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Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending laws of:

5 July 2001 [shall come into force on 1 September 2001];
21 September 2006 [shall come into force on 25 October 2006];
7 June 2007 [shall come into force on 11 July 2007];
12 December 2008 [shall come into force on 1 January 2009];
29 January 2009 [shall come into force on 1 July 2009];
12 June 2009 [shall come into force on 1 July 2009];
10 June 2010 [shall come into force on 1 July 2010];
16 December 2010 [shall come into force on 1 January 2011];
15 December 2011 [shall come into force on 1 January 2012];
19 April 2012 [shall come into force on 17 May 2012];
15 November 2012 [shall come into force on 1 January 2013];
23 April 2015 [shall come into force on 15 May 2015];
22 December 2016 [shall come into force on 6 January 2017];
22 June 2017 [shall come into force on 6 July 2017];
3 March 2022 [shall come into force on 1 April 2022];
15 September 2022 [shall come into force on 11 October 2022].

If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the date of the amending law appears in square brackets at the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph or clause.

The Saeima1 has adopted and
the President has proclaimed the following law:

Vocational Education Law

Chapter I
General Provisions

Section 1. Terms Used in the Law

(1) Terms used in the Law correspond to those terms used in the Education Law unless specified otherwise in this Law.

(2) The following terms are used in this Law:

1) vocational training - secondary level vocational education which provides a possibility to acquire the third level of professional qualification;

2) [3 March 2022];

21) sectoral examination centre - an authority where examinations may be taken for the acquisition of a professional qualification in the relevant sector;

22) [3 March 2022];

23) traineeship - acquisition of the professional competences of the practical part of the relevant vocational education programme in an educational institution or work environment;

24) module - an independent component of a vocational education programme which is based on learning outcomes to be achieved as an assessable and provable set of knowledge, skills, professional independence, and responsibility;

25) [3 March 2022];

26) modular vocational education programme - a vocational education programme the vocational content of which, depending on the objective put forward for the educational programme, is made up of a set of modules and as the result of acquisition of which a professional qualification or a part of professional qualification can be acquired;

3) trainee - an educatee who is doing traineeship in an educational institution or work environment for the completion of the practical part of the relevant vocational education programme;

4) [3 March 2022];

5) higher vocational education - higher level vocational education which provides a possibility to acquire the fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth level of professional qualification;

51) professional qualification examination - a State examination in which a person, after obtaining a satisfactory grade, is awarded a professional qualification of the appropriate level which is certified by a professional qualification document recognised by the State;

6) vocational basic education - basic level vocational education which provides a possibility to acquire the second level of professional qualification;

7) professional experience - previous work in the relevant profession in the Republic of Latvia, and also in a foreign country;

8) vocational secondary education - medium level vocational education which provides a possibility to acquire the third or fourth level of professional qualification;

81) professional competence - the set of knowledge, skills, professional independence, and responsibility necessary for performing professional activities;

82) accreditation of a vocational education institution - a regular assessment implemented by the State to determine the quality of the activities of a vocational education institution and its compliance with a certain status of a vocational education institution;

83) licensing of a vocational education programme - assessment of the quality of an educational programme and granting the right to an educational institution to implement a certain educational programme;

9) level of professional qualification - theoretical and practical preparedness corresponding to the Latvian Qualifications Framework, characterised by learning outcomes to be achieved at the appropriate level, which provides a possibility to perform work of a certain level of complexity and responsibility;

10) first-cycle higher vocational education - highest level vocational education which provides a possibility to acquire the sixth level of professional qualification;

101) short-cycle higher vocational education - highest level vocational education which provides a possibility to acquire the fifth level of professional qualification. Short-cycle higher vocational education is a part of the first-cycle higher vocational education;

11) second-cycle higher vocational education - highest level vocational education which provides a possibility to acquire the seventh level of professional qualification;

111) third-cycle higher vocational education - highest level vocational education which provides a possibility to acquire the eighth level of professional qualification;

12) continuing vocational education - a special kind of vocational education which provides a possibility for persons with previous professional experience and education conforming to the requirements of the educational programme to acquire a professional qualification of a certain level which is included in the structure of sectoral qualifications. The requirements for the acquisition of such professional qualifications which are not included in the structures of sectoral qualifications shall be laid down in laws and regulations;

13) professional development - a special kind of vocational education which provides a possibility to develop professional competence for the qualification which is included in the structure of sectoral qualifications. The requirements for the development of such professional qualifications which are not included in the structures of sectoral qualifications shall be laid down in laws and regulations;

14) unit of learning outcomes to be achieved - a part of a professional qualification that is a separately verifiable and assessable set of coherent knowledge, skills, attitudes, professional independence, and responsibility;

15) professional qualification - the result of a formalised process of assessment and recognition in accordance with the relevant requirements for professional qualification laid down in the profession standard which is certified by a professional qualification document recognised by the State;

16) professional qualification document - a document recognised by the State and certifying a person's professional qualification or part thereof;

17) strategic specialisation of a vocational education institution - thematic educational areas in which a vocational education institution specialises and which are determined by the founder of the vocational education institution and are relevant for the training of specialists needed in the labour market. Strategic specialisation is the basis for planning the strategic development of a vocational education institution and for defining the strategic specialisation directions thereof;

18) development strategy of a vocational education institution - a strategy which a vocational education institution, on the basis of the strategic specialisation determined by its founder, develops to plan its development and which is a fixed-term, i.e. five-year, development plan of the vocational education institution and includes specific achievable goals and tasks in the areas of vocational education and institutional development;

19) work-based learning - a component of a full-time education process in which the learning outcomes specified for the educational programme are achieved, in accordance with the education plan, alternately at the educational institution and with the employer. Work-based learning can include traineeship.

[5 July 2001; 21 September 2006; 10 June 2010; 23 April 2015; 22 June 2017; 3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

Section 2. Purpose and Tasks of the Law

(1) The purpose of this Law is to implement the State vocational education policy and to ensure the operation, management and development of the vocational education system.

(2) The tasks of the Law are as follows:

1) to ensure the possibility to obtain general knowledge and skills, as well as a professional qualification;

2) to determine the levels of vocational education and levels of professional qualification in accordance with the Latvian Qualifications Framework, and also the education necessary for acquiring the relevant professional qualification;

3) to determine the competence of the persons involved in vocational education and the awarding of professional qualifications;

4) to provide comparability of the vocational education and professional qualifications of Latvia with the vocational education and professional qualifications obtainable in foreign countries, providing the possibility for educatees to continue education in a foreign country and compete in the international labour market.

[3 March 2022]

Section 3. Application of the Law

The Law governs the procedures for the implementation of vocational education, and also for the award of an appropriate professional qualification. Implementation of higher vocational education and the award of an appropriate professional qualification are governed by this Law and the Law on Higher Education Institutions.

[3 March 2022]

Section 4. Levels of Vocational Education

(1) The following levels of vocational education are specified in the education system of Latvia:

1) vocational basic education;

2) vocational secondary education;

3) vocational higher education;

(2) [3 March 2022]

[5 July 2001; 3 March 2022]

Section 5. Levels of Professional Qualification in the Latvian Qualifications Framework

Levels of professional qualification correspond to the same level of the Latvian Qualifications Framework level and are as follows:

1) the first level of professional qualification - theoretical and practical preparedness which provides a possibility to perform simple practical tasks under supervision of a specialist;

2) the second level of professional qualification - theoretical and practical preparedness which provides a possibility to perform simple tasks partly independently in a specific field of practical activity;

3) the third level of professional qualification - theoretical and practical preparedness which provides a possibility to perform independently qualified artisan work;

4) the fourth level of professional qualification - advanced theoretical preparedness and professional skill that provide a possibility to perform specific artisan duties which also include planning and organising of the work to be implemented;

5) the fifth level of professional qualification - theoretical and practical preparedness which provides a possibility to perform complicated artisan work, and also to organise and manage the work of other specialists;

6) the sixth level of professional qualification - theoretical and practical preparedness for independent decision-making and problem-solving in an area or profession under changing conditions, using specialised knowledge in the field of professional activity;

7) the seventh level of professional qualification - theoretical and practical preparedness to perform highly skilled professional activities under unpredictable conditions, to formulate and critically analyse complex professional problems, using in-depth and broad knowledge in the field of professional activity, and also to make independent decisions by integrating knowledge of different fields and contributing to the development of methods of professional activity;

8) the eighth level of professional qualification - theoretical and practical preparedness to independently propose, critically analyse, synthesise, and evaluate ideas, creating new knowledge or understanding of existing knowledge and its use in practice, solving significant innovation or creativity tasks in the field of professional activity.

[3 March 2022 / The new wording of Section shall come into force on 1 August 2022. See Paragraph 29 of Transitional Provisions]

Section 6. Documents Recognised by the State and Certifying Vocational Education and Professional Qualification

(1) The documents recognised by the State and certifying vocational education are as follows:

1) a certificate of vocational basic education;

2) a certificate of vocational training;

3) a diploma of vocational secondary education;

4) a diploma of short-cycle higher vocational education.

(2) The documents recognised by the State and certifying professional qualification are as follows:

1) a professional qualification certificate;

2) a certificate of acquisition of a part of professional qualification.

(3) The documents recognised by the State and certifying professional development and vocationally oriented education are as follows:

1) a certificate of acquisition of professional development education;

2) a certificate of acquisition of vocationally oriented education.

(4) A vocational education document shall certify the acquisition of vocational education in accordance with a certain level of vocational education. A document recognised by the State and certifying vocational education shall be issued by an accredited vocational education institution.

(5) A professional qualification certificate shall certify the acquisition of a certain level of professional qualification. A document recognised by the State and certifying professional qualification shall be issued by an accredited vocational education institution or an accredited sectoral examination centre.

(6) A certificate of vocational basic education or a certificate of vocational training shall be issued to an educatee who has completed a vocational education programme corresponding to the relevant State vocational education standard.

(7) A diploma of vocational secondary education and a certificate of professional qualification shall be issued to an educatee who has fully completed the vocational education programme and passed the State final examinations specified in the State vocational education standard.

(8) A diploma of vocational secondary education shall be issued to an educatee who has fully completed the secondary education programme and passed the centralised examinations, but is unable to take the professional qualification examinations due to his or her health condition or has not obtained a satisfactory grade in the professional qualification examination.

(9) A diploma of short-cycle higher vocational education shall be issued in accordance with the provisions laid down in the Law on Higher Education Institutions.

(10) A professional qualification certificate shall be issued to an educatee who has passed the professional qualification examination and fulfilled one of the following conditions:

1) has partly or fully completed a vocational education programme;

2) has completed a continuing vocational education programme;

3) has acquired or developed professional competence as the result of professional activity or self-education.

