Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 01.11.2022.–31.12.2024. Amendments not included: 26.09.2024.
The Saeima 1 has adopted and Law on Financing of Political Organisations (Parties)Section 1. Purpose of the Law (1) This Law regulates the provisions for the financing of political organisations (parties) and alliances thereof (hereinafter - the political organisations (parties)). (2) The purpose of this Law is to ensure the transparency, lawfulness, and conformity of the financial activities of the political organisations (parties) to the system of parliamentary democracy. Section 2. Sources of Financing (1) The political organisations (parties) may be financed from: 1) the membership fees and joining fees; 2) the gifts (donations) from natural persons; 3) the income earned by economic activities of the relevant political organisation (party); 31) the State budget - in cases specified in law; 4) other sources of financing, except from those prohibited to finance political organisations (parties) by law. (2) Within the meaning of this Law, a gift (donation) is any financial or other types of gratis benefits including services, transfer of rights, release of a political organisation (party) from an obligation, refusal from any right in favour of a political organisation (party), as well as other activities by which any benefit is granted to the political organisation (party). Within the meaning of this Law, a gift (donation) is also a transfer of movable or immovable property into the ownership of the political organisation (party) and provision of services to the political organisation (party) for a charge lower than the market value of the relevant movable or immovable property or service. (21) The restrictions of gifts (donations) specified in this Law shall not be applicable to those mutual transfers and account settlements that are performed between an alliance of political organisations (parties) and the political organisations (parties) formed thereby, or between two or more political organisations (parties) forming one alliance of political organisations (parties). (3) Natural persons are allowed to make gifts (donations), pay membership fees and joining fees from their income, but the total amount of such gifts (donations), payments of membership fees and joining fees may not exceed 30 per cent of the income which such person has obtained in the previous calendar year. (31) In case of receipt of the State budget financing provided for in Section 7.1 of this Law, natural persons are allowed to make gifts (donations), pay membership fees and joining fees from their income, however, the total amount of such gifts (donations), membership fees, and joining fees to all political parties which receive the State budget financing and which are represented in the Saeima may not exceed five minimum monthly wages. (32) In case of receipt of the State budget financing provided for in Section 7.1 of this Law, natural persons are allowed to make gifts (donations), pay membership fees and joining fees from their income, however, the total amount of such gifts (donations), membership fees, and joining fees to all political parties which receive the State budget financing and for which more than two per cent but not more than five per cent of voters have voted in the last elections of the Saeima may not exceed 12 minimum monthly wages. (33) If the State budget financing is received by an alliance of political organisations (parties) or a political organisation (party) which joins an alliance of political organisations (parties) that does not receive the State budget financing, the restriction provided for in Paragraph 3.1 or 3.2 of this Section shall apply to the total amount of the gifts (donations) made and membership fees and joining fees paid by one natural person to the alliance of political organisations (parties) and all political organisations (parties) forming the alliance of political organisations (parties). (4) Upon request of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau the giver (donor), the payer of the membership fee and joining fee shall provide to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau information regarding his or her income, money savings, debt liabilities or properties, as well as submit documents certifying the origin of the sources of financing. (5) Upon ascertaining the information referred to in Paragraph four of this Section, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau may request that the natural person who has given a gift (donation), paid in membership fee or joining fee, submits a filled-in form about his or her income, money savings, debt liabilities, and properties. The information to be indicated in the form and the procedures for its submission shall be determined by the Cabinet. (6) If the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has requested information or documents from a natural person in accordance with Paragraph four or five of this Section, the person shall provide the abovementioned information or submit the documents within 30 days after the day it was requested (the day when the person has been notified of the request). Upon a motivated submission of the natural person, the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau may extend such period of time to up to three months, counting from the day when the person has submitted the submission for the extension of the term. (7) If, upon evaluating the information provided for in Paragraph four or five of this Section and other materials of the file, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau establishes that the gift (donation), the paid-in membership fee or joining fee does not comply with the requirements of Paragraph three of this Section, the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall take a motivated decision on the transfer of the relevant funds into the State budget and transfer of the property into State ownership in conformity with Section 10, Paragraph two of this Law. [6 June 2002; 12 February 2004; 17 July 2008; 10 June 2010; 29 November 2012; 26 October 2017; 14 November 2019] Section 3. Joining Fee, Membership Fee and Gifts (Donations) Made by a Member to a Political Organisation (Party) (1) The amount of membership fee and joining fee and the procedures for the payment thereof shall be regulated by the articles of association of the relevant political organisation (party). The total amount of the payments of joining fee and membership fee and gifts (donations) made by a member for one political organisation (party) may not exceed 50 minimum monthly wages within one calendar year. (2) When submitting the annual statement (Section 8.5) of a political organisation (party) to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, the list of joining fees and membership fees of a political organisation (party) signed by the board of the relevant political organisation (party) or the authorised person thereof shall be attached thereto indicating the given name, surname, personal identity number of each member who has made a payment, and also the amount of joining fee and membership fee in the relevant calendar year. (3) If the total amount of the joining fee and membership fee of one member to the political organisation (party) exceeds one minimum monthly wage in the relevant calendar year, the political organisation (party) shall inform the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau thereof using the Electronic Data Input System. The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall publish information on its website regarding the joining fees and membership fees the total amount of which in one calendar year exceeds one minimum monthly wage per one member of a political organisation (party). The information to be indicated in the report of the political organisation (party) and the procedures for the submission thereof, as well as the procedures by which information regarding the joining fees and membership fees received by the political organisations (parties) shall be published, and the content of this information shall be determined by the Cabinet. [17 July 2008; 10 June 2010; 29 November 2012; 26 October 2017 / The new wording of Paragraph three shall come into force on 30 June 2019. See Paragraph 24 of Transitional Provisions] Section 4. Gifts (Donations) (1) In accordance with the restrictions referred to in Section 6 of this Law, the political organisations (parties) may accept gifts (donations) from: 1) Latvian citizens; 2) persons who in accordance with law have the right to receive the passport a non-citizen of the Republic of Latvia; 3) [12 February 2004]. (2) A natural person is allowed to make a gift (donation) to one political organisation (party) for the sum not exceeding the amount of 20 minimum monthly wages over a period of one calendar year. (3) The political organisation (party) shall, within 15 days after a gift (donation) has been received, inform the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau thereof using the Electronic Data Input System. The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall publish information on its website regarding the gifts (donations) received by a political organisation (party). The information to be indicated in the report of a political organisation (party) and the procedures for the submission thereof, as well as the procedures by which information regarding the gifts (donations) received by a political organisation (party) shall be published and the content of this information shall be determined by the Cabinet. (31) The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall, within 45 days after the political organisation (party) has informed it of the gifts (donations) received, carry out the initial examination of the conformity of gifts (donations) with the requirements of this Law. If, upon carrying out the initial examination, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau establishes that additional examination needs to be carried out, it shall, within five working days from the day when additional examination was commenced, notify the relevant political organisation (party) thereof in writing. Termination of the examination shall not prevent the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau from commencing a repeat examination. (4) The gift (donation) shall be considered accepted if the political organisation (party) has not transferred (given) it back to the giver (donor) within 75 days after receipt of the gift (donation). The political organisation (party) shall, within 15 days after it has transferred (given) the gift (donation) back to the giver (donor), inform the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau thereof using the Electronic Data Input System. The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall publish information on its website regarding the gifts (donations) not accepted and repaid (given back) to the giver (donor). The information to be indicated in the report of a political organisation (party) and the procedures for the submission thereof, and also the procedures by which information regarding the gifts (donations) not accepted by a political organisation (party) shall be published, and the content of this information shall be determined by the Cabinet. [6 June 2002; 12 February 2004; 17 July 2008; 10 June 2010; 29 November 2012; 26 October 2017; 14 November 2019] Section 5. Tax Relief Natural persons who have, in compliance with the provisions of this Law, gifted (donated) financial resources or property to a political organisation (party) shall be exempted from the payment of the relevant State fees. [12 February 2004] Section 6. Financing Restrictions (1) Natural persons are prohibited to finance political organisations (parties) from gifts and loans of other persons. Natural persons who have been sentenced with a prohibition to candidate for elections of the Saeima, the European Parliament or local government, except for rehabilitated persons or those whose conviction has been extinguished or set aside, are prohibited to finance political organisations (parties) by gifts or donations. (2) All gifts (donations) of funds the sum of which exceeds one minimum monthly wage shall be transferred directly into the bank account of the relevant political organisation (party) but other gifts (donations) shall be given, transferred or submitted directly and without mediation to the relevant political organisation (party). If one person has paid funds in cash to a political organisation (party) the total amount of which in a calendar year has reached one minimum monthly wage, further funds in the relevant calendar year shall be transferred into the bank account of this political organisation (party). (3) It is prohibited to finance political organisations (parties) through a third party. Cases, when, by pursuing personal interests of financing the political organisation (party), identity data of another person are being used, or when a donation to the political organisation (party) is made through another person, shall be considered the financing of the political organisation (party) through a third party. Within the meaning of this Law, the case when on the basis of a notarised power of attorney in which the particular amount or property to be donated and the value thereof is indicated, an authorised representative gives a donation on behalf of the principal shall not be considered intermediation. It is prohibited to delegate such authorisation to another person. (4) [12 February 2004] (5) The political organisations (parties) are prohibited to take loans. (51) Within the meaning of this Law, a loan of a political organisation (party) is also debt liabilities which have not been paid by the political organisation (party) within 90 days from the day following the date when the political organisation (party) had to settle accounts with the supplier of goods or the service provider. (6) The political organisations (parties) are not allowed to issue any kind of loans or provide guarantees. [6 June 2002; 12 February 2004; 17 July 2008; 10 June 2010; 14 November 2019 / See Paragraph 28 of Transitional Provisions] Section 7. Prohibition on Anonymous Gifts (Donations) (1) Financing of the political organisations (parties) in the form of anonymous gifts (donations) is prohibited. (2) Within the meaning of this Law, a gift (donation) is anonymous if in the accounting documents of the political organisation (party) the given name, surname, personal identification number and place of residence in respect of the giver (donor) - a natural person - are not indicated. (3) If a political organisation (party) receives an anonymous gift (donation), such funds shall be transferred into the State budget within five days of the receipt thereof, but property shall be transferred into State ownership in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the Cabinet. (4) [12 February 2004] (5) [12 February 2004] [6 June 2002; 12 February 2004] Section 7.1 State Budget Financing (1) A political organisation (party) for which more than two per cent of voters have voted in the last elections of the Saeima shall be granted the State budget financing within a calendar year: 1) 0.9 per cent of the minimum monthly wage for each vote acquired in the last elections of the Saeima; 2) 0.1 per cent of the minimum monthly wage for each vote acquired in the last elections of the local government council; 3) 0.1 per cent of the minimum monthly wage for each vote acquired in the last elections to the European Parliament. (2) A political organisation (party) for which more than five per cent of voters have voted in the last elections of the Saeima, in addition to that referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, shall be granted the State budget financing within a calendar year in the amount of 200 minimum monthly wages. (3) The State budget financing shall be granted for four years and disbursed starting from the next calendar year after the Saeima elections. Payments shall be made twice a year - until 15 January and until 15 July. After the elections of the Saeima, local government council, or the European Parliament the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall re-calculate the State budget financing provided for in Paragraph one, Clauses 2 and 3 of this Section in conformity with the results of the elections of the Saeima, local government council, or the European Parliament, and shall disburse it starting from the next calendar year. (4) If the extraordinary Saeima elections are taking place, the State budget financing shall be granted for the term of office of the newly-elected Saeima, in this time period also including the last quarter of the calendar year in which the term of office of the relevant Saeima expires. Disbursement of the State budget financing shall be commenced from the quarter of the calendar