternatively, designated operators that exchange EDI messaging for parcel dispatches and consignments may use the EDI receipt messages instead of the CN 38 or CN 41 process as described under 2.6. In lieu of the signed copy of the CN 38 or CN 41 forms, the receiving designated operator may transmit the EDI receipt message. 2.7 Designated operators may agree among themselves to make systematic use of electronic mail or any other appropriate means of telecommunication for transmitting CN 38 or CN 41 bills between the office preparing the document and the office receiving it. 2.8 When parcels are sent by surface to an intermediate designated operator for reforwarding by air, they shall be accompanied by a CN 38 or CN 41 bill for the intermediate office. A CN 38 or CN 41 bill shall also be prepared for the designated operator of the country of destination in respect of air parcels reforwarded by surface. 3 If CN 37, CN 38 and CN 41 delivery bills are produced by electronic means and transmitted online to a transport service or a cooperating agent without the direct participation of the designated operator's staff and printed out there, the designated operators or companies involved in the transport operations may agree that a signature shall not be required on the delivery bills. 4 The receiving designated operators shall ensure that the carriers can hand over the parcels to a competent service. 5 The mails shall be handed over in good condition. However, a mail may not be refused because of damage or theft. 6 The weight of bags or other receptacles containing insured air parcels shall be shown separately on the CN 38 delivery bill. The letter V shall also be written in the "Observations" column opposite this entry. Article RC 183 1 Every office of exchange receiving a mail shall immediately check the receptacles and their fastening. It shall also check the origin and destination of the bags making up the mail and entered on the delivery bill, and then the parcels and the various documents which accompany them. These checks shall be made in the presence of the other interested parties whenever this is possible. 2 The office of destination shall keep a close check on whether the mails arrive in the sequence in which they were dispatched, particularly in the case of mails containing insured parcels. 3 When the receptacles are opened, the constituent parts of the fastening (string, lead seal, label) shall be kept together; to achieve this, the string shall be cut in one place only. 4 Any irregularities discovered shall be reported without delay by a CP 78 verification note. When the office of exchange of destination has not sent off a CP 78 note by the first available post, it shall be considered, until the contrary is proved, as having received all the bags and parcels in good condition. 5 When the findings of an office of exchange are such as may involve the liability of a transport undertaking, they must where possible be countersigned by the representative of that undertaking as well as by the designated operator of transit or of destination taking over the mails, which shall confirm that there are no irregularities. This signature may be made either on the CP 78 verification note, a copy of which shall be handed to the undertaking, or, as the case may be, on the CN 37, CN 41 or CN 38 delivery bill accompanying the mail. Should there be any reservations with respect to the carrier service, the copies of the CN 37, CN 38 or CN 41 delivery bill must indicate such reservations. By analogy, designated operators exchanging information electronically may apply the procedures outlined in article RC 182.2.6. 6 The discovery, at the time of the check, of any irregularities whatsoever may in no case be the cause of the return of a parcel to sender except as provided for in article RC 135.3 and 4. Article RC 184 1 When an intermediate office receives a mail in bad condition, it shall check the contents if it thinks that they have not remained intact and put it in new packing just as it is. It shall copy the particulars from the original label on to a new one and apply to the latter an impression of its date-stamp, preceded by the endorsement "Remballé à ..." (Repacked at ...). The fact shall be reported by means of a CP 78 verification note, to be prepared in four or five copies, as appropriate. One copy shall be retained by the office which prepared it, and the others shall be sent to: 1.1 the office of exchange from which the mail was received (two copies); 1.2 the dispatching office of exchange (if this is not the office referred to above); and 1.3 the office of destination (inserted in the repacked mail). 2 In the event of the absence of a mail or one or more of the bags comprising it, or of any other irregularity the fact shall be notified as described in 1. However, intermediate offices of exchange shall not be bound to check the documents accompanying the parcel bill. 3 If the office of exchange of destination discovers errors or omissions in the parcel bill it shall immediately make the necessary corrections. It shall take care to cross out the incorrect entries in such a way as to leave the original entries legible. These corrections shall be made in the presence of two officials; unless there is an obvious error, the corrections shall be accepted in preference to the original statement. The office of exchange shall also carry out the routine checks when the receptacle or its fastening gives grounds for presuming that the contents have not remained intact or that some other irregularity has occurred. The irregularities which have been established shall be notified without delay to the dispatching office of exchange by a CP 78 verification note, to be prepared in three or four copies as appropriate. One copy shall be retained by the office of exchange which prepared it and the others shall be sent to: 3.1 the dispatching office of exchange (two copies); and 3.2 the intermediate office of exchange from which the mail was received (if the mail was not received direct). 4 The absence of a mail or of one or more of the bags comprising it, or of the parcel bill, shall be notified as described in 3. If the parcel bill is missing, the office of exchange of destination shall prepare a replacement parcel bill. 5 The absence of a surface parcel mail or air parcel mail shall be notified at the latest on receipt of the first mail following the missing mail. Similarly, the absence of one or more bags or parcels sent unenclosed in a surface parcel mail or air parcel mail shall be notified at the latest on receipt of the first mail following the said mail. 6 The office of exchange of destination shall have the right not to make corrections and not to make out a CP 78 verification note if the errors or omissions in respect of the rates due do not exceed 10 SDR per parcel bill. 7 Verification notes shall be sent preferably by telefax or by any other electronic means of communication or, if sent by mail, by the quickest route in a special envelope marked in bold letters "Bulletin de verification" (Verification note). These envelopes may either be pre-printed or distinguished by a stamp impression clearly reproducing the indication. Irregularities concerning insured parcels which involve the liability of member countries or designated operators shall always be notified immediately by electronic means, if available. 8 The offices to which the CP 78 verification notes are sent shall return them as promptly as possible after having examined them and indicated thereon their observations, if any; they shall retain one copy. The returned verification notes shall be attached to the parcel bills to which they relate. Corrections made to a parcel bill which are unsupported by documentary evidence shall not be considered valid. However, if these verification notes are not returned to the office of exchange which issued them within a period of one month from the date of their dispatch they shall be considered, until the contrary is proved, as duly accepted. Article RC 185 1 Unless there is an obvious error, the view of the office of origin shall prevail as regards the establishment of the weight or size. 2 Discrepancies in weight less than one kilogramme relating to ordinary parcels may not be made the subject of verification notes or the cause of the parcels being returned. 3 Discrepancies in weight of insured parcels up to ten grammes above or below the weight stated may not be queried by the intermediate designated operator or designated operator of destination unless the external condition of the parcel makes it necessary. Article RC 186 1 Any office of exchange which receives a damaged or insufficiently packed parcel shall send it on, after having repacked it if necessary. The original packing, the address and the labels shall be preserved as far as possible. The weight of the parcel before and after repacking shall be shown on the actual packing of the parcel. This indication shall be followed by the note "Remballé à ..." (Repacked at ...) stamped with an impression of the date-stamp and signed by the officials who did the repacking. 2 If the condition of the parcel is such that the contents could have been removed or damaged, this fact shall be reported to the dispatching office of exchange by means of a sufficiently explicit note on the CP 78 verification note. The parcel shall also be automatically opened and its contents checked. The results of this check shall be given in a CN 24 report. This shall be prepared in duplicate, one copy shall be retained by the office of exchange which prepared it and the other attached to the parcel. 