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The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 15.12.2014.–02.12.2016.
Amendments not included: 22.11.2016., 09.06.2020.
Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

28 July 2009 [shall come into force from 1 August 2009];
23 February 2010 [shall come into force from 15 March 2010];
6 September 2011 [shall come into force from 10 September 2011];
8 May 2012 [shall come into force from 16 May 2012];
30 September 2014 [shall come into force from 3 October 2014];
2 December 2014 [shall come into force from 15 December 2014].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 300

Adopted 7 April 2009

Rules of Procedures of the Cabinet of Ministers

Issued pursuant to
Section 15, Paragraph three and five, Section 22, Paragraph one and two,
Section 27, Paragraph two, Section 28, Paragraph six, and Section 29, Paragraph two of
the Law on the Structure of the Cabinet of Ministers and
Section 11, Paragraph five of the Development Planning System Law

[23 February 2010; 30 September 2014]

I. General Provisions

1. The Rules of Procedures of the Cabinet of Ministers shall govern the following matters of the Cabinet's internal procedures and activities:

1.1. types of documents to be considered by the Cabinet of Ministers, procedures for the submission, endorsement, progress and consideration thereof, and procedures for formalisation of the adopted decisions;

1.2. procedures by which the Prime Minister supervises the implementation of the Declaration of the Intended Activities of the Cabinet of Ministers (hereinafter - the Declaration) and its Action Plan;

1.3. contents, amount, unified form and submission procedures of information to be provided under the procedure by which matters of Cabinet members are assigned to the new Cabinet of Ministers (Annex 1);

1.4. competence and organisational procedure of State Secretaries' meeting;

1.5. organisational procedures of meetings of the Cabinet Committee and Cabinet sittings;

1.6. application procedure for participation in the Cabinet sittings and in the Cabinet Committee meetings; restrictions for such participation and participation procedure;

1.7. procedures of use, storage and archiving of audio recordings of meetings of the Cabinet Committee, Cabinet sittings and State Secretaries' meetings;

1.8. organisational procedures of meetings of Parliamentary Secretaries;

1.9. procedure of enforcement of tasks assigned by laws, resolutions of the Saeima, legal acts issued by the Cabinet of Ministers, and tasks assigned by the Prime Minister;

1.10. procedures for documenting absence of members of the Cabinet of Ministers and other state officials due to a business trip, vacation or illness.

[6 September 2011]

2. In accordance with authority of the Cabinet of Ministers it shall consider:

2.1. draft development planning documents (hereinafter - planning documents);

2.2. [23 February 2010];

2.3. external legal acts:

2.3.1. international agreement or a draft thereof;

2.3.2. draft law;

2.3.3. draft resolution of the Saeima;

2.3.4. draft regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers;

2.4. internal legal acts:

2.4.1. draft instructions of the Cabinet of Ministers;

2.4.2. draft recommendations of the Cabinet of Ministers;

2.4.3. draft protocol decision of the Cabinet of Ministers;

2.5. draft orders of the Cabinet of Ministers;

2.6. informative statement;

2.7. draft official opinion of Latvia for the institutions of international organisations and the European Union:

2.7.1. draft national position of the Republic of Latvia regarding EU matters (hereinafter - national position);

2.7.2. draft position of the Republic of Latvia regarding cases considered by the Court of Justice of the European Union and the EFTA Court, or under the pre-trial process of the infringement procedure stipulated in Articles 258, 259 and 260 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (hereinafter - position);

2.7.3. draft national position of the Republic of Latvia regarding matters of international law (hereinafter - national position on international law matters);

2.7.1 [1 July 2015 / See Clause 270];

2.8. draft documents of the Cabinet of Ministers to be submitted to the court of the Republic of Latvia (hereinafter - document to be submitted to the court);

2.9. draft letter of the Cabinet of Ministers to the Saeima, ombudsman or other state institution or official (hereinafter - draft letter of the Cabinet of Ministers).

[23 February 2010; 30 September 2014]

3. When submitting a draft law to the Cabinet of Ministers for consideration, a report on the initial impact assessment of the proposed regulation structured in separate subject-specific divisions (hereinafter referred to as annotation) shall be appended thereto. An annotation, in which at least the section on the necessity of the draft legal act is filled out, shall be appended to the draft legal acts referred to in Sub-clauses 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.4.1, 2.4.2 and 2.5 of this Regulation; other sections shall be filled out if the draft legal act is related to the matters mentioned in the respective division. Information on the nature and necessity of the draft required by the draft legal act referred to in Sub-clause 2.4.3 of this Regulation shall be indicated in a covering letter, but, if a more detailed description of the impact of this draft legal act is required, the respective divisions of the annotation shall be filled out.

[23 February 2010]

4. Instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers shall stipulate the procedures by which annotations, annotation forms, impact assessment objects (sections) are drafted and competence of the line ministries and other public administration institutions in evaluation of annotation's divisions.

[23 February 2010]

5. Procedures by which policy documents are drafted shall be stipulated by those laws and regulations which define policy documents of any level, type and term, define contents of such policy documents, procedures for their drafting, approval and updating, term of validity, reporting procedures and unenforceability procedures.

6. The draft national position shall be developed and harmonised in accordance with the procedures specified in laws and regulations on the development, harmonisation, approval and updating of the national positions.

7. The draft position shall be developed and approved in accordance with the procedures specified in laws and regulations on the development and approval of the positions.

8. The draft national position on international law matters shall be developed and approved in accordance with the procedures specified in laws and regulations on development, harmonisation and approval of the national position on international law matters.

8.1 [1 July 2015 / See Clause 270.]

9. [28 July 2009]

10. A member of the Cabinet of Ministers (hereinafter - submitter) shall be authorised to submit documents referred to in Clause 2 of this Regulation and developed by a line ministry, Secretariat of the Minister for Special Assignments, Deputy Prime Minister's Office or State Chancellery or institution subordinated to the Prime Minister (hereinafter - the line ministry) for consideration at a meeting of the Cabinet Committee or sitting of the Cabinet.

11. Heads of other state or municipal institutions, as well as non-governmental organisations and organisations of social partners (hereinafter - other institution) shall be entitled to submit a draft planning document, draft legal act or informative statement for consideration at a meeting of the Cabinet Committee or sitting of the Cabinet only through such member of the Cabinet of Ministers who is politically responsible for the respective area, sector or subsector.

12. If the respective member of the Cabinet of Ministers refuses to advance the draft planning document, draft legal act or informative statement prepared by an institution referred to in Clause 11 of this Regulation for consideration at the Cabinet of Ministers, the head of the institution is entitled to submit the above-mentioned draft document together with a written refusal reasoned by the respective minister to the Prime Minister for taking of final decision on further advancement of the draft planning document, draft legal act or informative statement. If the Prime Minister takes a decision to advance the above-mentioned draft for consideration at the Cabinet of Ministers, the Prime Minister shall be considered as the submitter of this draft.

13. Only the State Secretary of a line ministry, Head of the Secretariat of the Minister for Special Assignments, Head of the Deputy Prime Minister's Office, Director of the State Chancellery and the head of a public administration institution subordinated to the Prime Minister (hereinafter - the State Secretary) shall be entitled to submit a draft legal act for consideration at a meeting of the State Secretaries.

14. Heads of other institutions shall be entitled to submit a draft legal act for consideration at a meeting of the State Secretaries only through the State Secretary of the line ministry competence of which includes matters addressed in the draft legal act. The State Secretary shall coordinate submission of this draft for consideration at a meeting of State Secretaries with the respective member of the Cabinet and include information regarding such coordination in a covering letter.

15. If the respective member of the Cabinet objects to the submission of the draft legal act prepared by an institution referred to in Clause 14 of this Regulation to the Cabinet on Ministers, the head of the institution shall be entitled to submit the above-mentioned draft together with a written refusal reasoned by the respective member of the Cabinet to the Prime Minister for taking of the final decision on further advancement of the draft legal act.

16. The State Secretary shall be entitled to withdraw a draft document submitted to the State Chancellery and registered thereby if such draft has been submitted by the aforementioned official, but a member of the Cabinet shall be entitled to withdraw a draft at any stage of draft's consideration.

17. The line ministry shall be responsible for informing the society about the content and essential changes of the drafts to be considered at the Cabinet of Ministers. The procedures by which the line ministry prepares, formalizes and distributes information about the draft to be considered at a meeting of State Secretaries, meeting of the Cabinet Committee or sitting of the Cabinet and decisions taken to the society is stipulated in an instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers.

18. The State Chancellery shall organise the circulation of the submitted documents referred to in this Regulation and control the consideration process thereof at meetings of State Secretaries, meetings of the Cabinet Committee and sittings of the Cabinet. The procedures for technical preparation of the documents referred to in this Regulation shall be stipulated in an instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers.

[6 September 2011]

19. If in cases stipulated in this Regulation the document must be submitted to the State Chancellery only electronically, the line ministry shall ensure the storage of a paper original of this document and the depositing thereof in a national archive according to the procedures stipulated by the laws and regulations on national archives.

[30 September 2014]

20. Documents, which according to this Regulation are submitted to the State Chancellery, line ministry, or other institution in an on-line mode by using the Electronic Processing and Assignment Control (hereinafter - the DAUKS system), shall constitute an official record and shall not require an electronic signature. The circulation of documents between line ministries and the State Chancellery shall be executed using the DAUKS system.

[6 September 2011; 30 September 2014]

20.1 The responsible line ministry shall develop, harmonise and submit to the State Chancellery the documents referred to in Sub-clause 2.7.1 and 59.1 1, and Clause 61 using the state information system for processing of European Union documents (hereinafter - the ESVIS system). The documents, which according to this Regulation have been submitted to the State Chancellery using the ESVIS system, shall constitute an official record and shall not require an electronic signature.

[30 September 2014 / The new wording of the Paragraph shall come into force on 1 July 2015. See Clause 3 of the amendments]

21. The State Chancellery shall place the signed agenda and appended documents into the e-portfolio system of the meetings of State Secretaries, meetings of the Cabinet Committee and sittings of the Cabinet (hereinafter - the e-portfolio system), and shall send an e-mail notice about the availability of agendas and materials to the registered users of the e-portfolio system. During meetings and sittings all participants shall process their documents using the e-portfolio system. On the website of the Cabinet of Ministers the State Chancellery shall publish the agenda and minutes of the meetings of State Secretaries, meetings of the Cabinet Committee and sittings of the Cabinet, as well as draft planning documents, draft legal acts and their annotations, and informative reports except for restricted use documents included in the respective agenda.

[6 September 2011]

22. Documents containing information which have been marked with an indicator of use restriction "RESTRICTED USE" shall be available in the e-portfolio system only to the participants of the respective meeting or sitting, as well as to other officials according to a list approved by the Director of the State Chancellery. Documents containing information which have been marked with an indicator of use restriction "FOR OFFICIAL USE" shall be made available to the participants only in printed form.

23. If according to this Regulation document is to be submitted or sent electronically, it shall be submitted or sent to the official e-mail of the State Chancellery or the relevant line ministry, or other institution, if not otherwise provided in this Regulation, by attaching such document to the e-mail message as an attachment (the application on persons additionally invited to a meeting of State Secretaries, meeting of the Cabinet Committee or sitting of the Cabinet is not required to be attached as an attachment).

[6 September 011]

24. The responsible line ministry or other institution shall ensure:

24.1. cross-compliance of the submitted documents and accuracy and current relevance of facts and data referred to in such documents, as well as assessment;

24.2. cross-compliance of the paper and electronic forms of the document if it is submitted both in printed form and electronically;

24.3. assessment of the submitted documents in conformity with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Law and other laws and regulations governing the availability of information. The State Chancellery shall not change the availability status of the submitted document.

24.4. compliance of the submitted drafts with legal norms of the same or higher level of legal status as well as with Latvia's international commitments;

24.5. compliance of the submitted drafts with requirements for the development, formatting and legal technicality of documents.

[23 February 2010; 6 September 2011]

25. If during the registration of a submitted document the State Chancellery establishes non-compliance with the requirements for the development, formalisation and electronic circulation of documents stipulated in the laws and regulations and with the procedures for harmonisation and submission of the drafts stipulated in this Regulation, as well as if the contents of the submitted document do not comply with the type of the document, the State Chancellery shall not register such draft and shall send information on the necessary corrections to the competent line ministry or other institution. If the responsible line ministry or other institution fails to make the necessary corrections within three working days after the date when the information on the necessary corrections was sent, the State Chancellery shall return the submitted document together with documents appended thereto to the competent line ministry or other institution.

26. If due to the amendments to a draft legal relevant amendments should be made also in other legal acts of the same hierarchical level, when submitting the prepared draft for consideration at the Cabinet of Ministers, it shall be accompanied also by other draft legal acts on the necessary amendments in accordance with the procedures stipulated in this Regulation.

27. The procedures by which a draft planning document, informative statement or legal act which constitutes as an object of state secret according to the Law "On State Secrets", shall be coordinated with the line ministries and other institutions, as well as shall be submitted to and considered by the Cabinet of Ministers, shall be governed by an instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers.

28. The procedures by which a draft planning documents, informative statement or legal acts which contain information for official use according to the Law on Freedom of Information, shall be coordinated with the line ministries and other institutions, as well as submitted to and considered by the Cabinet of Ministers, shall be governed by an instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers.

29. The unified control procedures for the execution of tasks determined in the law, decision of the Saeima, legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers, protocol decisions of the meetings of the Cabinet Committee, protocol decisions of the meetings of the State Chancellery, and orders and resolutions of the Prime Minister shall be set forth in an instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers.

II. Succession of Matters of a Cabinet Member

30. In the event of resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Prime Minister stipulated by the Law on the Structure of the Cabinet of Ministers each line ministry shall, within the term stipulated by the resolution of the Prime Minister and in accordance with the Annex 2 to this Regulation, prepare and submit electronically information to the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre on the execution of the Action Plan and tasks thereof which are directed towards the achievement of the objectives of the National Development Plan and execution of which should be continued. If the line ministry, when reporting information on the completed tasks and tasks, execution of which should be continued, proposes new measures, it shall fill out Section three of Annex 2 to this Regulation.

[2 December 2014]

31. Within three working days after the receipt of the information referred to in Clause 30 of this Regulations the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre shall submit summary of the information to the Prime Minister or the nominated Prime Minister.

[2 December 2014]

32. Within three working days after the Saeima has taken a vote on expressing confidence to the new member of the Cabinet, the State Secretary of the respective line ministry shall submit to the new member of the Cabinet information on draft planning documents, informative statements and draft legal acts which were submitted by the previous member of the Cabinet or which are in the process of development or harmonisation, as well as any other information in line with Clauses 3, 4 and 5 of Annex 1 to this Regulation.

33. Within five working days after the Saeima has taken a vote on expressing confidence to the new member of the Cabinet, the line ministry shall submit to the State Chancellery information signed by the new member of the Cabinet on those draft planning documents, informative statements and draft legal acts which are submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers by the previous member of the Cabinet in accordance with a specific procedure and advancement of which has become obsolete. The line ministry shall indicate for each draft the date when it was submitted to the State Chancellery, title thereof and document registration number assigned by the State Chancellery (if known) or the registration number of the notified draft (SSM number) (Clause 77 of this Regulation).

34. If the line ministry has not provided the information according to the procedures and within the term stipulated in Clause 33 of this Regulation, the State Chancellery shall continue the advancement of draft planning documents, informative statements and draft legal acts in the Cabinet of Ministers.

III. Action Plan

[2 December 2014]

35. Within a month after the Saeima has taken a vote on expressing confidence to the new member of the Cabinet, each line ministry by cooperating with social partners of the government, cooperation partners and non-governmental organisations representing the sector shall prepare the draft measures of the action plan (Annex 2) and submit it electronically to the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre.

36. Maximum five measures for the implementation of each task of the Declaration shall be indicated in the draft action plan.

37. The Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre shall, after reception of the draft measures of the action plan, shall consolidate measures submitted by the line ministries into single draft action plan in accordance with the tasks referred to in the Declaration. If necessary the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre shall ask line ministries to clarify or delete measures submitted by the line ministries for the implementation of the tasks of the Declaration. The Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre shall submit the draft action plan to the Prime Minister.

38. If the prepared draft action plan does not foresee measures for the implementation of a task included in the Declaration, the Prime Minister shall determine the line ministry in charge of the implementation of this task. The responsible line ministry shall, within five working days after reception of the task of the Prime Minister, electronically submit information on the measures for the implementation of the relevant tasks to the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre in accordance with Annex 2 to this Regulation by indicating the deadline for execution.