year following the approval of the results from the counting of the votes and shall be made within the time period specified in Paragraph two of this Section. (5) A political organisation (party) may spend the State budget financing granted but not spent within a calendar year within the next three calendar years. If the political organisation (party) does not spend the budget financing granted within a calendar year within the next three calendar years, it shall transfer the part of the State budget financing not spent back into the State budget until 15 January of the next year. (6) The total amount of the State budget financing granted to one political organisation (party) within one calendar year may not exceed 1600 minimum monthly wages. (7) The State budget financing provided for in Paragraph one, Clause 2 of this Section is not granted for votes that have been given for a list of candidates which has been submitted, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Law on Elections of the Republic City Council and Municipality Council, by associations of voters or by two or more registered political parties which have not joined in a registered alliance of political organisations (parties). [14 November 2019; 24 February 2022] Section 7.2 Granting of the State Budget Financing (1) In order to receive the State budget financing, a political organisation (party) shall open a separate account in a credit institution registered in Latvia and within 20 days following the day of the announcement of the voting results, submit in writing a submission to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, indicating the name, registration number and account number of the political organisation (party). Submissions after the abovementioned time period to shall not be accepted. (2) Within 20 days following the expiry of the time period referred to in Paragraph one of this Section the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall examine the submissions received and take a decision to grant the State budget financing or a substantiated refusal to grant the State budget financing. (3) The State budget financing shall be transferred to the account indicated by the political organisation (party). (4) If in the case provided for in Section 7.1, Paragraph five or Section 10, Paragraph 3.1 of this Law a political organisation (party) has not transferred funds into the State budget, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall deduct the relevant funds from the next payments of the State budget financing. [10 June 2010; 14 November 2019] Section 7.3 Refusal to Grant State Budget Financing and Interruption or Suspension of Disbursement of State Budget Financing (1) The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall take the decision to refuse to grant the State budget financing to a political organisation (party) which conforms to the condition in Section 7.1, Paragraph one of this Law if, when examining a submission, it is established that within the last four years: 1) the political organisation (party) has been punished for exceeding the amount of pre-election expenses by more than 10 per cent and the decision has entered into effect; 2) the political organisation (party) has been punished for the transactions or gifts (donations) received not indicated in the annual statement or declaration of income and expenses of elections the total amount of which exceeds 100 minimum monthly wages, and the decision has entered into effect; 3) in accordance with The Criminal Law the political organisation (party) has had a coercive measure applied and the court ruling has entered into effect. (2) If violations by the political organisation (party) referred to in Paragraph one of this Section are found, the decision to apply a punishment has entered into effect or the coercive measure has been applied after the decision has been taken to grant the State budget financing, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall take a decision to suspend the disbursement of the State budget financing. (3) The decision to suspend the disbursement of the State budget financing shall also be taken if a political organisation (party) terminates its operations or if the operations thereof are prohibited by the court ruling that has entered into effect. (31) The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall, upon receipt of the information from the Saeima, take the decision to suspend the disbursement of the State budget financing referred to in Section 7.1, Paragraph one, Clause 1 of this Law if: 1) the activity of the fraction of the political organisation (party) established in the Saeima is discontinued; 2) the number of the members of the fraction of the political organisation (party) established in the Saeima reduces for more than two thirds. (4) The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall take the decision to suspend the disbursement of the State budget financing, if: 1) the operations of a political organisation (party) are suspended - for the period of the suspension of the operations of the political organisation (party); 2) the political organisation (party) has not submitted its annual statement or declaration of income and expenses of elections for the previous year - for the next calendar year; 3) it has been established that a political organisation (party) has violated the provisions of Section 7.4 of this Law by using the State budget financing granted thereto in the relevant year illegally in the amount of more than EU 30 000, and the decision on the transfer of the illegally spent State funds into the State budget has entered into effect - for one year. (5) A political organisation (party) may appeal the decision referred to in Paragraphs one, two, three, 3.1, and four of this Section to a court in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law. The appeal against the decision does not suspend its validity. [10 June 2010; 26 October 2017; 14 November 2019; 24 February 2022] Section 7.4 Spending of the State Budget Financing (1) A political organisation (party) shall spend the State budget financing for the provision of political and economic activity thereof and is entitled to spend it for the following target groups: 1) the maintenance of the office and employees of the political organisation (party); 2) the content provision of the operation of the political organisation (party) (for example, for seminars, congresses, conferences, research, surveys, events of youth organisations, consultations); 3) the communication of the political organisation (party) with the society, including for political campaigning. (11) The Cabinet shall issue regulations determining the types of the target groups for spending of the State budget financing provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, and also the permissible expenses. (12) A political organisation (party) may spend no more than 60 per cent of the State budget financing received in the relevant year for each target group specified in Paragraph one of this Section. (2) Payments for the measures referred to in Paragraph one of this Section shall be made by using non-cash payment settlements from the account referred to in Section 7.2, Paragraph one of this Law. (21) An alliance of political organisations (parties) which has been granted the State budget financing may grant it to a political organisation (party) within its composition, transferring to a separate account opened by the political organisation (party) in a credit institution registered in Latvia, if the political organisation (party) has been in the composition of the alliance of political organisations (parties) when standing in the last elections of the Saeima. (3) A political organisation (party) shall, once a year, submit documents justifying the spending of the State budget financing to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau in accordance with the regulations issued by the Cabinet. [10 June 2010; 29 November 2012; 14 November 2019] Section 7.5 State Budget Financing in the Event of the Reorganisation, Liquidation and Establishment of Political Organisations (Parties) and the Alliances Thereof (1) If an alliance of political organisations (parties) which receives the State budget financing is liquidated, the political organisations (parties) which form the alliance of the relevant political organisations (parties) at the time of liquidation shall subsequently receive the