Teksta versija
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 21.04.2004.–30.04.2013.
Amendments not included: 02.04.2013., 06.08.2013., 29.04.2014.
Disclaimer: The English language text below is provided by the Translation and Terminology Centre for information only; it confers no rights and imposes no obligations separate from those conferred or imposed by the legislation formally adopted and published. Only the latter is authentic. The original Latvian text uses masculine pronouns in the singular. The Translation and Terminology Centre uses the principle of gender-neutral language in its English translations. In addition, gender-specific Latvian nouns have been translated as gender-neutral terms, e.g. chairperson.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 308
Adopted 15 April 2004

Procedures regarding the State Fee for the Making of an Entry in the Register of Associations and Foundations

Issued pursuant to
Section 20, Paragraph one of the
Associations and Foundations Law

1. These Regulations prescribe the amount of the State fee, procedures for payment and exemptions regarding an entry made in the Register of Associations and Foundations (hereinafter - the Register).

2. The rates of the State fee are as follows:

2.1. registration of an association or foundation (including the making of entry of a re-organised non-profit organisation undertaking (company) in the Register) - LVL 8;

2.2. registration of amendments to the articles of association - LVL 6;

2.3. an entry regarding the reorganisation of an association or foundation:

2.3.1. if after the reorganisation a new association or foundation is established, a State fee shall be paid for each newly established association or foundation in the amount according to Sub-paragraph 2.1 of these Regulations; and

2.3.2. in other cases for each association or foundation involved in the reorganisation - LVL 6;

2.4. making of other entries and alterations to entries in the Register regarding an association or foundation - LVL 4; and,

2.5. issuance of a duplicate registration certificate - LVL 2.

3. The State fee shall be paid before submitting the relevant application and a document attesting to the payment of the State fee shall be attached to the application.

4. The State fee shall be paid into the State basic budget.

5. A State fee for making an entry in the Register of Associations and Foundations shall not be paid if:

5.1. in the association are united disabled persons, orphans or large families;

5.2. the objective of the association is the organisation of sport events for children and school children;

5.3. the entry is associated with the reorganisation of an administrative territory, change of boundaries or a name, as well as a change of a street name or a building number; or,

5.4. the entry is to be made on the basis of a State institution decision or court adjudication.

6. Sub-paragraph 2.1 of these Regulations in respect of making an entry of a re-organised non-profit organisation undertaking (company) in the Register of Associations and Foundations shall come into force on 1 May 2004.

Prime Minister I. Emsis

Acting for the Minister for Justice,
Minister for the Interior Ē. Jēkabsons


Translation © 2007 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre)

Document information
Title: Noteikumi par valsts nodevu ieraksta izdarīšanai biedrību un nodibinājumu reģistrā Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 308Adoption: 15.04.2004.Entry into force: 21.04.2004.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 61, 20.04.2004.
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