39. If necessary, the Prime Minister shall organise separate discussions regarding the draft action plan. The Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre shall ensure organisation of the aforementioned discussions and carrying out the necessary corrections in the draft action plan.

40. After information on the measures for the implementation of the tasks of the Declaration has been received from all line ministries the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre shall summarise the draft action plan and submit it to the Prime Minister. The Cabinet of Ministers shall approve the action plan by an order of the Cabinet of Ministers. The procedures by which the action plan shall be updated and reports shall be submitted shall be stipulated in this order.

41. The line ministries shall prepare information on the implementation progress of measures foreseen in the action plan in accordance with the order of the Cabinet of Ministers referred to in Clause 40 of this Regulation. This information shall be provided by filling out the respective column of the action plan and submitted electronically to the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre.

42. After reception of the information referred to in Clause 41 of this Regulation the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre shall summarize it and submit it to the Prime Minister, as well as publish it on the website of Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre.

43. The changes in the action plan as proposed by Prime Minister are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers which adopts a respective order.

44. After the action plan or changes thereof have been approved the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre shall, in accordance with the order of the Cabinet of Ministers, prepare the updated action plan and publish it on the website of the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre, as well as send it to the competent line ministries and the State Chancellery for the publication thereof on the website of the Cabinet of Minister.

45. After the action plan or changes thereof have been approved each line ministry shall ensure the publication of the section of measures of the action plan within its competence on the website of the respective line ministry.

IV. Ranks of Cabinet Members

46. Members of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be ranked in following way:

46.1. Prime Minister;

46.2. Deputy Prime Minister;

46.3. Minister, Minister for Special Assignments.

47. Within one rank a higher rank is assigned to a Cabinet member who has worked in the respective post for a longer period of time. In case the term for assuming the post is equal higher rank shall be assigned to the official who has been working in the public administration for a longer period of time.

48. Working places of the members of the Cabinet during sittings of the Cabinet and meetings of the Cabinet Committee shall be determined according to ranks. The ranks of the members of the Cabinet shall be applied by the Chair of the sitting of the Cabinet or meeting of the Cabinet Committee when giving the right to speak during debates about the respective matter and when determining the co-signatories (the right of second signature) of a draft legal act adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers.

V. International Agreements or their Drafts to be Considered by the Cabinet of Ministers

49. When an international agreement or a draft thereof, which is approved in accordance with Section 31, Paragraph one, Clause 2 of the Law on the Structure of the Cabinet of Ministers, is submitted for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers and if the respective agreement or draft thereof is to be signed, the respective line ministry shall also append to it a draft protocol decision of the Cabinet of Ministers indicating the official authorised to sign the agreement or draft thereof, and draft letter of authorisation (in Latvian by appending translation in the respective foreign language and indicating that it is a translation) except in cases when the authorisation is provided by the law.

[30 September 2014]

50. If the international agreement is to be adopted by the Saeima without signing it in advance, the Cabinet of Ministers shall approve the draft law on approval of the aforementioned agreement.

51. If the international agreement or the draft thereof is to be approved by the Saeima after signing it in advance, the line ministry shall append to the aforementioned agreement a draft protocol decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, which stipulates Cabinet's support to the signature of the international agreement or draft thereof by also indicating the official authorised to sign the draft agreement and the draft letter of authorisation (in Latvian by appending translation in the respective foreign language in indicating that it is a translation) except in cases when the authorisation is provided by the law.

[30 September 2014]

52. Upon signing the international agreement the submitter shall submit to the State Chancellery a copy of the signed agreement (in cases provided by this Regulation - also a translation) or a copy of approval of signing the international agreement, clarified draft law on approval of the agreement in the Saeima and an updated annotation of the draft law.

53. If the international agreement or its draft is to be signed in several languages one of which is Latvian, and in case of disputes, no language has a priority, the international agreement or draft thereof shall be submitted only in the Latvian language. The international agreement or draft thereof in a foreign language (preferably - in English or Russian) shall also be appended in the information system DAUKS.

54. If the international agreement or draft thereof is to be signed in several languages one of which is Latvian, and in case of disputes one language has a priority, the agreement or draft thereof shall be submitted in the Latvian language and in the language which will have a priority in case of disputes.

55. If the international agreement or draft thereof is to be signed in a foreign language, it shall be submitted only in the denoted language and a translation into Latvian language shall be appended thereto.

56. The original copy and translation (if the agreement is not signed in Latvian) of the international agreement shall be submitted for storage to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within ten working days after signing it, by electronically sending the text of the agreement and translation thereof.

57. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall via the official publication Latvijas Vēstnesis [official Gazette of the government of the Republic of Latvia] provide information on entering into force of the international agreement and shall ensure publication of the texts of the international agreements referred to in Clause 49 of this Regulation (in compliance with Clauses 53, 54 and 55 of this Regulation).

[30 September 2014]

VI. Informative Statement to be Considered by the Cabinet of Ministers

58. Informative statement is an information or a report on the progress of solving a problem under Cabinet's competence, on the implementation of a planning document approved by the Cabinet of Ministers or enforcement of a legal act. A line ministry shall prepare an informative statement upon its own initiative or the assignment of the Prime Minister, as well as when executing a task assigned in the protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet or the meeting of the Cabinet Committee, in a planning document or a legal act.

[2 December 2014]

59. The informative statement shall be considered at a sitting of the Cabinet if the informative statement or the draft protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet appended thereto foresees further actions relating to solving of matters referred to in the statement or assessment of the sectoral policy influence. The conceptual matters shall not be included in the informative statement. The draft informative statement, which provides further actions for the institutions, shall be promulgated at the meeting of States Secretaries.

[23 February 2010; 2 December 2014]

59.1 The draft informative statement which provides further actions for the institutions may be submitted for consideration at the Cabinet of Ministers without promulgation at the meeting of State Secretaries, if it refers to:

59.1 1. the membership of Latvia in the process of initiation, preparation and adoption of the European Union decisions;

59.1 2. the introduction of the European Union legal acts;

59.1 3. the infringements of the European Union law;

59.1 4. the court proceedings in the Court of Justice of the European Union or the EFTA court;

59.1 5. the implementation of international treaties of the European Council and the United Nations Organization in the area of human rights and mechanisms for handling complaints related thereto.

[23 February 2010]

60. The advancement of the informative statement submitted by the submitter within the Cabinet of Ministers shall be governed by the Prime Minister, if no further actions in relation to the matter referred to in the informative statement are provided or it is not related to the assessment of the sectoral policy influence.

[2 December 2014]

61. The line ministry shall prepare an informative statement also before the informal meetings of the Council of Ministers of the European Union by including the guidelines on agenda issues of the respective Council meeting for the representative of the Republic of Latvia. The informative statement shall be appended to the draft protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers by indicating authorisation of the official to represent the Republic of Latvia at the respective meeting of the Council of Ministers.

[30 September 2014]

61.1 [1 July 2015 / See Clause 270.]

61.2 [1 July 2015 / See Clause 270.]

VII. Competence, Organisation and Procedure of the Meeting of State Secretaries

62. The meetings of State Secretaries are usually organised at the State Chancellery and take place once a week (on Thursdays). The Director of the State Chancellery (or an official substituting the Director of the State Chancellery) (hereinafter - the chairperson of the meeting) shall convene the meetings of State Secretaries, approve their agendas and chair the meetings.

[6 September 2011]

63. The following persons may participate in the meeting of State Secretaries:

63.1. with the right of vote - Director of the State Chancellery, State Secretaries, Heads of the Secretariats of Ministers for Special Assignments (hereinafter - voting participants);

63.2. in the advisory capacity - the Head of the Prime Minister's Office, Head of the Deputy Prime Minister's Office, officials of the State Chancellery, Head of the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre or an authorised representative thereof, representative of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, representative of the State Audit Office, representative of the General Prosecutor's Office, Parliamentary Secretaries, representative of the Latvian Association of Local Governments, representative of the Public Services Regulatory Committee, representative of the National Trilateral Cooperation Council, representative of the Competition Council, Ombudsman or a person authorised by the Ombudsman, representative of the Development Council of a Planning Region, and a representative of the Council for Implementation of the Cooperation Memorandum between Non-governmental Organizations and the Cabinet of Ministers.

[23 February 2010; 2 December 2014]

64. Participants of the meeting of State Secretaries shall electronically submit to the State Chancellery applications on persons to be additionally invited in relation to specific agenda issues at least one working day before the respective meeting of State Secretaries by indicating person's name, surname, position and the issue concerning invitation. The respective line ministry shall inform the person invited to the meeting for consideration of a specific issue about the timing (agenda) of the respective issue and provide the relevant documentation.

[6 September 2011]

65. Meeting of State Secretaries shall:

65.1. take a decision on the notified draft planning documents, draft informative statements (Clause 59 of this Regulation) and announcement of draft legal acts, and regarding to notified draft legal acts referred to in Clause 73.1 of this Regulation - on the application of procedures for simplified announcement and harmonisation provided in this Regulation;

65.2. take a decision on the revocation or prolongation of the deadline for the submission of draft planning documents, draft informative statements and draft legal acts by assessing the justification of the request for prolongation;

65.3. take a decision on the necessity to fill out additional sections of the annotation to a draft legal act if such is requested by a participant of the meeting;

65.4. take a decision on the necessity of public discussion if such is requested by a participant of the meeting;

65.5. prior to consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers shall consider those draft legal acts that cannot be regarded as harmonised;

65.6. prior to consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers shall consider those draft national positions or other matters related to the development of draft national positions, on which the Senior Officials meeting on Matters of the European Union (hereinafter - Senior Officials meeting) has taken a decision that they should be considered at the Senior Officials meeting;

65.6.1 prior to consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers shall consider draft official positions of the Republic of Latvia with a view to advocate the national development objectives in international organizations or matters related to their development if it is impossible to agree on distribution of line ministries' or other institutions' responsibilities and competences;

65.7. upon suggestion of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economics take a decision on the necessity to submit a draft legal act to the Ministry of Economics in order to provide information to the European Commission in line with the laws on regulations stipulating the relevant procedures for provision of information on draft technical regulations (hereinafter - the procedures by which the technical regulations are harmonised);

65.8. upon suggestion of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance take a decision on the necessity to submit a draft legal act to the Ministry of Finance in order to send it to the European Central Bank in line with the laws on regulations stipulating the relevant procedures by which public authorities harmonise draft legal acts with the European Central Bank (hereinafter - the procedures by which the financial regulations are harmonised);

65.9. consider matters related to the implementation of assignments stipulated in laws, by the resolution of the Saeima, in legal acts issued by the Cabinet of Ministers, and in orders (resolutions) of the Prime Minister;

65.10. consider other matters important for the public administration.

[23 February 2010; 6 September 2011]

66. The State Chancellery shall place the approved agenda of the meeting of State Secretaries along with other documentation (including letters of natural persons and institutions concerning the drafts in question) in the e-portfolio system at least three working days before the meeting.

67. The meeting of State Secretaries shall take its decisions on issues under their competence by agreement or voting, if such is requested by a voting participant.

68. In cases of voting, the meeting of State Secretaries shall take a decisions by simple majority vote of voting participants. In case the votes are divided equally, the chairman's opinion decides the outcome.

69. A person appointed by the Director of the State Chancellery shall take minutes of the meeting of State Secretaries. The minutes of the meeting shall include names of persons participating and speaking about the relevant question, decisions taken and different opinions. Protocol decisions of the meeting of State Secretaries shall enter into legal force since the moment of adopting a decision if not otherwise provided in the decision.

69.1 The State Chancellery shall make audio recording of the meetings of State Secretaries. The audio recordings are performed, stored and used in conformity with Chapter XIV.1 of this Regulation.

[6 September 2011]

70. The chairman shall sign the minutes of the meeting of State Secretaries not later than next working day after the meeting, and the State Chancellery shall promptly place it in the e-portfolio system.

71. The voting participants of the meeting of State Secretaries shall, within two working days after the minutes of the meeting are placed in the e-portfolio system, be entitled to submit a written objection to the Director of the State Chancellery regarding the contents of the protocol by providing an amended wording for the protocol decision. These amendments shall be considered at the next meeting of State Secretaries.

VIII. Registration, Announcement and Revocation of Draft Planning Documents, Draft Informative Statements and Draft Legal Acts

72. The line ministry shall register draft planning documents, draft informative statements (Clause 59 of this Regulation) and draft legal acts, except for draft legal acts indicated in Clause 73 of this Regulation for announcement at the meeting of State Secretaries two working days prior to the meeting of State Secretaries (on Tuesdays, by 12:00) by filling out the draft application form in DAUKS system (hereinafter - the application).

[2 December 2014]

73. The following draft legal acts, draft planning documents and informative statements are not required to be announced at the meeting of State Secretaries (the responsible line ministry shall harmonise such draft legal acts, draft planning documents and informative statements according to Clause 111 of this Regulation):

73.1. draft protocol decision of the sitting of Cabinet on the implementation of a task assigned to the line ministry or other institution by the protocol decision of the Cabinet of Ministers;

73.2. draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers regarding orders of the Cabinet of Ministers on the prolongation of the deadline for the fulfilment of the task assigned to the line ministry or institution or recognition as invalid;

73.3. draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on approval of candidates, appointment, transfer and dismissal, attribution of a special rank or combining the positions of officials;

73.4. The draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on granting citizenship under the naturalisation procedure or a permit or refusal to keep the citizenship of the Republic of Latvia or other country;

73.5. draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on conferring Certificates of Recognition, awards and prize-money for exceptional achievements in sports;

73.6. draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on the development of consultative councils, committees or working groups;

73.7. draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on extradition of a person to a foreign country;

73.8. draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on participation in international operations and missions;

73.9. draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on granting financial resources from the national budget program "Emergency Financial Resources".

73.10. draft regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers concerning the procedure of implementation of the activities of the European Union funds mentioned in the planning documents of the European Union funds;

73.11. conceptual statement;

73.12. informative statement on the implementation of the planning document.

[6 September 2011; 30 September 2014; 2 December 2014]

73.1 A simplified promulgation and harmonisation procedure (default harmonisation; Clause 90 of this Regulation) can be applied to those draft legal acts which have no impact on the state budget, local government budgets, administration process, delegation of public administration tasks and on the issues concerning human rights as well as which implementation do not create additional expenses, administrative burden for the society or a particular group, and which are prepared with a view to:

73.1 1 ensure that requirements of the European Union are introduced or the international treaties binding for the Republic of Latvia are implemented and contain specific technical and security requirements, technical specifications, sample documents, classified lists of objects or nomenclature codes for statistical needs;

73.1 2 replace or delete a title of a state institution in normative acts, if a decision on respective institution (for example, its reorganization) has already been adopted as well as to amend the title of a law;

73.1 3 to acknowledge legal act to be void.

[23 February 2010; 6 September 2011]

74. The application shall indicate the justification of submission (attach indication to the corresponding assignment or note that the draft has been submitted according to ministry's initiative) type of the draft, policy area (Annex 3), title of the draft, information about the institution which drafted the document, information concerning the necessity of a public discussion, information whether a report on this draft will be provided, which institution and official will submit this report, as well as line ministries and other institution whose harmonisation is required, and deadline for submission of opinions if the deadline differs from the term indicated in Clause 88 of this Regulation by taking into account the provision that it may not be shorter than three working days or longer than four weeks.

[6 September 2011]

74.1 With regard to draft legal acts mentioned in Clause 73.1 of this Regulation the following information shall be provided in the application: justification of submission (attach indication to the corresponding assignment or note that the draft has been submitted according with ministry's initiative), project type, policy area (Annex 3), title and information about the developer of the draft.

[6 September 2011]

75. The ministry shall append to the application in DAUKS system the draft planning document in question and the respective draft legal act, the draft informative statement and the respective draft legal act, the draft legal act and its annotation, but the international agreement (or its draft) shall also be complemented by a draft letter of authorisation and text of this agreement (its draft) pursuant to the provisions of Chapter V of this Regulation.

76. The responsible line ministry shall, upon the announcement of the draft, according to a record in the minutes of the meeting of State Secretaries and within two working days after the meeting of State Secretaries, send the documents that prove legality of the legal relations prescribed by the respective draft legal act electronically or, if not possible, in printed form to the persons who have presented opinions.

