European Endowment for democracy
Article 1
personality and seat
1. The Foundation shall bear the name "European Endowment for
Democracy/ Fonds Européen pour la Démocratie", hereafter referred
to as the Endowment.
2. The Endowment shall have its seat in Brussels and its
address at..…
3. The Endowment is autonomous from the European Union and it
shall be governed solely by these Statutes, by the decisions
taken by its statutory organs and by the Belgian law of 27 June
1921 as amended by the law of May 2nd, 2002
("Loi sur les
associations sans but lucratif, les associations internationales
sans but lucratif et les fondations") .
Article 2
scope and beneficiaries of the Endowment
1. The objective of the Endowment will be to foster and
encourage democratization and deep and sustainable democracy in
countries in political transition and in societies struggling for
democratisation, with initial, although not exclusive focus, on
the European Neighbourhood. The Endowment may implement and
finance activities outside the European Neighbourhood upon a
decision of the Board of Governors. Locally driven processes and
initiatives should be supported, as long as such initiatives are
supported in line with the rights-perspective, i.e. are
compatible with international human rights standards.
2. The direct beneficiaries of the Endowment's activities may
include: pro-democratic movements and other pro-democratic actors
in favour of a pluralistic multiparty system on democratic
ground; social movements and actors; civil society organisations;
emerging leaders, independent media and journalists (including
bloggers, social media activists, etc), non-governmental
institutions, including foundations and educational institutions
functioning also in exile; provided that all the beneficiaries
adhere to core democratic values, respect international human
rights standards and subscribe to principles of non-violence.
3. All the activities of the Endowment shall be carried out on
a non-for-profit basis and they shall be implemented in a spirit
of transparency, pluralism and in a non-partisan manner.
4. In order to meet the Endowment's objectives and to achieve
tangible results of its work, all Member States, in a spirit of
solidarity and commitment, will consider providing sufficient
funding to the Endowment's budget, and/or in kind support and/or
any other general support subject to each Member State individual
Article 3
Type of
1. The Endowment activities may include:
a) financial support to the activities of civil society
organisations and institutions, such as political foundations and
networks of foundations, whose objective are in line with Article
2 and which can qualify as implementing partners;
b) direct financial support to beneficiaries, including:
project activities, material support, operating costs, visiting
fellowships (including through a European invitation programme
for young people who have shown interest and commitment in
c) a limited number of own activities such as the organisation
of seminars, studies, conferences, publications, networking
events, training, facilitating of networking between local and/or
regional beneficiaries or other; for the implementation of which,
the Endowment's analytical capability will take into account the
existing body of knowledge from think tanks, academic
institutions, international organisations, experts and any other
relevant stakeholder.
2. The Endowment shall deliver its activities in the most
flexible and effective manner reflecting the situation, the
operating environment and the needs of its beneficiaries.
3. For the delivery of its activities, the Endowment shall
take all efforts to avoid duplication and ensure coherence,
synergy, complementarity and added-value with the activities
carried out under EU financing instruments, in particular the
European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, the
Instrument for Stability, the European Neighbourhood Partnership
Instrument, the Development Cooperation Instrument including the
Non-State Actors and Local Authorities thematic programme, as
well as with Member States bilateral instruments. Cooperation
with relevant international civil society and inter-governmental
organisations and network will be explored.
4. Evaluation of the Endowment and its activities by an
independent third party shall be ensured on an annual basis.
5. The Endowment shall engage into regular consultations with
relevant EU institutions and other actors, i.a. civil society
organisations, political foundations, potential beneficiaries,
international organizations, as appropriate in order to ensure
coherence, synergy, complementarity and added-value of its
activities at all times.
6. The Endowment shall also take into account the activities
carried out by other international organizations, such as the
Council of Europe, the OSCE, International IDEA and the United
Article 4
Organisation of
the Endowment
1. The Endowment shall have a Board of Governors and an
Executive Committee.
2. The organs of the Endowment will be organised in the most
cost-effective manner so as to ensure a low level of
administrative expense for the Endowment.
Article 5
The Board of
Governors ("Conseil d'Administration")
1. The Board of Governors shall be composed of:
1) a representative from each Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Member States of the European Union
2) a member designated by the European Commission
3) a representative of the High Representative for the Union
for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
4) up to 9 representatives of the European Parliament
5) up to 3 persons selected from among persons with major
experience in the field of democracy support and/or democratic
transition, in particular reflecting the geographical focus of
the Endowment's work.
2. The Chairperson of the Board shall be elected from amongst
its members on a rotating basis for a mandate of three years with
a possibility for renewal once.