State budget financing proportionately to the number of members elected to the Saeima. (2) If a political organisation (party) stands down from an alliance of political organisations (parties) which receives the State budget financing, or a political organisation (party) forming the alliance of political organisations (parties) is liquidated, but the relevant alliance of the political organisations (parties) continues to operate, the relevant alliance of the political organisations (parties) shall continue to receive the State budget financing. (3) If two or more political organisations (parties) which receive the State budget financing, unite following the Saeima elections, by establishing an alliance of political organisations (parties), the political organisations (parties) forming it shall continue to receive the State budget financing after merging. (4) If one or several political organisations (parties) which receive the State budget financing join another political organisation (party) after the Saeima elections, the State budget financing shall not be pooled. The political organisation (party) to which other political organisations (parties) have joined shall continue to receive the budget financing granted before the merging. (5) If two or more political organisations (parties) which receive the State budget financing, merge after the Saeima elections, establishing a new political organisation (party), after merging it shall receive the State budget financing which was previously received by political organisations (parties) that have merged. The new political organisation (party) shall receive the State budget financing if the violations referred to in Section 7.3, Paragraph one of this Law have not been established in relation to the political organisations (parties) which formed it by merging. (51) If two or more political organisations (parties) that have established an alliance of political organisations (parties), which receives State budget financing, merge after the Saeima elections, establishing a new political organisation (party), it shall receive State budget financing after the merging, which was previously received by the alliance of political organisations (parties). The new political organisation (party) shall receive the State budget financing if the alliance of political organisations (parties) that received the State budget financing has been liquidated and the violations referred to in Section 7.3, Paragraph one of this Law have not been established in relation to the political organisations (parties) forming the alliance of political organisations (parties) which establish a new political organisation (party) by merging, and in relation to the alliance of political organisations (parties) the political organisations (parties) in the composition of which merged establishing a new political organisation (party). (6) If a political organisation (party) which receives the State budget financing splits, establishing new political organisations (parties), none of the newly-established political organisations (parties) shall receive the State budget financing. (7) If one or several new political organisations (parties) split from a political organisation (party) which receives the State budget financing, the political organisation (party) from which the newly established political organisations (parties) have split shall continue to receive the State budget financing in the full amount. [10 June 2010; 29 November 2012] Section 8. Annual Declaration of Financial Activities [17 July 2008] Section 8.1 Declaration of Expenses during the Pre-election Period and the Statement on the Planned Election Expenses [17 July 2008] Section 8.2 Declaration of Income and Expenses of Elections (1) Political organisations (parties) which have submitted lists of candidates thereof for the elections of the Saeima, local government council, or the European Parliament shall, within 30 days after the elections of the Saeima, local government council, or the European Parliament, submit a declaration of income and expenses of elections signed by the representative of the relevant political organisation (party) to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau using the Electronic Data Input System in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the Cabinet. (2) The declaration of income and expenses of elections shall disclose all the revenues and expenses which have been incurred over the period from the 120th day before the elections up to the election day, regardless of the date when a document attesting the transaction has been written out (invoice, contract or other document), the payment for the following is received or performed: 1) placement of an advertisement: a) on public television; b) on public radio; c) on commercial television; d) on commercial radio; e) in newspapers, magazines, bulletins and other periodicals registered in accordance with the procedures laid down in the law, produced by print technology and widely circulated throughout the whole territory of the State; f) in newspapers, magazines, bulletins and other periodicals registered in accordance with the procedures laid down in law, produced by print technology and for which the largest part of circulation is being distributed in the territory of a single republic city or district; g) on the Internet, except for the website of the political organisation (party); h) in premises and public places (in squares, streets, on bridges and in other similar places) regardless of the ownership; 2) use of postal services (also electronic mail) in order to send the pre-election campaign materials with the help of it; 3) the preparation of advertising materials of all types (video materials, audio materials, posters, etc.) for distribution in the manner indicated in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Paragraph; 4) the planning, preparation and organisation of the election campaign; 5) paying wages to the persons involved in the election campaign and making other payments to natural persons, except for the cases provided for in Clause 8 of this Paragraph; 6) renting moveable and immovable property for the needs of the election campaign; 7) publishing newspapers, magazines, bulletins, books and other publications produced in print technology for the needs of the election campaign; 8) financing, sponsoring charity events, paying benefits and making gifts (donations); 9) covering other expenses arising from the election campaign, which shall be disclosed as separate types; (21) If the Saeima is recalled or dissolved the expenses referred to in Paragraph two of this Section which have arisen over the time period from the day of announcement of the elections up to the day of the elections shall be indicated in the declaration of income and expenses of elections referred to in Paragraph two of this Section, regardless of the date when a document attesting the transaction has been written out (invoice, contract or other document), payment received or performed. (3) The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall perform an audit of declarations of income and expenses of elections and shall, within six months from the closing date of the period for submitting the declarations, inform at once the public of all violation of the provisions for the financing of political organisations (parties) identified in all those submitted declarations, as well as of the measures implemented for the prevention thereof. [12 February 2004; 22 December 2004; 17 July 2008; 16 June 2011; 29 November 2012; 26 October 2017 / The new wording of Paragraph one shall come into force on 30 June 2019. See Paragraph 24 of Transitional Provisions] Section 8.3 Procedures for Submitting the Declaration of Financial Activities The Cabinet shall determine the type of the form of the declaration of income and expenses of elections and the procedures for completion thereof. [12 February 2004; 17 July 2008] Section 8.4 Restrictions for the Amount of Pre-election Expenses (1) A political organisation (party) or an alliance of political organisations (parties) which has submitted the list of candidates thereof for election to the Saeima in five electoral districts may spend in pre-election expenses an amount that does not exceed the monthly average gross work remuneration for the year before last published by the Central Statistical Bureau which is approximated to full euros by applying a coefficient 0.0004 per