(11) A certificate of the completion of the part of professional qualification shall be issued to an educatee who has completed a set of units of learning outcomes to be achieved which constitute a part of the relevant professional qualification.

(12) A certificate of the acquisition of professional development education shall be issued to an educatee who has completed a professional development education programme.

(13) A certificate of the acquisition of vocationally oriented education shall be issued to an educatee who has completed a vocationally oriented education programme.

(14) The level of professional qualification and the level of the Latvian Qualifications Framework shall be indicated in the State-recognised documents certifying vocational education and documents certifying professional qualification.

[3 March 2022]

Chapter II
Organisation of Vocational Education

Section 7. Competence of the Cabinet

The Cabinet shall:

1) [21 September 2006];

2) determine the authority and procedures for the development and updating of the structure of sectoral qualifications and the profession standard and the requirements for professional qualification included therein;

21) determine the list of professional qualifications that are subject to mandatory application of the relevant requirements for professional qualification included in the profession standard and the procedures for making public the requirements for professional qualification;

3) [5 July 2001];

4) determine the procedures for the organisation of traineeship, including the documents necessary for the arrangement of traineeship;

5) determine the standard form of State-recognised vocational education and vocational qualification documents, including the samples of documents for the acquisition of a part of professional qualification, the procedures for making and issuing the documents, and also the samples of documents certifying professional development and vocationally oriented education, and the procedures for making and issuing such documents;

51) determine the sample and the procedures for issuing the module certificate and the document on completion of a part of the vocational education programme;

6) [5 July 2001];

7) determine the requirements and procedures for the registration and accreditation of sectoral examination centres;

8) [23 April 2015];

9) determine the mandatory documents for organising the teaching process at vocational education institutions and acquiring of professional qualification at sectoral examination centres;

10) determine the procedures for the organisation, process, and assessment of professional qualification examinations, and also for the development of the content at the level of vocational basic education and vocational secondary education;

11) [3 March 2022];

111) approve the regulations regarding accreditation of vocational education institutions, including the procedures for the application and evaluation of the conditions laid down in law for the relevant status of a vocational education institution and the procedures for the assessment of the quality of the activities of a college in the implementation of vocational secondary education, continuing vocational education, and professional development education programmes;

12) determine the procedures for calculating and allocating the State budget earmarked grant for teachers' work remuneration in local government educational institutions which implement vocational basic education, vocational training and vocational secondary education programmes;

13) determine the procedures for the assessment of professional competence acquired outside the formal education system by vocational education institutions and sectoral examination centres and the price list for paid services provided within the framework thereof;

131) determine the paid services provided within the framework of the assessment of the professional qualification examination and professional competence by sectoral examination centres and the principles for the determination their costs;

132) approve the price list for the licensing of vocational education programmes, and also for the accreditation of vocational education institutions and sectoral examination centres;

14) determine the procedures by which Sectoral Expert Councils shall be established and operate;

15) determine the procedures for organising and implementing work-based learning;

151) determine the requirements and procedures for the recognition of a person's competence for admission to later stages of learning of a vocational education programme, except for the higher vocational education programmes (hereinafter also - the study programmes);

152) determine the requirements and procedures for the admission to vocational education programmes, except for the study programmes, including the organisation of entrance examinations, and also for transfer to the next course or dismissal;

153) determine the time for the organisation of and procedures for the holding of the State final examinations in general education subjects in vocational secondary education programmes each year;

154) determine the scope of information to be submitted to the State Education Information System on the acquired professional qualification, employment, and income of the graduates of vocational basic education, vocational training, vocational secondary education, and continuing vocational education programmes, the procedures for the submission of information, and also the scope of publicly accessible information and the procedures for making the information public and the amount of funding required for the monitoring of graduates;

155) determine the requirements and procedures for the recognition of a professional qualification or a part thereof;

156) determine the procedures for financing the colleges within the system of the Ministry of the Interior and self-management of students studying therein and for the provision of remuneration for the academic staff thereof (except for the officials with special service ranks);

157) determine the content and scope of information to be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science on the activities of the college, the procedures and deadline for the submission thereof, and also the procedures for making the information public;

16) perform other functions related to vocational education specified in this Law and the Education Law.

[5 July 2001; 21 September 2006; 16 December 2010; 19 April 2012; 23 April 2015; 22 June 2017; 3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

Section 8. Mandate of the Ministry of Education and Science

The Ministry of Education and Science shall:

1) [21 September 2006];

2) [21 September 2006];

3) [21 September 2006];

4) develop proposals and submit, in accordance with specific procedure, a request for the granting of funds from the State budget, finance vocational education institutions and vocational education support institutions subordinate thereto from the funds allocated for this purpose;

5) develop draft laws and regulations in the field of vocational education;

6) organise the introduction of career education in education;

61) [3 March 2022];

7) [21 September 2006];

8) approve the by-laws of the State vocational education institutions, except for the colleges, subordinate to the ministry;

81) agree upon vocational education programmes of the State vocational education institutions subordinate to the ministry, except for the study programmes;

9) perform other functions related to vocational education specified in this Law and the Education Law.

[5 July 2001; 21 September 2006; 10 June 2010; 3 March 2022]

Section 9. Mandate of Other Ministries

(1) Other ministries shall:

1) develop proposals and submit, in accordance with specific procedures, a request for the granting of funds from the State budget, finance vocational education institutions and vocational education support institutions subordinate thereto from the funds allocated for this purpose;

2) co-operate with the Ministry of Education and Science in the development and updating of profession standards, the evaluation of the quality of vocational education and other matters connected with vocational education;

3) organise further education of teachers in vocational education institutions subordinate thereto in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Science, other State authorities and local governments;

4) participate in the activities of the State, local governments, trade unions, employers and other associations or foundations, and authorities promoting co-operation;

5) organise continuing vocational education and professional development for adults;

51) approve the by-laws of the State vocational education institutions, except for the colleges, subordinate to the ministry;

52) harmonise vocational education programmes of the State vocational education institutions subordinate to the ministry, except for the study programmes;

6) perform other functions related to vocational education specified in this Law and the Education Law.

(2) With regard to State vocational education institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Defence, the mandate of the Ministry of Defence laid down in this Section may be exercised by the National Armed Forces in accordance with the laws and regulations governing their operation.

(3) With regard to State vocational education institutions subordinate to the Ministry of the Interior, the mandate of the Ministry of the Interior laid down in this Section may be exercised by the State Police, the State Border Guard, and the State Fire-Fighting and Rescue Service in accordance with the laws and regulations governing their operation.

[5 July 2001; 21 September 2006; 3 March 2022]

Section 10. Mandate of Local Governments

(1) Local governments shall participate in the implementation of vocational education, shall promote the development of entrepreneurial activities in its territory, shall co-operate with employers' organisations, shall participate in resolving their issues that are connected with the provision of the traineeship placements for educatees in the territory of the relevant local government.

(2) This Law, the Education Law and other laws and regulations shall determine the mandate of local governments in the implementation of vocational education.

[21 September 2006]

Section 10.1 Vocational Education Administration

[12 June 2009]

Section 11. Vocational Education Support Institutions

(1) Vocational education support institutions shall be established to ensure research, informative, methodological and other kinds of intellectual support to educateees, parents of educatees, teachers, educational institutions and professional organisations.

(2) Vocational education support institutions shall:

1) provide organisational and methodological assistance in the development of profession standards, development and implementation of educational programmes, career development support and other matters related to vocational education;

2) organise the development of teaching aids;

3) organise the further education of teachers;

4) participate in the research of labour markets and other markets associated with vocational education.

(3) State vocational education support institutions shall be established, reorganised and liquidated by the Cabinet on the basis of a proposal of the Ministry of Education and Science or another Ministry.

[5 July 2001; 3 March 2022]

Section 12. Mandate of Sectoral Expert Councils, Labour Organisations and other Associations or Foundations

(1) The objective of the activity of the Sectoral Expert Councils is to promote the conformity of sectoral vocational education with labour market requirements, improvement of its efficiency and quality by promoting cooperation among the State and local governments, vocational education institutions, sectoral employers and their associations, trade unions and their associations, and specialists on issues related to human resource development.

(2) Sectoral Expert Councils shall:

1) make suggestions on the establishment and updating of the structure of sectoral qualifications by aligning it with labour market requirements and proposals on professional qualifications required by the relevant sector and corresponding specialisations;

2) provide opinions on profession standards relevant to the sector and the requirements for professional qualification included therein in the process of their development and updating;

3) delegate experts for participation in the accreditation of vocational education institutions and sectoral examination centres appropriate to the relevant sector, licensing of vocational education programmes, and participation in professional qualification examinations;

4) participate in the planning of the development of the network of vocational education institutions and sectoral examination centres and vocational education programmes relevant to the sector and provide an opinion on the necessity for the establishment of sectoral examination centres;

5) make proposals on the tendencies in the number of educatees necessary by sectors and admission plans of educatees in the State-funded vocational education programmes;

6) promote co-operation between employers and vocational education institutions in supporting work-based learning and organising traineeship;

7) deal with issues related to employment, demand and supply in the labour market of the relevant industry.

(3) Sectoral Expert Councils have the following rights:

1) to propose changes in the activities of vocational education institutions;

2) to request from vocational education institutions and State authorities the information necessary for the Sectoral Expert Council within the scope of competence specified in this Law;

3) to delegate sectoral experts to develop profession standards and the requirements for the professional qualification;

4) to provide opinions and propose changes to the content of vocational education programmes and professional qualification examinations;

5) to provide opinions for licensing or accreditation decisions, including on the conformity of the vocational education programme with the development needs of the sector and on the employment prospects of the specialists trained thereby.

(4) Sectoral Expert Councils shall include representatives of sectoral employers or their associations, sectoral professional organisations, trade unions or employees and State authorities.

(5) The activities of Sectoral Expert Councils shall be coordinated by the Employers' Confederation of Latvia, except for the sectors specified in this Law. The Employers' Confederation of Latvia is the national coordinator of Sectoral Expert Councils.

(6) Labour organisations and other associations or foundations shall promote the development of vocational education within their competence.

(7) The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the area of state defence.

(8) The provisions of this Section regarding the mandate of Sectoral Expert Councils shall apply insofar as they are not in conflict with laws and regulations that regulate the operation of the State Police, the State Fire-Fighting and Rescue Service and the State Border Guard.