77. The State Chancellery shall place the draft planning document in question and the respective draft legal act, the draft informative statement and the respective draft legal act, the draft legal act and its annotation on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers (on Wednesdays, until 9.00 a.m.). The draft shall be regarded as registered when it is placed on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers and when a registration number (SSM number) is assigned thereto.

78. If a line ministry or another institution, which is not mentioned in the application wishes to give an opinion on the notified draft or if the respective ministry or other institution is mentioned in the application, yet it is not willing to give an opinion, then a day before the meeting of State Secretaries (on Wednesdays, until 3.00 p.m.) it shall submit to DAUKS system information about application in order to give an opinion or about its refusal to give an opinion. Other institutions which do not have access to DAUKS system shall electronically submit to the State Chancellery their applications on provision of an opinion by indicating the draft's title and registration number (SSM number) of the notified draft (Clause 77 of this Regulation).

[23 February 2010]

78.1 Line ministries and other institutions usually do not apply to give an opinion on provisions concerning notified drafts mentioned in Clause 73.1 of this Regulation. Application for opinion shall be regarded as opposition to the application of default harmonisation. If ministry has announced to give an opinion, the meeting of State Secretaries hears out information provided by the line ministry, and decides on the procedures for application of default harmonisation, notified drafts harmonisation in regular order or cancellation of its promulgation. If other institution applies to give an opinion, the meeting of State Secretaries shall take a decision on the fact that the responsible line ministry shall assess this opinion or resolution and simultaneously announce the notified draft and stipulate the application of procedures for simplified announcement and harmonisation (Clause 73.1 of this Regulation).

[6 September 2011]

79. A line ministry or other institution shall not have the right of refusal to give its opinion if the draft in question is directly related to matters under competence of this ministry or institution.

80. A day before the meeting of State Secretaries (on Wednesdays, until 3.00 p.m.):

80.1. the ministry or other institution may electronically, by sending it to the official e-mail address of the State Chancellery, submit information about the request to fill out an additional section of the annotation of the notified draft legal act by indicating the draft's title and registration number (SSM number) of the notified draft (Clause 77 of this Regulation);

80.2. the ministry shall submit to DAUKS system proposal concerning the necessity for public discussion. Other institutions may electronically submit to the State Chancellery the above information by indicating the draft's title and registration number (SSM number) of the notified draft (Clause 77 of this Regulation).

[6 September 2011]

81. If the meeting of State Secretaries decides that additional annotation sections should be filled out for the notified draft legal act, the responsible line ministry shall submit in the DAUKS system clarified annotation within two working days after the meeting of State Secretaries (on Mondays, 9.00 a.m.). If the responsible line ministry fails to submit a clarified annotation within the aforementioned term, the State Chancellery shall include the draft in next week's list of notified drafts if the clarified annotation is submitted to the State Chancellery at least one working day before the meeting of State Secretaries (on Tuesdays, until 5.00 p.m.).

82. If the meeting of State Secretaries decides that the notified draft requires public discussion, the responsible line ministry shall organise such public discussion in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations on public involvement in the development planning process.

83. The notified draft planning document, draft informative statement or draft legal act shall be regarded as announced and term for submission of the opinion shall start two working days after the meeting of State Secretaries (on Mondays, at 9.00 a.m.) at which the notified draft was considered and approved, if not otherwise decided at the meeting of State Secretaries.

84. If the ministry fails to submit the promulgated draft to the State Chancellery within six months with a view to advance it for consideration at the Cabinet of Ministers (the meeting of State Secretaries, the meeting of the Cabinet Committee or the sitting of the Cabinet), the State Chancellery shall include the promulgated draft in a list of drafts to be withdrawn at the meeting of State Secretaries.

[23 February 2010]

85. The draft legal act, which shall be submitted to the Ministry of Economics in order to provide information under the procedures by which technical regulations are harmonised, shall be submitted to the State Chancellery within two weeks upon harmonisation of the draft legal act with the European Commission and EU Member States.

86. The draft legal act, which shall be submitted to the Ministry of Finance in order to send it to the European Central Bank in accordance with the procedures by which financial regulations are harmonised, shall be submitted to the State Chancellery not later than within six months' time since the expiry of the suspension period for advancing the draft legal act in question.

87. The ministry may cancel the announced draft in DAUKS system. The State Chancellery shall include the draft to be cancelled in the agenda of the next meeting of State Secretaries.

IX. Harmonisation of Announced Drafts

88. The promulgated draft of the responsible line ministry (which is placed on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers) except for drafts mentioned in Clause 73.1 of this Regulation shall be harmonised with the line ministries and other institutions indicated in the minutes of the meeting of State Secretaries. The announced draft shall be harmonised within two weeks' time upon its announcement (if the meeting of State Secretaries has not defined another term).

[23 February 2010]

89. The promulgated draft (Clause 74 and 88 of this Regulation) shall be harmonised in one of the following ways:

89.1. by providing opinion which includes the assessment of the draft and grounded objections and proposals;

89.2. by providing a signature of the State Secretary of respective line ministry or head of other institution or a duly authorised official approving that there are no proposals or objections on the draft and annotation;

89.3. by electronically notifying the ministry in charge that there are no objections and proposals (the ministry shall make a note on the harmonisation in system DAUKS, but other institution shall send a notification to official e-mail address of the responsible line ministry).

[23 February 2010]

90. If the ministry or other institution (including ministries and other institutions referred to in Clause 91 of this Regulation) fails to present the opinion or other information on the failure to harmonise the draft (Clause 89 of this Regulation) referred to in Clause 73.1 of this Regulation within a week after announcement (unless other deadline is set at the meeting of State Secretaries which may not be shorter than three working days), the announced draft shall be regarded as harmonised (default harmonisation) and the responsible line ministry shall submit it according to the established procedure for consideration at the Cabinet of Ministers.

[23 February 2010]

90.1 If the line ministry or other institution provides the opinion with objections or electronically notifies the responsible line ministry, that it shall give an opinion, in terms mentioned in Clause 90 of this Regulations on the objections on application of default harmonisation, the deadline for provision of opinions on this draft shall be prolonged for a week and the harmonisation with the line ministry or other institution providing the opinion, shall be organized according to a regular procedure provided in this Regulation.

[6 September 2011]

91. Opinion (harmonisation) on the promulgated draft is required from:

91.1. the Ministry of Finance;

91.2. the Ministry of Justice;

91.3. the State Chancellery if the draft refers to the institutional structure and principles of action of the public administration;

91.3.1 the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre - regarding any draft planning document and draft informative statement, as well as draft legal act which refers to cross-harmonisation and compliance with the requirements of the laws and regulations of the development planning documents of national level;

91.4. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - on an international agreement or its draft, or any other draft relating to international obligations of Latvia;

91.5. the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments if according to the Law On Municipalities the draft has to be endorsed with municipalities;

91.6. the Public Services Regulatory Committee if a draft legal act is related to a regulation of public services;

91.7. the National Regional Development Council if the draft is related to regional development, territorial planning and land policy;

91.8. the National Trilateral Cooperation Council if the draft is related to the interests of employers and employees;

91.9. the Competition Council if the draft is related to matters of competition protection and development;

91.9.1 the Latvian National Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO), if the draft relates to international commitments of the Republic of Latvia in the area of UNESCO activities (education, science, culture, environment, information or communication, the mass media);

91.10 other ministries the competence of which is directly related to the draft, as well as other institutions stipulated in the external laws and regulations for implementing harmonisation of draft laws and regulations, or if the necessity for an opinion derives from the provisions of external laws and regulations stipulating their competence.

[23 February 2010; 6 September 2011; 8 May 2012]

91.1 If the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre after assessment of the announced draft determines that the draft is incompliant with the Declaration or the action plan or approved planning documents, which undermine the usefulness of advancing the draft, it shall present to the Prime Minister an opinion and proposal on further advancement of the announced draft.

[8 May 2012]

92. If another institution, which is not mentioned in the minutes of the meeting of State Secretaries as a provider of an opinion, has presented its opinion on the announced draft, within the deadline specified in Clause 88 of this Regulation for the provision of opinions regarding the respective announced draft, the responsible line ministry shall also assess such opinion and include objection in the statement referred to on Clause 96 of this Regulation, as well as shall invite the representative of the respective institution to participate in the harmonisation process. If an agreement with the aforementioned institution is not reached within the harmonisation process, the responsible line ministry shall consider necessity to advance the announced draft for its consideration at the meeting of State Secretaries or shall prepare the draft for its submission to the Cabinet of Ministers in line with the stipulated procedure by including information on objections from the other institution in the covering letter of the submitter.

[2 December 2014]

93. Opinion shall be provided on each type of drafts (draft planning document, draft informative statement, draft legal act) separately. The opinion shall be signed by the State Secretary or his/her authorised official or the head of an institution which provides the opinion. The opinion shall include the surname, phone number and e- mail address of the drafter.

94. The line ministry or other institution in its opinion shall:

94.1. present grounded and explained objections on which the agreement should be reached during the harmonisation process;

94.2. present proposals of recommendatory nature;

94.3. specify the supported option if the draft provides for several solution options.

95. If a ministry or other institution has failed to structure the opinion, in overall it has a recommendatory nature. If the opinion indicates that a line ministry or other institution does not support advancement of the draft, the whole draft is deemed as objected.

96. If opinions on the announced draft include objections and proposals, the responsible line ministry shall consider them, clarify the draft and prepare a statement on the objections expressed in the opinions (see Annex 4) (hereinafter - statement). The statement shall summarize all the objections included in opinions by line ministries and other institutions on the particular clause (section, paragraph).

97. If ministries and other institutions have supported the draft with no objections or have expressed only proposals, the draft shall be considered as harmonised, and the responsible line ministry shall, in line with the procedures set forth by this Regulation, prepare the draft for its submission to the sitting of the Cabinet.

98. If a ministry and other institution (including the other institution referred to Clause 92 of this Regulation) has expressed objections on the announced draft, the responsible line ministry, after the consideration of objections, shall electronically send the statement and the harmonised draft (its annotation) to ministries and other institutions which have presented the opinion or have, in line with the stipulated procedure, acknowledged the absence of objections, as well as those ministries and other institutions which are affected by substantial changes made to the draft (hereinafter in this Chapter - participants of harmonisation process).

[23 February 2010]

99. If the responsible line ministry, when clarifying the announced draft, has taken into account the objections by the participants of harmonisation process, and if, within five days after the delivery of the statement and harmonised draft, no objections on the harmonised draft are received from the participants of harmonisation, the draft is considered harmonised and the responsible line ministry shall prepare, according to the procedures stipulated in this Regulation, the draft for its submission to the sitting of the Cabinet.

100. In order to reach an agreement on objection disregarded or partly taken into consideration, the responsible ministry shall convene a joint inter-ministerial (inter-institutional) meeting. Upon convening the inter-ministerial (inter-institutional) meeting, the responsible line ministry shall, no later than five days before the meeting, send electronically to the participants (to the official e-mail address of the institution and the provider of the opinion) information about the meeting, specifying the ministries and other institutions, for purposes of which objections the meeting is organised, as well as shall enclose the statement and the harmonised draft (its annotation).

101. If the nature and amount of the objection does not require the presence in order to reach an agreement, the responsible line ministry may organise the harmonisation through electronic means. The responsible line ministry shall send electronically to the participants of harmonisation process (to an official e-mail address of the institution and the provider of the opinion) a statement (which includes the grounding or explanation of the responsible line ministry on the objections disregarded or partly taken into consideration) and the clarified draft (its annotation), specifying ministries and other institutions for purposes of which objections the meeting is organised, and the deadline (not shorter than five working days) by which the participants of harmonisation process have to express their opinion.

[23 February 2010]

102. By organizing the harmonisation in electronically, the information on the harmonisation or objections shall be sent simultaneously to the responsible line ministry and other participants of the harmonisation process within fixed period of time. The information shall be sent from an e-mail of the provider of the opinion to the e-mail of the responsible official of the line ministry and e-mails of other participants of the harmonisation process - providers of the opinion.

[23 February 2010]

103. If a representative of the respective participant of the harmonisation process does not arrive to the inter-ministerial (inter-institutional) meeting or, in case of electronic harmonisation, does not respond by the specified deadline, its disregarded or partly applied objections shall be deemed as cancelled and will be considered as having recommendatory nature.

104. The responsible line ministry following the inter-ministerial (inter-institutional) meeting or electronic harmonisation process shall respectively update the statement by including information about the dates of meeting or electronic harmonisation, as well as the expressed views and the results of the harmonisation. The statement shall also include objections expressed during the harmonisation, as well as indicate those participants of the harmonisation process who were invited to express their opinion but whose representatives were absent from the meeting or did not respond electronically.

105. The responsible line ministry shall send electronically by using the official e-mail of the responsible line ministry the clarified statement and draft (annotation thereof) to all participants of harmonisation.

[6 September 2011; 2 December 2014]

106. If during the inter-ministerial (inter-institutional) meeting or electronic harmonisation agreement on all expressed objections is reached, and if no objections have been received within five days after the delivery of the updated statement and draft (its annotation), the draft shall be considered as harmonised and submitted for its consideration in the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

107. If the objections have been received and they are taken into account, and if within five working days after the recurrent delivery of the clarified statement and draft (annotation thereof) no objections on those objections taken into account have been received, the draft shall be considered as harmonised and the responsible line ministry shall prepare it for submission at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

108. If during the inter-ministerial (inter-institutional) meeting or electronic harmonisation process agreement is not reached on disregarded or partly applied objections, or if objections have been received within the deadline specified in Clause 106 of this Regulation, the responsible line ministry shall submit the draft for its consideration at the meeting of State Secretaries. The responsible line ministry shall be entitled to conduct another harmonisation process in line with the procedures set forth in this Chapter.

109. If the deadline, by which the opinions should be provided on the promulgated draft, specified in the minutes of the meeting of State Secretaries is less than basic term provided in Clauses 88 and 90 of this Regulation, the deadline of five working days specified in this Chapter for harmonisation process shall be replaced by three working days.

[23 February 2010]

110. If a draft legal act, which has been harmonised in compliance with Clauses 90, 97, 106 and 107 of this Regulation, is to be submitted to:

110.1. the Ministry of Economics, in order to inform the European Commission about the development of a legal act, the responsible line ministry shall postpone for a certain period of time its submission to the sitting of the Cabinet in accordance with the procedures by which technical regulations are harmonised;

110.2. the Ministry of Finance, in order to send it to the European Central Bank, the responsible line ministry shall, in line with the procedures by which financial regulations are harmonised, postpone its submission to the sitting of the Cabinet for a certain period of time.

X. Harmonisation of Draft Documents to be Considered in the Cabinet of Ministers without their Announcement in the Meeting of State Secretaries and of Drafts to be Submitted in Line with the Procedures for the Matters of the Cabinet of Ministers

111. If the laws and regulations does not provide other procedures for harmonisation, the following harmonisations should be presented on draft legal acts, draft planning documents and informative statements referred to in Clause 73 of this Regulations:

111.1. from the Ministry of Finance - on draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on granting an award of the Cabinet of Ministers, on granting the money prize for exceptional achievements in sports, on extradition of a person to a foreign country, on participation of officials in international missions and operations and granting of funding from the state budget program "Emergency Financial Resources" , on draft regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on the procedure for implementation of activities of the European Union funds set forth in the planning documents of the European Union funds, as well as on conceptual statement;

111.2. from the Ministry of Justice - on draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on participation of officials in international missions and operations, on draft regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on the procedure for implementation of activities of the European Union funds set forth in the planning documents of the European Union funds, as well as on conceptual statement;

111.3. from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - on draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on extradition of a person to a foreign country, participation of officials in international missions and operations;

111.4. from the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau - on draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers for permission for combining of positions;

111.5. from the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre and State Chancellery (if the draft refers to the institutional structure and principles of action of the public administration) - on conceptual statement and informative statement on the implementation of the planning document;

111.6. from ministries and other institutions, representatives of which are to be included in a particular council, committee, or working group - on draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers concerning development of consultative councils, committees or working groups;

111.7. from those line ministries and other institutions to which a task has been assigned or in the competence of which it included - on conceptual statement, informative statement on the implementation of a planning document, draft protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet on the fulfilment of a task assigned to the ministry or other institution by the protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet and on draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on prolongation of the deadline for the fulfilment of the tasks assigned to a line ministry or other institution.