each voter at the previous elections of the Saeima. If a political organisation (party) or an alliance of political organisations (parties) submits the list of candidates thereof only in some electoral districts, it is allowed to spend in pre-election expenses an amount that does not exceed the monthly average gross work remuneration for the year before last published by the Central Statistical Bureau which is approximated to full euros by applying a coefficient 0.0004 per each voter in the relevant electoral district at the previous elections of the Saeima. (2) A political organisation (party) or a registered or unregistered alliance of political organisations (parties) which has submitted the list of candidates thereof for local government council elections is allowed to spend in pre-election expenses of the relevant council elections an amount that does not exceed the monthly average gross work remuneration for the year before last published by the Central Statistical Bureau which is approximated to full euros by applying a coefficient 0.0004 per each voter at the previous elections of the relevant local government council. If the political organisation (party) or a registered or unregistered alliance of political organisations (parties) has submitted the lists of candidates thereof for the elections of several local government councils, it is allowed to spend in pre-election expenses in total for all these councils an amount that does not exceed the monthly average gross work remuneration for the year before last published by the Central Statistical Bureau which is approximated to full euros by applying a coefficient 0.0004 per each voter of the relevant local government council at the previous elections of the council. (21) If the elections of the Saeima take place in the case provided for in Section 14 or 48 of the Constitution, a political organisation (party) or the alliance of political organisations (parties) which has submitted the list of candidates thereof for election to the Saeima in five electoral districts is allowed to spend in pre-election expenses an amount that does not exceed the monthly average gross work remuneration for the year before last published by the Central Statistical Bureau which is approximated to full euros by applying a coefficient 0.0003 per each voter at the previous elections of the Saeima. If the political organisation (party) or an alliance of political organisations (parties) submits a list of candidates thereof in separate electoral districts only, it is allowed to spend in pre-election expenses an amount that does not exceed the monthly average gross work remuneration for the year before last published by the Central Statistical Bureau which is approximated to full euros by applying a coefficient 0.0003 per each voter of the relevant electoral district at the previous elections of the Saeima. (3) A political organisation (party) or an alliance of political organisations (parties) which has submitted a list of candidates thereof for the elections to the European Parliament is allowed to spend in pre-election expenses an amount that does not exceed the monthly average gross work remuneration for the year before last published by the Central Statistical Bureau which is approximated to full euros by applying a coefficient 0.0003 per each voter at the previous elections of the Saeima. (4) If a list of candidates is submitted by a registered or unregistered alliance of political organisations (parties), the expenses incurred for the purpose by the political organisations (parties) that have formed such alliance, shall also be considered as pre-election expenses thereof. (41) If a separate candidate has performed individual pre-election canvassing campaign, then the funds spent on this campaign shall be included in the pre-election expenses of the political organisation (party) from whose submitted list of candidates this person is standing in the relevant elections. (5) Within the meaning of this Section, all expenses of a political organisation (party) or an alliance of political organisations (parties) which are determined in Section 8.2, Paragraph two of this Law over the time period from the 120th day before the elections up to the date of the elections, regardless of the date when a document attesting the transaction has been written out (invoice, contract or other document), payment received or performed, shall be considered as pre-election expenses. In cases where the Saeima is recalled or dissolved, pre-election expenses within the meaning of this Section shall be considered to be all the expenses of a political organisation (party) or alliance of political organisations (parties) determined in Section 8.2, Paragraph two of this Law over the time period from the day of announcement of the elections up to the day of the elections, regardless of the date when a document attesting the transaction has been written out (invoice, contract or other document), or payment received or made. (6) The restrictions referred to in Paragraphs one, two, and three of this Section shall not apply to the expenses referred to in Section 8.2, Paragraph two, Clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 of this Law. (7) Each year the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall publish on its website an informative notification in which the amount of the sum referred to in Paragraphs one, two, and three of this Section which can be used for pre-election expenses per one voter shall be indicated. [12 February 2004; 22 December 2004; 17 July 2008; 25 September 2008; 10 June 2010; 16 June 2011; 29 November 2012; 12 September 2013; 26 October 2017] Section 8.5 Annual Statement (1) A political organisation (party) shall prepare an annual statement for each reporting year in accordance with the law On Accounting and other laws and regulations. (2) A political organisation (party) shall, not later than by 31 March each year, submit the annual statement to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau in accordance with the procedures laid down in laws and regulations using the Electronic Data Input System. (21) When submitting the annual statement of a political organisation (party) to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, a list shall be appended thereto, indicating the following therein: 1) the name and registration number of the associations of which the relevant political organisation (party) is a member; 2) the name and registration number of the foundations whose founder is the relevant political organisation (party); 3) the name and registration number of the associations and foundations to which or for the ensuring of events organised by which the political organisation (party) has given (donated) as well as the amount of the gift (donation). (22) When submitting the annual statement of a political organisation (party) to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, the political organisations (parties) which have been granted State budget financing shall append a report on spending of the State budget financing in the reporting year by indicating the remainder of money at the beginning and end of the reporting year, money income and money payments for the types of expenditure laid down in Section 7.4, Paragraph one of this Law. (3) The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall, after receipt of the annual statement of a political organisation (party), publish the information provided therein in conformity with the requirements referred to in Section 9, Paragraph three of this Law. (4) The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall, within the framework of the competence thereof, inspect annual statements and until 1 April of the next year inform society of the established violations of financing regulations of political organisations (parties) or alliances thereof as well as of the measures implemented for the elimination thereof. [17 July 2008; 10 June 2010; 29 November 2012; 26 October 2017 / The new wording of Paragraph two shall come into force on 30 June 2019. See Paragraph 24 of Transitional Provisions] Section 9. Transparency of Financial and Economic Activities (1) The financial and economic activities of political organisations (parties) shall be transparent and publicly available. (2) Any person shall have the right to apply to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau and to the relevant political organisation (party) for familiarisation