(9) Operation of the Sectoral Expert Council of the food industry and agriculture sector shall be coordinated by the Latvian Agricultural Organization Co-operation Council. The Cultural Education Council shall act as the expert council for the cultural and creative industries sector.

(10) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for coordinating the operation of Sectoral Expert Councils.

(11) The coordination of the activities of the Sectoral Expert Councils shall be financed from the State budget.

[23 April 2015; 3 March 2022]

Section 13.

[21 September 2006]

Section 13.1 Sectoral Examination Centre

(1) A sectoral examination centre shall be registered and accredited in compliance with the requirements and procedures of the Cabinet.

(2) A sectoral examination centre shall organise and implement a unified professional qualification examination and assessment of the competence acquired outside the formal education system.

(3) A sectoral examination centre shall prepare and keep records of the documents for holding the professional qualification examination.

(4) A sectoral examination centre shall be accredited for a period of six years. It shall be registered and its accreditation shall be organised by the State Education Quality Service in accordance with the procedures determined by the Cabinet. The decision on the accreditation of a sectoral examination centre shall be taken within six months from the day of submitting the relevant submission. The Cabinet shall determine the price list for the paid services provided within the scope of the accreditation of a sectoral examination centre.

(5) The information on the accredited sectoral examination centres which have the right to issue State-recognised documents certifying professional qualification and also the list of professional qualifications for which these examination centres are entitled to issue State-recognised documents certifying professional qualification is available in the State Education Information System.

[3 March 2022]

Section 13.2 Colleges Association of Latvia

The Colleges Association of Latvia represents the opinion of the State and private colleges on matters related to vocational education in the State, local government, and non-governmental organisations in Latvia and abroad.

[15 September 2022]

Chapter III
Vocational Education Institutions

Section 14. Procedures for the Establishment, Reorganisation, and Liquidation and also for the Registration of Vocational Education Institutions

(1) Vocational education institutions shall be established, reorganised, and liquidated in compliance with the provisions laid down in the Education Law. The opinion of the Council of Higher Education shall be appended to the draft Cabinet order regarding the establishment, reorganisation, or liquidation of a State college. If the draft Cabinet order is submitted by a minister of the relevant sector, such draft shall also be harmonised with the Minister for Education and Science.

(2) Vocational education institutions shall be registered in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Education Law.

[3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

Section 15. Status of a Vocational Education Institution and Operation Thereof

(1) The legal basis for the operation of a vocational education institution shall be this Law, the Education Law, other laws and regulations and the by-laws of the relevant vocational education institution. The founder of a vocational education institution shall approve its by-laws.

(11) The legal status of State-founded vocational education institutions shall be a State institution of direct administration or a State capital company.

(12) The State vocational education institutions shall be under subordination of the Minister for Education and Science or the relevant sectoral minister. State-founded vocational education institutions shall be under supervision of the Minister for Education and Science or the relevant sectoral minister. The colleges included in the system of the Ministry of the Interior shall be under subordination of the State administration institutions of the system of the Ministry of the Interior.

(13) The legal status of the colleges of State-founded higher education institutions shall be determined by the higher education institution itself.

(2) The basic purpose of vocational education institutions shall be the implementation of vocational education programmes.

(21) [3 March 2022]

(3) A vocational education institution is entitled, in conformity with the Education Law and the provisions of other laws and regulations, to create the structure of a vocational education institution, including, by agreement with the founder of the institution, the locations for the implementation of educational programmes, and to independently perform economic and other kinds of activities if they do not interfere with the implementation of education programmes and it has been provided for in the by-laws of the education institution.

(4) If the Minister for Education and Science establishes non-conformity of the by-laws of a vocational education institution or part thereof with laws and regulations, he or she has the obligation to ask the educational institution to rectify such non-conformity within 45 days. If the educational institution fails to rectify non-conformity within the specified period of time, the Minister for Education and Science has the right to suspend the operation of the by-laws of the relevant vocational education institution or part thereof.

(5) If the Minister for Education and Science establishes non-conformity of the local government or private vocational education institution, by-laws, or activities thereof with laws and other laws and regulations, he or she may propose to the founder of the institution to suspend the operation of the by-laws of the institution until the relevant amendments have been made or imperfections are rectified within the period of time specified by him or her.

(6) If within the period of time specified by the Minister for Education and Science the educational institution has not made the relevant amendments or has not rectified the imperfections indicated, the Minister has the right to suspend temporarily the operation of the educational institution or withdraw the registration of the education institution, deleting such educational institution from the Register of Educational Institutions.

(7) [3 March 2022]

(8) A college shall, each year, prepare a publicly available annual statement on its activities. It shall submit on an annual basis to the Ministry of Education and Science information on its activities by taking into account the content and scope of the information to be submitted, the procedures for the submission thereof, and the deadline determined by the Cabinet.

[5 July 2001; 21 September 2006; 12 June 2009; 16 December 2010; 19 April 2010; 3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

Section 15.1 Vocational Education Competence Centre

[3 March 2022]

Section 16. Name of a Vocational Education Institution

[3 March 2022]

Section 16.1 Status and Name of a Vocational Education Institution

(1) In conformity with the education and professional qualification that can be acquired in a vocational education institution, there are educational institutions of the following status:

1) technical school;

2) competence centre of arts education;

3) vocational secondary school;

4) continuing vocational education centre;

5) college.

(2) The name of a vocational education institution shall be chosen in conformity with the provisions laid down in the Education Law and Paragraph one of this Section. The name may include an indication of the type of educational programme and the professional field, and also the geographical location.

(3) In accordance with the historical traditions of a vocational education institution, it shall be entitled to use a different name in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Education Law.

(4) The status of a vocational education institution shall be determined by the founder thereof. The conformity of a vocational education institution with the relevant status of a vocational education institution shall be assessed during the accreditation process of the educational institution.

(5) When assessing the compliance of a vocational education institution, except for the continuing vocational education centres, with the relevant status of a vocational education institution laid down in Paragraph one of this Section, the following conditions shall be taken into account:

1) the indicators of the number of educatees;

2) the results of educatees in professional qualification examinations and other State final examinations;

3) the indicators of the implementation of continuing vocational education and professional development education programmes if implemented by the educational institution;

4) the conformity of the implemented vocational education programmes in accordance with the provisions of Section 16.2, Paragraph one, Section 16.3, Paragraph one, Section 16.4, Paragraph one, and Section 16.7, Paragraph one, taking into account that the relevant educational programmes constitute the majority of the number of vocational education programmes, except for the continuing vocational education programmes and professional development education programmes.

(6) When assessing the conformity of a vocational education institution with the status of a technical school, in addition to the requirements laid down in Paragraph five of this Section, the following shall be assessed:

1) the indicators of the implementation of work-based learning;

2) the indicative results of methodological work;

3) the indicators of employment and education continuation at the level of higher education of graduates.

(7) When assessing the conformity of a vocational education institution with the status of a competence centre of arts education, in addition to the requirements laid down in Paragraph five of this Section, the following shall be assessed:

1) the indicators of co-operation with employers in the arts, culture, and creative industries;

2) the indicative results of methodological work;

3) the indicators of employment and education continuation at the level of higher education of graduates.

(8) When assessing the conformity of a vocational education institution with the status of a continuing vocational education centre, the following conditions shall be taken into account:

1) the conformity of the qualifications of teachers and experts with the implemented programmes;

2) the conformity of the material and technical support with the implemented vocational education programmes;

3) the results of educatees in professional qualification examinations;

4) the career development indicators of graduates;

5) indicators of co-operation with employers.

(9) When assessing the compliance of a vocational education institution with the status of a college, in addition to the requirements laid down in Paragraph five of this Section, it shall be assessed whether:

1) short-cycle higher vocational education programmes are in at least one field of study;

2) at least 65 per cent of the elected academic staff has higher education or professional qualification corresponding to the seventh level of the Latvian Qualifications Framework;

3) co-operation agreements have been concluded with higher education institutions providing the possibility to continue studies in the relevant first-cycle higher vocational education programmes;

4) there is active co-operation with employers and work-based learning is ensured, and also applied research are carried out in the areas of the strategic specialisation of the college, including the involvement of students in research.

[3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

Section 16.2 Technical School and Objectives for the Activity Thereof

(1) A technical school is a vocational secondary education institution which implements vocational secondary education programmes and continuing vocational education programmes which provide a possibility to acquire the third level and fourth level of professional qualification.

(2) A technical school is also entitled to implement continuing vocational education programmes, providing a possibility to acquire the fifth level of professional qualification in such professional qualifications in which the technical school implements education programmes of the fourth level of professional qualification of appropriate education programme group and there is no study programme for the acquisition of the relevant professional qualification at the level of higher education.

(3) A technical school is also entitled to implement professional development education programmes in such professional qualifications in which the technical school implements the relevant vocational education programmes.

(4) The objectives of a technical school, in conformity with the development strategy approved by its founder, shall be as follows:

1) to develop and implement education programmes in the areas of strategic specialisation which ensure the specialists necessary for future needs of the development of the national economy, State, and society, and also to promote the growth of the persons involved in the education process into ambitious, creative, responsible, and competitive members of the society;

2) to implement work-based learning in co-operation with sectoral companies;

3) to implement methodological work within the region or sector, to ensure methodological support for other vocational education institutions and further education for teachers;

4) to organise professional qualification examinations in order to assess professional competence acquired outside the formal education system in such vocational qualifications in which the technical school implements the relevant vocational education programmes.

[3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

Section 16.3 Competence Centre of Arts Education and Objectives for the Activity Thereof

(1) A competence centre of arts education is a vocational secondary education institution which implements vocational secondary education programmes and continuing vocational education programmes in the thematic area of education "Arts" and the related areas which provide a possibility to acquire the third level and fourth level of professional qualification.

(2) A competence centre of arts education is also entitled to implement continuing vocational education programmes, providing a possibility to acquire the fifth level of professional qualification in such professional qualifications in which the competence centre of arts education implements education programmes of the fourth level of professional qualification of appropriate education programme group and there is no study programme for the acquisition of the relevant professional qualification at the level of higher education.

(3) A competence centre of arts education is also entitled to implement general basic education programmes, vocationally oriented programmes, and professional development education programmes.

(4) The objectives of a competence centre of arts education, in conformity with the development strategy approved by its founder, shall be as follows:

1) to develop and implement education programmes in the areas of strategic specialisation which ensure the specialists necessary for the development of the arts, culture, and creative industries, and also to promote refining and developing the creative talents of the persons involved in the education process;

2) to implement methodological work in the thematic area of education "Arts", to provide further education for teachers, and to ensure methodological support for other vocational secondary education institutions and vocationally oriented education institutions of the region;

3) in co-operation with employers in the areas of arts, culture, and creative industries, to provide educational programmes and traineeship opportunities in completing a vocational education programme;

4) to organise professional qualification examinations in order to assess professional competence acquired outside the formal education system in such vocational qualifications in which the competence centre of arts education implements the relevant vocational education programmes.