3 The procedure described in 2 shall also apply if the parcel shows a discrepancy in weight such as to suggest the removal of the whole or part of the contents. Article RC 187 1 Any office of exchange which, on the arrival of a mail, discovers the absence of, theft from or damage to one or more parcels shall proceed as follows: 1.1 It shall indicate in as much detail as possible on the CP 78 verification note or in the CN 24 report the condition in which it found the outer packing of the mail. Unless this is impossible for a stated reason, the receptacle, the string, the lead or other seal and the label shall be kept intact for a period of six weeks from the date of verification. They shall be sent to the designated operator of origin if it so requests. 1.2 It shall send a duplicate of the verification note to the last intermediate office of exchange, if any, at the same time as to the dispatching office of exchange. 2 If it considers it necessary, the office of exchange of destination may, at the expense of its designated operator, inform the dispatching office of exchange of its discoveries by telecommunications. 3 Where offices of exchange in direct contact are concerned, the respective designated operators of these offices may agree on the method of procedure in the case of irregularities for which they may be liable. Article RC 188 1 Articles RC 183 to RC 187 shall be applicable only to rifled and damaged parcels as well as to parcels entered individually on the parcel bills. The other parcels shall be simply checked in bulk. 2 The designated operator of origin may agree with the designated operator of destination to limit to certain categories of parcels the detailed check and the preparation of the CP 78 verification notes and CN 24 reports. The same may be agreed with the intermediate designated operators. 3 If the number of parcels found in the mail differs from the number given on the parcel bill, the verification note shall correct only the total number of parcels. 4 If the gross weight of the mail given on the parcel bill does not correspond to the gross weight found, the verification note shall correct only the gross weight of the mail. Article RC 189 1 Any parcel arriving out of course shall be reforwarded to its proper destination by the quickest route (air or surface). 2 Any parcel reforwarded in application of this article shall be subject to the rates for forwarding to its proper destination and the charges and fees mentioned in article RC 136.4.3. 3 The reforwarding designated operator shall report the matter in a CP 78 verification note to the designated operator from which the parcel has been received. 4 It shall treat the parcel arriving out of course as if it had arrived in transit à découvert. If the rates which have been allocated to it are insufficient to cover the costs of reforwarding, it shall credit the true designated operator of destination and, where appropriate, the intermediate designated operators with the relative conveyance rates. It shall then credit itself, through a claim on the designated operator responsible for the office of exchange which missent the parcel, for the amount of the expense which it has incurred. This designated operator shall collect them Article RC 190 1 In the absence of special agreement between the designated operators concerned, bags shall be returned empty by the next post in a mail for the country to which they belong and if possible by the normal route followed on the outward journey. The number of bags returned by each mail shall be noted on the CP 87 parcel bill. 2 Designated operators of origin may make up special mails for the return of empty bags. However, the make-up of special mails shall be compulsory when the designated operators of transit or destination so request. For bags being returned by air, the make-up of special mails shall be compulsory. The special mails shall be described on CN 47 bills. If special mails for empty bags being returned by surface are not made up, the number and the weight of sacks of empty bags shall be entered in the appropriate column of the CN 37 bill. 3 The return shall be carried out between offices of exchange appointed for the purpose. The designated operators concerned may agree among themselves as to the procedure for the return. In long-distance services, they shall, as a general rule, appoint only one office responsible for receiving the empty bags returned to them. 4 The empty bags shall be rolled into suitable bundles. Where appropriate, the label blocks, labels of canvas, parchment or other stout material shall be placed inside the bags. 5 If there are not too many of them, the empty bags to be returned may be placed in the bags containing postal parcels. In all other cases, including when empty bags are being returned by air, they shall be placed in separate bags labelled with the name of the offices of exchange. These bags may be sealed by agreement between the designated operators concerned. The labels shall be endorsed "Sacs vides" (Empty bags). 6 If the check made by a designated operator establishes that bags belonging to it have not been returned to its service within a period longer than that required for their transmission (round trip), it shall be entitled to claim reimbursement of the value of the bags as provided for under 7. The designated operator in question may refuse this reimbursement only if it can prove the missing bags were returned. 7 Each designated operator shall fix, periodically and uniformly for each kind of bag used by its offices of exchange, a value in SDRs and communicate it to the designated operators concerned through the International Bureau. In case of reimbursement, the cost of replacing the bags shall be considered. 8 By prior agreement, a designated operator may use the bags belonging to the designated operator of destination for making up its own airmails. The bags of third parties may not be used. 9 Mails of empty bags shall be treated like letter-post mails which do not give rise to the payment of terminal dues but are subject to the payment of 30% of the transit charges applicable to letter-post mails. 10 A dispatching designated operator may indicate whether or not it would like to have the receptacles used for a particular dispatch returned. This indication shall be made on the parcel bill used for the dispatch. Chapter 8 Article RC 191 1 Member countries or designated operators shall monitor actual performance against the service targets fixed by them. Chapter 9 Article RC 192 1 Level of the inward land rates base rate 1.1 For the years 2010 to 2013, the level of inward land rates referred to in article 33.1 of the Convention is given below: 1.1.1 The base rate shall be a country-specific maximum inward land rate per parcel and per kilogramme. These rates shall be calculated by setting the rate at 71.4% of the rate set by an individual designated operator for the year 2004 plus any inflation adjustments requested under article RC 193. 1.1.2 However, if the new base inward land rate is less than 2.85 SDR per parcel and 0.28 SDR per kilogramme, subject to the cap set in 1.1.3, the inward land rate applicable to such a designated operator shall be the level of the global minimum inward land rate of 2.85 SDR per parcel and 0.28 SDR per kilogramme. 1.1.3 Where a particular designated operator applies the minimum inward land rate as determined under 1.1.2, the actual application shall be subject to a cap of the combined per-parcel and per-kilogramme remuneration of 4.25 SDR for a parcel of 5 kilogrammes. If 71.4% of the sum of the 2004 per-parcel and per-kilogramme remuneration is above 4.25 SDR, the minimum rate shall be formed by 71.4% of both the per-parcel and perkilogramme rate. If 71.4% of the sum of the 2004 per-parcel and per-kilogramme remuneration is below 4.25 SDR, the minimum rates shall be formed in accordance with 1.1.2. 1.1.4 For the purposes of determining inward land rates, the term "designated operator" shall be considered to refer to each country or territory which operates an independent parcelpost service. Where the parcel-post services of a country or territory are operated by the designated operator of another country or territory, in accordance with article 12 of the Convention, they shall be considered to be part of that designated operator, both for the purpose of determining the service features provided, and for calculating the inward land rates based on service features provided. 2 Bonus payments 2.1 Provided that a designated operator complies with the mandatory acceptance of liability for lost, rifled and damaged parcels according to article 21 of the Convention and complies with the mandatory use of the UPU standard S10d barcode according to article RC 162.1, it will be possible for that designated operator to increase the base rates referred to in 1 by providing between one and four of the clearly defined "service features" (described below) which, in turn, will enable it to qualify for bonus payments of up to 40% of its base rate. The possibility of qualifying for bonus payments shall be open to any designated operator, irrespective of whether it has been awarded a countryspecific or global base rate. 3 Definition of service features and bonus payments 3.1 Service feature 1: track and trace 3.1.1 If a designated operator provides track and trace information about inward parcels bearing a UPU standard S10d barcode and is technologically equipped to transmit data on all the mandatory tracking events and actively transmits such data in accordance with the associated data elements defined in article RC 163.1.1 to all partner designated operators, in line with the indicative performance targets for transmission times defined in RC 164, it shall be entitled to receive, in addition, a bonus of 10% of the base rates referred to in 1. 