Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
Agreement between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of Belgium on Cooperation in the Military Field
The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of Belgium hereinafter referred to as "the Parties", Referring to the purposes and principles of the United Nation Charter, and the principles of the Organisation on Security and Co-operation in Europe, Confirming their common will to achieve the objectives laid down in the Invitation to the Partnership for Peace issued and signed by the member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation in Brussels on 10 January 1994, and the Partnership for Peace framework document, Considering the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their Forces and the Protocol thereto (PFP SOFA) done at Brussels on 19 June 1995, Reinforcing particularly the objectives of democratic accountability, transparency in defence planning, and legitimate civilian control of the armed forces, Emphasising that this co-operation aims to contribute to peace and security in Europe and to respect the interests of any other country, Have decided as follows :
Article 1 General The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the framework for co-operation in the military field between the Parties.
Article 2 Areas of co-operation 1. The co-operation in the military field between the Parties may include following areas within their competence : a. Defence doctrine and military aspects related to security policy; b. Budgetary and financial matters; c. Logistic structure; d. Aeronautical techniques, military medicine, military geography, military history, sport activities; e. Means implemented in the field of environmental protection; f. Military personnel training and skill improvement. 2. The Parties may decide upon additional areas of co-operation by mutual consent.
Article 3 Forms of co-operation 1. The co-operation between the Parties may take the following forms : a. Reciprocal visits; b. Bilateral talks and consultations on current issues; c. Seminars and conferences on specific topics; d. Exchange of knowledge, experience and personnel between units, military colleges, academies and training centres. 2. The Parties may agree on other forms of co-operation activities.
Article 4 Annual programme on co-operation 1. The implementation of the co-operation will be based on mutually agreed events. Both Parties can make concrete proposals, which will be exchanged through the appropriate channels. 2. Based on these proposals the Parties will develop an annual co-operation programme which will be signed by authorised representatives of the Parties, not later than 15 December of the previous year. The annual programme may be changed at any time with mutual consent of the Parties. 3. The annual programme will contain information concerning title of the event, time and place of execution and number of the participants. If necessary, any additional information may be included. 4. The authorised representative of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia is the Department of International Relations as represented by the Director of the Department of International Relations. The authorised representative of the Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of Belgium is the Assistant Chief of Staff for Strategic Affairs.
Article 5 Financial Arrangements 1. For the purposes of co-operation, on a basis of reciprocity, the sending Party will bear the following expenses: a. Travel costs to and from the territory of the receiving Party, including eventually repatriation costs; b. Insurance costs for the members of the delegation, including non-emergency medical insurance. 2. The receiving Party will bear the following expenses: a. Costs of accommodation and meals; b. Travel costs within its territory; c. Costs of emergency medical care. 3. In the case of events involving groups of more then 10 host host participants (such as sport teams, military bands or student groups), the aforementioned costs shall be borne according to a special agreement between the Parties.
Article 6 Protection of Classified Information 1. The Parties commit themselves to use, handle and safeguard any classified material or information to which they may have access in the framework of the present Agreement in accordance with the Parties' national security laws and regulations to the extent that they provide a degree of protection no less stringent that provide for these material or information as set forth by the originating Party. 2. Classified material and information will be transmitted only through official secured channels between the competent authorities of the Parties. 3. Any classified material or information received in the framework of this Agreement may not be released or disclosed to third parties by direct or indirect way, without previous written approval of the originating Party. 4. The responsibilities of the Parties for the use of classified information and the prevention of disclosure will continue after the termination of this Agreement.
Article 7 Settlement of Disputes Disputes arising on the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement will be solved exclusively by negotiations between the Parties.
Article 8 Final Provisions 1. This Agreement is concluded for a period of five years and then by tacit renewal for successive one year periods. 2. This Agreement enters into force at the day of the last signature. 3. This Agreement can be amended at any time by mutual agreement in writing between the Parties. 4. Each of the Parties may terminate this Agreement in writing at any time. The termination will come into force six months after its notification to the other Party.
Done in Riga on May 21st, 2002 in two copies, both drawn up in English language. On behalf of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis The Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of Belgium Andre Flahaut
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