[3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

Section 16.4 Vocational Secondary School and Objectives of the Activity Thereof

(1) A vocational secondary school is a vocational secondary education institution which implements vocational secondary education programmes which provide a possibility to acquire the third level and fourth level of professional qualification.

(2) A vocational secondary school is also entitled to implement continuing vocational education and professional development programmes in such professional qualifications in which the vocational secondary school implements the relevant vocational education programmes. The vocational secondary school which implements vocational secondary education programmes in the thematic area of education "Arts" is also entitled to implement vocationally oriented programmes.

(3) The objectives of a vocational secondary school, in conformity with the development strategy approved by its founder, shall be as follows:

1) to implement education programmes in the areas of strategic specialisation which ensure the specialists necessary for the needs of the national economy and also to promote the growth of the persons involved in the education process into ambitious, creative, responsible, and competitive members of the society;

2) to ensure traineeship opportunities in completing a vocational education programme in co-operation with sectoral companies;

3) for the vocational secondary school which implements vocational secondary education programmes in the thematic area of education "Arts", in addition to perform methodological work in the thematic area of education "Arts" for vocationally oriented education institutions of the region.

(4) A vocational secondary school is entitled to organise professional qualification examinations in order to assess professional competence acquired outside the formal education system in such vocational qualifications in which the vocational secondary school implements the relevant vocational education programmes.

[3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

Section 16.5 Continuing Vocational Education Centre and Objectives for the Activity Thereof

(1) A continuing vocational education centre is a vocational education institution which, in conformity with the requirements for professional qualification included in the profession standard, implements continuing vocational education and professional development programmes which provide a possibility to acquire the relevant level of professional qualification in conformity with the education level acquired previously by an educatee.

(2) The objective of the activities of a continuing vocational education centre is to ensure, in conformity with the demand of the labour market, the acquisition of professional qualification, retraining, and development of professional competence for the persons with previous education and work experience.

(3) A continuing vocational education centre is entitled to organise professional qualification examinations in order to assess professional competence acquired outside the formal education system in such vocational qualifications in which the continuing vocational education centre implements the relevant vocational education programmes.

[3 March 2022]

Section 16.6 Right to Implement General Education Programmes

A technical school and a vocational secondary school are also entitled to implement general basic education or general secondary education programmes in co-operation with the Prison Administration, upon receipt of the permission of the Minister for Education and Science.

[3 March 2022]

Section 16.7 College and Objectives for the Activity Thereof

(1) A college is a higher vocational education institution which implements short-cycle higher vocational education programmes and provides a possibility to acquire the fifth level of professional qualification.

(2) A college is entitled to implement joint short-cycle higher vocational education programmes with other colleges and higher education institutions in Latvia or abroad.

(3) A college is also entitled to implement vocational secondary education programmes which provide a possibility to acquire the third level and fourth level of professional qualification in the thematic areas of education in which the college implements the relevant short-cycle higher vocational education programmes. Vocational education programmes in colleges subordinate to the State administration institutions of the system of the Ministry of the Interior and in the Social Integration State Agency shall be determined by the Cabinet.

(4) A college is also entitled to implement continuing vocational education and professional development education programmes in such professional qualifications in which the college implements the relevant vocational education programmes.

(5) A college implements work-based learning in co-operation with sectoral employers.

(6) The objectives of a college, in conformity with the development strategy approved by its founder, shall be as follows:

1) to develop and implement short-cycle higher vocational education programmes which allow, at the level of higher education, to ensure, promptly and in conformity with labour market requirements, the human resources necessary for future needs of the development of the national economy, State, and society, and also to promote the growth of the persons involved in the education process into ambitious, creative, responsible, and competitive members of the society;

2) to perform applied research in the relevant sectors of the national economy, use an analytical approach to solve practical problems in the relevant sector, and contribute to the development of the sector by dynamically adapting to changes in the external environment;

3) to ensure educatees with a possibility to continue education in the first-cycle higher vocational education programme;

4) to implement the acquisition of theoretical knowledge during traineeship in co-operation with sectoral employers;

5) to organise professional qualification examinations in order to assess professional competence acquired outside the formal education system in such vocational qualifications in which the college implements the relevant vocational education programmes.

[15 September 2022]

Section 17. By-laws of a Vocational Education Institution

(1) The by-laws of a vocational education institution shall include the following information:

1) the name of the educational institution;

2) the founder of the educational institution and the legal status of the institution;

3) the strategic specialisation, main directions of activity, and tasks of the educational institution;

4) the educational (study) programmes to be implemented in the educational institution;

5) the organisation of the educational process;

6) the procedures for the establishment, election, or appointment of the administrative bodies and advisory bodies of the educational institution, in the case of a college, its representation, management bodies, and decision-making bodies thereof, and the composition thereof, and also the rights, obligations, and tasks, authorisation time periods and recall procedures thereof;

7) the procedures for the establishment of self-management of the educational institution and the competence thereof;

8) the procedures for the election of college academic staff;

9) the rights and obligations of teachers (academic staff) and other employees;

10) the rights and obligations of educatees and students;

11) the procedures for the establishment and competence of the educatee and student council;

12) the structural units of the college, the basic rules for the establishment, reorganisation, and liquidation thereof;

13) the procedures for the adoption of documents regulating the internal order of the educational institution, and, in the case of a college, the procedures for issuing internal regulations;

14) the economic activity of the educational institution;

15) the sources and procedures for the financing of the educational institution;

16) the procedures for reorganising and liquidating the educational institution;

17) the procedures for accepting the by-laws of the educational institution and its amendments;

18) other important regulations which are not in contradiction with this Law and other laws and regulations.

(2) The approved by-laws of a college or amendments thereto shall be submitted by the college, except for the college under the supervision of the Minister for Education and Science, to the Ministry of Education and Science within five working days from the date of their approval.

[15 September 2022]

Section 17.1 Convention of a Vocational Education Institution

(1) Vocational education institutions shall establish a collegiate advisory body, a convention, the objective of which is to promote the development of the vocational education institution in conformity with the labour market requirements.

(2) The convention shall be established and its by-laws shall be issued by the head of the vocational education institution, laying down the functions, tasks, composition and work organisation of the convention.

(3) A convention shall be composed of not less than five counsels. The composition of the convention shall include the head of a vocational education institution, a representative of the ministry to which the vocational education institution is subordinated, and also representatives of the relevant local government, employers and their associations. The composition of the convention can also include a representative of the relevant planning region and also a representative of the employees of the relevant vocational education institution and other representatives of the interested parties. The convention shall be chaired by a representative of employers or the relevant local government.

(4) Decisions of a convention shall take the form of recommendation.

(5) A convention shall:

1) provide proposals to the head of a vocational education institution on development strategy issues and in the development of vocational education planning documents;

2) participate in the process of selection and assessment of teaching staff (administration) of the vocational education institution;

3) provide proposals on the vocational education programme developed by the vocational education institution before licensing thereof;

4) promote co-operation of the vocational education institution with the economic operator of the region in organising traineeship and work-based learning.

(6) The provisions of this Section shall apply only to those vocational education institutions in the field of art, music, or dance which qualify as competence centres of arts education.

(7) The provisions of this Section shall apply to vocational education institutions subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior insofar as they are not in conflict with laws and regulations that regulate the operation of the State Police, the State Fire-Fighting and Rescue Service and the State Border Guard.

(8) The provisions of this Section shall not apply to vocational education institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Defence.

[24 March 2022; 3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

Section 17.2 College Assembly

(1) A college assembly is a collegial management and decision-making body of representatives of the college staff which is responsible for the development of study (education) programmes and their compliance with internationally recognised quality standards. The composition, number of members, and also the establishment and functioning of the college assembly shall be determined by the by-laws of the college.

(2) A college assembly shall be composed of the director of the college and his or her deputies, student representatives, and also representatives of the academic staff and general staff. Representatives of the academic staff shall constitute the majority of the assembly, whereas student representatives shall represent at least 20 per cent.

(3) A college assembly shall, in cooperation with the director of the college, draw up the by-laws of the college and amendments thereto and submit them to the founder for approval.

(4) A college assembly shall:

1) agree on the draft long-term and medium-term development strategy of the college and submit it to the founder for approval;

2) draw up and approve the by-laws regarding academic positions in the college and the procedures for the election to these positions, and also the criteria for the evaluation of academic staff;

3) elect the academic staff;

4) decide on the requirements, procedures, and examinations for the acquisition of qualifications;

5) prepare proposals on study fees for short-cycle higher vocational education programmes at such study places which are not financed from the State budget and submit them to the founder for approval;

6) determine the procedures for the allocation of study places for the students of short-cycle higher vocational education programmes financed from the State budget.

(5) In accordance with the college development strategy approved by the founder, a college assembly shall:

1) approve the development plan of the study process of the college;

2) approve the development plan for the applied research of the college and encourage the development of specific directions of applied research;

3) decide on the opening, content, and development of short-cycle higher vocational education programmes, and also on their closure;

4) decide on the opening, content, and development of other vocational education programmes and also on their closure.

(6) A college assembly shall decide on other matters which are within the competence of the assembly in accordance with laws and regulations and the by-laws of the college.

[15 September 2022]

Section 17.3 Head of a Vocational Education Institution

(1) The title of the position of the head of a vocational education institution shall be director. The rights, duties, and responsibilities of the head of a vocational education institution shall be determined by the Education Law.

(2) The director of a vocational education institution shall be appointed by the founder of the institution.

(3) The director of a State-founded vocational education institution shall be appointed according to competition procedures and dismissed from work by the Ministry of Education and Science or the relevant sectoral ministry.

(4) The term of office of the director of a vocational training institution shall commence at the time of the establishment of the employment relationship as defined in the employment contract.

(5) The director of a college shall be appointed for a term not exceeding five years and not more than twice in the relevant college. The director of the college of a higher education institution shall be appointed and dismissed by the rector of the higher education institution according to competition procedures.

(6) A person who meets the requirements of the Education Law and who has higher education corresponding to at least the seventh level of the Latvian Qualifications Framework may be appointed as the director of a college.