3.1.2 If a designated operator provides track and trace information about inward parcels bearing a UPU standard S10d barcode and is technologically equipped to transmit data for events EME and EMF, and actively transmits such data in line with the definition and associated data elements defined in article RC 163.1.2 and with the indicative performance targets for transmission times defined in RC 164, it shall be entitled to receive, in addition, a bonus of 5% of the base rates referred to in 1. 3.1.3 If a designated operator provides track and trace information about inward parcels bearing a UPU standard S10d barcode and is technologically equipped to transmit dispatch-level information using PREDES version 2 and RESDES version 1.1 messages, and actively transmits such data in line with the definition and associated data elements defined in article RC 163.2 and with the indicative performance targets for transmission times defined in RC 164, it shall be entitled to receive, in addition, a bonus of 5% of the base rates referred to in 1. 3.1.4 If a designated operator meets the target fixed in article RC 165.1.2, it shall be entitled to receive, in addition, a bonus of 5% of the base rates referred to in 1. 3.2 Service feature 2: home delivery 3.2.1 Except for voluntary P.O. Box customers, if a designated operator makes an initial attempt at physical delivery to the addressee's address and leaves a card at the addressee's address if the addressee or any other person at the address is absent and if a designated operator, for taxable and dutiable items, offers the addressee the option of paying the tax or duty and taking physical delivery of the item, it shall receive, in addition, a bonus of 5% of the base rates referred to in 1. 3.3 Service feature 3: delivery standards 3.3.1 In accordance with article 20.1 and 20.2 of the Convention, if a designated operator provides all the following information required for an entry in the Parcel Post Compendium, it shall be entitled to receive, in addition, a bonus of 5% of the base rates referred to in 1. Delivery standards for air and surface parcels, as defined by the matrix and headings in the Parcel Post Compendium. An indication of the average customs clearance time for air and surface parcels. 3.4 Service feature 4: use of the common Internet-based Inquiry System 3.4.1 A designated operator shall be entitled to receive, in addition, a bonus of 5% of the base rate referred to in paragraph 1 if the following cumulative conditions are fulfilled: it uses the UPU common Internet-based Inquiry System to handle all inquiries with designated operators using this common system according to article RC 145.8, and achieves the target fixed in article RC145.9. 4 The measurement of service features, provided that designated operators meet the minimum requirements in 2.1, shall be based on the performance of individual designated operators. In cases where recognized UPU reports do not provide the necessary information, the International Bureau will seek confirmation from the designated operators concerned to determine whether they meet the requirements of the service feature and are eligible for the relevant bonus. 4.1 Service feature 1: track and trace 4.1.1 If the designated operator transmits EMC, EMD, EMH and EMI events for inbound parcels to its partners, and transmission is in place and continuously operational, it shall receive a bonus of 10%. 4.1.2 If the designated operator transmits EMF events for items for which it provides an EME event (unless governmental and legally binding provisions prevent this), and transmission is in place and continuously operational, it shall receive a bonus of 5%. 4.1.3 If the designated operator transmits PREDES V2 messages to its partners, and transmits RESDES messages for the PREDES messages it receives, and transmission is in place and continuously operational, it shall receive a bonus of 5%. 4.1.4 If the designated operator transmits EMH and/or EMI events to its partners for 90% of inbound parcels for which an EMD event has been transmitted, it shall receive a bonus of 5%. 4.2 Service feature 2: home delivery 4.2.1 The International Bureau will seek information on whether or not a designated operator implements the provisions set out in the definition of service feature 2, as defined in 3.2.1. If a designated operator indicates that it does provide the service feature, then it shall, where eligible, receive a bonus of 5%. Notwithstanding the answer from the designated operator, the POC may determine that a designated operator is not eligible for the bonus based upon information provided in a report from the International Bureau for a decision on eligibility. If a designated operator fails to provide any information at all, it shall not qualify for the 5% bonus. If governmental or legally binding restrictions mean that a designated operator faces certain limitations in implementing service feature 2, it may be able to qualify for the 5% bonus if it publishes information on the nature of the limitation in an appropriate entry in the Parcel Post Compendium. The accuracy of entries provided by designated operators for the Parcel Post Compendium may be subject to review by the International Bureau in cases where doubts are raised by partner designated operators. In such cases, entitlement to the 5% bonus may also be reviewed. 4.3 Service feature 3: delivery standards 4.3.1 If a designated operator provides all the information set out in article 20.1 and 20.2 of the Convention and as described in the definition of service feature 3, including an indication of an average customs clearance time, and therefore has a complete entry in the Parcel Post Compendium, and in addition, provides an annual update or confirmation of this information inclusive of an indication or notation of customs clearance time, by 31 August of the year prior, it shall receive a bonus of 5%. A designated operator that does not have a complete entry in the Compendium shall not qualify for the bonus. 4.4 Service feature 4: use of the common Internet-based Inquiry System 4.4.1 If a designated operator uses the common Internet-based Inquiry System in accordance with RC 145.8 and achieves the target performance indicated in article RC 145.9, it shall receive a bonus of 5%. Article RC 193 1 Designated operators wishing to claim an inflation-linked increase in their base inward land rate will be asked to provide, by 31 August in the year prior to that date, documentary evidence based on the country's official overall consumer price index in support of such a claim to the International Bureau. In no case shall the inflation-linked increase be above 5% for each year over which the inflation rate is calculated. The designated operator shall provide the official source and name of the organization responsible for the published index and the period taken into consideration. If this deadline has not been observed, such modifications shall not come into force until 1 January of the following year. Increases in the base inward land rates due to inflation-linked adjustment may only come into force on 1 January. 2 Designated operators shall indicate to the International Bureau the service features they are to provide from 1 January and 1 July, by 31 August in the year prior to that date. If designated operators have not notified their existing offer or their intention to implement these service features in the annual questionnaire, such potential modifications shall not come into force before 1 January of the following year regardless of when the designated operator implements the service feature. 2.1 For increases in the inward land rates applicable from 1 January for service features provided, the relevant service features must have been in place and continuously operational since 1 July in the prior year and continuously thereafter. 2.2 For increases in the inward land rates applicable from 1 July for service features provided, the relevant service features must have been in place and continuously operational at the latest since 1 January of that year and continuously thereafter. 2.3 A designated operator requesting an increase in the inward land rates based on the introduction of new service features which fails to implement any announced service feature by the date indicated shall immediately inform the International Bureau. In such a case, the increase in inward land rates shall not apply. 2.4 The International Bureau shall monitor whether service features are in place and designated operators fulfil the requirements under this article before performing potential modifications. 3 Modifications to the bonus payment of the inward land rates based on the service features provided may be implemented twice a year, on 1 January and 1 July. The International Bureau shall notify applicable inward land rates to all designated operators by 30 September of the year prior to that in which they come into force, including any intended changes to inward land rates to apply from 1 July due to designated operators qualifying for additional bonus payments. The International Bureau shall confirm to all designated operators by 31 March any changes to ILRs that apply from 1 July. 4 At the initiative of designated operators, reductions in the inward land rates may come into force on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July or 1 October. They shall be notified to designated operators by the International Bureau without delay. Article RC 194 1 The rates applied to calculate the transit land rate in accordance with article 33.2 of the Convention are given below: 1.1 0.200 thousandths of an SDR per kilogramme and per kilometre up to 1,500 kilometres; 1.2 0.140 thousandths of an SDR per kilogramme and per supplementary kilometre up to 5,000 kilometres; 1.3 0.100 thousandths of an SDR per kilogramme and per supplementary kilometre; 1.4 the distance rate shall be calculated per 100-kilometre distance step, based on the mid-value in each step. 2 For parcels in transit à découvert, intermediate designated operators shall be authorized to claim a single rate of 0.40 SDR per item. Article RC 195 1 No transit land rate shall be payable for: 1.1 the transfer of airmails between two airports serving the same town; 1.2 the transport of such mails between an airport serving a town and a warehouse situated in the same town and the return of the same mails for reforwarding. 