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The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 19.09.2017.–17.07.2020.
Amendments not included: 14.07.2020.

Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

12 September 2017 [shall come into force from 19 September 2017].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.


Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 484
Adopted 15 July 2016

Procedures by which Work-based Learning is Organised and Implemented

Issued pursuant to
Section 7, Paragraph fifteen
of the Vocational Education Law

1. This Regulation prescribes the procedures by which work-based learning is organised and implemented.

2. An educational institution shall organise and implement work-based learning for a student who follows an individual work-based learning plan (hereinafter - the individual plan) at a merchant, institution, association, foundation, natural person registered as a performer of economic activity, self-employed person or individual (family) undertaking, including an agricultural or fish farm, and also other subjects that are performing economic activities, including a derived public person, (hereinafter - the undertaking) in conformity with a licensed vocational education programme after completion of which the vocational qualification is acquired, except for a fourth and fifth level vocational qualification (hereinafter - the education programme).

[12 September 2017]

3. Within the scope of work-based learning the student acquires the vocational content of the education programme in theory and through traineeship at an educational institution and the undertaking in conformity with the individual plan by complying with the implementation plan of the respective education programme (hereinafter - the implementation plan).

[12 September 2017]

4. This Regulation shall not apply to:

4.1. educational institutions included in the system of the Ministry of the Interior and vocational educational programmes of the Fire Safety and Civil Protection College which are implemented in accordance with an order of a merchant;

4.2. State vocational education and training institutions and units of the National Armed Forces subordinate to the Ministry of Defence;

4.3. education programmes in the field of health.

5. A sectoral expert council shall:

5.1. promote work-based learning;

5.2. distribute information on feasibility of work-based learning by identifying the undertakings interested in the implementation of work-based learning;

5.3. gather and provide additional information necessary to the undertakings;

5.4. evaluate and summarise information on the undertakings involved in implementing work-based learning;

5.5. upon a request, provide information on the undertakings referred to in Sub-paragraph 5.4 of this Regulation;

5.6. consult and provide recommendations in relation to the implementation of work-based learning;

5.7. evaluate the process of implementing work-based learning and give recommendations for the improvement of the system;

5.8. evaluate and provide an opinion to the educational institution on compliance of the company with the fulfilment of the implementation plan and individual plan or a part thereof by taking into account the legal framework of vocational education in respect of the activity of sectoral expert councils and competence thereof in the field of vocational education;

5.9. report to the Vocational Education and Employment Tripartite Co-operation Sub-council of the National Tripartite Co-operation Council on the progress of implementing work-based learning and the undertakings involved.

6. In order to organise work-based learning, in addition to mandatory documentation for organising the pedagogical process of vocational education and training institutions and acquisition of the vocational qualification of examination centres, the educational institution shall require the following documents (hereinafter - the learning documents):

6.1. the implementation plan in which the scope of education programme implemented within the framework of the work-based learning at the undertaking has been specified:

6.1.1. at least 25 per cent of the entire scope of education programme, excluding the qualification traineeship, with the exception of programmes referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.1.2 of this Regulation;

6.1.2. at least 25 per cent of the entire scope of education programme in vocational basic education and vocational secondary education after acquiring the basic education;

6.2. the individual plan providing for the implementation of a certain part of the implementation plan;

6.3. a training contract on the implementation of the individual plan (hereinafter - the training contract) prescribing the procedures by which amendments to the contract are introduced and the contract is terminated;

6.4. the contract on insuring the student against accidents in the course of implementing the individual plan;

6.5. the contract on civil liability insurance of the student in the course of implementing the individual plan.

7. The educational institution, representative of the undertaking and the student or lawful representative thereof, if the student is a minor, shall conclude a training contract by taking into account Sub-paragraph 8.4 of this Regulation. The training contract shall be concluded for at least one semester.

8. The educational institution shall:

8.1. in cooperation with the company develop and approve for every student an individual plan in conformity with the implementation plan by specifying the proportion of theory and traineeship within the vocational content of the education programme at the educational institution and company;

8.2. ensure or approve the undertaking selected by the student for the implementation of the individual plan by taking into account Sub-paragraphs 8.1 and 8.3 of this Regulation;

8.3. evaluate and take a decision on compliance of the undertaking for the implementation of the individual plan on the basis of the opinion referred to in Sub-paragraph 5.8 of this Regulation;

8.4. ensure the conclusion of the training contract after approval of the individual plan;

8.5. familiarise the student with the goals, tasks and content of the individual plan, and also the underlying principles for the fulfilment of the content of the individual plan and learning achievements of the student, and also his or her rights and obligations in the course of implementing the individual plan;

8.6. if necessary, ensure transport and official accommodation facilities to the student in the course of implementing the individual plan and cover all related expenses;

8.7. appoint the person responsible for work-based learning who shall co-ordinate the implementation of work-based learning at the educational institution and the undertaking;

8.8. ensure methodological support to the work-based learning manager at the undertaking who is managing the implementation of the individual plan of the student;

8.9. ensure that the class journal is completed based on the content of the individual plan and ensure the assessment of the knowledge, professional skills and proficiency of the student coordinated with the undertaking in the course of implementing the individual plan;

8.10. taking into account the assessment referred to in Sub-paragraph 9.7 of this Regulation, perform the assessment of the knowledge, professional skills and proficiency of the student by taking into account the underlying principles and procedures for assessing vocational secondary education and vocational basic education in conformity with the legal framework of the State vocational secondary education standard and State vocational basic education standard;

8.11. ensure the insurance of the student against accidents in the course of implementing the individual plan by specifying the life, health and physical condition of the student as the insurance object;

8.12. cooperate with sectoral expert councils in relation to promoting quality, effectiveness and compliance of the implementation of the relevant sectoral vocational education with labour market requirements in the course of implementing work-based learning by taking into account the competence of sectoral expert councils in the field of vocational education specified in the legal framework of vocational education, and also the legal framework for the area of activities of sectoral expert councils.