with the annual statements and declarations of political organisations (parties). (3) The declarations and statement referred to in Paragraph two of this Section shall be published in the official gazette Latvijas Vēstnesis and on the Internet in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the Cabinet not later than 10 days after submission thereof. [6 June 2002; 12 February 2004; 17 July 2008] Section 9.1 Provisions for Accounting Records Political organisations (parties) shall maintain accounting records in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. [12 February 2004] Section 10. Liability for the Failure to Comply with this Law (1) [11 June 2020 / See Paragraph 33 of Transitional Provisions] (11) If the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau establishes a violation of the provisions of Section 4, Paragraph one of this Law, the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has the obligation to assign the relevant political organisation (party) to repay the illegally acquired funds to the payer within 30 days and to return the property to the giver thereof. If the political organisation (party) fails to repay the illegally acquired funds to the payer or return the property to the giver thereof within 30 days after the time of notification of the relevant decision, the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has the obligation to assign the relevant political organisation (party) to transfer the illegally acquired funds into the State budget within 30 days, and to transfer the property into State ownership. Upon a motivated request from the relevant political organisation (party), the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau may divide the repayment of the funds into periods or extend the period of repayment of funds, but not longer than for 90 days. (2) If the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau establishes a violation of the provisions of Section 2, Paragraphs one and three, Section 3, Paragraph one, Section 4, Paragraph two, Section 6, Paragraphs one, two, three, five, and six, and Section 7, Paragraphs one and three of this Law, the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has the obligation to assign the relevant political organisation (party) to transfer the illegally acquired funds into the State budget within 30 days, and to transfer the property into State ownership in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the Cabinet. Upon a motivated request from the relevant political organisation (party), the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau may divide the repayment of the funds into periods or extend the period of repayment of funds, but not longer than for 90 days. (21) If the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau establishes a violation of provisions of Section 8.4 of this Law, the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has the obligation to assign the relevant political organisation (party) to transfer the funds into the State budget within 30 days in such amount which corresponds to the amount of pre-election expenses exceeded. Upon a motivated request from the relevant political organisation (party), the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau may divide the transfer of the funds into periods or extend the period for transfer of funds, but not longer than for 90 days. (3) If the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau establishes a received gift (donation) which has not been disclosed in the annual statement of the political organisation (party) and in the information regarding the received gifts (donations), the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has the obligation to assign the relevant political organisation (party) to transfer the illegally acquired funds into the State budget within 30 days and to transfer the property into State ownership in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the Cabinet. Upon a motivated request from the relevant political organisation (party), the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau may divide the repayment of the funds into periods or extend the period of repayment of funds, but not longer than for 90 days. (31) If the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau establishes a violation of the provisions of Section 7.4 of this Law, the director thereof has the obligation to assign the relevant political organisation (party) to transfer the illegally spent State funds into the State budget within 30 days. Upon a motivated request from the relevant political organisation (party), the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau may divide the repayment of the funds into periods or extend the period of repayment of funds, but not longer than for 90 days. (4) If the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau establishes that a political organisation has repeatedly failed to submit the declaration of income and expenses of elections referred to in Section 8.2 of this Law or the annual statement, the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has the obligation to issue a warning to the board of the relevant political organisation (party) in writing within two weeks. (5) If a political organisation (party) fails to fulfil the obligation laid down in Paragraphs 1.1, two, 2.1, and three of this Section within the time period laid down by the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau or within a month after sending a warning fails to submit the declaration of income and expenses of elections referred to in this Law or the annual statement, the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has the obligation to initiate suspension of the activity of the relevant political organisation (party) through court within a month. (6) If the political organisation (party) fails to comply with the court decision on the suspension of activity or fails to prevent the violation of law in the period appointed by the court, the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has the obligation to initiate termination of the activity of the relevant political organisation (party) through court. (7) The director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau may take the decision referred to in Paragraph 1.1 of this Section to repay the acquired funds to the payer thereof and return the property to the giver thereof and also the decisions referred to in Paragraphs two, three, and 3.1 to transfer the funds into the State budget and transfer the property into State ownership not later than within four years from the day of committing of the violation. The decision referred to in Paragraph 2.1 of this Section to transfer the funds into the State budget and transfer the property into State ownership may be taken by the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau not later than within four years from the day of submission of a declaration of income and expenses of elections to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau. [12 February 2004; 18 May 2006; 17 July 2008; 10 June 2010; 29 November 2012; 11 June 2020 / See Paragraph 33 of Transitional Provisions] Section 11. Audit of Financial and Economic Activities (1) If the turnover of funds of a political organisation (party) exceeds 10 minimum monthly wages per calendar year, the financial and economic activities of such political organisation (party) for the relevant year shall be audited by a sworn auditor; his or her opinion shall be attached to the annual statement that is submitted to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau. (2) The audit provided for in Paragraph one of this Section shall be financed from the funds of the relevant political organisation (party). [6 June 2002; 12 February 2004; 17 July 2008] Section 12. Liability for the Enforcement of this Law [12 February 2004] Section 13. Control and Monitoring of the Enforcement of the Law The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall control and monitor the enforcement of this Law. [6 June 2002] Section 14. Other Provisions Upon determining the amount of the membership fee, joining fee and gifts (donations) referred to in Sections 3 and 4 of this Law, and also the amount of turnover of funds referred to in Section 11 per calendar year, the minimum monthly wage means the amount of the minimum monthly wage which was determined on 1 January of the relevant calendar year. [17 July 2008] Section 