[2 December 2014]

111.1 Deadline for the presentation of harmonisations stipulated in Clause 111 of this Regulation is two weeks, but in case of urgent matters the responsible line ministry can request a shorter deadline which may not be shorter than three working days. Harmonisations shall be presented in compliance with one of types mentioned in Clause 89 of this Regulation.

[6 September 2011]

112. The ministry shall harmonise the prepared informative statement (see Sub-clause 59.1 1 and Clause 61 of this Regulation) and the annexed draft protocol decision of the Cabinet of Ministers with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and involved line ministries and other institutions in line with the procedures for coordination of national position laid down in laws and regulations on the development, harmonisation, approval and updating of national positions.

[30 September 2014]

113. The line ministry shall electronically send the draft document (except for a draft document to be submitted to the Constitutional Court; Clause 113.1 of this Regulation) that shall be submitted to the court to the line ministries or other competent institutions for harmonisation not later than five working days before the end of the deadline specified in the Prime Minister's resolution.

[23 February 2010]

113.1 Upon receipt of the document of the Constitutional Court addressed to the Cabinet of Ministers, the State Chancellery shall electronically (by sending respective information to the official e-mail address of the line ministry):

113.1 1. immediately inform the line ministry (responsible line ministry) which has developed the objected draft legal act on the document received from the Constitutional Court;

113.1 2. harmonise with the responsible line ministry and other ministries competent in respective matters, those officials of the institutions who are responsible for preparation of the draft document that shall be submitted to the Constitutional Court;

113.1 3. taking into account the deadline referred to in the document of the Constitutional Court, shall agree with the responsible line ministry and other involved line ministries on the deadline until which the responsible line ministry will electronically send to the State Chancellery a working version of the draft document that shall be submitted to the Constitutional Court and it shall include actual circumstances and counterarguments therein.

[23 February 2010]

113.2 Upon receipt of the working version of the document drafted by the responsible line ministry and the supplements by the ministries involved that shall be submitted to the Constitutional Court, the State Chancellery shall make legal assessment, supplement with legal argumentation and harmonise electronically the consolidated working version of the draft document that shall be submitted to the Constitutional Court with the responsible line ministry and other ministries involved. In accordance with the resolution of the Prime Minister the responsible line ministry shall submit the harmonised draft document to be submitted to the Constitutional Court for consideration at the sitting of the Cabinet.

[23 February 2010]

113.3 The representation of the Cabinet of Ministers at the Constitutional Court shall be ensured by the responsible line ministry and the State Chancellery, but, if during the process of drafting the objected legal act the latter has had substantial conceptual objections which have not been taken into account during the process of harmonisation and adoption of the legal act, the responsible line ministry shall ensure preparation of the draft document to be submitted at the Constitutional Court, submission thereof to the Cabinet of Ministers and representation of national interests at the Constitutional Court.

[23 February 2010]

114. The draft letter of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be harmonised with line ministries and other institutions, the competence of which is directly related to the respective matter, by sending electronically the draft letter for harmonisation thereof to the mentioned institutions not later than five working days before the end of the deadline specified in the resolution of the Prime Minister.

[23 February 2010]

115. The Ministry of Finance shall not harmonise with other ministries and central public administration institutions the draft legal acts related to draft budget and its preparation, and acts on ensuring the budget implementation process, as well as information about Law On Budget and Finance Management, and also according to cases mentioned in an annual budgetary law; instead it shall consult with the Ministry of Justice in order to ensure the principle of rule of law.

116. In exceptional cases, if the issue, relating to unfavourable consequences to the country, has to be considered immediately, the Prime Minister upon his own initiative or upon a request by a member of the Cabinet of Ministers may announce the issue as a matter of the Cabinet of Minister's, defining the procedures by which the draft shall be harmonised. The draft planning document cannot be announced as a matter of the Cabinet of Ministers.

[23 February 2010]

117. If a member of the Cabinet of Ministers requests the Prime Minister to announce the draft planning document, informative statement (see Clause 59 of this Regulation) as a matter of the Cabinet of Ministers, the draft shall be harmonised according to the procedure laid down in Clause 89 of this Regulation with competent ministries and other institutions, but at least with:

117.1. the Ministry of Justice;

117.2. the Ministry of Finance;

117.3. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (regarding international treaties and their drafts);

117.4. The Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre (regarding the cross-harmonisation and compliance with the requirements of the laws and regulations of the development planning documents of national level).

[23 February 2010; 10 September 2011; 2 December 2014]

118. By asking the Prime Minister to announce an issue as a matter of the Cabinet of Ministers, the submitter shall indicate in the covering letter the justification for urgency (Annex 5).

[23 February 2010]

119. The ministry shall send electronically the prepared draft opinion to respective line ministries mentioned in Clause 117 of this Regulations, and indicate in the covering letter the justification for such urgency and the deadline by which the opinion shall be presented. The mentioned deadline shall not be less than three working days counting from the day when the draft was sent. If the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance or Ministry of Foreign Affairs (regarding international treaties and their drafts) or the of Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre (regarding the cross-harmonisation and compliance with the requirements of the laws and regulations of the development planning documents of national level) finds that the justification for urgency of the draft is not presented or the draft is not presented in terms of substance it shall immediately electronically inform (by sending the information to the official e-mail address) the responsible line ministry and the State Chancellery. The responsible line ministry shall present such draft during the meeting of State Secretaries under the procedures stipulated in this Regulation.

[6 September 2011; 2 December 2014]

120. If the objections have been made to the opinions mentioned in Clause 117 of this Regulation, the ministry upon receiving the objections shall prepare a statement and electronically send with an updated draft (its annotation) to the opinion provider prior to submitting the draft to the sitting of the Cabinet.

[23 February 2010]

XI. Submission, Advancement Specification and Assessment of Planning Documents, Informative Statements, Draft Legal Acts and Other Draft Documents

121. By submitting to the State Chancellery a draft document mentioned in present Regulations for its consideration at the meeting of State Secretaries, the meeting of the Cabinet Committee and the sitting of the Cabinet, a covering letter and documents shall be appended in accordance with Annex 5 to this Regulation.

122. The draft planning documents, draft legal acts, informative reports and other documents and the annexed documents (in line with Part II, Annex 5 to this Regulation), except for documents with status "FOR SERVICE USE" or containing the object of the state secret, which shall be considered at the meeting of State Secretaries, the meeting of the Cabinet Committee and the sitting of the Cabinet shall be submitted to the State Chancellery only through DAUKS system.

[23 February 2010]

122.1 By submitting to the State Chancellery a request signed by a submitter regarding change of the status of the document (e.g. declassification, prolonging of the current status), the submitter shall indicate in its covering letter the number of the document, date, title, registration number (if available) assigned by the State Chancellery and the justification for the change of status.

[6 September 2011]

122.2 If the ministry requests inclusion of the issue in the meeting of State Secretaries, the meeting of the Cabinet Committee or in additional agenda of the sitting of the Cabinet, it ensures that the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments, non-governmental organizations and social partners if they have collaborated in the draft legal act or have provided an opinion on the issue, shall be informed that the draft shall be advanced in accordance with the urgent progressing procedure. The responsible line ministry shall electronically send the aforementioned information to the official e-mail address or ensure provision of information by sending the clarified draft and statement.

[6 September 2011]

123. [23 February 2010];

124. [23 February 2010];

125. [23 February 2010];

126. [28 July 2009]

127. Upon submission to the State Chancellery of updated draft or additional materials related to a previously submitted draft document which is mentioned in this Regulation, the submitter shall indicate in its covering letter the date, protocol and paragraph number of the meeting of State Secretaries, the meeting of the Cabinet Committee or the sitting of the Cabinet during which the respective document was considered, as well as include the registration number (if such is applied) given by the State Chancellery and a reference if any of the mentioned additional materials contains restricted access information.

[23 February 2010]

128. The State Chancellery within seven working days following the date of submission to the State Chancellery of draft planning document or informative statement (or its draft) for its consideration in the meeting of State Secretaries, the meeting of the Cabinet Committee or sitting of the Cabinet shall present an opinion to the Prime Minister or the Director of the State Chancellery. The opinion shall concern:

128.1. compliance with the procedures laid down in this Regulation regarding the development, harmonisation and approval of drafts;

128.2. compliance of a draft legal act to requirements laid down in laws and regulations with regard to preparation of legal acts;

128.3. where needed, the compliance of draft to laws, other legal acts, as well as the effective planning documents, the Declaration and action plan.

[2 December 2014]

128.1 If necessary, in the case referred to in Sub-clause 128.3 of this Regulation the State Chancellery shall send the draft in question to the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre for the assessment of the cross-harmonisation and compliance with the requirements of the laws and regulations of the development planning documents of national level, as well as compliance with the Declaration and action plan and for the provision of an opinion to the Prime Minister.

[2 December 2014]

129. The State Chancellery, by taking into consideration the opinions of ministries and other institutions and the opinion mentioned in Clause 128 of this Regulation, shall present to the Prime Minister or the Director of the State Chancellery proposals on further advancement of the draft.

129.1 If according to the Prime Minister's resolution on further advancement of the informative statement it should be sent to the Cabinet member for information without consideration at the sitting of the Cabinet, the State Chancellery shall place the informative statement in the subdivision "Informative Statements" of the e-portfolio system and the system shall send a notification to its users.

[23 February 2010]

130. The State Chancellery, in accordance to the procedures by which technical regulations are harmonised, upon a receipt of information from the Ministry of Economics about suspension period for advancing the draft legal act, shall prepare draft resolution of the Prime Minister on suspension period for advancing of respective legal act till the end of the specified period.

131. The submitter of the draft legal act within a month after the end of suspension period for advancing referred to in Clause 130 of this Regulation, shall submit to the Cabinet of Ministers an amended draft and updated annotation, which also includes information about objections and comments received from the European Commission and the European Union Member States, as well as about amendments to a respective draft legal act, taking into consideration the objections and comments by the European Commission and the European Union Member States.

132. If an extension of the suspension period for advancing draft legal act (see Clause 130 of this Regulation) is required, the submitter of the draft legal act within a month from the expiry date of the suspension period shall submit to the State Chancellery a letter on extension of the suspension period for advancing the respective draft legal act.

133. If an extension of the suspension period for advancing a draft legal act that is harmonised with the European Central Bank is necessary, the submitter of the draft legal act within one month from the expiry of the suspension period shall submit to the State Chancellery a letter on extension of the suspension period for advancing the respective draft legal act.

XII. Procedure for Considering Draft Legal Acts and Draft National Positions and Any Related Issues in the Meeting of State Secretaries

134. In the meeting of State Secretaries, reports on the submitted draft legal acts or draft national positions or related issues (hereinafter in this Chapter - a draft) shall be delivered by the State Secretary or his/her authorised official.

135. Decisions on the draft legal acts submitted for their consideration shall be adopted unanimously by the voting participants of the meeting of State Secretaries. If no agreement is reached, the submitter presents the draft legal act for its consideration at the meeting of the Cabinet Committee. If no agreement is reached with regard to draft national position or related matter, it shall be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers in line with laws and regulations on development, harmonisation, approval and updating of national positions.

136. Decision of the meeting of State Secretaries (including differing views) also on those drafts, agreement on which was not reached during the meeting of State Secretaries, shall be included in the minutes of the meeting of State Secretaries.

137. If consideration of the draft or matter included in the agenda of the meeting of State Secretaries is postponed during the meeting, the chairman of the meeting sets the term for repeated consideration of the matter.

138. If the meeting of State Secretaries rejects the draft legal act, the State Chancellery, if necessary, resumes control over the fulfilment of task setting the deadline for its implementation - a month counting from the date when the meeting of State Secretaries took place, unless other date has been set during the meeting of State Secretaries, and informs about this the State Secretary of the responsible line ministry.

139. Draft legal act is advanced for its consideration in the sitting of the Cabinet only if the legal act has been supported in the meeting of State Secretaries without any amendments or which require amendments, on which a decision has been adopted in the meeting of State Secretaries or which definition shall be submitted in a written form for consideration during the meeting and which have been included in the minutes of the meeting of State Secretaries.

140. Submitter of draft legal act which has been supported in the meeting of the meeting of State Secretaries submit it for consideration at the sitting of the Cabinet within a month upon an approval. On the next day following the deadline, the State Chancellery shall send through DAUKS a reminder on the non-fulfilment of the task. The draft national position or its related matter, supported in the meeting of State Secretaries, shall be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers in line with laws and regulations on development, harmonisation, approval and updating of national positions.

141. The deadline mentioned in Clause 140 of this Regulation does not concern the draft legal act if, according to Clause 139 of this Regulation, the draft legal act, which has been supported by the meeting of State Secretaries, shall be submitted to:

141.1. the Ministry of Economics in order to inform the European Commission about the preparation of legal act. The responsible line ministry shall in accordance with the procedures by which technical regulations are harmonised postpone its submission to the sitting of the Cabinet for a certain period of time;

141.2. the Ministry of Finance, in order to send it to the European Central Bank. The responsible line ministry in accordance with the procedures by which financial regulations are harmonised postpone its submission to the sitting of the Cabinet for a certain period of time;

142. If any amendments, which have not been precisely defined or included in the minutes of the meeting of State Secretaries, are necessary to the draft legal act, or if the draft requires harmonisation with ministries and other institutions, the draft shall not be approved. In such case, the draft shall be elaborated within two months following the meeting of State Secretaries, and submitted for its repeated consideration in the meeting of State Secretaries. On the next day following the deadline, the State Chancellery shall send through DAUKS a reminder on the non-fulfilment of the task.

143. If the State Chancellery removes the control over the legal act and, if needed, resumes the control over the fulfilment of task, specifying a deadline for its implementation - a month counting from the date when the meeting of State Secretaries took place, and shall inform the State Secretary about that, if:

143.1. the updated draft legal act has not been submitted to the State Chancellery within a week after the deadline set in Clauses 140 and 142;

143.2. further advancement of the draft legal act according to the decisions adopted in the meeting of State Secretaries is only possible after the adoption of a definite planning document or entering into force of a legal act.

XIII. Procedure for Considering Draft Planning Documents, Informative Statements and Legal Acts in a Meeting of the Cabinet Committee and its Preparation and Process

144. The Cabinet Committee (hereinafter - the Committee) shall consider:

144.1. prior to its consideration at the sitting of the Cabinet sitting - the draft planning document, the agreement on which was not reached in the harmonisation process;

144.2. prior to its consideration at the sitting of the Cabinet sitting - the draft informative statement (see Clause 59 of this Regulations, the agreement on which was not reached in the harmonisation process;

144.3. the draft legal act, the agreement on which was not reached in the meeting of State Secretaries;

144.4. the draft legal act which is not updated in accordance with decisions adopted during the meeting of State Secretaries;

144.5. the draft planning document, informative statement or legal act, on which the objections or significant corrections to a text were proposed during the sitting of the Cabinet;

144.6. the draft legal act, on which the State Chancellery, during its processing for consideration at the sitting of the Cabinet, has significant legal or editorial objections;

144.7. repeatedly:

144.7.1. the draft planning document, informative statement or legal act which was approved in the meeting of the Committee and which was not updated in line with decisions adopted by the meeting of the Committee;

144.7.2. the draft which was not approved in the meeting of the Committee;

144.7.3. the draft legal act which was approved in the meeting of the Committee and which contains technical regulations, on which the European Commission has expressed objections, and which has then been accordingly updated.

145. The number of Committees, their composition and date, time and place of their meetings shall be indicated by the Prime Minister.

146. For purposes of coordinating the positions of the Cabinet of Ministers and local governments, extended meetings of the Committee shall be organised and chaired by the Prime Minister with participation of members of the Cabinet of Ministers and representatives of local governments in accordance with the concluded agreement. The representatives of local governments for the Committee's meeting shall be appointed by the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments.

147. The confirmed agenda of the Committee and its items together with respective materials (including letters on drafts from natural persons and other institutions) shall be made available to the State Chancellery in e-portfolio system not later than three working days before the actual date of the meeting.

148. If submitter for an exceptional case asks to include in the agenda of the meeting of the Committee a draft policy document, draft legal act or informative statement, it has to be submitted to the State Chancellery not later than by 10.00 a.m. of the previous working day. The updated agenda of the Committee and its additional items shall be entered into e-portfolio system by the State Chancellery not later than by 5.00 p.m. of the mentioned working day.