2 Each of the designated operators taking part in conveyance shall be authorized to collect for each parcel the transit land rates applicable to the relevant distance step. If there is no land route, only the single rate mentioned in article RC 194.2 shall apply. 3 Reforwarding, where applicable after warehousing, by the designated operators of an intermediate country of mails in transit à découvert entering and leaving by the same port or airport (transit not involving a land route) shall be subject to the single rate per parcel mentioned in article RC 194.2, but not to transit land rates. 4 When a foreign transport service crosses the territory of a country without the participation of the latter's services in accordance with article RC 161.3, parcels thus conveyed shall not be subject to the transit land rate. Article RC 196 1 The rates applied to calculate the sea rate in accordance with article 33.3 of the Convention are given below: 1.1 0.070 thousandths of an SDR per kilogramme and per nautical mile (1.852 km) up to 1,000 nautical miles; 1.2 0.040 thousandths of an SDR per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 2,000 nautical miles; 1.3 0.034 thousandths of an SDR per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 4,000 nautical miles; 1.4 0.022 thousandths of an SDR per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile up to 10,000 nautical miles; 1.5 0.015 thousandths of an SDR per kilogramme and per supplementary nautical mile; 1.6 the distance rate shall be calculated per 100-nautical-mile distance step, based on the mid-value in each step. Article RC 197 1 If necessary, the distance steps used to determine the amount of the sea rate applicable between two member countries shall be calculated on the basis of a weighted average distance. This shall be determined in terms of the tonnage of the mails carried between the respective ports of the two member countries. 2 Sea conveyance between two ports of the same member country may not give rise to the collection of the sea rate when the designated operator of that member country already receives, for the same parcels, payment in respect of land conveyance. 3 The sea rate for intermediate designated operators or services shall be applicable to air parcels only where the parcel is conveyed by an intermediate sea service. For this purpose every sea service provided by the designated operator of origin or destination shall be regarded as an intermediate service. 4 In the case of an increase, this shall also be applied to parcels originating in the member country to which the services providing sea conveyance belong. Nevertheless, this obligation shall not apply either in the relations between a member country and the territories for whose international relations it is responsible, or in the relations between these territories. 5 Article RC 193 shall apply in case of modification of the sea rate. Article RC 198 1 Reasons of force majeure or any other unforeseeable occurrence may oblige a designated operator to use, for the conveyance of its own parcels, a new dispatch route which causes additional sea or land conveyance costs. In such a case, it shall be required to inform immediately by telecommunications all the designated operators whose parcel mails or à découvert parcels are sent in transit through its country. From the fifth day following dispatch of this information, the intermediate designated operator shall be authorized to charge the designated operator of origin the land and sea rates corresponding to the new route. Article RC 199 1 For the purposes of remunerating designated operators of destination or transit, the gross weight of the mails shall include the weight of receptacles (trays, mailbags, etc) but shall not include that of shipping or airline containers. Designated operators of origin and destination may however agree bilaterally to use net weights, whatever the method of entry used for completing CP 87 or CP 88 parcel bills. Article RC 200 1 Allocation of rates to the designated operators concerned shall be made, in principle, in respect of each parcel. Article RC 201 1 In the case of exchange of closed mails, the designated operator of origin of the mail shall credit the designated operator of destination and each intermediate designated operator with its land and sea rates, including the exceptional rates authorized by the Convention or its Final Protocol thereto. 2 In the case of exchange in transit à découvert the designated operator of origin of the mail shall credit: 2.1 the designated operator of destination of the mail with the rates enumerated in 1 as well as rates due to the subsequent intermediate designated operators and to the designated operator of destination of the parcel; 2.2 the designated operator of destination of the mail with the amounts in respect of air conveyance dues to which it is entitled for reforwarding air parcels; 2.3 the intermediate designated operators preceding the designated operator of destination of the mail with the rates enumerated in 1. 3 Charges for handling closed transit mails shall be borne by the designated operator of origin of the mails. The rate applied shall be 0.195 SDR per kilogramme. 4 Transhipment at the same airport, in the course of transmission, of air parcels conveyed successively by several separate air services shall be performed without remuneration. Article RC 202 1 When rates, charges and fees have not been paid at the time of return to sender or redirection, the returning or redirecting designated operator shall proceed as indicated below. 2 In the case of exchange of direct mail the returning or redirecting designated operator shall recover from the designated operator to which the mail is addressed: 2.1 the rates due to it and to the intermediate designated operators; 2.2 the charges and fees due to it and which it has incurred. 3 The designated operator returning or redirecting the parcel in a closed mail shall credit the intermediate designated operators with the rates due to them. 4 In the case of transmission in transit à découvert, the intermediate designated operator shall be debited by the designated operator which returns or redirects the parcel with the amounts mentioned in 2. It shall credit itself by debiting the designated operator to which it hands over the parcel, with the sum due to it and with that due to the returning or redirecting designated operator. This procedure shall be repeated, if need be, by each intermediate designated operator. 5 The air conveyance dues for parcels returned to sender or redirected by air shall be recovered, where appropriate, from the designated operator of the countries where the request for return or redirection originated. 6 The allocation and the recovery of the rates, charges and fees in the case of the redirection of missent parcels shall be made in accordance with article RC 189.4. 7 Air conveyance dues for air parcel dispatches re-routed in the course of conveyance shall be settled in accordance with articles RC 203 and RC 205. Article RC 203 1 Air conveyance dues relating to air parcel mails shall be calculated according to, on the one hand, the actual basic rate and the kilometric distances given in the "List of Airmail Distances" and, on the other, the gross weight of the mails. The actual basic rate may be less than and at most equal to the rate mentioned in article 32.1 of the Convention. 2 The air conveyance dues payable to the intermediate designated operator for à découvert air parcels shall be fixed in principle as indicated in 1, but per half kilogramme for each country of destination. Nevertheless, when the territory of the country of destination of these parcels is served by one or more lines with several stops in that territory, dues shall be calculated on the basis of a weighted average rate. This shall be determined on the basis of the weight of the parcels offoaded at each stop. The dues to be paid shall be calculated for each individual parcel, the weight of each being rounded upwards to the next half-kilogramme. Article RC 204 1 The designated operator of origin shall be exempt from any payment in respect of the air conveyance of air parcels lost or destroyed as a result of an accident occurring to the aircraft or through any other cause involving the liability of the air carrier. This exemption shall apply for any part of the fight of the line used. Article RC 205 1 The designated operator of origin of a mail which has gone off its route in course of conveyance shall pay the conveyance dues for the mail relating to the sectors actually covered. 2 It shall settle the conveyance dues as far as the airport of offloading initially provided for on the CN 38 delivery bill when: 2.1 the actual forwarding route is not known; 2.2 the dues for the sectors actually covered have not yet been claimed; or 2.3 the diversion is attributable to the airline which effected the conveyance. 