3. The Board shall meet at least twice a year and whenever
needed and shall be convened by its chairperson or upon a motion
by at least one third of its members. The first meeting of the
Board upon the establishment of the Endowment shall be convened
by the representative of the High Representative until the Chair
of the Board is elected.
4. The Board of Governors shall take decisions by two thirds
majority vote of its members. Each member of the Board of
Governors has one vote. For the change of statutes, decisions
will be taken by unanimity. The Board shall keep a record of
decisions. Absent members of the Board will be informed of all
decisions taken. However, any member of the Board unable to
attend or to vote may delegate, in writing, another member of the
Board to represent him at a meeting of the Board of Governors and
vote on his behalf. One member of the Board may receive
delegations from only up to two absent members of the Board.
5. The designation, appointment and removal of the members of
the Board of Directors will be governed by the following
a) The representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs,
of the High Representative and of the European Parliament will be
members of the Board on the basis of their public tenure. They
shall remain in their position unless they are removed by the
authority that designated them. The Ministries of Foreign
Affairs, the High Representative and the European Parliament will
inform the Chair of the Board of Governors in writing about any
change in the designation of their representatives.
b) the member of the Board appointed by the European
Commission will be appointed in his/her personal capacity and
will remain as member as long as he/she is not replaced or
removed by the European Commission.
c) the designation of the members of the Board described in
paragraph 1 point 5 shall be based on a proposal by one or
several members, referred to in paragraphs a) and b), from among
persons having major experience in the field of democracy support
and/or democratic transition, in particular reflecting the
geographical focus of the Endowment's work. Competence and
merit, together with gender and geographical balance shall be
taken into account. Each of these Board members shall be
appointed for a three year's renewable mandate by a
2/3rd majority decision by the Board members referred
to in paragraphs a) and b) . The functions of these Board members
will come to an end in the event of death, resignation, civil
incapacity, being placed under provisional administration or
dismissal. The dismissal will require a decision of the Board
adopted by a majority of two thirds of its members; the member
concerned not taking part in the vote.
6. The functioning of the Board will aim at a paperless
environment where possible. Use of videoconferencing for meetings
will be possible at any time. In case of need, urgency or for
expediency reasons, the Board may decide that decisions are taken
by written procedure. In this case all members of the Board must
agree to this procedure. Written communications by means of
telecommunications are possible.
7. No remuneration or financial compensation shall be paid by
the Endowment to the members of the Board of Governors.
Article 6
Functions of the
Board of Governors
1. The Board of Governors has the over-all responsibility for
the Endowment's operations, finances and shall exercise oversight
of the Executive Committee. In particular, the Board shall have
the following duties:
a) Appointing and dismissing the Executive Director and
designating the members of the Executive Committee and
establishing general rules on the functioning of the Executive
b) Approving and amending the procedural rules for the
Endowment's funds and the rules for the monitoring and auditing
of the Endowment's activities and finances as proposed by the
Executive Committee;
c) Establishing general guidelines for the Endowment's work
and its operational priorities, including the thematic and
geographic priorities for the allocation of Endowment funds;
d) Approving workplans, Result-Based Management Systems and
financing plans on the basis of draft proposals from the
Executive Committee;
e) Approving the annual budget and the financial statements
submitted by the Executive Committee.
2. In the exercise of its supervisory powers, the Board shall
take all efforts so that the activities of the Endowment avoid
duplication and ensure coherence, synergy, complementarity and
added value regarding to the financing instruments of the
European Union and its Member States.
Article 7
The Executive
1. The Executive Committee shall exercise the executive powers
related to the functioning of the European Endowment for
Democracy including the power to take decisions to commit the
Endowment funds. The powers of the Executive Committee shall be
exercised in conformity with the general guidelines, orientations
and procedures established by the Board of Governors. The
Executive Committee shall inform the Board of Governors on its
activity on a regular basis, and in particular prior to any
meeting of the Board of Governors.
2. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following
7 persons:
1) One Board member designated by the European Parliament;
2) Two Board members designated by all the Member States;
3) the three Board members selected among persons with major
experience in the field of democracy support and/or democratic
4) The Executive Director.
3. The Board of Governors will establish the procedure for the
selection of the Chair who shall be a Board member.
4. Executive Committee members shall have a three years'
mandate with the possibility of renewal by the Board of Governors
with the exception of the Executive Director whose mandate will
expire according to his employment contract.
5. The regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be
convened by the Executive Committee's Chair or by Executive
Director, in agreement with the Committee's Chair, at least once
every two months. The Committee's Chair or the Executive
Director, in agreement with the Chair, shall also have the
authority to convene Executive Committee meetings on short
notice, when required, and to use all technical means to ensure
swift decisions, such as video conferences, conference calls or
written telecommunications.