[15 September 2022]

Chapter IV
Staff and Educatees of a Vocational Education Institution

[15 September 2022]

Section 18. The Right to Work as a Teacher in a Vocational Education Institution

A person shall have the right to work as a teacher in a vocational education institution who has an appropriate vocational education (qualification) and pedagogical education or who has an appropriate vocational education (qualification) and who is acquiring a pedagogical education, which meets the requirements specified by the Cabinet for the professional qualification of a teacher of a vocational education institution. A person who has appropriate academic education and pedagogical education or who has appropriate academic education and is studying pedagogical education conforming to the requirements for the professional qualification for a teacher of a vocational education institution determined by the Cabinet is also entitled to work as a teacher at the vocational education institution which implements vocational secondary education programmes in the thematic area of education "Arts".

[3 March 2022]

Section 19. Professional Qualification of Teachers at a Vocational Education Institution

The professional qualification of a teacher of a vocational education institution shall be certified by state-recognised documents regarding an appropriate vocational education (qualification) and pedagogical education .

Section 20. Remuneration of a Teacher of a Vocational Education Institution

(1) The remuneration of a teacher of a vocational education institution shall be determined in accordance with the Education Law.

(2) [5 July 2001]

[5 July 2001; 3 March 2022]

Section 20.1 Rights and Obligations of the Educatees of a Vocational Education Institution

(1) The obligations and rights of educatees shall be determined in the Education Law.

(2) Students in colleges shall be students of short-cycle higher vocational education programmes.

(3) Admission to short-cycle higher vocational education programmes, entry in the list of students, data entry in the register of students and graduates, commencement of studies at later stages of studies, exclusion from the list of students, and also the rights of students, granting of scholarships, study and student loans shall be determined in the Law on Higher Education Institutions.

(4) In vocational secondary education institutions, educatees are entitled to form a self-management of educatees upon their own initiative in order to address matters related to the interests of educatees in the vocational education institution and to participate in the organisation of the work of the vocational education institution and the improvement of the learning process. The establishment and composition of the self-management of educatees, and also the procedures for issuing a law or regulation governing the activities thereof shall be determined by the by-laws of the relevant vocational education institution.

(5) The self-management of college students shall be an elected, independent body representing the rights and interests of students in a college. It shall operate in accordance with the by-laws which shall be developed by students and approved by a college assembly. The college assembly may refuse approval only due to legal reasons. The decisions of the self-management of students, after they have been approved by the college assembly, shall be compulsory for all students.

(6) The self-management of college students shall organise academic, material, social support and cultural life activities at the college, and also defend and represent the interests of students at the college and other State authorities.

(7) The self-management of students has the following rights:

1) to request and receive information and explanations from the college bodies in matters related to the interests of students;

2) veto rights in a college assembly on matters related to the interests of students. After the application of a veto, the issue shall be examined by the co-ordination committee which is formed by the relevant management body according to the parity principle. The relevant management body shall approve the decision of the co-ordination committee by a majority vote of two-thirds of the persons present;

3) to participate in the decision-making bodies of a college, and also to participate as observers in tests and examinations if this is provided for in the documents regulating the study procedures in a college;

4) to represent college students in Latvia and foreign countries;

5) to determine the procedures for the organisation of the work of the self-management of students, including the criteria according to which students are elected to college bodies where student representation is provided for.

(8) The director of a vocational education institution has the obligation to support and promote the activities of the self-management of educatees and the self-management of students. The self-management of students shall be financed from the budget of a college in the amount which is not less than one two-hundredth part of the yearly budget of the college intended for ensuring the study process. The self-management of students shall use these funds for the performance of the functions referred to in Paragraph six of this Section and for the membership fee for the participation in the Student Union of Latvia.

[15 September 2022]

Section 20.2 College Staff

(1) The college staff shall consist of:

1) the academic staff - employees of the relevant college elected to academic positions;

2) the general staff of the college;

3) students.

(2) The requirements for the academic staff of a college implementing short-cycle higher vocational education programmes shall be determined in the Law on Higher Education Institutions. If there is a vacant or temporary vacant academic position in a college, the college assembly may decide not to announce a competition but hire a visiting docent, a visiting lecturer, or a visiting assistant for a period of up to two years.

[15 September 2022]

Section 21. Relationship of Educatees with Mandatory Military Service

[7 June 2007]

Section 21.1 Monitoring of Graduates of Vocational Education Programmes and Assessment of Graduate Integration into the Labour Market

(1) The Ministry of Education and Science shall monitor the vocational qualifications, employment, and income of graduates of vocational education programmes, using data collected in the State Education Information System, including survey data.

(2) Monitoring of professional qualifications acquired by the graduates of vocational basic education, vocational training, vocational secondary education, and continuing vocational education programmes shall be carried out on the basis of data from the Register of Graduates of Vocational Education Programmes.

(3) Non-personalised monitoring data on employment and income of the graduates of vocational education programmes (including graduates to whom the status of unemployed person or person seeking work has been granted) shall be prepared and submitted to the State Education Information System by the Central Statistical Bureau, by pre-processing personalised data on employment and income of graduates from the State Revenue Service and personalised data from the State Employment Agency on the graduates with the status of unemployed person or person seeking work.

(4) The Cabinet shall determine the amount of information to be submitted to the State Education Information System on professional qualifications, employment, and income of graduates of vocational basic education, vocational education, vocational secondary education, and continuing vocational education programmes, the amount of funding necessary for the performance of the task referred to in Paragraph three of this Section, the procedures for the submission of such information, and also the scope of publicly accessible information and the procedures for making the information public.

(5) The Ministry of Education and Science shall, in co-operation with the Ministry of Economics, on the basis of monitoring data on vocational education graduates, prepare and make public an annual assessment of graduate integration into the labour market (employment, conformity of employment to the acquired professional qualifications and income) for the first two years after graduation. The assessment shall include an evaluation of the relevance of graduate employment to the objectives of the Education Development Guidelines and to current development trends of sectors of the national economy.

[3 March 2022]

Section 21.2 Register of Graduates of Vocational Education Programmes

(1) The Register of Graduates of Vocational Education Programmes shall be a component of the State Education Information System. The Register of Graduates of Vocational Education Programmes shall contain information on the professional qualifications acquired by graduates of vocational basic education, vocational education, vocational secondary education, and continuing vocational education programmes.

(2) Data on the professional qualifications acquired by graduates of vocational education programmes referred to in Paragraph one of this Section shall be provided for the Register of Graduates of Vocational Education Programmes by vocational education institutions. The head of the educational institution shall be responsible for the accuracy and veracity of the data provided to the Register.

[3 March 2022]

Chapter V
Content of Vocational Education and System of Professional Qualifications

[3 March 2022]

Section 22. Basic Documents Regulating the Content of Vocational Education

The basic documents regulating the content of vocational education shall be the following:

1) the State vocational education standard;

2) the profession standard and the requirements for professional qualification included therein;

3) the structure of sectoral qualifications;

4) the vocational education programme.

[3 March 2022]

Section 22.1 System of Professional Qualifications

The system of professional qualifications is a systematic set of requirements for the acquisition of professional qualification and the development of professional competence in a sector, consisting of:

1) the structure of sectoral qualifications;

2) the profession standards and the requirements for professional qualification contained therein;

3) the content of vocational education;

4) the conditions for the assessment, recognition, and award of a professional qualification or a part thereof.

[3 March 2022]

Section 23. State Vocational Education Standards

(1) The State vocational education standards, i.e. the State vocational basic education standard, the State vocational training standard, the State vocational secondary education standard, and the State higher vocational education standard, in conformity with the educational level shall determine the following:

1) the strategic objectives of the educational programmes;

2) the mandatory content of education;

3) the guiding principles and procedures for the evaluation of the acquired education;

4) the basic principles and procedures for the assessment of the acquired professional qualification.

(11) The State vocational education standards, i.e. the State continuing vocational education standard, the State professional development education standard, and the State vocationally oriented education standard, shall determine the following:

1) the strategic objectives of the educational programmes;

2) the mandatory content of education;

3) the basic principles and procedures for the assessment of the acquired professional qualification or professional competence.

(2) The State vocational education standards shall be drawn up by the Ministry of Education and Science and they shall be approved by the Cabinet.

[3 March 2022]

Section 24. Profession Standard

(1) The profession standard is a document containing the requirements for professional qualification, including the obligations and tasks of the professional activity, the general and professional competence required for their fulfilment, and the requirements in respect of previous education, for one or more interrelated professional qualifications.

(2) In addition to the provisions of Paragraph one of this Section, the profession standard may include:

1) the requirements in respect of a part of the qualification recognised in the labour market which is a unit or set of units of learning outcomes to be achieved for the performance of a specific work duty;

2) the requirements in respect of a specialisation which is a narrower field of professional activity corresponding to the professional qualification, the performance of the tasks of which requires additional competences;

3) the requirements in respect of a related professional qualification which is a professional qualification with common competences at one or more levels of professional qualification.

(3) The profession standard shall be developed and updated by an authority determined by the Cabinet by coordinating it with the Sectoral Expert Council and the Vocational Education and Employment Tripartite Co-operation Sub-council of the National Tripartite Co-operation Council in accordance with the procedures determined by the Cabinet.

[3 March 2022]

Section 24.1 Requirements for Professional Qualification

[3 March 2022]

Section 24.2 Structure of Industry Qualifications

(1) The structure of sectoral qualifications is a general description of the professional qualifications in a sector which includes an overview of related professional qualifications and specialisations, and also a map of sectoral qualifications.

(2) The structure of sectoral qualifications shall be developed and updated by an authority determined by the Cabinet by coordinating it with the Sectoral Expert Council and the Vocational Education and Employment Tripartite Co-operation Sub-council of the National Tripartite Co-operation Council in accordance with the procedures determined by the Cabinet.

[3 March 2022]

Section 25. Vocational Education Programme

(1) A vocational education programme is a document regulating vocational education which, in conformity with the State vocational education standard and the requirements for the relevant professional qualification included in the profession standard, defines the following:

1) the title, objective and tasks of the vocational education programme and the results to be achieved;

2) the content of the vocational education programme;

3) the implementation plan of the vocational education programme;

4) the requirements in respect of education acquired previously;

5) the title and level of the professional qualification and also the level of the Latvian Qualifications Framework;

6) the resources necessary for the implementation of the vocational education programme, including personnel, financial and material resources, and infrastructure;

7) the necessary professional competence requirements for teachers.

(2) The vocational education programme shall be drawn up by the educational institution in agreement with the founder thereof, except for the higher vocational education programmes. Higher vocational education programmes shall be developed and approved in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Law on Higher Education Institutions.

(3) Vocational secondary education, continuing vocational education, and professional development education programmes in the field of arts, security, aviation, maritime, and health shall be additionally agreed upon with the competent State administration institutions determined by the Cabinet.