15. Electronic Data Input System (1) The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall grant access for the political organisation (party) to the Electronic Data Input System. (2) The political organisation (party) shall report to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau on the joining fee, membership fee, and also the received and refunded (returned) gifts (donations) and shall submit to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau the declaration of income and expenses of elections and the annual statement using the Electronic Data Input System. [26 October 2017] Section 16. Administrative Offences in the Field of Financing Political Organisations (Parties) For failure to comply with the procedures for financing political organisations (parties), restrictions and prohibitions specified in this Law and for failure to perform the specified obligations, a fine of up to one hundred and forty units of fine shall be imposed on a natural person, but a fine of up to two thousand and eight hundred units of fine - on a legal person. [11 June 2020 / Section shall come into force on 1 July 2020. See Paragraph 33 of Transitional Provisions] Section 17. Competence in Administrative Offence Proceedings Administrative offence proceedings for the offences referred to in Section 16 of this Law shall be conducted by the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau. [11 June 2020 / Section shall come into force on 1 July 2020. See Paragraph 33 of Transitional Provisions] Transitional Provisions1. Not later than by 1 September 1995, all the political organisations (parties) registered in Latvia shall submit to the Ministry of Justice and the State Revenue Service a declaration of financial activities of the relevant political organisation (party) which shall indicate the amount of funds at the disposal of the relevant political organisation (party) on the date of coming into force of this Law. Such declaration shall disclose the sources from which the abovementioned funds have been received. 2. The State Revenue Service shall perform the functions specified for the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau until the date, when these functions are transferred to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau in accordance with the procedures and terms laid down in the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau Law. [6 June 2002] 3. In this Law the terms "merchant", "commercial company", and "capital company" shall also mean an undertaking and company. [6 June 2002] 4. The Cabinet shall, by 1 August 2002, issue the regulations provided for in Section 4, Paragraph three and in Sections 8.1 and 8.2 of this Law. [6 June 2002] 5. Political organisations (parties) shall commence the fulfilment of the provisions of Section 4, Paragraph three of this Law on 15 August 2002. [6 June 2002] 6. Not later than by 1 September 2002 and in conformity with the provisions of Section 4, Paragraph three of this Law, the political organisations (parties) shall publish on the Internet the information on all gifts (donations) received over the time period between 1 January 2002 and 15 August 2002. [6 June 2002] 7. Section 8.4, Paragraph three of this Law shall come into force on 1 January 2005. [12 February 2004] 8. Section 8.5 of this Law shall come into force concurrently with the corresponding amendments to the law On Accounting. [12 February 2004] 9. The political organisations (parties) which have submitted lists of candidates for the elections to the European Parliament intended on 12 June 2004 shall indicate in the declaration of expenses during the pre-election period specified in Section 8.1 of this Law all the expenses that they have incurred over the period from the 90th day to the 50th day before the elections. The political organisations (parties) which have submitted lists of candidates for the elections to the European Parliament intended on 12 June 2004 shall indicate in the declaration of income and expenses of elections specified in Section 8.2 of this Law all the expenses incurred over the period from the 90th day before elections to the day of the elections, and also the expenses that will be incurred when paying invoices for the activities referred to in Section 8.1, Paragraph two of this Law after the elections. [12 February 2004] 10. A political organisation (party) which has submitted lists of candidates for the elections to the Saeima intended on 7 October 2006 and has violated the requirements referred to in Section 8.4 of this Law shall, in accordance with Section 10, Paragraph 2.1 of this Law, transfer the funds into the State budget in such amount which corresponds to the exceeded amount of pre-election expenses as follows: 1) if the political organisation (party) has not exceeded the permissible amount of pre-election expenses until the day of coming into force of Section 10, Paragraph 2.1 of this Law, it shall transfer such funds into the State budget which correspond to the total amount of pre-election expenses exceeded; 2) if the political organisation (party) has already exceeded the permissible amount of pre-election expenses until the day of coming into force of Section 10, Paragraph 2.1 of this Law, it shall transfer such funds into the State budget which correspond to such amount of exceeded permissible pre-election expenses which has been incurred after the coming into force of Section 10, Paragraph 2.1 of this Law. [18 May 2006] 11. Instead of the coefficient referred to in Section 8.4, Paragraph three of this Law a coefficient 0.00015 shall be applied for the elections to the European Parliament planned in 2009. [17 July 2008] 12. A political organisation (party) which have submitted the lists of candidates for the election to the both, the European Parliament elections planned in 2009 and the local government council planned in 2009, shall submit to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau one joint declaration of income and expenses of elections in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. [17 July 2008] 13. If a political organisation (party) has submitted the lists of candidates for the election to both, the European Parliament planned in 2009 and the local government council planned in 2009, restrictions for the amount of pre-election expenses shall be applied not separately for the elections to the European Parliament and the elections of local government council but for such elections in the whole. The sum which does not exceed the sum of amounts referred to in Section 8.4, Paragraphs two and three of this Law (Paragraph 11 of Transitional Provisions) can be used in total for the elections of the European Parliament and local government council. [17 July 2008] 14. The liability for the violations referred to in Paragraph 13 of these Transitional Provisions shall set in in accordance with the procedures referred to in Section 10, Paragraph 2.1 of this Law. [17 July 2008] 15. The Cabinet shall, by 31 December 2008, issue the regulations referred to in Section 4, Paragraph three, Section 8.3, and Section 9, Paragraph three of this Law. Until the day of coming into force of the relevant Cabinet regulations, but not longer than until 31 December 2008, the Cabinet Regulation No. 196 of 22 March 2005, Regulation Regarding Annual Declarations of Financial Activities of Political Organisations (Parties), Declarations of Expenses During the Pre-election Period, Statements Regarding the Planned Election Expenses, Declarations of Income and Expenses of Elections and Reports Regarding Gifts (Donations), shall be applied, in so far as it is not in contradiction with this Law. [17 July 2008] 16. Non-conformity with the procedures for the filling in and submission of an annual declaration of financial activities, the declaration of expenses during the pre-election period or the declaration of income and expenses of elections, provision of false information in the declaration, non-compliance with the procedures for the submission of the statement on the planned election expenses or non-compliance with the regulations for publishing the report on the received or non-received gifts (donations), as well as the exceeding of restrictions for the amount of pre-election expenses shall be evaluated and examined pursuant to the requirements of this Law on the day of commitment of the violation. [17 July 2008] 17. Until 1 May 2009, the Cabinet shall develop the amendments to this Law regarding