149. The following persons may participate in the meeting of the Committee in the advisory capacity:

149.1. officials and their authorised representatives as set in laws;

149.2. representative of the Office of the Prosecutor General;

149.3. persons invited by the Prime Minister;

149.4. persons invited by a member of the Cabinet of Ministers;

149.5. assistant or advisor of a member of the Cabinet of Ministers;

149.6. Parliamentary Secretary of the respective ministry;

149.7. State Secretary and his/her deputies;

149.8. the Head of the Prime Minister's Office, Head of the Deputy Prime Minister's Office, officials of the State Chancellery and his/her authorised officials, Head of the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre or an authorised representative thereof;

149.9. ombudsman and his/her authorised persons;

149.10. Chief of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau or his/her authorised officials;

149.11. representative of the Republic of Latvia to the Court of Justice of the European Union and the EFTA Court;

149.12. authorised representative of the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments;

149.13. representative of the planning region development council;

149.14. authorised representative of the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia and of the Employers' Confederation of Latvia;

149.15. representative of non-governmental organizations authorized by the Council for Implementation of the Cooperation Memorandum between Non- governmental Organizations and the Cabinet of Ministers.

[23 February 2010; 2 December 2014]

150. The responsible line ministry shall provide details of the agenda, information and respective materials to the official, who according to the covering letter of the submitter is invited to participate in the meeting of the Committee for the consideration of a specific matter.

151. Not later than one working day before the meeting of the Committee, the responsible line ministry or other institution shall electronically submit to the State Chancellery a statement providing the name, surname and position of a person to be additionally invited for consideration of specific matters, except for the case mentioned in Clause 148 of this Regulation, where the provision of information may be allowed before the meeting of the Committee. The respective line ministry shall provide details of the agenda, information and respective materials to the person, who is additionally invited to participate in consideration of a specific matter.

[6 September 2011]

152. In the meeting of the Committee, the submitter or his/her authorised person reports about the submitted draft.

153. The decision on progressing the draft for its consideration at the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be unanimously adopted by the Committee.

154. In case of postponing the consideration of draft included in the agenda of the meeting of the Committee upon an initiative by chairman of the sitting, submitter or any other member of the Cabinet of Ministers, the chairman of the sitting shall specify the term for consideration of the matter.

155. If the Committee rejects the draft, the State Chancellery removes the control over the draft, and, if needed, resumes the control over fulfilment of task, also setting a deadline for task - a month counting from the date of the meeting of the Committee, and notifies the responsible line ministry.

156. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee shall be prepared by an official appointed by the Director of the State Chancellery. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee shall include the meeting's participants, who reported on respective matter, as well as the decisions taken.

156.1 The State Chancellery shall make audio recording of the meeting of Committee. The audio recordings are performed, stored and used in conformity with Chapter XIV1 of this Regulation.

[23 February 2010]

157. If the matter is urgent and the draft which was considered or approved in the meeting of the Committee has to be considered exceptionally at the next sitting of the Cabinet, the submitter, during the meeting of the Committee, shall inform the chairman of the meeting of the Committee and ask to additionally include the respective draft in agenda of the sitting of the Cabinet, which takes place on the next day.

158. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting and the Director of the State Chancellery or authorised official of the State Chancellery. If the meeting of the Committee had several chairmen, the minutes shall be signed by each of them. The State Chancellery shall immediately include the signed minutes in e-portfolio system.

159. Within two working days after the submission of the minutes of the meeting of the Committee in e-portfolio system, members of the Cabinet of Ministers are allowed to submit to the Director of the State Chancellery written objections on the content of the minutes, and include precise wording of the amendment to the protocol decision. The mentioned objections shall be considered in the next meeting of the Committee.

160. The following documents shall be advanced to the sitting of the Cabinet:

160.1. draft legal act which has been approved in the meeting of the Committee without amendments or to which, within a month after the meeting (if not otherwise agreed), its submitter should make amendments, decision on which was adopted in the Committee, or wording of which shall be submitted in a written form for its consideration in the meeting of the Committee and which are included in the minutes of the meeting of the Committee. On the next day following the deadline, the State Chancellery shall send through DAUKS a reminder on the non-fulfilment of the task;

160.2. draft planning document and draft informative statement which has been approved in the meeting of the Committee without amendments or to which, within two months after the meeting (if not otherwise agreed), its submitter should make amendments, decision on which was adopted by the Committee, or wording of which shall be submitted in a written form for its consideration in the meeting of the Committee and which are included in the minutes of the meeting of Committee. On the next day following the deadline, the State Chancellery shall send through DAUKS a reminder on the non-fulfilment of the task.

161. If the draft legal act which was approved in the meeting of the Committee has to be submitted to:

161.1. the Ministry of Economics, in order to inform the European Commission about the development of a legal act, the responsible line ministry shall postpone for a certain period of time its submission to the sitting of the Cabinet in accordance with the procedures by which technical regulations are harmonised;

161.2. the Ministry of Finance, in order to send it to the European Central Bank, the responsible line ministry shall, in line with the procedures by which financial regulations are harmonised, postpone its submission to the sitting of the Cabinet for a certain period of time.

162. If any amendments, which have not been precisely defined or included in the minutes of the meeting of the Committee, need to be made to the draft planning document, informative statement or legal act, or if the draft requires harmonisation with respective ministries and other institutions and officials, the draft shall not be approved. The draft shall be updated and submitted for repeated consideration in the meeting of the Committee within two months, if not otherwise decided during the meeting of Committee. On the next day following the deadline, the State Chancellery shall send through DAUKS a reminder on the non-fulfilment of the task.

163. The State Chancellery shall remove the control over the draft, and, if needed, resume the control over fulfilment of task, also setting a deadline for task - a month counting from the date of the meeting of the Committee, and shall notify the responsible line ministry:

163.1. if the responsible line ministry has not submitted the clarified draft to the Cabinet of Ministers within a week after the deadline set forth in Clauses 160 and 162 of this Regulation;

163.2. if within six months after the meeting of the Committee, the fulfilment of provisions set forth in the Committee's minutes and required for further advancement of a draft has not been ensured.

XIV. Procedure for Consideration of Draft Documents in the Sitting of the Cabinet, its Organisation and Progress

164. Without consideration in the meeting of State Secretaries and the meeting of the Committee, the following documents are considered at the sitting of the Cabinet:

164.1. matter of the Cabinet of Ministers;

164.2. draft planning document, which is considered as already harmonised (Clauses 97, 99, 106 or 107 of this Regulation);

164.3. draft legal act:

164.3.1. which is considered as already harmonised (Clauses 90, 97, 99, 106 or 107 of this Regulation);

164.3.2. which is mentioned in Clause 73 of this Regulation;

164.4. draft annual state budget (portfolio of draft budget law) and draft legal acts related to its preparation, as well as draft legal acts related to ensuring the budget implementation and information in cases set forth in the annual state budget law and in the Law On Budget and Finance Management;

164.5. informative statement:

164.5.1. which according to Clause 59 of this Regulation is considered as already harmonised (Clauses 97, 99, 106 or 107 of this Regulation);

164.5.2. in accordance to Clause 60 of this Regulation if it has been advanced for consideration at the sitting of the Cabinet;

164.5.3. in accordance to Clauses 59.1 and 61 of this Regulation;

164.6. draft planning document, an informative statement or draft legal act which under the Law On State Secrets is considered as a state secret object or contains the object of state secret;

164.7. draft planning document, an informative statement or draft legal act which according to the Freedom of Information Law contains restricted information "FOR OFFICAL USE";

164.8. draft national position, except for cases set forth in legal acts, if the Senior Officials meeting has decided on a prior consideration of a draft national position in the meeting of State Secretaries;

164.8.1 [1 July 2015 / See Clause 270 of this Regulation.];

164.9. draft position;

164.10. draft national position with regard to international law issues;

164.11. draft document to be submitted to the court;

164.12. [23 February 2010];

164.13. [23 February 2010];

164.14. draft letter of the Cabinet of Ministers.

[23 February 2010; 10 September 2011; 30 September 2014]

165. The State Chancellery shall include a draft national position and a draft position in the agenda of the next sitting of the Cabinet or the sitting of the Cabinet specified in a covering letter from a submitter.

166. The State Chancellery shall make legal and editorial adjustments to the draft legal act progressed to the sitting of the Cabinet. Following the processing of final formulation of draft legal act, it shall be harmonised with the responsible line ministry, and a draft planning document, an informative statement or draft legal act shall be advanced for its consideration at the sitting of the Cabinet.

167. Draft legal act approved in the meeting of State Secretaries shall usually be included in the agenda of the sitting of the Cabinet within two weeks following the submission of draft legal act for its consideration in the Cabinet of Ministers.

168. Draft planning documents, the informative statements and draft legal acts considered and approved in the meeting of the Committee shall usually be included in the agenda of the sitting of the Cabinet within two weeks following the meeting of the Committee or the submission of an updated draft for its consideration in the Cabinet of Ministers.

169. Date, time and place of the sittings of the Cabinet shall be specified by the Prime Minister. Upon assignment of the Prime Minister, the Director of the State Chancellery shall announce the sitting of the Cabinet.

170. Approved agenda of the sitting of the Cabinet and appended draft documents along with respective materials (including letters from natural persons and other institutions on the draft) shall be submitted by the State Chancellery to the e-portfolio system two working days before the respective sitting.

171. Officials referred to in Clause 28, Paragraph four of the Law On the Structure of the Cabinet of Ministers, voting participants of the meetings of State Secretaries (Clause 63.1 of this Regulation) and officials invited by the Prime Minister shall participate in the sitting of the Cabinet in the advisory capacity, when regarding specific agenda matters.

[6 September 2011]

172. Not later than one working day before the sitting, a ministry or other institution shall electronically submit to the State Chancellery an application on persons to be additionally invited for consideration of specific agenda matters in the open part of the sitting of the Cabinet, by specifying name, surname, position of a person and the matter to be considered, except for the case mentioned in Clause 178 of this Regulation, when the information may be provided right before the sitting.

[6 September 2011]

173. Persons to be invited to the closed part of the sitting of the Cabinet shall be specified in a covering letter of the submitter or in a letter of the State Secretary of a respective line ministry. Representatives of social partner organisations are authorised to participate in the closed part of the sitting of the Cabinet, where a draft national position is considered, and before the sitting they shall electronically submit to the State Chancellery information about the representative to be invited to the sitting.

174. Upon submitting information to State Chancellery about persons to be additionally invited for consideration of concrete matter at the sitting of the Cabinet, the suitableness of their participation shall be evaluated taking into consideration provisions of Clause 28, Paragraph five of the Law On the Structure of the Cabinet of Ministers.

[6 September 2011]

175. The submitter shall ensure that persons, on which decision is to be adopted when the sitting of the Cabinet considers a draft legal act on approval of candidates for official positions, their appointment or dismissal, shall be invited to the sitting of the Cabinet.

[6 September 2011]

176. The responsible line ministry shall provide details of the agenda, information and respective materials to the person, who is invited to participate in the sitting of the Cabinet for the consideration of a specific matter.

[6 September 2011]

177. Invitation to additionally invited persons to participate in consideration of a specific matter of agenda of the sitting of the Cabinet shall be included in agenda of a respective sitting by 10.00 a.m. on the day of the sitting. The registration of invited persons shall be conducted at the room of the sitting of the Cabinet by an official of the State Chancellery. Persons invited to the closed part of the sitting of the Cabinet only participate in consideration of a concrete agenda matter of the sitting of the Cabinet. After finalising consideration of a respective matter, the invited persons shall immediately leave the room of the sitting, and persons who have arrived in order to consider next agenda matter shall be invited in the room.

[6 September 2011]

178. If the submitter asks to exclusively include in the agenda of the regular sitting of the Cabinet an additional draft planning document, an informative statement or draft legal act, it shall be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers not later than until 14.00 p.m. two working days before the sitting and harmonisations of institutions shall be appended thereto in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.

[2 December 2014]

179. Updated agenda of the sitting of the Cabinet and drafts additionally included in the agenda and respective materials shall be submitted by the State Chancellery in the e-portfolio system not later than by 10.00 a.m. of the day of the sitting of the Cabinet.

180. The Prime Minister is authorised to decide in which part of the sitting of the Cabinet - open or closed - the matters shall be concerned.

181. When submitting documents for consideration to the sitting of the Cabinet which contain information that has been marked with an indicator of use restriction "RESTRICTED" or "FOR OFFICIAL USE", each document (electronic or printed) appended to a covering letter with restriction, shall be marked with special labels as provided by respective laws and regulations on protection of respective information, and the covering letter shall contain information about restrictions on its use.

182. When submitting unrestricted draft documents for their consideration to the sitting of the Cabinet with an appeal to make discussion on those documents in the closed part of the sitting of the Cabinet, the submitter in his/her covering letter shall include justification for this.

183. Draft documents referred to in Sub-clause 2.7 and 2.8 of this Regulation and draft planning documents, informative statements and draft legal acts referred to in Clause 181 of this Regulation and containing information which has been marked with an indicator of use restriction "RESTRICTED", shall be considered at the closed part of the sitting of the Cabinet, unless the responsible line ministry has specified that the draft document should be considered at the open part of the sitting of the Cabinet.

184. The sitting of the Cabinet, after specifying its agenda and length, shall be chaired by the Prime Minister or a person who acts for him/her in line with provisions set forth in laws and regulations (hereinafter - Chair of the sitting of the Cabinet).

185. [23 February 2010];

186. If a person invited to the sitting of the Cabinet disturbs the orderly procedure of the sitting, the Chair of the Cabinet sitting may expel the person from the sitting's room.

[23 February 2010]

187. The minutes of the sitting of the Cabinet shall be recorded by the Director of the State Chancellery or his/her authorised official. The minutes of the sitting shall include persons who participated in the sitting and spoke about a respective matter, as well as the decisions and voting results (in case of a vote).

188. The State Chancellery shall perform audio recording of the open and closed part of the sitting of the Cabinet. The audio recordings are performed, stored and used in conformity with Chapter XIV1 of this Regulation.

[23 February 2010; 6 September 2011]

189. [23 February 2010];

190. Decisions of the sitting of the Cabinet shall be adopted according to the procedures set forth in the Law "On the Structure of the Cabinet of Ministers". If votes are equally divided ("vote-for" equal to "vote-against" and "refrain") a decisive vote belongs to the Chair of the sitting of the Cabinet.

[23 February 2010]

191. In case of postponing the consideration of a draft included in the agenda of the sitting of the Cabinet upon an initiative of the Chair of the sitting, submitter or any other member of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Chair of the sitting shall specify the term for consideration of the matter.

192. If the sitting of the Cabinet rejects the draft, the State Chancellery removes the control over the draft, and, if needed, resumes the control over fulfilment of task, also setting a deadline for task - a month counting from the date of the sitting, and notifies the submitter.

193. If a member of the Cabinet of Ministers has any objections or additional considerations on a matter addressed at the sitting of the Cabinet, he/she shall communicate them during the consideration of a respective matter at the sitting of the Cabinet, prepare objections or additional considerations in a written form and by the end of the sitting submit them to the Director of the State Chancellery. The State Chancellery shall ensure that an individual opinion of a Cabinet member submitted in writing is included in the minutes of the sitting of the Cabinet.

[23 February 2010]

194. Draft law, draft decision of the Saeima and draft letter of the Cabinet of Ministers to the Saeima shall be approved by the sitting of the Cabinet only when the text thereof has been completely elaborated and prepared for submission to the Saeima. If the text has not been fully elaborated, it shall not be approved and the Cabinet of Ministers decides on further consideration of a draft in the Cabinet of Ministers.

195. During the sitting of the Cabinet, the Chair shall precisely define proposals expressed and accepted during the debates for their recording in the sitting's minutes.

196. If a draft planning document, an informative statement or a draft legal act require amendments decision on which has not been passed during the sitting of the Cabinet and which have not been recorded in the minutes of the sitting of the Cabinet, or a draft needs to be harmonised with respective ministries or other institutions, the draft shall not be approved (adopted). The rejected draft shall be updated and submitted for repeated consideration to the sitting of the Cabinet within two months, if not otherwise decided during the sitting. On the next day following the deadline, the State Chancellery shall send through DAUKS a reminder on non-fulfilment of the task.