(4) An educational institution shall start implementing a vocational education programme not later than within one year after its licensing.

(5) An accredited vocational education institution may implement parts of vocational training programmes, vocational secondary education programmes, and continuing vocational education programmes as professional development education programmes without additional licensing.

(6) An accredited vocational education institution may implement parts of vocational training programmes and vocational secondary education programmes as continuing vocational education programmes without additional licensing.

[23 April 2015; 22 June 2017; 3 March 2022]

Section 26. Types of Vocational Education Programmes

(1) Depending on the education to be acquired, vocational education programmes shall be divided as follows:

1) vocational basic education programmes;

2) vocational training programmes;

3) vocational secondary education programmes;

4) higher vocational education programmes (study programmes);

5) continuing vocational education programmes;

6) professional development education programmes;

7) vocationally oriented education programmes.

(2) Vocational basic education, vocational training, vocational secondary education, and continuing vocational education programmes may be implemented as modular vocational education programmes. When implementing a modular vocational education programme, an educational institution may implement one or more modules separately and issue a certificate of completion of the relevant module.

(3) An educatee who discontinues studying a vocational education programme, except for the professional development education programmes, in an accredited vocational education institution shall be issued documents on studying the relevant part of the vocational education programme in accordance with the procedures determined by the Cabinet.

[5 July 2001; 22 June 2017; 3 March 2022]

Section 27. Admission of Educatees to Vocational Education Programmes

(1) A person shall be admitted to a vocational basic education and vocational training programme without limitation of their previous education and not earlier than in that calendar year when he or she becomes 15 years old.

(2) A person shall be admitted to a vocational secondary education programme after the acquisition of a general primary education or vocational basic education.

(3) A person shall be admitted to a short-cycle higher vocational education programme after the acquisition of a general secondary education or vocational secondary education.

(4) [3 March 2022]

(5) This Law, the Law on Trade Activities and other laws and regulations shall determine procedures by which employees (trainees) shall complete vocational education programmes.

(6) A person shall be admitted to continuing vocational education programmes, the completion of which provides a possibility to acquire:

1) the first, second, or third level of professional qualification, without any previous education requirements;

2) the fourth level of professional qualification if he or she has completed vocational training or acquired secondary education;

3) the fifth level and sixth level of professional qualification if he or she has acquired secondary education;

4) the seventh level of professional qualification if he or she has acquired at least the sixth level of higher education of the Latvian Qualifications Framework and has fulfilled the laid down requirements for the relevant professional qualification;

5) the eighth level of professional qualification if he or she has acquired at least the seventh level of higher education of the Latvian Qualifications Framework and has fulfilled the laid down requirements for the relevant professional qualification.

(7) [3 March 2022]

(8) [3 March 2022]

(9) The requirements for the admission to a vocationally oriented education programme shall be laid down in the relevant vocationally oriented education programme.

(10) A person is entitled to be admitted in later stages of education of a vocational education programme, except for the study programmes and professional development education programmes, if he or she has the appropriate competence. The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for commencing studies at later stages of education of vocational education programmes, except for the study programmes and professional development education programmes.

[5 July 2001; 21 September 2006; 3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

Section 28. Implementation of Vocational Education Programmes

(1) The forms of acquisition of vocational education shall be the following:

1) intramural studies, including work-based learning;

2) extramural studies;

3) self-education;

4) [22 June 2017].

(2) The duration of the implementation of a vocational education programme in the form of intramural studies in a vocational education institution shall be the following:

1) the duration of completion of vocational basic education programme - not more than three years;

2) the duration of completion of vocational training - not more than three years;

3) the duration of acquisition of vocational secondary education after the acquisition of primary education - three to four years; after the acquisition of vocational training - from one to two years;

4) the duration of acquisition of short-cycle higher vocational education - from two to three years.

(3) A teaching load in one week of a vocational education programme, except for the study programme, may not exceed:

1) for educatees under 18 - 36 lesson hours;

2) for educatees aged from 18 - 40 lesson hours.

(4) The duration of a lesson shall be from 40 to 45 minutes, and it shall be determined by the head of the educational institution. Duration of one lesson before national holidays shall be 30 minutes.

(41) Work-based learning and traineeship may be organised on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays with the written consent of the educatee or, if the educatee is a minor, with the written consent of the child's parent (person exercising custody), if this is justified by the specific nature of the profession and the activity of the enterprise and the full acquisition of the educational programme, and irreplaceable experience for the purpose of gaining a full insight and acquiring the skills and competences necessary for acquiring the qualification, complying with the norms on employment laid down in the Law on the Protection of the Children's Rights, and also with the restrictions laid down in the Labour Law and other laws and regulations on working and rest hours, workload, night work, and work on weekends or public holidays.

(5) The continuing vocational education programme shall include not less than 30 per cent of the amount of vocational content laid down in the State vocational education standard.

(6) The duration for the completion and the content of professional development and vocationally oriented education shall be determined by the relevant education programme.

(7) Higher vocational education programmes shall be implemented in accordance with the Law on Higher Education Institutions.

[15 July 2001; 21 September 2006; 19 April 2012; 23 April 2015; 22 June 2017; 3 March 2022]

Section 29. Final Examinations for the Completion of a Vocational Education Programme

(1) State final examinations laid down in the State vocational education standard shall be taken upon completion of a vocational education programme.

(2) An educatee who has commenced the acquisition of a vocational basic education or vocational training without a primary education, after passing the final examinations, shall be issued in addition with an education document regarding the acquisition of a general primary education.

(3) [3 March 2022]

(4) Professional qualification examinations shall, in conformity with the requirements of the State vocational education standard, be passed in accredited vocational education institutions or in accredited sectoral examination centres in accordance with the procedures determined by the Cabinet. Vocational education institutions and sectoral examination centres shall organise the process of qualification examinations in co-operation with vocational education support institutions, sectoral ministries, and professional organisations.

(5) The National Centre for Education shall develop the content of the professional qualification examination for the professional qualifications determined by the Cabinet.

[5 July 2001; 21 September 2006; 3 March 2022]

Section 29.1 Assessment of Professional Competence Acquired outside the Formal Education System

Professional competence acquired outside the formal education system shall be assessed in accordance with the procedures determined by the Cabinet, taking into account the requirements for the relevant professional qualification included in the profession standard.

[3 March 2022]

Section 29.2 Recognition of Professional Qualification or a Part Thereof

A vocational education institution shall assess the competence acquired by a person in previous education or professional experience and, if it meets the learning outcomes to be achieved or requirements for professional qualification of the relevant vocational education programme and is included in the profession standard, recognise it, and provide a possibility to continue education or acquire professional qualification in conformity with the criteria and procedures determined by the Cabinet.

[3 March 2022]

Section 29.3 Recognition of Study Results Achieved in Previous Education

Recognition of study results achieved in previous education in short-cycle higher vocational education programmes shall be carried out in accordance with the Law on Higher Education Institutions.

[15 September 2022]

Section 30. Licensing of Vocational Education Programmes

(1) An educational institution is entitled to implement only licensed vocational education programmes.

(2) Vocational basic education, vocational training, vocational secondary education, and vocationally oriented education programmes shall be licensed by the State Education Quality Service in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Education Law. Higher vocational education programmes shall be licensed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Law on Higher Education Institutions.

(3) The procedures for licensing continuing vocational education and professional development programmes shall be determined by the Cabinet.

(4) The Cabinet shall determine the price list for the paid services provided within the scope of the licensing of vocational education programmes.

[3 March 2022 / The new wording of Section shall come into force on 1 January 2023. See Paragraph 37 of Transitional Provisions]

Section 30.1 Accreditation of a Vocational Education Institution

(1) Accreditation of a vocational education institution, except for the colleges, shall take place within two years from the moment of its registration in the Register of Educational Institutions. Colleges shall be accredited in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Law on Higher Education Institutions, and also taking into account the provisions of Sections 16.1, 16.7, 17.3, and 20.2 of this Law. Within the framework of accreditation of a college, the State Education Quality Service shall organise the evaluation of the quality of its activities in the implementation of vocational secondary education, continuing vocational education, and professional development education programmes.

(2) A vocational education institution shall be accredited for a period of six years.

(3) When accrediting a vocational education institution, the quality of its activities, including the implementation of educational programmes, and also its compliance with the status of a vocational education institution determined by the founder shall be assessed.

(4) Accreditation shall be organised by the State Education Quality Service. The State Education Quality Service shall organise the accreditation of vocational education institutions in accordance with the price list for the services provided within the scope of the accreditation.

(5) Vocational education institutions shall be accredited in accordance with the accreditation regulations approved by the Cabinet. The decision on the accreditation of vocational education institutions shall be taken within six months from the day of submitting the relevant application.

(6) Information on accredited vocational education institutions which have the right to issue State-recognised documents certifying vocational education and professional qualifications, and also the list of educational programmes implemented in such educational institutions shall be available in the State Education Information System.

[3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

Chapter VI
Financing of Vocational Education

Section 31. Financing of Vocational Education Programmes and Institutions

(1) This Law, the Education Law, other laws and regulations and the by-laws of the relevant vocational education institution shall determine the procedures for the financing of vocational education institutions.

(2) The Ministry of Education and Science and sectoral ministries shall determine the number of places financed by the State in licensed vocational education programmes of educational institutions.

(21) A vocational education institution which corresponds to the status of an accredited technical school or competence centre of arts education shall receive funding from the State budget to perform the functions of further education of teachers and methodological support for vocational education institutions.

(22) An accredited vocationally oriented sports education institution the learning practice groups of which conform to certain result criteria in sports, as well as conditions for the number and age of educatees has the right to receive State funding for the implementation of vocationally oriented sports education programmes. The Cabinet shall determine the result criteria in sports and the conditions in respect of the number and age of educatees.

(23) Accredited education institutions which provide education to a certain minimum number of educatees in vocationally oriented art or music education programmes implemented in the educational institutions have the right to receive State funding for the implementation of vocationally oriented art or music education programmes. The Cabinet shall determine the minimum number of educatees in vocationally oriented education programmes in art or music.

(24) Accredited local government and private vocational education and vocationally oriented education institutions shall be entitled, in accordance with the procedures specified by the Law, to lay claim to State financing for the implementation of continuing vocational education, professional development and vocationally oriented education programmes.

(25) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for determining the number of budget places in colleges financed from State budget funds. Admission to the State-financed study places shall take place in accordance with the competition procedures.

(26) The study fee for study places which are not financed from the funds of the State budget funds shall be covered by students, legal persons, or natural persons by entering into a relevant agreement thereon with the college thereon.