6. The Executive Committee shall prepare all relevant reports,
workplans, financing plans, budget as required by the Board of
Governors. The Executive Committee shall submit an annual report
on its activity to the Board of Governors.
7. At least once a year, the Executive Committee shall conduct
a consultation process with EU institutions, civil society,
political foundations and others as appropriate, following the
guidelines adopted by the Board of Governors.
8. With the exception of the Executive Director who shall have
an employment contract, the members of the Executive Committee
shall only be paid reimbursement of costs related to the
participation in the Committee meetings as well as
"indemnité"1 approved by the Board of
1 Terme à utiliser en français
Article 8
The Executive
1. The Executive Director is a member of the Executive
Committee. He/she will be recruited by the Board of
2. The Executive Director shall manage the Secretariat of the
Endowment He/she shall ensure the preparation of all relevant
decisions, reports or other to be adopted by the Executive
3. The Executive Director may assume any powers and functions
delegated to him/her by the Board of Governors and the Executive
Committee in order to ensure the most efficient and expedient
functioning of the Endowment.
4. The Executive Director will present the annual report to
the Committee of Foreign Affairs in the European Parliament and
to the Political and Security Committee of the Council and other
Council bodies as appropriate.
Article 9
1. The Secretariat of the Endowment shall assist the Executive
Director in the day-to-day operation of the Endowment.
2. The Secretariat shall be composed of the staff of the
Endowment recruited by the Executive Director, on the broadest
possible geographical basis following a transparent and open
selection process. The Secretariat will be organised in the most
cost-effective manner so as to ensure the lowest possible level
of administrative expense for the Endowment. To this end, the
Board of Governors will establish a maximum percentage of the
Endowment's funds for administrative costs or a maximum ratio of
staff in relation to the funds managed by the Endowment.
Article 10
Budget and
budget procedures
1. The budget of the Endowment shall be funded by:
(a) The Endowment's own funds originating from voluntary
contributions from the Member States of the European Union;
(b) The Endowment's resources, if any, originating from its
activities without prejudice to its non-profit status;
(c) Donations from third parties, public or private, provided
these have been approved by the Board of Governors based on a
proposal by the Executive Committee;
(d) grants or other financial support received.
2. All funds that are deposited in the Endowment bank accounts
shall be disbursed from the accounts by the Executive Director or
his designee in accordance with procedures approved by the Board
of Governors. The Endowment's funds shall be managed in
conformity with the principles of sound financial management,
including effective segregation of the duties of authorising
officer and accounting officer or the equivalent functions.
3. The Endowment may apply for EU funds. Any funds received
from the EU will be delivered in full conformity with the EU
financial rules, including EU communication guidelines to ensure
visibility of EU support without prejudice to confidentiality for
security reasons, and administered by staff trained in
application of the Financial Regulation relevant to the EU budget
and will be scrutinized and monitored by the budgetary
4. The financial year for the Endowment shall be the calendar
Article 11
Audit of the
Endowment's activity
The legality and regularity of the Endowment's income and
expenditure shall be audited by an independent auditor without
prejudice to the competence of the European Court of Auditors
related to EU funds. The audit report shall be attached to the
Endowment's annual report.
Article 12
Conflict of
1. If a member of the Board has, directly or indirectly, a
personal conflict of interests in a subject matter submitted for
decision to the Board, he/she will inform the Board before the
deliberation and the vote and he/she shall not participate in the
2. Rules of procedure for the functioning of the Executive
Committee and the Secretariat will include provisions to prevent
conflict of interests by its members and staff.
Article 13
Representation of the Foundation
1. The Chairperson of the Board of Governors will represent
the Endowment for any legal action or representation
corresponding to the competences of the Board without prejudice
to any delegation of powers approved by the Board.
2. The chairperson of the Executive Committee will represent
the Endowment for any legal action or representation that is the
competence of the Executive Committee without prejudice to any
delegation of powers approved by the Committee.
Article 14
Dissolution of
the Foundation
In case of dissolution or termination of the Foundation, the
Board of Governors will take a decision to allocate the remaining
funds, if any, after all liabilities incurred by
the Endowment have been satisfied, to a Foundation with a
similar purpose.
Article 15
Inclusion of new
members in the Board of Governors
Representatives from EFTA or other countries may be
specifically invited to participate in the Endowment, providing
they are willing to agree to the principles governing the
establishment of the Endowment and to contribute financially to
the Endowment. The decision to invite new members to the
Endowment will be taken by unanimity.