197. If a draft planning document, an informative statement or draft legal act is approved (adopted) by the sitting of the Cabinet assigning to make specific amendments, the submitter within a week after the sitting of the Cabinet, during which the draft was approved (adopted), unless otherwise specified, shall update the draft according to the decisions passed during the sitting and submits the updated draft to the State Chancellery. On the next day following the deadline, the State Chancellery shall send through DAUKS a reminder on non-fulfilment of the task.

198. During the sitting of the Cabinet, a member of the Cabinet of Ministers can ask that following the processing of final editorial of draft protocol decision the State Chancellery endorses with him/her the sitting's draft protocol decision on any matter considered at the sitting of the Cabinet.

199. The minutes of the sitting of the Cabinet shall be signed by the Chair of the sitting of the Cabinet and by the Director of the State Chancellery. If the sitting of the Cabinet has several Chairs, each of them shall sign the minutes. The signed minutes of the sitting of the Cabinet shall be immediately submitted by the State Chancellery in the e-portfolio system.

200. Within two working days after the submission of minutes of the sitting of the Cabinet in e-portfolio system, members of the Cabinet of Ministers are allowed to submit to the Director of the State Chancellery the written objections on the content of the minutes, and include precise wording of the amendment to the protocol decision. The mentioned objections shall be considered in the next Cabinet sitting.

201. The State Chancellery shall remove the control over a draft planning document, an informative statement or a draft legal act, and, if needed, resumes the control over fulfilment of task, also setting a deadline for task - a month counting from the date of the sitting of the Cabinet, and shall notify the responsible line ministry:

201.1. if the responsible line ministry has not submitted the clarified draft to the Cabinet of Ministers within a week after the term set forth in Clauses 196 and 197 of this Regulation;

201.2. if within six months after the receipt of resolution of the Prime Minister, the implementation of provisions necessary for further advancement of draft has not been ensured.

XIV.1 Performing, Storing and Using the Audio Recordings of the Sittings of the Cabinet, Meetings of the Committee and Meetings of State Secretaries

[23 February 2010; 6 September 2011]

201.1 The purpose of audio recording of the sittings of the Cabinet, meetings of the Committee and meetings of State Secretaries is to fix the procedure of the sitting, debates and to ensure that every person who has presented an opinion and his/her statement is recognizable. If necessary, the audio recording is used to update a draft protocol resolution, assess the validity of the objections, as well as clarify the arguments used in decision-making process.

[6 September 2011]

201.2 To ensure that the audio recording complies with the objective mentioned in Clause 201.1 of this Regulation:

201.2 1. the voting participant and other person who is willing to present an opinion on certain issue of the agenda takes the floor only upon the invitation of the Chair of the sitting. The Chair invites to express an opinion by mentioning name, surname and position of a respective person;

201.2 2. if the Chair of the meeting has not mentioned name, surname and position of a voting participant or other person, the person himself/herself shall mention his/her name, surname and position before taking the floor. This requirement shall also apply to any other repeated presentation by respective person during respective sitting on the same or other matter;

201.2 3. the voting participants, the Director of the State Chancellery, and the Deputy Director shall turn on a microphone at a respective work place before taking the floor. Other persons shall speak only from the place where the microphone is available.

[6 September 2011]

201.3 If a voting participant or other person fails to comply with requirements laid down in Clause 201.2 of this Regulation, the Chair of the meeting or the Director of the State Chancellery is entitled to interrupt the speaker to ensure that he/she mentions his/her name, surname, position and uses the microphone.

201.4 The State Chancellery shall perform a separate audio recording for the open and closed part of the meetings of State Secretaries, meetings of the Committee and the sittings of the Cabinet, save in the information carriers and transfer to the Archive of the State Chancellery.

[6 September 2011]

201.5 In order to become familiar with audio recording of the open part of the meetings of State Secretaries, meeting of the Committee and the sittings of the Cabinet, a written application shall be submitted to the State Chancellery. After receiving an approval of the State Chancellery it is possible to listen to audio recording in the premises of the State Chancellery, receive electronically a note indicating a link to the audio recording. The audio recording shall not be processed according to a user's needs.

[6 September 2011]

201.6 In order to familiarize oneself with audio recordings of closed parts of the sitting of the Cabinet, which contain restricted use information, a written application shall be submitted to the State Chancellery, subject to procedure laid down in the Freedom of Information Law concerning requests for information. After receipt of the approval by the State Chancellery, it is possible to listen to a recording of respective matter in the premises of the State Chancellery or audio recording shall be sent to the applicant pursuant to procedure for flow of restricted information set out in the regulatory acts.

[6 September 2011]

201.7 The audio recordings of closed parts of the sitting of the Cabinet containing objects of national secret shall be stored and used under laws and regulations that stipulate protection of objects of national secret.

[6 September 2011]

XV. Processing, Signing and Publishing of Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers

202. Decisions adopted during the sitting of the Cabinet or tasks assigned to individual line ministries, other institutions or officials shall be recorded in the sitting's minutes and they come into effect from the moment of adopting the decision, unless otherwise indicated in the decision.

203. Before signing a legal act which has been approved (adopted) by the Cabinet of Ministers, only amendments which have been decided by the sitting of the Cabinet can be introduced to the text, as well as it can include corrections (updates) pertaining to the mentioned amendments.

204. The State Chancellery shall ensure preparation of draft legal act which has been approved (adopted) by the sitting of the Cabinet for its signing or delivery to the Saeima.

205. A planning document which has been approved by the sitting of the Cabinet shall be signed by its submitter.

[2 December 2014]

206. Regulations, instructions, recommendations and orders adopted by the sitting of the Cabinet shall be signed by the Director of the State Chancellery, and afterwards handed over for its signing to a respective member of the Cabinet of Ministers (second signature) and to the Prime Minister (first signature).

207. If a legal act according to this Regulation has been considered at the sitting of the Cabinet as a matter of the Cabinet of Ministers, the State Chancellery, unless otherwise stated in the protocol of the sitting of the Cabinet, shall within five working days ensure preparation of approved (adopted) legal act for its signing.

208. If a submitter of a draft legal act does not participate in the sitting of the Cabinet, a legal act which has been passed by the Cabinet of Ministers instead of the respective Minister shall be signed (second signature) by a Minister who acts for him/her on a respective day of the sitting of the Cabinet.

209. If a draft legal act has been submitted for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers by the Prime Minister, then the Cabinet of Ministers during its sitting shall take a decision on which Minister shall sign (second signature) a respective legal act, and a respective record with regard to this shall be included in minutes of the sitting of the Cabinet.

210. The State Chancellery usually within three working days after the sitting of the Cabinet, unless otherwise specified in the minutes of the Cabinet of Ministers, shall electronically send to the Saeima the following documents: a draft law (in cases referred to in this Regulation - also the text of an international agreement) which has been approved by the sitting of the Cabinet and its annotation or the draft decision of the Saeima and its annotation enclosing an extract of the minutes of the sitting of the Cabinet together with a covering letter signed by the Prime Minister, as well as a letter of the Cabinet of Ministers signed by the Prime Minister to the Saeima together with extract of the minutes of the Cabinet sitting. The submitter shall sign the draft law and its annotation and a draft decision of the Saeima and its annotation before sending to the Saeima.

[23 February 2010; 30 September 2014]

211. Regulations, instructions and recommendations of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be dated according of their adoption. Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be dated according to the date of their signing.

212. The State Chancellery shall, within one working day after signing thereof, send through the DAUKS system the legal act issued by the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as planning document supported by the Cabinet of Ministers and legal act approving such document for publication of the official publication Latvijas Vēstnesis. The issuer of the official publication Latvijas Vēstnesis shall ensure publication usually within two working days after receipt of the aforementioned documents.

[2 December 2014]

212.1 The State Chancellery shall, within one working day after signing thereof, electronically send to the Interdepartmental Co-ordination Centre the planning document supported by the Cabinet of Ministers and legal act approving such document so it would be published in the information system "Database of policy planning documents".

[2 December 2014]

213. Legal act adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers which is to be submitted to the Ministry of Economics according to the procedures by which technical regulations are harmonised, shall be sent to the Ministry of Economics by the State Chancellery within three working days after its signing.

214. The State Chancellery shall ensure that the legal act, planning document and legal act approving such document delivered (through the DAUKS system) to be published in the official publication Latvijas Vēstnesis, as well as the planning document and legal act approving such document delivered to be published in the information system "Database of policy planning documents" conform to the original. Cross-compliance of the legal act, planning document and legal act approving such document and the legal act, planning document and legal act approving such document received from the State Chancellery through the DAUKS system shall be ensured by the publisher of the official publication Latvijas Vēstnesis.

[2 December 2014]

214.1 [6 September 2011]

215. Submitter of a respective legal act or a ministry, other institution or official indicated in the legal act shall be responsible for enforcement of regulations, instructions, recommendations and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers.

216. If necessary, the submitter of a respective legal act shall present an explanation of a legal act passed by the Cabinet of Ministers.

XVI. Orders and Resolutions of the Prime Minister and their Enforcement

217. For purposes of a specific task, the Prime Minister passes an order on creation of a working group. The order shall include the composition of a working group, issues to be discussed, activities and scheduled tasks. The order can also instruct that materials related to matters of the working group (for instance, minutes of the meetings) shall be submitted to a respective institution.

218. In addition to cases set forth in the Law "On the Structure of the Cabinet of Ministers", the Prime Minister upon his/her order shall:

218.1. [6 September 2011];

218.2. appoint the Head of the Prime Minister's Office;

218.3. appoint the Acting Prime Minister who shall act for the Prime Minister if he/she is absent or otherwise obstructed from fulfilling his/her duties;

218.4. appoint the Acting Deputy Prime Minister or Minister if the Deputy Prime Minister or Minister is absent or otherwise obstructed from fulfilling his/her duties;

218.5. assign vacations to the Director of the State Chancellery, the Head of the Prime Minister's Office and the Head of an institution which is subordinated to the Prime Minister.

[23 February 2010]

219. Prime Minister shall take a decision on advancing the drafts submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as he/she shall assign tasks to members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the Prime Minister's Office, the Director of the State Chancellery and other heads of subordinated public administration institutions.

220. When submitting a draft order of the Prime Minister to the State Chancellery, its submitter shall enclose a covering letter and documents according to an example of covering letter and a list of documents that should be appended (see Annex 5 to this Regulation). A submitter or a head of the institution subordinated to the Prime Minister shall submit the Prime Minister's draft order to the State Chancellery only through DAUKS system.

[23 February 2010]

221. [23 February 2010];

222. The State Chancellery shall prepare draft order of the Prime Minister for its signing. Order of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be dated according to the date of their signing.

223. The State Chancellery shall send through DAUKS system the order of the Prime Minister for publishing in the official publication Latvijas Vēstnesis within one working day after its signing. The publisher of the official publication Latvijas Vēstnesis shall ensure publishing in the official publication Latvijas Vēstnesis usually within two working days upon receipt of the order of the Prime Minister. Conformity of the published order of the Prime Minister with the text of the order received from the State Chancellery through DAUKS system shall be ensured by the publisher of the official publication Latvijas Vēstnesis.

[6 September 2011; 30 September 2014]

224. Ministry, other institution or official indicated in an order of the Prime Minister shall be responsible for fulfilment of tasks assigned by the order.

225. Every official mentioned in the task (resolution) shall be responsible for the fulfilment of tasks assigned upon the resolution of the Prime Minister. Official which is listed in task (resolution) as first shall ensure fulfilment of a common task assigned upon the task (resolution).

226. The deadline for the fulfilment of task which has been assigned by an order of the Prime Minister is one month from the date of signing the order, unless other deadline is specified in the respective order. A proposal on the amendment of the deadline indicated in the order of the Prime Minister shall be presented to the State Chancellery in a form of a draft order of the Prime Minister.

227. The deadline for fulfilment of a task which has been assigned upon a resolution of the Prime Minister is 10 working days from the day of receipt of the respective resolution, unless any other deadline is provided in the resolution or other external normative act. If additional preparation and harmonisation of a matter is needed, the Prime Minister after considering reasoned request of an addressee of resolution may extend the task's deadline.

[23 February 2010]

228. The deadline for the fulfilment of an urgent task which has been assigned upon a resolution of the Prime Minister is three working days from the day of receipt of the respective resolution, unless any other deadline is provided.

229. The State Chancellery shall assume control only over those tasks assigned upon the Prime Minister's orders and resolutions the fulfilment of which shall be communicated (in a written form) to the Cabinet of Ministers or the Prime Minister or those tasks which include preparation and submission of documents to the Cabinet of Ministers.

230. On the working day following the deadline for the fulfilment of task assigned by an order or resolution of the Prime Minister, the State Chancellery shall send to a responsible official of a ministry a reminder on the non-fulfilment of the task through DAUKS system. Upon receipt of a reminder, the responsible official shall, within five working days, communicate to the State Chancellery the progress of task fulfilment and the reason for non-fulfilment.

231. Following the deadline mentioned in Clause 230 of this Regulation, the State Chancellery shall prepare proposals to the Prime Minister with regard to further progress of a matter and, if necessary, present respective information in the meeting of State Secretaries.

232. Response to the State Chancellery on the fulfilment of a task assigned by an order or resolution of the Prime Minister shall also include the number and date of the finalised document.

233. After consideration of a written proposal of the submitter, the Prime Minister shall decide on termination of control over expired task which was assigned by a resolution of the Prime Minister.

XVII. Ensuring Enforcement of Laws and Decision of the Saeima

234. The State Chancellery, upon receipt of laws and decisions of the Saeima, containing tasks for the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as other documents of the Saeima sent for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers or for informative purposes, shall register them. In order to ensure fulfilment of tasks assigned to the Cabinet of Ministers by laws and decisions of the Saeima, the Prime Minister shall instruct a respective member of the Cabinet of Ministers to prepare and submit draft legal act needed for consideration.

235. The Director of the State Chancellery upon assignment of the Prime Minister is entitled to request information from the State Secretaries about fulfilment of tasks referred to in Clause 234 of this present Regulation. The information shall be provided within 10 working days after receipt of the request.

236. The deadline for fulfilment of the tasks mentioned in Clause 234 of this Regulation shall be specified in line with the deadline provided by the law or the decision of the Saeima, by which the Cabinet of Ministers shall pass a respective legal act or if the law or the decision of Saeima does not provide such a deadline, it shall be set in compliance with deadline of the entry in to force of the law or the decision of the Saeima. If additional preparation and harmonisation of a matter is needed, the Prime Minister after considering a reasoned request of a respective member of the Cabinet of Ministers may extend the deadline.

[23 February 2010]

237. The enforcement of a resolution of the Prime Minister or the Director of the State Chancellery shall be ensured by an official who is mentioned first in the resolution, whereas the control should be assumed by the line ministry or the State Chancellery.

238. On the working day following the deadline for enforcement of the resolution of the Prime Minister or the Director of the State Chancellery, the State Chancellery shall send to a responsible official of ministry a reminder on non-fulfilment of the task via DAUKS system. Upon receipt of a reminder, the responsible official shall, within five working days, communicate to the State Chancellery the progress of the task fulfilment and the reason for non-fulfilment.

239. Following the deadline mentioned in Clause 238 of this Regulation, the State Chancellery shall prepare proposals to the Prime Minister with regard to further progress of a matter and, if necessary, present respective information in the meeting of State Secretaries.

XVIII. Ensuring the Fulfilment of Tasks Assigned by the Cabinet of Ministers or Documents

240. Responsibility for the fulfilment of a task assigned by a protocol decision of the meeting of State Secretaries, protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet, protocol decision of the meeting of the Committee or legal act of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be assumed by the line ministry, other institution or official which is mentioned first, unless otherwise stated in a respective document.

241. The State Chancellery shall assume control only over those tasks the fulfilment of which shall be notified (in a written form) to the Cabinet of Ministers or the Prime Minister or those tasks which include preparation and submission of documents to the Cabinet of Ministers.

242. Deadline for a task assigned by a protocol decision of the meeting of State Secretaries (except for tasks related to announcement of the notified drafts) shall be two months after the date of the meeting of State Secretaries unless other date is specified.

243. Deadline for tasks assigned by a protocol decision of the meeting of the Committee, protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet and legal act of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be two months unless other deadline is specified.

244. Proposal for the amendment of deadline specified in protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet or legal act of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be presented in a form of respective draft legal act. Decision on the amendment of deadline for the fulfilment of the task assigned by protocol decision of the meeting of the Committee shall be adopted by the Prime Minister after considering a written proposal by a member of the Cabinet of Ministers.