(27) Financial resources from study fees shall be used for ensuring study processes in conformity with the objectives of the college laid down in the by-laws of the college.

(3) The costs of the final examination for a professional qualification and other costs related to the granting of a professional qualification shall be covered from the funds of those institutions in which the educatee acquires the relevant vocational education programme.

(4) The acquisition of a vocational education and professional qualification in accordance with the procedures specified by the Cabinet shall be covered from the State budget:

1) for educatees with special needs if they are at a special education or social correction institution;

2) for convicted persons if they are at a prison.

(41) One programme of vocational basic education, vocational training, vocational secondary education, or higher vocational education may be acquired at the same time at the expense of the State budget.

(5) The founders shall determine the fee for the acquisition of a vocational education and professional qualification in private vocational education institutions.

(6) Educatees can be insured against accidents during training placement. The Cabinet shall determine the professional qualifications in the acquisition of which educatees must be insured against accidents during training placement, as well as the minimum amount of the sum of insurance. The expenses related to insurance shall be covered by the educational institution in which the educatee completes the relevant educational programme.

[5 July 2001; 21 September 2006; 10 June 2010; 16 December 2010; 15 December 2011; 22 December 2016; 3 March 2022; 15 September 2022 / The new wording of Paragraph six shall come into force on 1 August 2023 and shall be included in the wording of the Law as of 1 August 2023. See Paragraph 37 of Transitional Provisions]

Section 31.1 Crediting in Vocational Education from the European Union Funds or Funding of International Financial Institutions

(1) An educatee who acquires a licensed vocational education programme, except for a study programme, has the right to apply for:

1) tuition fee loan - a loan from the European Union funds or funding of international financial institutions to cover the tuition fee for a vocational education programme;

2) educatee loan - a loan from the European Union funds or funding of international financial institutions in order to ensure the social needs of an educatee.

(2) The Cabinet shall issue regulations stipulating the conditions and procedures for the granting and repayment of tuition fees and educatee loans granted from the European Union funds or funding of international financial institutions.

(3) Crediting of studies and a student from the European Union funds or funding of international financial institutions shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Law on Higher Education Institutions.

[15 September 2022]

Section 32.

[21 September 2006]

Section 33. Material Resources of the Vocational Education Institutions and Education Support Institutions

(1) The creation and use of the material resources of vocational education institutions shall be stipulated by the Education Law.

(2) If a State vocational education institution is located at a State immovable property, such property shall be registered in the Land Register in the name of the State represented by the ministry to which the relevant educational institution is subordinated, unless otherwise provided for by the Cabinet.

[21 September 2006]

Transitional Provisions

1. Section 18 of this Law shall come into force on 1 January 2004.

2. Documents certifying an education and professional qualification after passing of the final examinations shall be issued in accordance with the procedures which were in force before coming into force of this Law for educatees who have commenced the completion of a vocational training or specialised secondary education programme before the coming into force of this Law.

3. State vocational basic education, vocational training and vocational secondary education institutions have the right to issue documents certifying vocational education and professional qualification in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of this Law and to organise centralised qualification examinations until their accreditation, but not later than by 1 September 2004.

[5 July 2001]

4. [3 March 2022]

5. Non-accredited private vocational education institutions are entitled to qualify for the State financing provided for in Section 30, Paragraph six of this Law until their accreditation, but not later than by 1 January 2003.

[5 July 2001]

6. The rights to issue professional qualification certificates determined for examination centres in Section 1, Clause 2.1 of this Law shall come into force on 1 January 2007.

[21 September 2006]

7. The Cabinet shall make amendments to the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 5 of this Law by 1 January 2007, and shall issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clauses 9 and 10 by 1 March 2007.

[21 September 2006]

8. The functions of the Vocational Education Administration shall be performed by the Vocational Education Centre until the moment when the Cabinet makes the necessary amendments to the laws and regulations governing the operation of the institution. These amendments shall be made by 31 December 2006.

[21 September 2006]

9. Section 24 of this Law shall come into force on 1 September 2007. The Cabinet shall approve the draft profession standards submitted by the Ministry of Education and Science by 31 August 2007.

[21 September 2006]

10. Profession standards determined by the Cabinet by 31 August 2007 shall be in force until 31 December 2011.

[21 September 2006]

11. In accordance with this Law, remuneration specified in State and local government authorities (salary, bonuses, gratuities, allowances, etc.) in 2009 shall be determined in accordance with the Law on Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities in 2009.

[12 December 2008]

12. Section 29.1, Paragraphs one and two shall come into force on 1 January 2011.

[10 June 2010]

13. The Cabinet shall issue the regulations provided for in Section 29.1, Paragraph three of this Law by 31 December 2010.

[10 June 2010]

14. Amendments to Section 31, Paragraph six of this Law regarding insurance of educatees against accidents during training placement shall come into force on 1 September 2011.

[10 June 2010]

15. The Cabinet shall issue the regulations provided for in Section 31, Paragraph six of this Law regarding insurance of educatees against accidents during training placement by 31 August 2011.

[10 June 2010]

16. The Cabinet shall, by 28 February 2011, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 11 of this Law.

[16 December 2010]

17. The Cabinet shall, by 31 May 2011, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7 Clause 12 of this Law.

[16 December 2010]

18. In 2012, bonuses shall not be paid to teachers of educational institutions founded by the State and local governments, but teachers shall be materially incentivized and allowances shall be disbursed thereto in accordance with the Law on Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities.

[15 December 2011]

19. The Cabinet shall by 1 September 2012 ensure the conformity of the names of Alsviķi Vocational School, Apgulde Secondary Vocational School, Barkava Secondary Vocational School, Cīrava Secondary Vocational School, Daugavpils School of Commerce, Ērgļi Secondary Vocational School, Jaungulbene Secondary Vocational School, Ranka Secondary Vocational School, Skrunda Secondary Vocational School, Zaļenieki Secondary Vocational School, Daugavpils State Technical School, Ogre State Technical School, Priekuļi and Jāņmuiža State Technical School, Rīga Technical School of Commerce and Smiltene State Technical School - Vocational Secondary School with the provisions of Section 16 of this Law and Section 26 of the Education Law.

[19 April 2012]

20. In 2013, a severance benefit shall be disbursed to teachers in educational institutions founded by the State and local governments in accordance with the Law on Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities.

[15 November 2012]

21. The Cabinet shall issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clauses 14 and 15 of this Law by 30 November 2015, and the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 2 of this Law - by 31 December 2015.

[23 April 2015]

22. Until the issuing of the Cabinet regulations regarding procedures for developing of a profession standard, requirements for professional qualification (if a profession standard need not be developed for the profession) and a structure of industry qualifications provided for in Paragraph 21 of these Transitional Provisions, but not later than until 31 December 2015, the Cabinet Regulation No. 149 of 27 February 2007,Procedures for Development of Profession Standards, shall apply insofar as it is not in conflict with this Law.

[23 April 2015; 22 June 2017]

23. The Cabinet shall issue the regulations referred to in Section 15.1, Paragraph 1.1 of this Law regarding criteria for the acquisition of the status of a vocational education competence centre in the field of art, music or dance by 30 June 2015.

[23 April 2015]

24. The new wording of Section 5 of this Law (regarding conformity of the levels of professional qualification with the levels of the Latvian Qualifications Framework) and Section 25, Paragraph one, Clause 5 (regarding a reference to the level of a vocational education programme in the Latvian Qualifications Framework) shall come into force simultaneously with the amendments made to the Education Law which lay down the regulation for the Latvian Qualifications Framework.

[23 April 2015]

25. Section 6, Paragraph eight of this Law (regarding indication of the level of the Latvian Qualifications Framework in state-recognised documents certifying vocational education and documents certifying professional qualification) shall come into force on 1 January 2017.

[23 April 2015]

26. The Cabinet shall issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 2.1 of this Law by 31 July 2017.

[22 June 2017]

27. The Cabinet shall, by 30 June 2022, develop and submit to the Saeima the necessary amendments to the Education Law, the General Education Law, and the Law on Higher Education Institutions in order to harmonise them with the amendments made to this Law.

[3 March 2022]

28. The terms used in other laws and regulations:

1) "examination centre" corresponds to the term "sectoral examination centre" used in this Law;

2) "first-level higher vocational education" corresponds to the term "short-cycle higher vocational education" used in this Law;

3) "second-level higher vocational education" corresponds to the term "first-cycle higher vocational education" used in this Law if it refers to the second-level higher vocational education resulting in the acquisition of the fifth level of professional qualification in conformity with the sixth level of the Latvian Qualifications Framework;

4) "second-level higher vocational education" corresponds to the term "second-cycle higher vocational education" used in this Law if it refers to the second-level higher vocational education resulting in the acquisition of the fifth level of professional qualification in conformity with the seventh level of the Latvian Qualifications Framework.

[3 March 2022]

29. Amendments to Section 5 of this Law regarding the new wording thereof shall come into force on 1 August 2022.

[3 March 2022]

30. The levels of professional qualification which are in force until 31 July 2022 shall, starting from 1 August 2022, correspond to the following levels of professional qualification in the Latvian Qualifications Framework:

1) the second level of professional qualification corresponds to the third level of professional qualification;

2) the third level of professional qualification corresponds to the fourth level of professional qualification;

3) the fourth level of professional qualification corresponds to the fifth level of professional qualification;

4) the fifth level of professional qualification corresponds to the sixth or seventh level of professional qualification.

[3 March 2022]

31. The founder of a vocational education institution registered in the Register of Educational Institutions by 31 March 2022 shall, by 31 December 2022, determine the status of the vocational education institution in conformity with the provisions of Section 16.1, and also Section 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, or 16.5 of this Law and submit the decision taken to the Register of Educational Institutions. The Register of Educational Institutions shall evaluate the decision submitted by the founder of the educational institution within one month and shall make an entry of the status of the vocational educational institution in the Register of Educational Institutions or refuse to make the entry.

[3 March 2022]

32. A vocational education institution which has obtained the status of a vocational education competence centre by 31 March 2022 and receives the State budget funding for the performance of the functions of a regional or sectoral methodological centre, a continuing education centre for teachers and for the assessment of professional competence acquired outside the formal education system shall continue to receive the State budget funding until 31 December 2022 and shall, from 1 January 2023 until re-accreditation, receive the State budget funding laid down in Section 31, Paragraph 2.1 of this Law if the founder, in compliance with Paragraph 31 of Transitional Provisions, has determined for such vocational education institution the status of a technical school or competence centre of arts education. From 1 January 2023 until the accreditation of the college, the vocational education competence centre "Riga Technical College" shall receive the State budget funding for the performance of the functions of further education of teachers and methodological support for vocational education institutions.