partial financing of political organisations (parties) from the State budget resources. [17 July 2008] 18. Disbursement of the State budget financing determined in Sections 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of this Law shall commence from 2012 and shall be granted for the remaining term of office of the elected Saeima, also including in this time period the last quarter of the calendar year in which the term of office of the relevant Saeima expires. In order to receive the State budget financing, a political organisation (party) shall open the account referred to in Section 7.2, Paragraph one of this Law and submit the submission referred to in Section 7.2, Paragraph two of this Law to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau until 1 November 2011. [10 June 2010] 19. Until 1 October 2010, the Cabinet shall issue the regulations referred to in Section 4, Paragraph three of this Law which govern the information to be indicated in the report of political organisation (party) on gifts (donations) received and the procedures for the submission thereof, and also the procedures by which information on the gifts (donations) received by political organisations (parties) shall be published and the content of this information. Until the day of coming into force of the relevant Cabinet regulations, but not longer than until 1 October 2010, Cabinet Regulation No. 129 of 10 February 2009, Procedures for the Publication of Annual Statements of Political Organisations (Parties), Declarations of Income and Expenses of Elections and Reports Regarding Gifts (Donations), shall be applicable, in so far as it is not in contradiction with this Law. [10 June 2010] 20. The Cabinet shall, by 31 March 2013, issue the regulations referred to in Section 2, Paragraph five of this Law. Until the day of coming into force of the relevant Cabinet regulations, but not longer than until 31 March 2013, the Cabinet Regulation No. 1054 of 16 November 2010, Procedures by which a Person shall Submit Information to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau Regarding his or her Income, Money Savings and Properties, shall be applied insofar as it is not in contradiction with this Law. [29 November 2012] 21. Amendment to Section 4, Paragraph four of this Law regarding the replacement of the number "30" with the number "60" shall not be applicable to such gifts (donations) which have been made prior to the day of coming into force of this amendment. In relation to such gifts (donations) the wording of Section 4, Paragraph four of this Law which was in force on the day of making of the relevant gift (donation) shall be applied. [29 November 2012] 22. Amendments to Section 10, Paragraph 1.1 of this Law regarding the deletion of the number and words "Section 2, Paragraph three" and the words and number "and Section 6, Paragraph one", and also amendments to Section 10, Paragraph two of this Law regarding the supplementation thereof with the words "and three" after the number and words "Section 2, Paragraph one" and with the word "Paragraph one" after the number and word "Section 6" shall not be applicable to such decisions of the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (regardless of the entering into effect thereof) which have been taken prior to the day of coming into force of these amendments. In such case, Section 10, Paragraphs 1.1 and two of this Law shall be applicable in the wording which was in force on the day when the relevant decision was taken. [29 November 2012] 23. Amendment to Section 2 of this Law regarding the new wording of Paragraph three which provides that natural persons are allowed to make gifts (donations), pay membership fees and joining fees from their income but the total amount of these gifts (donations), membership fees and joining fees may not exceed 30 per cent of the income gained by such persons in the previous calendar year shall come into force on 1 January 2018. [26 October 2017] 24. Amendments to this Law regarding the new wording of Section 3, Paragraph three, Section 4, Paragraphs three and four, Section 8.2, Paragraph one, and Section 8.5, Paragraph two [which provide that a political organisation (party) shall report to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau on the joining fees, membership fees, and the received and refunded (returned) gifts (donations) and shall submit to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau the declaration of income and expenses of elections and the annual statement by using the Electronic Data Input System] shall come into force on 30 June 2019. [26 October 2017] 25. Section 7.3, Paragraph four, Clause 3 of this Law (in the wording of 1 December 2017) shall also be applicable to the time period from 14 July 2010 (when it came into force in the wording of 10 June 2010). [26 October 2017] 26. If the disbursement of the State budget financing to a political organisation (party) has been or is suspended in accordance with the previous wording of Section 7.3, Paragraph four, Clause 3 of this Law (in the wording of 10 June 2010) but it would not be suspended in conformity with its new wording (1 December 2017), the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall disburse to the political organisation (party) the State budget financing for the relevant time period, provided that it has made such request to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau until 31 December 2017. The respective funds shall be reallocated from the programme 02.00.00 "Funds for Unseen Events" of the Department 74 "Financing to Be Redivided During the Implementation Process of the Annual State Budget" of the State budget. [26 October 2017] 27. Until 31 October 2018, the Cabinet shall submit to the Saeima the opinion on the financial and legal conditions for the possible increase of the amount of the State budget financing to be granted to the political organisations (parties) which meet the criteria referred to in Section 7.1, Paragraph one of this Law by concurrently evaluating the possibility to apply the relevant conditions also to other political organisations (parties) not referred to in Section 7.1, Paragraph one of this Law. [26 October 2017] 28. The debt liabilities for which a political organisation (party) has not made a payment within 90 days from the day following the date when the political organisation (party) had to settle the accounts with the supplier of goods or service provider and has not made it by 31 December 2019 shall be covered by the political organisation (party) within three years after coming into force of Section 6, Paragraph 5.1 of this Law. [14 November 2019] 29. Political organisations (parties) as well as alliances of political organisations (parties) shall be permitted to receive financing until 31 December 2022 which does not exceed the amount of 1950 minimum monthly wages specified in the State within a year. If the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau establishes a violation of this provision, the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has the obligation to assign the relevant political organisation (party) to transfer the funds into the State budget within 30 days in such amount which corresponds to the amount of the financing exceeded. Upon a motivated request from the relevant political organisation (party), the director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau may divide the transfer of the funds into periods or extend the period for transfer of funds, but not longer than for 90 days. [14 November 2019] 30. Section 7.1, Paragraph one, Clause 2 of this Law shall be applied from 1 July 2021. [14 November 2019] 31. The Cabinet shall, by 15 January 2020, issue the regulations provided for in Section 7.4, Paragraph 1.1 of this Law. [14 November 2019] 32. The Cabinet shall, by 29 February 2020, issue the regulations provided for in Section 7.4, Paragraph three of this Law. [14 November 2019] 33. Amendment to Section 10 of this Law regarding the deletion of Paragraph one thereof, and also Sections 16 and 17 of this Law shall come into force concurrently with the Law on Administrative Liability. [11 June 2020] The Law has been adopted by the Saeima on 19 July 1995. Acting for the President, Rīga, 2 August 1995 1 The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia Translation © 2022 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) |
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