3 The supplementary dues relating to the sectors actually covered by the diverted mail shall be reimbursed as follows: 3.1 by the designated operator that committed the error in the case of misrouteing; 3.2 by the designated operator which has collected the conveyance dues paid to the airline when the latter has offloaded in a place other than that shown on the CN 38 delivery bill. 4 The provisions set out under 1 to 3 shall be applicable by analogy when part only of a mail is offloaded at an airport other than that indicated on the CN 38 delivery bill. 5 The designated operator of origin of a mail or bag missent owing to a labelling error shall pay the conveyance dues relating to the whole distance flown in accordance with article 32.3.1 of the Convention. Article RC 206 1 Air conveyance dues for the transport of empty bags shall be payable by the designated operator owning the bags. 2 The maximum rate applicable in respect of the air conveyance of dispatches of empty bags shall correspond to 30% of the basic rate set in accordance with the provisions of article 32.1 of the Convention. Chapter 10 Article RC 207 1 Each designated operator shall have its offices of exchange prepare immediately a CP 94 statement at the end of each month or quarter for all the items received from one and the same designated operator by dispatching office and per mail. 2 In the event of alteration of CP 88 or CP 87 parcel bills, the number and date of the CP 78 verification note prepared by the transferring office of exchange or the office of exchange to which the transfer is made shall be shown in the "Observations" column of the CP 94 statement. 3 The CP 94 statement shall be summarized in a CP 75 account. 4 Designated operators that were net creditors in the preceding year would have the option of receiving payment on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis. The option exercised shall remain in force for a period of one calendar year starting from 1 January. 5 Designated operators may use the direct billing system or the bilateral offsetting system. 6 Under the direct billing system, the CP 75 accounts would serve as bills for direct settlement. The CP 75 account, accompanied by the CP 94 statement, but without the parcel bills, shall be sent by the quickest route to the designated operator concerned for acceptance and payment on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis. This dispatch shall be made during the two months following the arrival of the last parcel bill of the period to which it related. 7 The debtor designated operator shall pay the amount billed within a period of two months. If the designated operator which has sent the account does not receive any notice of amendment within two months, the account shall be regarded as fully accepted. When any difference exceeding 9.80 SDR occurs, the CP 94 statement should be corrected and be attached with the amended CP 75 account as proof. Debtor designated operators may refuse to check and to accept CP 75 accounts which have not been submitted by the creditor designated operators within six months of the period to which they refer. 8 Under the bilateral offsetting system, the creditor designated operator shall preparē both the CP 75 and the CN 52 accounts and submit both simultaneously and by the quickest route to the debtor designated operator on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis. Nevertheless, as soon as the CP 75 accounts between two designated operators are accepted or regarded as fully accepted, they may be summarized in a CN 52 general account prepared at one of the above-mentioned frequencies. 9 The debtor designated operator shall accept or amend the CP 75 and CN 52 accounts and submit payment to the creditor designated operator within two months. If the designated operator which has sent the accounts does not receive any notice of amendment within two months, the accounts shall be regarded as fully accepted. 10 When any difference exceeding 9.80 SDR is noted by the debtor designated operator, the CP 94 statements shall be corrected and be attached with the amended CP 75 account as proof. 11 When the balance of a CP 75 or CN 52 account does not exceed 163.35 SDR, it shall be carried into the next CP 75 or CN 52 account when the designated operators concerned participate in the clearing system of the International Bureau. Article RC 208 1 Settlements of international accounts arising from postal traffic between designated operators may be regarded as current transactions and effected in accordance with the current international obligations of the member countries concerned, when there are agreements to this effect. In the absence of such agreements, accounts shall be settled in accordance with the following provisions. 2 Each designated operator shall draw up its accounts and refer them in duplicate to the others concerned. One accepted copy, if necessary amended or accompanied by a statement of discrepancies, shall be returned to the creditor designated operator. This account shall serve as a basis for the preparation, as necessary, of the final liquidation account between the two designated operators. 3 Designated operators may settle their accounts either bilaterally, or through the multilateral clearing system of the International Bureau, or by any other system of settling accounts. Participation in the multilateral clearing system of the International Bureau shall be open only to designated operators that have signed the membership agreement pertaining to the system. 4 The creditor designated operator shall choose the method of settling the accounts after consulting the debtor designated operator. If there is disagreement, the choice of the creditor designated operator shall prevail in all cases. In the case of settlement through the multilateral clearing system of the International Bureau both the creditor and debtor should be signatories to the relevant membership agreement and mutually agree to include the relevant account in the system. 5 The balance of each CP 75 account prepared by the creditor designated operator shall be paid to it by the debtor designated operator in accordance with the provisions of articles RC 209 to 212. 6 In the case of bilateral offsetting and of billing based on the imbalance: 6.1 the preparation and dispatch of a general account may be carried out, without waiting for a possible amendment of the CP 75 account, as soon as a designated operator which has all the accounts relative to the period concerned finds that it is the creditor. The check of the CN 52 account by the debtor designated operator and payment of the balance shall be carried out within a period of two months after receipt of the general account; the debtor designated operator shall not be obliged to accept accounts which are not transmitted to it within six months of the end of the year to which they refer; 6.2 any designated operator which has consistently owing to it every month by another designated operator a sum greater than 9,800.72 SDR shall be entitled to claim a monthly payment on account of up to three quarters of the amount of the debt; its request shall be met within a period of two months. Article RC 209 1 The settlement of accounts through the clearing system of the International Bureau shall be effected through the following provisions: 1.1 Participation in the clearing system of the International Bureau is open to designated operators or their services that have signed the membership agreement obligating them to abide by the terms of a system charter. 1.2 The International Bureau shall publish by means of a circular an updated list of participants at appropriate intervals. 1.3 A creditor designated operator intending to settle an account through the International Bureau shall send a copy of the account concerned to the debtor with the indication "Proposé pour inclusion dans UPU*Clearing". If the debtor has no modifcations to propose, the account shall be sent to the International Bureau and to the creditor designated operator with the remark "Accepté pour inclusion dans UPU*Clearing". In case the debtor has any modification to propose the account shall be sent back to the creditor designated operator, who shall, if the modification proposed is accepted, forward the account to the International Bureau. Accounts shall be forwarded to the International Bureau only when there is complete agreement by both debtor and creditor. 1.4 Payment shall be made in accordance with conditions laid down in the system charter. 1.5 In the case of non-compliance or faulty performance of obligations indicated in the system charter by a participant, the International Bureau shall take appropriate measures and inform all participants of the measures taken. Article RC 210 1 Debts payable as a result of settlement of accounts through the International Bureau clearing system by any designated operator which are overdue may be adjusted against credits due to the debtor designated operator from any other designated operator. Before undertaking such a step, the International Bureau shall consult the creditor designated operator concerned and send a reminder to the defaulting debtor. If no payment is made within a period of one month from the date of this reminder, the International Bureau is competent to unilaterally make the necessary accounting adjustments after informing all the parties concerned. The consent of the defaulting debtor is not necessary. 2 When making these accounting adjustments, the International Bureau will only offset accounts that have been accepted by both the defaulting debtor and the designated operator owing money to the defaulting debtor. 