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Of the Heads of Government

of the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia

and the Republic of Lithuania

We, the heads of Government of the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania met in the framework of the Baltic Council of Ministers on 10 July 1998 in Sigulda.

The Heads of Government:

• highly welcomed the significant progress in deepening co-operation among Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, particularly trough enhancing mutual trade by abolishing non-tariff barriers, agreeing upon common transit procedure, facilitating border crossing by commencing the process of establishing common border crossing points as well as through extending mutual educational possibilities on the secondary level.

• considering mutual interest and in line with the overall processes in Europe, confirmed the importance of paying particular attention to further developing of common economic area, specifically by ensuring free movement of labour and services, establishing common system of strategic export-import control, as well as to strengthening joint efforts in home and justice affairs, common defence projects, cooperation in the area of education.

• stressed the necessity for substantial strengthening of cooperation in the area of combating organised crime, particularly by enhancing the work of Committee on Crime Prevention and agreed to nominate liaison officers of the Ministries of Interior with a view of achieving better practical co-ordination in this area.

• pointed to the importance of further development of the work of the EU Third Pillar Working Group and the Committee of Justice and Legislation.

• supported further Baltic co-operation in the field of energy with a view of closer regional integration put forward in the proposed Northern Dimension project and taking into account the shared interests in USA North East European initiative.

• reiterated the shared commitment of accelerating the development of VIA BALTICA and RAIL BALTICA infrastructure projects - the First Crete corridor.

• adopted Action Plan on the Baltic Council of Ministers for 1998/99 and expressed commitment to working together toward achieving the common goals, stressing necessity of observing the time schedule specified in this document.

• recommended the relevant institutions of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to commence elaboration of a pilot project for Baltic Governmental Data Communication Network in the course of 1998 appointing Latvia responsible for the necessary co-ordination efforts.

The Baltic Council of Ministers expressed its appreciation of the highly positive developments in trilateral co-operation during the chairmanship of Latvia and entrusted Lithuania with the Presidency for the period 1998/99.

Mart Siimann Guntars Krasts Gediminas Vagnorius

Prime Minister Prime Minister Prime Minister

Republic of Estonia Republic of Latvia Republic of Lithuania

Tiesību akta pase
Nosaukums: Resolution Of the Heads of Government of the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia and the Republic .. Statuss:
Spēkā esošs
spēkā esošs
Veids: starptautisks dokuments Pieņemts: 10.07.1998.Publicēts: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 208/210, 14.07.1998.
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