[3 March 2022; 15 September 2022]

33. The Cabinet shall, by 31 December 2023, take a decision on the future status of Riga Vocational School No. 3, ensuring that educatees have a possibility to continue their education in an appropriate educational programme. The vocational school is entitled to continue to implement licensed and accredited vocational education programmes until 31 December 2023.

[3 March 2022]

34. Vocational secondary education institutions which, until 31 March 2022, implement accredited general basic education or general secondary education programmes are entitled to continue to implement such programmes until the institution is accredited in conformity with that laid down in Section 30.1 of this Law.

[3 March 2022]

35. The Ministry of Education and Science shall, by 31 December 2024 in co-operation with the Ministry of Economics, make public the assessment of the integration into the labour market of graduates of the vocational education programmes referred to in Section 21.1 of this Law after graduation.

[3 March 2022]

36. Section 25, Paragraph five of this Law regarding the right to implement professional development education programmes without additional licensing and Paragraph six regarding the right to implement continuing vocational education programmes without additional licensing shall come into force on 1 January 2023.

[3 March 2022]

37. Amendments to Section 30 of this Law regarding the new wording thereof shall come into force on 1 January 2023.

[3 March 2022]

38. Accreditation of vocational education institutions in accordance with Section 30.1 of this Law shall commence on 1 January 2024.

[3 March 2022]

39. Vocational education institutions accredited until 31 March 2022 shall be accredited in conformity with Article 30.1 of this Law after expiry of the accreditation period laid down for them.

[3 March 2022]

40. Vocational education institutions the accreditation period of which expires after 1 June 2023 shall have their accreditation extended until 31 March 2024.

[3 March 2022]

41. Amendments to Section 31, Paragraph six of this Law in respect of insurance of educatees during the entire academic year shall come into force on 1 August 2023.

[3 March 2022 / The abovementioned amendment shall be included in the wording of the Law as of 1 August 2023.]

42. The Cabinet shall:

1) by 31 August 2022, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 10 of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 662 of 30 August 2011, Procedures for Organising Professional Qualification Examinations in Accredited Vocational Education Programmes, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 31 August 2022;

2) by 30 November 2022, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 5 of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 451 of 21 June 2005, Procedures for the Issuing the State-recognised Documents Certifying Vocational Education and Professional Qualification and Documents Certifying the Acquisition of a Part of Accredited Vocational Education Programme, and Cabinet Regulation No. 902 of 29 November 2005, Procedures for the Issuing the Documents Certifying Professional Development and Vocationally Oriented Education, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 30 November 2022;

3) by 30 November 2022, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 5.1 of this Law;

4) by 31 December 2022, issue the regulations referred to in Section 30, Paragraph three of this Law;

5) by 31 December 2022, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 13.2 of this Law;

6) by 31 December 2022, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 15.1 of this Law;

7) by 30 June 2022, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 15.4 of this Law;

8) by 28 February 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 15.2 of this Law. Vocational education institutions shall, by 28 February 2023, comply with the current procedures for admission of persons to vocational education programmes except for study programmes, including the organisation of entrance examinations, and also for transfer to the next course or dismissal;

9) by 31 May 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 11.1 of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 618 of 6 October 2020, Procedures for the Accreditation of Educational Institutions, Examination Centres, Other Authorities Specified in the Education Law and Educational Programmes and Assessment of the Professional Activities of the Heads of Educational Institutions, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 31 May 2023;

10) by 31 May 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 13 of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 146 of 22 February 2011, Procedures for Assessing Professional Competence Acquired Outside the Formal Education System, and Cabinet Regulation No. 791 of 10 September 2013, Price List of Paid Services of Vocational Education Institutions and Examination Centres, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 31 May 2023;

11) by 31 May 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 2 of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 633 of 27 September 2016, Procedures for the Development of a Profession Standard, Requirements for the Professional Qualification (if the Profession Standard is not Approved for the Profession) and the Structure of Industry Qualifications, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 31 May 2023;

12) by 31 May 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 2.1 of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 626 of 9 October 2018, Regulations Regarding the List of Compulsory Applicable Profession Standards and Requirements for Professional Qualification and the Profession Standard Included Therein and the Procedures for Making Public the Requirements for Professional Qualification, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 31 May 2023;

13) by 31 May 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 4 of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 785 of 20 November 2012, Procedures for Organising Training Placement and Insurance of Educatees, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 31 May 2023;

14) by 31 May 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 31, Paragraph six of this Law;

15) by 31 May 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 7 of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 618 of 6 October 2020, Procedures for the Accreditation of Educational Institutions, Examination Centres, Other Authorities Specified in the Education Law and Educational Programmes and Assessment of the Professional Activities of the Heads of Educational Institutions, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 31 May 2023;

16) by 31 December 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 15.5 of this Law;

17) by 31 December 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 13.1 of this Law;

18) by 31 December 2023, approve the State vocational basic education standard, the State vocational training standard, the State vocational secondary education standard, the State continuing vocational education standard, the State professional development education standard, and the State vocationally oriented education standard laid down in Section 23, Paragraphs one and 1.1 of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 332 of 2 June 2020, Regulations Regarding the State Vocational Secondary Education Standard and the State Vocational Training Standard, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 31 December 2023;

19) by 31 December 2022, approve the State higher vocational education standard referred to in Section 23, Paragraph one of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 141 of 20 March 2001, Regulations Regarding the State Standard for the First Level Higher Vocational Education, and Cabinet Regulation No. 512 of 26 August 2014, Regulations Regarding the State Standard for the Second Level Higher Vocational Education, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 31 December 2022.

[3 March 2022]

43. Colleges shall, by 31 December 2023, ensure the development of the by-laws of colleges and approval thereof in accordance with the amendments to Section 17 of this Law. The by-laws of colleges issued in accordance with Section 10.1, Paragraph one of the Law on Higher Education Institutions shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the abovementioned by-laws, but not later than until 31 December 2023, insofar as they are not in contradiction with the Law on Higher Education Institutions.

[15 September 2022]

44. Vocational education institutions shall, by 31 December 2022, establish a convention, if such has not been established, in accordance with the provisions of Section 17.1 of this Law.

[15 September 2022]

45. A college shall, by 31 December 2023, establish a college assembly in conformity with the provisions of Section 17.2 of this Law. A college council shall perform the functions of the college assembly until the establishment of the college assembly, but not later than until 31 December 2023.

[15 September 2022]

46. A person appointed as the director of a college until 31 December 2022 shall continue to hold the position until the expiry of the period laid down in the employment contract, but not later than until 31 December 2027. After expiry of that period, the person is entitled to apply for election for a second term in the position of the director of the relevant college.

[15 September 2022]

47. The loans referred to in Section 31.1 of this Law shall be granted for as long as the European Union funds or funding of international financial institutions provide financing for granting thereof.

[15 September 2022]

48. The Cabinet shall:

1) by 30 September 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 15.6 of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 690 of 25 October 2016, Regulations Regarding the Provision of Funding to Colleges of the System of the Ministry of the Interior, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 30 September 2023;

2) by 31 December 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 7, Clause 15.7 of this Law;

3) by 28 February 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 31, Paragraph 2.5 of this Law. Cabinet Regulation No. 994 of 12 December 2006, Procedures for the Provision of Funding to Higher Education Institutions and Colleges from the State Budget Funds, shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the Cabinet regulations, but no later than until 28 February 2023;

4) by 31 January 2023, issue the regulations referred to in Section 31.1, Paragraph two of this Law.

[15 September 2022]

The Law has been adopted by the Saeima on 10 June 1999.

President G. Ulmanis

Rīga, 30 June 1999

1The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia

Translation © 2023 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

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Nosaukums: Profesionālās izglītības likums Statuss:
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spēkā esošs
Izdevējs: Saeima Veids: likums Pieņemts: 10.06.1999.Stājas spēkā: 14.07.1999.Tēma: Izglītība, zinātne, sportsPublicēts: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 213/215, 30.06.1999.; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 14, 22.07.1999.
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{"selected":{"value":"01.08.2023","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.08.2023.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},"data":[{"value":"01.08.2023","iso_value":"2023\/08\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.08.2023.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2023","iso_value":"2023\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2023.-31.07.2023.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"11.10.2022","iso_value":"2022\/10\/11","content":"<font class='s-1'>11.10.2022.-31.12.2022.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.08.2022","iso_value":"2022\/08\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.08.2022.-10.10.2022.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.04.2022","iso_value":"2022\/04\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.04.2022.-31.07.2022.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"06.07.2017","iso_value":"2017\/07\/06","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.07.2017.-31.03.2022.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"06.01.2017","iso_value":"2017\/01\/06","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.01.2017.-05.07.2017.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2017","iso_value":"2017\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2017.-05.01.2017.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"16.07.2015","iso_value":"2015\/07\/16","content":"<font class='s-1'>16.07.2015.-31.12.2016.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"15.05.2015","iso_value":"2015\/05\/15","content":"<font class='s-1'>15.05.2015.-15.07.2015.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2013","iso_value":"2013\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2013.-14.05.2015.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"17.05.2012","iso_value":"2012\/05\/17","content":"<font class='s-1'>17.05.2012.-31.12.2012.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2012","iso_value":"2012\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2012.-16.05.2012.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.09.2011","iso_value":"2011\/09\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.09.2011.-31.12.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2011","iso_value":"2011\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2011.-31.08.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.07.2010","iso_value":"2010\/07\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.07.2010.-31.12.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.07.2009","iso_value":"2009\/07\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.07.2009.-30.06.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2009","iso_value":"2009\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2009.-30.06.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.09.2007","iso_value":"2007\/09\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.09.2007.-31.12.2008.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"11.07.2007","iso_value":"2007\/07\/11","content":"<font class='s-1'>11.07.2007.-31.08.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"25.10.2006","iso_value":"2006\/10\/25","content":"<font class='s-1'>25.10.2006.-10.07.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"11.03.2004","iso_value":"2004\/03\/11","content":"<font class='s-1'>11.03.2004.-24.10.2006.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2004","iso_value":"2004\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2004.-10.03.2004.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"23.08.2003","iso_value":"2003\/08\/23","content":"<font class='s-1'>23.08.2003.-31.12.2003.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.09.2001","iso_value":"2001\/09\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.09.2001.-22.08.2003.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"14.07.1999","iso_value":"1999\/07\/14","content":"<font class='s-1'>14.07.1999.-31.08.2001.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>Pamata<\/font>"}]}
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