3 The defaulting debtor will have no claim against the designated operator owing money to it for any credits attributed by the International Bureau to the creditor in accordance with the procedure described in paragraph 1. Article RC 211 1 The rules for payment set out below shall apply to all debts arising out of a postal transaction and expressed in SDRs. These debts may result from general accounts or statements drawn up by the International Bureau or from liquidation accounts or statements not drawn up by the Bureau. The said rules shall also relate to the settlement of discrepancies, of interest or, where applicable, of payments on account. 2 Any designated operator may discharge its liabilities by payments on account, from which its debts shall be deducted when these have been established. 3 Provided the periods for payment are observed, any designated operator may settle postal debts expressed in SDRs by offsetting credits or debits in its relations with another designated operator. The offsetting may be extended by mutual agreement to debts arising from telecommunications services when both designated operators operate postal and telecommunications services. Offsetting may not be effected with debts in respect of transactions contracted out to an organization or company under the control of a designated operator if that designated operator objects. 4 The inclusion of an airmail account in a general account containing different debts shall not result in delaying the payment of the air conveyance dues owed to the airline concerned. Article RC 212 1 Debts shall be paid in the currency selected by the creditor designated operator after consultation with the debtor designated operator. If there is disagreement, the choice of the creditor designated operator shall prevail in all cases.If the creditor designated operator does not specify a currency, the choice shall rest with the debtor designated operator. 2 The amount of the payment, as determined in the selected currency, shall be equivalent in value to the balance of the account expressed in SDRs. 3 Subject to the provisions set out under 4, the amount to be paid in the selected currency shall be determined by converting the SDR into currencies of payment in accordance with the following provisions: 3.1 In the case of currencies for which the SDR exchange rate is published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the exchange rate in force on the day prior to payment or the most recent rate published shall be used. 3.2 In the case of other currencies of payment, as a first stage, the amount in SDRs shall be converted into an intermediate currency for which the value is published daily by the IMF in terms of the SDR, using the most recent exchange rate published. As a second stage, the result thus obtained shall be converted into the currency of payment, applying the latest rate of exchange quoted on the exchange market of the debtor member country. 4 If, by mutual agreement, the creditor designated operator and the debtor designated operator have chosen the currency of a country which is not a member of the IMF and whose laws do not permit the application of the provisions set out under 3, the designated operators concerned shall agree on the relationship between the SDR and the value of the selected currency. 5 For the purpose of determining the equivalent of a currency, the rate referred to shall be the closing rate for currency which can be used in the majority of merchandise trade transactions on the offcial foreign exchange market. 6 The debtor designated operator shall pay, on the date of payment, the amount of the selected currency by postal giro or any other means acceptable to both designated operators. 7 Creditor designated operators shall publish, by means of a circular issued by the International Bureau, any changes to addresses to which cheques or wire transfers are to be sent. 8 The payment charges (fees, clearing charges, deposits, commission, etc) collected in the debtor country shall be borne by the debtor designated operator. The charges collected in the creditor country, including payment charges collected by banks in intermediate countries, shall be borne by the creditor designated operator. When the postal giro transfer system, with exemption from charges, is used, exemption shall also be granted by the office of exchange in the third country or countries acting as intermediary between the debtor designated operator and the creditor designated operator when there are no direct exchanges between these. 9 If, between the dispatch of the transfer order or the remittance by other means and its receipt by the creditor designated operator, a variation occurs in the equivalent value of the selected currency calculated as described under 3, 4 or 5, and if the difference resulting from such variation exceeds 5% of the amount due (as calculated following such variation), the total difference shall be shared equally between the two designated operators. 10 Payment shall be made as quickly as possible and at the latest within six weeks from the date of acceptance or of notification of official acceptance for liquidation accounts and accounts indicating the amounts or balances to be settled. After that period the amounts due shall be chargeable with interest at the rate of 6% per annum reckoned from the day following the day of expiry of the said period. By payment is meant the dispatch of funds or of the instrument of payment (cheque, draft, etc) or the signing of the order for transfer or deposit by the organization responsible for the transfer in the debtor member country. 11 When payment is made, the document of transfer (cheque, draft, etc), shall be accompanied by particulars of the title, period and amount in SDRs, conversion rate used and applicable date of such rate for each amount included in the total sum remitted. If it is not possible for details to accompany the transfer or remittance, an explanatory letter shall be provided by electronic means or else by mail and by the fastest route (air or surface) on the day that the payment is made. The detailed explanation shall be in French or in a language understood in the designated operator to which payment is made. Chapter 11 Article RC 213 1 Designated operators shall communicate to the International Bureau, on the forms sent by the latter, the necessary information concerning the operation of the postal parcels service. This information shall cover the decisions taken on the optional application of certain general provisions of the Convention and of its Regulations. 2 Each designated operator shall notify the other designated operators, through the intermediary of the International Bureau, of: 2.1 the inward rates and, where appropriate, the transit land rates and sea rates which it collects; 2.2 relevant information concerning the optional services, conditions of acceptance, limits of weights, limits of sizes and other special features. 3 Any amendment to the information mentioned in 1 and 2 shall be notified without delay by the same means. Article RC 214 1 The International Bureau shall publish, on the basis of information supplied by the member countries and/or designated operators an official compendium of information of general interest relating to the implementation of the Convention and its Regulations in each member country. It shall also publish similar compendia relating to the implementation of the Postal Payment Services Agreement and its Regulations, on the basis of the information supplied by the member countries and/or designated operators concerned in accordance with the relative provisions in the Regulations of that Agreement. 2 It shall also publish, from information supplied by designated operators and, if appropriate, by the Restricted Unions as regards 2.1, or the United Nations as regards 2.5: 2.1 a list of addresses, heads and senior officials of member countries and designated operators and Restricted Unions; 2.2 an international list of post offices; 2.3 a compendium of transit information comprising: 2.3.1 a list of kilometric distances relating to land sectors of mails in transit; 2.3.2 a list of transit services provided for surface mail (including S.A.L. mail); 2.4 a list of equivalents; 2.5 a list of prohibited articles which shall also include narcotics prohibited under the multilateral treaties on narcotics and the definitions of dangerous goods prohibited from conveyance by post drawn up by the International Civil Aviation Organization; 2.6 a compendium of designated operators' internal charges; 2.7 statistical data relating to the postal services (internal and international); 2.8 studies, opinions, reports and other statements relating to the postal service; 2.9 the following three catalogues: 2.9.1 International Bureau library catalogue (listing the works acquired by the library); 2.9.2 International Bureau periodicals catalogue (listing the periodicals received at the International Bureau); 2.9.3 International Bureau film library catalogue (listing the films available for loan by the International Bureau to member countries and designated operators); 2.10 a catalogue of postal equipment; 2.11 a liste générale des services aéropostaux (known as "Liste CN 68") (General List of Airmail Services or CN 68 List), which shall be updated annually. Designated operators shall communicate updates to the International Bureau by 1 October of a given year, and the International Bureau shall publish the updated CN 68 before the end of that year. Changes shall come into effect on 1 January of the following year; 2.12 a liste des distances aéropostales (List of Airmail Distances) drawn up in collaboration with the air carriers. 3 It shall also publish: 3.1 the Manuals of the Convention and of the Postal Payment Services Agreement; 3.2 the other Acts of the UPU annotated by the International Bureau; 3.3 the Multilingual Vocabulary of the International Postal Service. 