9. Upon concluding the training contract, the undertaking shall:

9.1. appoint the work-based learning manager by taking into account the requirements laid down in Paragraph 10 of this Regulation;

9.2. ensure the instruction of the student in matters related to occupational protection and familiarise the student with the internal regulations of the undertaking within the deadline and according to the procedures specified in the training contract;

9.3. ensure work-based learning to the student in conformity with the individual plan by following the internal regulations of the undertaking, occupational protection, fire safety requirements and the requirements for electrical safety, and also sanitary and hygienic norms;

9.4. ensure individual means of occupational protection to the student in the course of implementing the individual plan in conformity with the legal framework on occupational protection requirements by applying individual means of protection;

9.5. supervise the student in the course of implementing the individual plan;

9.6. specify the number of students per one work-based learning manager within the undertaking;

9.7. submit to the educational institution the assessment of the knowledge, professional skills and proficiency of the student in respect of the acquisition of the individual plan according to the procedures and in the extent specified in the training contract;

9.8. conclude an employment contract with the student or lawful representative thereof, if the student is a minor, in conformity with the legal framework of the employment legal relations, or conclude an agreement on allocating a work-based learning grant;

9.9. cooperate with sectoral expert councils in relation to promoting quality, effectiveness and compliance of the implementation of the relevant sectoral vocational education with labour market requirements in the course of implementing work-based learning, taking into account the competence of sectoral expert councils in the field of vocational education specified in the legal framework of vocational education, and also the legal framework for the area of activities of sectoral expert councils;

9.10. ensure the civil liability insurance of the student in the course of implementing the individual plan in conformity with the training contract.

10. The work-based learning manager at the undertaking shall conform to the following requirements:

10.1. the person has the qualification of a craft master granted by the Latvian Chamber of Crafts and the relevant practising certificate of the master or the pedagogical competence, vocational education in the field and experience of the person conforms to the following requirements:

10.1.1. pedagogical competence of the person shall conform to at least one of the following requirements: the person has vocational qualification of a teacher; the person has acquired pedagogical knowledge within the scope of a 72-hour-long programme B for improving professional qualification of teachers specified in Cabinet Regulations Regarding Education Required to Teachers and Vocational Qualification and Procedures for Improving Professional Competence of Teachers; the person has pedagogical knowledge acquired by completing the education programme intended for work-based learning managers that is of not less than 32 academic hours in length. The education programme shall be developed and after the coordination with the Ministry of Education and Science implemented by educational institutions;

10.1.2. vocational education in the field or experience of the person shall conform to at least one of the following requirements: the person has vocational education in the field; the person has at least three years of work experience in the field;

10.2. the person is capable of ensuring implementation of the individual plan of the student at the undertaking and of preparing the assessment of the student referred to in Sub-paragraph 9.7 of this Regulation;

10.3. the person conforms to the requirements stipulated in Section 72 of the Law on the Protection of the Children's Rights.

[12 September 2017 / The requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 10.1.1 for the pedagogical competence of a work-based learning manager shall be applied from 1 January 2019. See Paragraph 14.]

11. Upon concluding the training contract and implementing the individual plan, the student shall have the following obligations:

11.1. familiarise with learning documents;

11.2. familiarise with the requirements laid down in the work regulations, occupational protection and other internal regulations of the undertaking and follow these requirements;

11.3. complete the tasks specified in the individual plan and follow the instructions given by work-based learning manager at the undertaking.

12. Upon concluding the training contract and implementing the individual plan, the student shall have the following rights:

12.1. to select the undertaking by taking into account the provisions specified in Sub-paragraph 8.2 of this Regulation;

12.2. to use transport services and official accommodation facilities in conformity with Sub-paragraph 8.6 of this Regulation;

12.3. to receive individual means of protection and special work clothing in conformity with Sub-paragraph 9.4 of this Regulation;

12.4. to receive the compulsory insurance against accidents in conformity with Sub-paragraph 8.11 of this Regulation and civil liability insurance in conformity with Sub-paragraph 9.10 of this Regulation.

13. Sub-paragraph 10.1 of this Regulation shall come into force on 1 January 2017.

14. The requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 10.1.1 of this Regulation for the pedagogical competence of a work-based learning manager shall be applied from 1 January 2019.

[12 September 2017]

15. Until 31 December 2018, a person shall have the right to manage the implementation of the individual plan of the student at the undertaking, if the person has commenced or completed the acquisition of the education programme referred to in Sub-paragraph or of this Regulation.

[12 September 2017]

Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis

Minister for Education and Science Kārlis Šadurskis


Translation © 2018 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Kārtība, kādā organizē un īsteno darba vidē balstītas mācības Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 484Adoption: 15.07.2016.Entry into force: 23.07.2016.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 140, 22.07.2016. OP number: 2016/140.11
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