245. In order to ensure fulfilment of tasks assigned by the Cabinet of Ministers and protocol decisions of the meeting of State Secretaries, the Director of the State Chancellery upon an assignment by the Prime Minister is entitled to request information from the State Secretaries on fulfilment of the assigned tasks. Information shall be presented within 10 working days after the receipt of the request.

246. On the working day following the deadline for the fulfilment of task, the State Chancellery shall send to a responsible official of a line ministry a reminder on the non- fulfilment of the task through DAUKS system. Within five working days upon receipt of a reminder, the responsible official shall inform the State Chancellery about fulfilment of the task or in accordance with Clauses 226, 227 and 244 of this Regulation shall prepare proposals for the amendment of the deadline.

247. Following the deadline mentioned in Clause 246 of this Regulation, the State Chancellery shall prepare proposals to the Prime Minister with regard to further advancement of a matter and, if necessary, present respective information in the meeting of State Secretaries.

248. Response to the State Chancellery on fulfilment of the task assigned by a resolution of the Director of the State Chancellery shall also include the number and date of finalised document.

249. Decision on termination of control over expired tasks or drafts referred to in Clause 16 of this Regulation shall be adopted by the Prime Minister after considering a written proposal of a member of the Cabinet of Ministers or by the Director of the State Chancellery after considering a written proposal of the State Secretary.

XIX. Meetings of Parliamentary Secretaries

250. The State Chancellery shall ensure meetings of Parliamentary Secretaries convened and chaired by the Parliamentary Secretary of the Prime Minister. The Parliamentary Secretary of the Prime Minister shall set the date, place and issues to be discussed of the meeting of Parliamentary Secretaries.

251. The minutes of the meeting of Parliamentary Secretaries shall be prepared by an official appointed by the Director of the State Chancellery. The minutes shall contain participants of the meeting, issues discussed and decisions adopted during the meeting.

XX. Procedures by Which Absence of the Members of the Cabinet of Ministers and Other State Officials Due to a Business Trip, Vacation or Illness is Documented

252. Not later than three working days before the planned absence, a member of the Cabinet of Ministers (hereinafter - Minister) shall submit an application to the Prime Minister. The application shall specify period and reason for the absence as well as may contain a recommendation for a Minister who will act in his/her place during the absence.

[6 September 2011]

253. In case of unplanned absence (e.g., illness), a Minister shall submit his/her absence application to the State Chancellery as soon as possible.

254. In an application for foreign business trip, a Minister shall indicate the purpose of this trip and any matters that he/she will concern. Application shall also contain an official invitation and agenda, as well as indicate officials who will be met during the business trip.

255. The Prime Minister upon his/her order assigns another Minister to perform respective duties upon a request of a Minister who is or will be absent or upon a proposal by the State Chancellery; the Prime Minister may perform duties of the Minister who is on planned absence.

256. After receiving instruction by the Prime Minister for substitution of a Minister during his absence, the Prime Minister shall accordingly prepare a draft order of the Prime Minister as well as inform the Minister who will perform duties of the absent Minister.

257. If due to unexpected reasons, the Minister who is indicated in the order of the Prime Minister cannot act for the absent Minister, he/she shall immediately inform the Prime Minister in writing about this issue. The State Chancellery shall prepare and submit to the Prime Minister a proposal on assigning another Minister who will perform duties of the Minister who is on planned absence.

258. If a Minister who is substituted resumes his duties before the end of absence term which was indicated (if the term was not specified - then after the respective reasons have ended) in order of the Prime Minister, he/she shall immediately inform the Prime Minister about this issue. The State Chancellery, on the basis of provided information, shall prepare a respective draft order of the Prime Minister.

259. The State Chancellery shall prepare draft order of the Prime Minister on vacation or foreign business trip of a member of the Cabinet of Ministers, Parliamentary Secretary of the Prime Minister, Director of the State Chancellery, Head of the Prime Minister's Office and other heads of public administration institutions subordinated to the Prime Minister.

[23 February 2010; 6 September 2011]

260. The State Chancellery shall harmonise with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a draft order of the Prime Minister on foreign business trips (except for a draft order on the foreign business trip of the Minister for Foreign Affairs). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs within 24 hours after signing the Prime Minister's order shall:

260.1. if necessary, prepare memorandums to respective foreign embassies on visas;

260.2. inform the respective diplomatic or consular representation of the Republic of Latvia about planned official foreign business trip and coordinate assistance needed for its organisation and process.

[23 February 2010]

261. After signing the order of the Prime Minister, the State Chancellery shall immediately communicate this to the officials mentioned in the order.

262. Within five working days after the end of the foreign business trip, Minister, Parliamentary Secretary of the Prime Minister, Director of the State Chancellery, Head of the Prime Minister's Office and heads of other public administration institutions subordinated to the Prime Minister shall present to the Prime Minister a written report (one copy - to the Minister for Foreign Affairs) on the business trip and its results, also indicating the official representatives he/she met and what issues were discussed during the trip.

[6 September 2011]

XXI. Closing Provisions

263. Instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 20 "Procedure for Completing Annotations of Laws and Regulations" of 18 December 2007 shall apply till the passing of instruction mentioned in Clause 4 of this Regulation, but not later than until 1 November 2009, without prejudice to this Regulation.

[28 July 2009]

264. Clause 5 of this Regulation shall come into force together with laws and regulations which stipulate planning documents of all levels and types, their content, procedures for their preparation, approval, updating, term of validity, procedures for providing reports, as well as unenforceability procedures.

265. Instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers No 18 "Procedure for Submission to and Consideration in the Cabinet of Ministers of a Draft Policy Planning Document, Draft Legal Act and Informative Statement which According to the Law On State Secret is an Object of State Secret of 6 November 2007 shall apply till the passing of instruction mentioned in Clause 27 of this Regulation, but not later than until 1 July 2009, without prejudice to this Regulation.

266. [6 September 2011].

267. Clause 82 of this Regulation governing the procedures for organising a public discussion and Chapter II, Sub-clause 2.3 of Annex 5 shall come into effect together with regulations on the procedures for public involvement in the process of development planning. By the day when aforementioned regulations come into force, the meeting of State Secretaries shall decide on the procedures by which public discussions shall be organised.

268. Procedures set forth in Clause 87 of this Regulation for cancellation of announced drafts in DAUKS system shall come into effect on 1 November 2009. By the above-mentioned term, drafts can be cancelled upon electronically presenting to the State Chancellery information including the date of the meeting of State Secretaries in which the draft was announced, as well as the protocol number, paragraph number and draft's title.

[28 July 2009 / Amendment to Paragraph shall come into force on 1 July 2009. See Clause 2 of the amendments.]

269. Requirements set forth in this Regulation with regard to filling out of annotation (section of annotation) and preparation of statement shall not apply to drafts which were declared for their announcement in the meeting of State Secretaries before this Regulation came into force, but not later than until 1 June 2009.

270. Sub-clause 2.7.1, Clauses 8.1, 61.1 and 61.2, Sub-clause 164.8.1 and Annex 2, Chapter II, Clause 6.1 of this Regulation becomes invalid on 1 July 2015.

[30 September 2014]

271. Clause 61 of this Regulation shall not be applied during the term of Presidency, except if the Senior Officials meeting has taken a different decision.

[30 September 2014]

272. Clause 165 of this Regulation shall not be applied also regarding the draft high priority mandates of the Presidency until 30 June 2015.

[30 September 2014]

Prime Minister, Minister for Children,
Family and Integration Affairs V. Dombrovskis

Minister for Justice M. Segliņš


Annex 1
to the Cabinet Regulation No. 300
of 7 April 2009

Information to be Prepared for Succession of Matters of a Cabinet Member

[2 December 2014]

1. [2 December 2014]

2. [2 December 2014]

3. Information about draft planning documents, draft informative statements and draft legal acts being developed or advanced by the line ministry.

4. Information about proceedings in which the line ministry is involved.

5. Information about the implementation of the budget and about the number of employees during the current year and last three years.

_________________________________________ (signature of the State Secretary)*

Note. * The detail "signature" of the document shall not be filled out if the electronic document has been prepared in conformity with the laws and regulations on the drawing up of electronic documents.

Minister for Justice M. Segliņš


Annex 2
to the Cabinet Regulation No. 300
of 7 April 2009

Action Plan of the Government for the Implementation of the Declaration of the Intended Activities of the Cabinet of Ministers

[2 December 2014]

Declaration's section and field of activity

Number of the task assigned by the Declaration

Task assigned by the Declaration

Measure of the action plan

Result of the activity

Number of the task of the National Development Plan (hereinafter - the NDP) and the NDP indicator (if applicable)

Responsible institution

Jointly responsible institutions

Execution deadline (dd.mm.yyyy)

Progress of the measure

Indication whether this measure shall be continued












I. Most important activities of the Cabinet of Ministers (listed in order of the priority)
Indication of a section or field of activity in accordance with the Declaration   The specific task assigned by the Declaration Several ministries can prepare one or more (up to five) measures for the implementation of the same task assigned by the Declaration Indication of the function of line ministries and institutions subordinated thereto stipulated by the laws and regulations and the final product of the implementation of measures, goods created by the institution and services provided by the institution to external customers provided for in the planning documents Indication of the number of the NDP task and number of the NDP indicator without the text     Indication of the final deadline of a measure which shall not exceed the term of the Cabinet of Ministers The column shall be filled out in accordance with Clause 41 of the Cabinet Regulation No. 300 "Rules of Procedures of the Cabinet of Ministers" (hereinafter - the Rules of Procedures) of 7 April 2009 by providing information on the progress of the implementation of respective measures in the reporting period The column shall be filled out in accordance with Clause 30 of the Rules of Procedures by providing information on measures directed towards the achievement of NDP objectives and execution of which should be continued in the next term of the government
II. Other measures to be performed
According to the Declaration section or field of activity must be indicated   The specific task assigned by the Declaration Several line ministries can prepare one or more (up to five) measures for the implementation of the same task assigned by the Declaration Indication of the function of line ministries and institutions subordinated thereto stipulated by the laws and regulations and the final product of the implementation of measures, goods created by the institution and services provided by the institution to external customers provided for in the planning documents Indication of the number of the NDP task and number of the NDP indicator without the text     Indication of the final deadline of a measure which shall not exceed the term of the Cabinet of Ministers The column shall be filled out in accordance with Clause 41 of the Rules of Procedures by providing information on the progress of the implementation of respective measures in the reporting period The column shall be filled out in accordance with Clause 30 of the Rules of Procedures by providing information on measures directed towards the achievement of NDP objectives and execution of which should be continued in the next term of the government
III. New measures (if necessary this section shall be filled out within the framework of succession of cases of a member of the Cabinet)
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Measure Indication of the function of line ministries and institutions subordinated thereto stipulated by the laws and regulations and the final product of the implementation of measures, goods created by the institution and services provided by the institution to external customers provided for in the planning documents Indication of the number of the NDP task and number of the NDP indicator without the text          


Annex 3
to the Cabinet Regulation No. 300
of 7 April 2009

[6 September 2011; 30 September 2014]


Policy area

Specific field of policy

Policy sub-field

(if any)





1. Foreign policy and general issues of the EU 1.1. Development cooperation

1.2. Institutional issues of the EU

1.3. Issues of the EU enlargement

1.4. International relations

1.5. International and regional organisations

1.6. External security of the country

2. Budget and financial policy 2.1. Administration of foreign financial instruments 2.1.1. European Union funds and other foreign financial instruments
2.2. Policy of the finance and capital market

2.3. Financial management

2.4. Bookkeeping

2.5. Monetary policy

2.6. Taxation policy

2.7. Policy of state and local government budgets

3. Natural resources, agricultural production and processing policy 3.1. Agricultural policy 3.1 1. Management of farm animals, cultivated plants, forest and fish resources
3.2. Forest policy

3.3. Fishery policy

3.4. Food safety and quality

3.5. Animal health policy

4. Internal policy 4.1. Rescue and civil security

4.2. Population register

4.3. Migration policy

4.4. Prevention and combating of crimes

4.5. Protection of person's rights and interests

4.6. Social order and security

4.7. Security of country's border

4.8. Fire safety in the country

5. Industry and services policy 5.1. External economic policy 5.1 1. External economic relations

5.1 2. Foreign trade

5.1 3. Promotion of exports

5.2. Construction policy  
5.3. Energy 5.3.1. Renewable energy resources
5.4. Internal market policy

5.5. Development of innovations

5.6. Housing policy

5.7. Protection of consumer rights

5.8. Industry

5.9. Standardisation policy

5.10. Structural policy of the national economy 5.10 1. Public and private partnership
6. Education and science policy 6.1. Higher education and development of science

6.2. Development of the lifelong learning system

6.3. Development of the vocational education system

6.4. Development of the state language

6.5. Development of the general education system

7. Cultural policy 7.1. Copyright policy  
7.2. Development of culture 7.2 1. Development of archives, architecture, folk art, theatre, music, libraries, museums, visual arts, book publishing, literature and cinematography

7.2 2. Preservation of minority cultures and traditions

7.3. Preservation of cultural heritage 7.3.1. Protection of cultural monuments
7.4. Cultural education  
8. Employment and social policy 8.1. Labour policy 8.1 1. Labour relations and social dialogue

8.1 2. Minimum salary

8.1 3. Promotion of employment and reduction of unemployment

8.1 4. Labour protection

8.2. Social security 8.2 1. Social insurance

8.2 2. State social benefits

8.2 3. Social care, social rehabilitation, professional rehabilitation, technical aids

8.2 4. Social work

8.2 5. Social assistance

8.2 6. Equal rights for people with special needs

8.3. Gender equality

8.4. Social inclusion

8.5. Policy of children and family affairs

9. Civic society and democracy policy 9.1. Development of the information society

9.2. Youth policy

9.3. Development of the civic society 9.3.1. Development of NGOs
9.4. Integration of the society 9.4.1. Minority rights

9.4.2. Promotion of tolerance in the society

9.5. Development of the voting system  
9.6. Media policy  
10. Public administration policy 10.1. Development planning

10.2. Development of e-governance

10.3. Better regulation policy

10.4. Development of the system of planning regions and local governments

10.5. Public administration development 10.5.1. Development of human resources

10.5.2. Quality management

10.5.3. Development of services rendered by public administration

10.5.4. Government's communication policy

10.6. State property management  
11. Regional policy 11.1. Landscape policy

11.2. Territorial cooperation in Europe

11.3. Regional development 11.3.1. Rural development

11.3.2. Urban development

11.4. Spatial planning  
11.5. Land policy 11.5.1. Sustainable management of land resources
12. Ministry of Justice 12.1. National law policy 12.1.1. Constitutional rights

12.1.2. Human rights

12.1.3. Administrative law

12.1.4. Administrative procedure law

12.1.5. Administrative penalty law

12.1.6. Administrative penalty procedure law

12.2. Criminal law policy 12.2.1. Criminal law

12.2.2. Criminal procedure law

12.2.3. Criminal punishment enforcement law

12.3. Civil law policy 12.3.1. Civil law

12.3.2. Civil procedure law

12.3.3. Commercial law

12.4. Corruption prevention and combating policy

12.5. Judicial system development policy

12.6. International law policy 12.6.1. International private law

12.6.2. International public law

12.7. EU law policy  
13. Transport and communication policy 13.1. Communication policy 13.1.1. Electronic communication policy

13.1.2. Post policy

13.1.3. Information and communication technologies policy

13.2. Transport policy 13.2.1. Road traffic policy

13.2.2. Railway policy

  13.2.3. Air transport policy

13.2.4. Sea transport policy

13.2.5. Public transport policy

13.2.6. Transit policy

14. Tourism, sports and leisure activities policy 14.1. Interest education

14.2. Sports policy

14.3. Tourism policy

15. Business policy 15.1. Development of commerce

15.2. Development of competitiveness

15.3. Privatisation policy

16. Environmental protection policy 16.1. Military education 16.1.1. Development of professional military service
16.2. Development of the national armed forces 16.2.1. Participation in international operations

16.2.2. Modernisation of the national armed forces

17. Health policy 17.1. Pharmacy

17.2. Public health

17.3. Health care

18. Environmental policy 18.1. Nature protection

18.2. Climate change

18.3. Environmental protection


Minister for Justice M. Segliņš


Annex 4
to the Cabinet Regulation No. 300
of 7 April 2009

Statement of Objections Expressed in Opinions

(type and title of the document)

I. Issues on which no agreement was reached during the harmonisation phase


Wording of the draft presented for harmonisation (wording of the specific Clause (Section))

Objection of a line ministry (or other institution) as indicated in the opinion, as well as additional objection on the specific Clause (Section) of the draft

Justification presented by the line ministry in charge concerning its refusal to accept the objection

Objection maintained by the submitter of the opinion if it differs from the justification for the objection included in the opinion

Final wording of the Clause (Section) in question








Information about inter-ministerial (inter-institutional) meeting or electronic harmonisation

Participants of harmonisation
Participants of harmonisation considered the following objections of the line ministries (other institutions)
The line ministries (other institutions) which have not attended the meeting or which have not replied to the invitation to participate in the harmonisation process

II. Issues on which agreement was reached during the harmonisation phase


Wording of the draft presented for harmonisation (wording of the specific Clause (Section))

Objection of a line ministry (or other institution) as indicated in the opinion, as well as additional objection on the specific Clause (Section) of the draft

Indication of the responsible line ministry that the objection was taken into account or information concerning the alternative solution selected in the harmonisation phase

Final wording of the Clause (Section) in question








The official in charge


Note. * The detail "signature" of the document shall not be filled out if the electronic document has been prepared in conformity with the laws and regulations on the drawing up of electronic documents.