4 Amendments to the various publications listed under 1 to 3 shall be notified by circular, bulletin, supplement or other appropriate means. However, any amendments to the publications listed under 2.11 and 2.12 and the date on which the amendments take effect shall be notified to member countries and designated operators by the quickest means (air or surface), with the minimum of delay and in the most appropriate form. 5 The publications published by the International Bureau shall be distributed to designated operators in accordance with the following rules. 5.1 All publications, excepting the one specified under 5.2, shall be distributed in three copies, one of which shall be in the official language. The other two shall be supplied either in the official language or in the language requested in accordance with article 110 of the General Regulations. 5.2 The periodical Union Postale shall be distributed in proportion to the number of contribution units assigned to each member country and designated operator under article 130 of the General Regulations. 5.3 Over and above the number of copies distributed free of charge by virtue of the rules set out under 5.1, member countries and designated operators may purchase International Bureau publications at cost price. 6 Publications published by the International Bureau shall also be sent to the Restricted Unions. Article RC 215 1 For telegraphic communications exchanged between one another, designated operators shall use the following telegraphic addresses: 1.1 "Postgen" for telegrams intended for central administrations; 1.2 "Postbur" for telegrams intended for post offices; 1.3 "Postex" for telegrams intended for offices of exchange. 2 These telegraphic addresses shall be followed by the indication of the place of destination and, where appropriate, any other details considered necessary. 3 The telegraphic address of the International Bureau shall be "UPU Berne". 4 The telegraphic addresses indicated under 1 and 3, completed as necessary by the indication of the dispatching office, shall also serve as the signature to telegraphic communications. Article RC 216 1 Documents of the international service shall be kept for a minimum period of 18 months from the day following the date to which they refer. However, if the documents are reproduced on microfilm, microfiche or similar medium, they may be destroyed as soon as it is established that the reproduction is satisfactory. 2 Documents concerning a dispute or inquiry shall be kept until the matter has been settled. If the initiating designated operator, being duly informed of the result of the inquiry, allows six months to pass from the date of the communication without raising any objections, the matter shall be regarded as closed. Article RC 217 1 The forms shall conform to the annexed specimens. 2 The texts, colours and dimensions of forms as well as other characteristics such as the position reserved for entering the barcode shall be those prescribed in these Regulations. Wherever an office of exchange needs to be specified on a postal form, the rules as set out in article RC 161.16 shall apply. 3 Forms for the use of the public shall bear an interlinear translation in French when they are not printed in that language. 4 Forms for the use of designated operators in their relations with one another shall be drawn up in French with or without interlinear translation, unless the designated operators concerned arrange otherwise by direct agreement. 5 Forms as well as any copies thereof shall be completed in such a way that the entries are fully legible. The original form shall be sent to the appropriate designated operator or to the party most concerned. 6 The following forms shall be considered as forms for the use of the public: CN 07 (Advice of receipt/of delivery/of payment/of entry); CN 08 (Inquiry); CN 11 (Franking note); CN 17 (Request for withdrawal from the post, alteration or correction of address, cancellation or alteration of the COD amount); CN 23 (Customs declaration); CN 29 (COD label); CN 29ter (International COD coupon); CN 30 (R label combined with the name of office of origin, the number of the item and the triangle with word "Remboursement" (Cash-on-delivery); CP 71 (Dispatch note); CP 72 (manifold set) (Dispatch note/Customs declaration); CP 95 ("COD" label). Article RC 218 1 The execution of some Regulations may involve the application of certain standards. Member countries and designated operators should refer to the relevant UPU standards publications, which contain the standards approved by the UPU. 2 Except where the application of a UPU standard is explicitly required by a reference to it in the Regulations, the application of UPU standards shall be voluntary. Nevertheless, member countries and designated operators are advised to adhere to the standards that are relevant to their domestic and international operations in order to enhance processing efficiency and the interoperability of their systems and processes with other member countries and designated operators. 3 A UPU standard should be adopted in its entirety. Member countries and designated operators shall ensure that their use of a UPU standard is fully compliant with the requirements specified therein. They may deviate from recommendations only to the extent permitted by the standard concerned. Chapter 12 Article RC 219 1 These Regulations shall come into force on the day on which the Convention comes into operation. 2 They shall have the same duration as that Convention, unless otherwise decided by the Postal Operations Council. Done at Berne, 11 November 2008.
Final Protocol to the Parcel Post RegulationsAt the moment of proceeding to approval of the Parcel Post Regulations, the Postal Operations Council has agreed the following: Article RC I 1 Australia, Latvia and Norway reserve the right to provide the postal parcels service either as laid down in the Convention or, in the case of outward parcels and after bilateral agreement, by any other means which is more favourable to their customers. Article RC II 1 Notwithstanding article RC 114, Canada shall be authorized to limit to 30 kilogrammes the maximum weight of inward and outward parcels. Article RC III 1 Notwithstanding article RC, the designated operators of Australia, Canada and New Zealand are authorized not to obtain a signature of acceptance or some other form of evidence of receipt from the recipient when delivering or handing over an insured parcel without a barcode that meets all applicable UPU standards. 2 Notwithstanding article RC 116.2, the designated operators of Australia, Canada and New Zealand are authorized not to obtain a signature of acceptance or some other form of evidence of receipt from the recipient when delivering or handing over an ordinary parcel without a barcode that meets all applicable UPU standards. Article RC IV
The restriction cannot be circumvented by partial insurance of the value exceeding 1,000 SDR. There are no new restrictions on the nature of the contents of insured items. Items with a value exceeding these limits will be returned to origin
These limits cannot be circumvented by taking out partial insurance on the amount exceeding 4,000 SDR Article RC
V 1 Australia, Azerbaijan, Canada, Dem. People's Rep. of Korea, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, New Zealand, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Viet Nam reserve the right to provide information about the seizure of a postal parcel or part of its contents only within the limits of the information provided by the customs authorities and in accordance with their internal legislation. 2 The United States of America reserves the right to treat as wrongly accepted, and to deal with according to its domestic legislation and customs practice, any parcel containing controlled substances, as defined in section 1308 of Title 21 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Article RC
VI 1 Notwithstanding article RC 138, the designated operator of Canada is not obligated to prepare a CP 78 verification note regarding parcels automatically retained in its service. Article RC
VII 1 The United States of America, when acting as an intermediate designated operator, shall be authorized not to indemnify other designated operators which erroneously send transit à découvert insured or ordinary parcels in violation of the requirement that only closed transit items are accepted. The United States of America reserves the right not to accept CN 08 inquiries from the designated operator of origin about insured or ordinary parcels sent as transit à découvert items and declines to accept liability for these types of prohibited items. Article RC
VIII 1 Notwithstanding the provisions of article RC 149.2.4, Canada and the United States, in all cases of a parcel allegedly returned to the sender without the reason for return being given, reserve the right to process a CN 08 inquiry only if the original wrapping and or mailing container is attached for examination. Article RC
IX 1 Notwithstanding article RC 168.11, Bahamas, Barbados and Canada shall be authorized to limit to 30 kilogrammes the maximum weight of inward and of outward bags and other receptacles containing parcels. Article RC
X 1 Having regard to provision RC 173.1, the designated operators of France, Greece, Italy, Senegal, Thailand and the United States of America will forward closed mails only on the conditions laid down in article RC 173.4. Article RC
XI 1 The United States of America shall be authorized to establish average land and sea rates per kilogramme based on the weight distribution of parcels received from all designated operators. Article RC
XII 1 For the time being, the countries listed in the table below shall be authorized to collect the exceptional transit land rates indicated therein, in addition to the transit rates mentioned in article RC 194.1.