(first name and surname of the official in charge of the draft)


(phone and fax number)

(e-mail address)

Minister for Justice M. Segliņš


Annex 5
to the Cabinet Regulation No. 300
of 7 April 2009

Sample Covering Letter and Documents to be Appended to the Draft

[23 February 2010; 6 September 2011; 30 September 2014; 2 December 2014 / See Clause 270 of this Regulation]

I. Sample covering letter

Details of the organisation
(state coat of arms, name of the author of the document (institution))

Place of issue



(document's date)


(document's number)




(date of the received document as indicated in the response document)


(number of the received document as indicated in the response document)

To the State Chancellery

Draft's title, information about its text or contents

On the basis of the Cabinet Regulation No. 300
"Rules of Procedures of the Cabinet of Ministers"
of 7 April 2009

I shall submit for consideration


(at the meeting of State Secretaries, meeting of the Committee
and the sitting of the Cabinet or to the Prime Minister)

(title of the project)

1. Justification of submission Reference to the Declaration of the Intended Activities of the Cabinet of Ministers and number of the task assigned in the action plan for the implementation of the respective measure, to the relevant legal act or development planning document (date of approval, number and specific Clause), to the relevant protocol resolution (date, number and paragraph of the protocol) of the meeting of State Secretaries, the meeting of the Cabinet Committee or the sitting of the Cabinet, resolution (date and number) or order (date of approval and specific Clause) if the submitted draft is developed in accordance with the tasks assigned
2. Date and number of the State Secretaries' meeting Date of the State Secretaries' meeting on which the draft is announced, and registration number of the notified draft (SSM number)
3. Information about harmonisations Information about the line ministries and other institutions which were involved in the harmonisation process, whose objections were taken into account and on objections of which no agreement is reached.

The ministries and other institutions which have harmonised the draft electronically without objections and proposals (Sub-clause 89.3 of this Regulation) shall be indicated separately.

It shall also be indicated if the draft is not announced in the meeting of State Secretaries, but it is not requested to promulgate it as a matter of the Cabinet of Ministers

4. Information about the default harmonisation Indication whether a shortened procedure for announcement and harmonisation of draft legal acts provided in Clause 73.1 of this Regulation has been applied (Clause 90 of this Regulation)
5. Information about harmonisation with the EU bodies Information about harmonisation with the European

Commission - draft legal acts which are to be submitted to the Ministry of Economics under the procedures by which technical regulations are harmonised

Information about harmonisation with the European Central Bank - draft legal acts which are to be submitted to the Ministry of Finance under the procedures by which financial regulations are harmonised

6. Policy area According to the classification of policy areas included in Annex 3 to this Regulation Shall be indicated for all draft planning documents, draft informative statements and draft legal acts. When a draft covers several areas, all of them shall be indicated
7. Author of the draft First name, surname and title of the official or working group which has developed the draft by specifying the legal act by which such a working group was established
8. Persons to be invited When necessity of participation is considered as indicated in Section 28, Paragraph five of the Law "On the Structure of the Cabinet of Ministers" by indicating first name, surname, title, name of the line ministry or other institution represented by the person to be invited
9. Status of restricted use of a draft It shall be indicated whether the draft possesses the status of restricted-use document. If the status of restricted-use document is assigned to a document, the following information shall be provided:

1) justification for such a status;

2) restricted-use status for every document appended to the covering letter;

3) whether the restriction remains valid after consideration of this matter at the Cabinet of Ministers by also indicating the term of restricted use;

4) institutions to which the adopted legal act shall be sent after signing.

If necessary, it shall be specified in which part of the sitting of the Cabinet - open or closed - a draft should be considered

10. Other relevant information Note concerning person's consent or institution's authorisation to participate in the working group or committee or council.

Note concerning other drafts that shall be considered simultaneously at the sitting of the Cabinet

11. Justification of a matter of the Cabinet of Ministers Explanation of the urgent character of the respective matter

This column, as well as columns No. 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 shall be included in the covering letter and filled out only in cases when the matter of the Cabinet of Ministers is submitted to the State Chancellery

12. Information about endorsements Indication of the date and time when the draft has been sent for harmonisation to the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
13. Consequences, if the matter is not promptly considered Explanation of the consequences if the draft is not considered promptly

This column, as well as columns No. 14, 15 and 16 shall not be filled out in cases when a matter of the Cabinet of Ministers submitted regarding issues which are related to unforeseeable and extraordinary circumstances and which call for immediate action by the Cabinet of Ministers

14. Reasons why the draft was not submitted in due time Explanation of the circumstances which impeded timely preparation of the matter
15. Final deadline for taking a decision The term for adoption or consideration of the matter shall be specified
16. Information on structural unit or official in charge Specification of the structural unit or specific official who was in charge of timely preparation of respective matter


1. ...

2. ...

3. ...





* Indication of information about the appended documents (title, date, number, number of pages and file name) and technical media by separately indicating whether any of the documents contains restricted information.

* The detail "signature" of the document shall not be filled out if the electronic document has been prepared in conformity with the laws and regulations on the drawing up of electronic documents.

(first name and surname of the official in charge of the draft)




(phone and fax number)


(e-mail address)

II. Documents to be appended to the covering letter of the submitter

1. When a draft legal act is submitted for consideration to the meeting of State Secretaries, the following documents shall be appended to its covering letter in DAUKS system:

1.1. annotation;

1.2. opinions or confirmations of the line ministries and other institutions indicating that the draft legal act has been harmonised (by signature or e-mail message);

1.3. statement;

1.4. copy of the opinion of the European Commission - under the procedures by which technical regulations are harmonised;

1.5. copy of the opinion of the European Central Bank - under the procedures by which financial regulations are harmonised;

1.6. relevant documents which certify lawfulness of the provisions in the draft legal act (for instance, ownership documents, decision of the local government on its consent to take the possession of real estate) and which are required for adoption of a decision;

1.7. [6 September 2011];

1.8. [6 September 2011].

2. When a draft planning document and the draft legal act and informative statement appended thereto (Clause 59 of the this Regulation) and the draft legal act appended thereto are submitted for consideration to the meeting of the Cabinet Committee or the sitting of the Cabinet, the following documents shall be appended to the covering letter:

2.1. Opinions or confirmations of the line ministries and other institutions indicating that the draft planning document or informative statement has been harmonised (by signature or a-mail message);

2.2. statement;

2.3. information concerning consultations with the public in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations on public involvement in the development planning process;

2.4. [6 September 2011].

3. When a draft legal act is submitted for consideration to the meeting of the Cabinet Committee or the sitting of the Cabinet after its consideration at the meeting of State Secretaries, the following documents shall be appended to the covering letter:

3.1. annotation;

3.2. copy of the opinion of the European Commission - under the procedures by which technical regulations are harmonised;

3.3. copy of the opinion of the European Central Bank - under the procedures by which financial regulations are harmonised.

4. When a draft legal act is submitted for consideration to the sitting of the Cabinet without consideration thereof at the meeting of State Secretaries and the meeting of the Cabinet Committee (except for draft legal acts specified in Chapter II, Paragraph 5 of this Annex), the following documents shall be appended to the covering letter:

4.1. annotation;

4.2. opinions or confirmations of the line ministries and other institutions indicating that the draft legal act has been harmonised (by signature or e-mail message);

4.3. statement;

4.4. copy of the opinion of the European Commission - under the procedures by which technical regulations are harmonised;

4.5. copy of the opinion of the European Central Bank - under the procedures by which financial regulations are harmonised;

4.6. relevant documents which certify lawfulness of the provisions in the draft legal act (for instance, ownership documents, decision of the local government on its consent to take the possession of real estate) and which are required for adoption of a decision;

4.7. a letter or other document certifying persons' consent (authorisation) to participate in a working group, council or committee if these persons are not representatives of the line ministry which has submitted the draft legal act, - with regard to a draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on participants of the working group, council or committee;

4.8. [6 September 2011];

4.9. [6 September 2011].

5. When a draft legal act referred to in Clause 73 of this Regulation is submitted for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers, the following documents shall be appended to the covering letter:

5.1. annotation, except to a draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on granting citizenship under the naturalisation procedure or a permit or refusal to keep the citizenship of the Republic of Latvia or other country;

5.2. information signed by the Head of the Naturalisation Board - to a draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on granting citizenship under the naturalisation procedure or a permit or refusal to keep the citizenship of the Republic of Latvia or other country;

5.3. opinions and confirmations of the line ministries and other institutions indicating that the draft order has been harmonised (by signature or e-mail message) in accordance with Clause 111 of this Regulation;

5.4. the curriculum vitae of the respective person (in line with the Europass CV standard available at the website www.europass.lv) containing only such data which are necessary for adoption of a decision by taking into account the requirements of the Law on Protection of Personal Data (first name, surname, education, work experience, language skills and other skills), - to a draft order of the Cabinet on approval of candidates for a post, appointment of officials, attribution of a special rank, conferring Certificates of Recognition of the Cabinet of Ministers or awards of the Cabinet of Ministers. In case of a draft order of the Cabinet on conferring Certificates of Recognition or award of the Cabinet of Ministers the curriculum vitae shall also provide person's date of birth and address;

5.5. decision of competition's committee if such a competition is provided by the respective laws and regulations;

5.6. decision of the Awards Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers - to a draft order of the Cabinet on conferring Certificates of Recognition or award of the Cabinet of Ministers;

5.7. decision on admissibility of person's extradition together with the relevant examination materials (Section 708 of the Criminal Procedure Law) - to a draft order of the Cabinet on person's extradition to a foreign country.

6. When a draft national position is submitted for consideration to the meeting of State Secretaries or to the Cabinet of Ministers, the following documents shall be appended to the covering letter:

6.1. draft protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet by indicating at least the following information:

6.1.1. national positions to be approved (title, number);

6.1.2. authorisation for an official to represent the Republic of Latvia in an EU body in cases stipulated in the relevant laws and regulations on the development, harmonisation, approval and updating of national positions;

6.2. informative statement - one common statement when several draft national positions are submitted by providing generally available information.

6.1 [1 July 2015 / See Clause 270 of this Regulation.]

7. When a draft position regarding cases considered by the Court of Justice of the European Union and the EFTA Court is submitted for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers, the following documents shall be appended to the covering letter:

7.1. draft protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet by indicating at least the following information:

7.1.1. title of the position to be approved (number of case, parties);

7.1.2. authorisation for an official to represent the Republic of Latvia in these proceedings, if necessary;

7.2. draft letter of authorisation in cases stipulated in the relevant laws and regulations on the development and approval of positions.

8. When a draft position regarding the pre-trial process of the infringement procedure stipulated in Articles 258, 259 and 260 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union is submitted for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers, the following documents shall be appended to the covering letter:

8.1. draft protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet including:

8.1.1. an assignment for the responsible line ministry to develop a legal act in due time and submit it to the Cabinet of Ministers if prevention of the infringement procedure requires development of such a legal act;

8.1 2. Under the pre-trial process of the infringement procedure stipulated in Article 259 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union - an authorisation to represent Latvia in negotiations with the European Commission and an obligation to report to the Cabinet of Ministers on the results of the pre-trial process of the infringement procedure after receiving an opinion of the European Commission, as well as assignment to submit to the Cabinet of Ministers an assessment on the necessity to continue the infringement procedure at the Court of Justice of the European Union against other member state of the European Union, if Latvia has initiated the pre-trial process of the infringement procedure provided in Article 259 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union against other member state of the European Union;

8.2. [30 September 2014];

8.3. informative statement in cases stipulated in the relevant laws and regulations on the development and approval of positions.

8.4. copy of the formal notice or reasoned opinion of the European Commission.

9. When a draft national position on international law matter is submitted for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers, the following documents shall be appended to the covering letter:

9.1. draft protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet indicating the national position to be approved and, if necessary, authorisation for an official to represent the Republic of Latvia in the respective institution of the international organisation;

9.2. draft letter of authorisation, if necessary.

10. When a draft document to be submitted to the court is submitted for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers, the following documents shall be appended to the covering letter:

10.1. draft protocol decision of the sitting of the Cabinet by indicating an assignment for the responsible line ministry to authorize a representative (representatives) of the Cabinet of Ministers for representation at court or Constitutional Court:

10.2. opinions or confirmations of the line ministries and other institutions that a document to be submitted to the court has been harmonised (by signature or e-mail message);

10.3. statement;

10.4. draft letter of authorisation, if necessary.

11. When a draft legal act is submitted for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers regarding implementation of a task assigned to a line ministry or other institution by a protocol decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, the covering letter shall be accompanied by opinions and confirmations of the line ministries and other institutions that a document to be submitted to the court has been harmonised (by signature or e-mail message).

12. When a draft letter of the Cabinet of Ministers is submitted for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers, the covering letter shall be accompanied by a protocol decision of the Cabinet sitting if further actions of the line ministries are envisaged with regard to the matters specified in the letter.

13. When a draft order of the Prime Minister is submitted to the State Chancellery, the submitter shall append a covering letter or other documents by which a person is authorised or agrees to participate in a working group if this person is not a representative of the submitting ministry, - to a draft order on the working group.

14. When a draft document is submitted to the State Chancellery, which is submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers via the Prime Minister in line with the provided procedures by an institution which is subordinated to the Prime Minister, this document shall be accompanied by a draft covering letter of the submitter.


Translation © 2016 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

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Nosaukums: Ministru kabineta kārtības rullis Statuss:
Zaudējis spēku
zaudējis spēku
Izdevējs: Ministru kabinets Veids: noteikumi Numurs: 300Pieņemts: 07.04.2009.Stājas spēkā: 17.04.2009.Zaudē spēku: 09.09.2021.Tēma: Covid-19Publicēts: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 58, 16.04.2009.
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{"selected":{"value":"12.06.2020","content":"<font class='s-1'>12.06.2020.-08.09.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},"data":[{"value":"12.06.2020","iso_value":"2020\/06\/12","content":"<font class='s-1'>12.06.2020.-08.09.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"03.12.2016","iso_value":"2016\/12\/03","content":"<font class='s-1'>03.12.2016.-11.06.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.07.2015","iso_value":"2015\/07\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.07.2015.-02.12.2016.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"15.12.2014","iso_value":"2014\/12\/15","content":"<font class='s-1'>15.12.2014.-30.06.2015.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.11.2014","iso_value":"2014\/11\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.11.2014.-14.12.2014.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"03.10.2014","iso_value":"2014\/10\/03","content":"<font class='s-1'>03.10.2014.-31.10.2014.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"16.05.2012","iso_value":"2012\/05\/16","content":"<font class='s-1'>16.05.2012.-02.10.2014.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"10.09.2011","iso_value":"2011\/09\/10","content":"<font class='s-1'>10.09.2011.-15.05.2012.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"07.08.2010","iso_value":"2010\/08\/07","content":"<font class='s-1'>07.08.2010.-09.09.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"15.03.2010","iso_value":"2010\/03\/15","content":"<font class='s-1'>15.03.2010.-06.08.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.08.2009","iso_value":"2009\/08\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.08.2009.-14.03.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"17.04.2009","iso_value":"2009\/04\/17","content":"<font class='s-1'>17.04.2009.-31.07.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>Pamata<\/font>"}]}
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