2 Denmark and Finland reserve the right to increase by 50% the transit land rates provided for in article RC 194. Article RC
XIII 1 The following countries reserve the right to increase by 50% at the most the sea rates provided for in article RC192: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain (Kingdom), Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Rep.), Cyprus, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Overseas Dependent Territories of the United Kingdom, Greece, Grenada, Guyana, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Kiribati, Madagascar, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Qatar, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sweden, Tanzania (United Rep.), Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Vanuatu, Yemen and Zambia. Article RC
XIV 1 Every parcel sent by surface or air addressed to the French Overseas Departments, the French Overseas Territories and the Communities of Mayotte and Saint Pierre and Miquelon shall be subject to an inward land rate not exceeding the corresponding rate for France. When such a parcel transits metropolitan France it shall, in addition, give rise to the collection of the following supplementary rates and dues: 1.1 "surface" parcels 1.1.1 the French transit land rate 1.1.2 the French sea rate corresponding to the distance step between metropolitan France and each of the Departments, Territories and Communities in question; 1.2 air parcels 1.2.1 the French transit land rate for parcels in transit découvert; 1.2.2 the air conveyance dues corresponding to the airmail distance between metropolitan France and each of the Departments, Territories and Communities in question. 2 Egypt and Sudan shall be authorized to collect a supplementary rate of 1 SDR over and above the transit land rates laid down in article RC 194 for each parcel in transit via Lake Nasser between El Shallal (Egypt) and Wadi Halfa (Sudan). 3 Every parcel sent in transit between Denmark and the Faröe Islands or between Denmark and Greenland shall give rise to the collection of the following supplementary rates: 3.1 "surface" parcels 3.1.1 the single rate per item laid down for parcels in transit découvert in article RC 194.2; 3.1.2 the Danish transit land rate; 3.1.3 the Danish sea rate corresponding to the distance step between Denmark and the Faröe Islands or between Denmark and Greenland, respectively; 3.2 air parcels and S.A.L. parcels 3.2.1 the single rate per item laid down for parcels in transit découvert in article RC 194.2; 3.2.2 the charges for handling transit airmails; 3.2.3 the air conveyance dues corresponding to the airmail distance between Denmark and the Faröe Islands or between Denmark and Greenland, respectively. 4 Chile shall be authorized to collect a supplementary rate of 2.61 SDR per kilogramme at most for the conveyance of parcels to Easter Island. 5 Every parcel sent by surface or by air, in transit between metropolitan Portugal and the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores, shall give rise to the collection of the following supplementary rates: 5.1 "surface" parcels 5.1.1 the Portuguese transit land rate; 5.1.2 the Portuguese sea rate corresponding to the distance step between metropolitan Portugal and each of the autonomous regions in question; 5.2 air parcels 5.2.1 the Portuguese transit land rate; 5.2.2 the air conveyance dues corresponding to the airmail distance between metropolitan Portugal and each of the autonomous regions in question. 6 Every parcel addressed to the Åland Islands shall in addition to the inward land rate for Finland be subject to the following supplementary rates: 6.1 surface parcels 6.1.1 the single rate per parcel laid down for parcels découvert in article RC 194; 6.1.2 the Finnish transit land rate; 6.1.3 the Finnish sea rate corresponding to the appropriate distance step to the Åland Islands from the office of exchange in Finland; 6.2 air parcels 6.2.1 the single rate per parcel laid down in article RC 194; 6.2.2 the air conveyance dues corresponding to the appropriate distance step to the Åland Islands from the Office of Exchange in Finland. 7 In addition to the increase allowed for in article 33.3.2 of the Convention, Thailand shall be authorized to collect a supplementary sea rate of 0.28 SDR per kilogramme and per distance step. Article RC
XV 1 Notwithstanding article RC 207, accounts submitted to the designated operators of Canada, the People's Republic of China and the United States of America shall not be considered accepted, nor shall payment be due, until two months after those accounts are received, unless the accounts are received within seven days of the date they are dispatched by the creditor designated operator. 2 Notwithstanding article RC 207, accounts submitted to the designated operator of Saudi Arabia shall be regarded as accepted if the creditor designated operator does not receive any notice of amendment within three months. Similarly, the designated operator of Saudi Arabia shall not be obliged to send its payments to the creditor designated operator in accordance with paragraph 7 within a period of two months but within a period of three months. Article RC
XVI 1 Debts payable as a result of the settlement of accounts through the International Bureau clearing system in effect before 1 January 2001 by any country which are overdue after the deadline for settlement of the final clearing system statements from the last quarter of 2000 may be adjusted against credits due to the debtor from any other country. Before undertaking such a step, the International Bureau shall consult the creditor concerned and send a reminder to the defaulting debtor. If no payment is made within a period of one month from the date of this reminder, the International Bureau is competent to unilaterally make the necessary accounting adjustments after informing all the parties concerned. 2 When making these accounting adjustments, the International Bureau will only offset accounts that have been accepted by both the defaulting debtor and the country owing money to the defaulting debtor. 3 The defaulting debtor will have no claim against the country owing money to it for any credits attributed by the International Bureau to the creditor in accordance with the procedure described in paragraph 1. Article RC
XVII 1 Notwithstanding article RC 217.2 the designated operators of Brazil, Germany, Hungary (Rep.), Luxembourg and the United States of America may modify the dimensions and format of the CN 07 form. Done at Berne, 11 November 2008.
Tiesību akta pase
Statuss: Spēkā esošs Starpt. org.: Veids: starptautisks dokuments daudzpusējs Pieņemts: 11.11.2008. Stājas spēkā: 01.01.2010. Pieņemšanas vieta: BerneRatificēja: Saeima Atruna: Nav Deklarācija: Nav Depozitārijs: Pasaules Pasta savienības Starptautiskais birojsPublicēts: "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 187, 29.11.2011.Dokumenta valoda: Saistītie dokumenti