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Republic of Latvia

Order No. 630
Adopted 3 November 2014

On Official Language Policy Guidelines for 2015-2020

1. Approve Official Language Policy Guidelines for 2015-2020 (hereinafter - the Guidelines).

2. Appoint the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Welfare and the Ministry of Justice as responsible authorities in the implementation of the tasks laid down in the guidelines.

3. Appoint the Ministry of Education and Science as the authority responsible for the co-ordination of the implementation of the Guidelines.

4. Until 1 March 2018 and 1 March 2021 the authorities abovementioned in Paragraph 2 of this Order shall submit information to the Ministry of Education and Science regarding the course and results of the tasks laid down in the Guidelines.

5. Assign the Ministry of Education and Science to draw up and assign the Minister for Education and Science to submit the following documents to the Cabinet in accordance with the laid down procedures:

5.1. until 1 July 2018 - the informative report regarding mid-term assessment of the Guidelines implementation;

5.1. until 1 July 2021 - the informative report regarding final assessment of the Guidelines implementation.

6. Assign the Ministry of Education and Science to prepare and the Minister for Education to submit the Official Language Policy Guidelines for 2021-2026 to the Cabinet in accordance with the laid down procedures until 1 October 2020.

7. The Ministry of Education and Science and other authorities involved in the Guidelines implementation shall implement the measures included in the Guidelines in conformity with the State budget resources granted. Consider an issue of the funding necessary additionally for the implementation of the measures included in the Guidelines in 2015 and next years, by drafting a draft medium-term budget and the draft State budget for the current year, concurrently proposals of all ministries and other central State institutions regarding new policy initiatives and additional funding requests in conformity with the financial possibilities of the State budget for the relevant year.

Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma

Minister for Education and Science Ina Druviete


(Cabinet Order
No. 630
3 November 2014)

Official Language Policy Guidelines
for 2015-2020
(informative part)


MoD - Ministry of Defence
UNO - United Nations
MoFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
BISS Baltic Institution of Social Sciences
CSB - Central Statistics Bureau
ECML - European Centre of Modern Languages
EFNIL - European Federation of National Institutions for Language
ECG Council of Europe document "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - Learning, Teaching, Assessment"
EU - European Union
ESF European Social Fund
ELP - European Language Portfolio
EDG - Education Development Guidelines for 2014 - 2020
MoI - Ministry of the Interior
MoES - Ministry of Education and Science
MoC Ministry of Culture
Latvia 2030 - Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030
LGINA - Latvian Geospatial Information Agency
MoW - Ministry of Welfare
NLoL - National Library of Latvia
LLB - Latvian Library for the Blind
LSoB - Latvian Society of the Blind
UoL - University of Latvia
FoHoUoL - Faculty of Humanities of the University of Latvia
UoL IoLFA - Agency of the University of Latvia "Institute of Literature, Folklore, and Art of the University of Latvia"
UoL LLI - Agency of the University of Latvia "Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latvia
UoL IoMCS - Agency of the University of Latvia "Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia"
LLA - Latvian Language Agency
AoLLLCHT - Association of Latgalian Language, Literature and Culture History Teachers
TCoLAoS - Terminology Commission of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
NDP2020 - National Development Plan of Latvia for 2014-2020
GoNICSIP Guidelines on National Identity, Civil Society and Integration Policy for 2012-2018
SEA - State Employment Agency
NGO - Nongovernmental organisation
CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia (starting from September 2009 is not in the CIS), Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Russia, the Republic of Moldova, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan (associated member), Ukraine, Uzbekistan)
OCMA - Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs
Creative Latvia - Cultural Policy Guidelines for 2014 - 2020 "Creative Latvia"
MoJ - Ministry of Justice
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO LNC - UNESCO Latvian National Commission
UNGEGN - United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
SB - the State budget
NCE - National Centre for Education
SLC - State Language Centre

Acquisition and Environment 2011 - within the framework of the ESF project "Support for acquisition of the official language and bilingual education" implemented by the LLA (2008/0003/1DP/ during a time period from October 2010 until April 2011 Analytical Research and Strategy Laboratories Ltd. implemented a research "Factors Affecting the Acquisition of the Latvian Language and Use Environment". LLA ESF project was implemented with a view to provide methodology support for teachers in general and initial vocational education for modern acquisition of the official language and successful implementation of bilingual training. The project was implemented in the entire Latvia from December 2008 until 31 January 2012. The objective of the research implemented within the framework of the project was to find out, assess and compare factors affecting acquisition of the Latvian language by pupils of schools, which implement educational programmes for national minorities, and pupils of schools with Latvian as a language of tuition and conditions for forming of linguistic environment. More than 1200 pupils, 500 parents of pupils, 800 teachers and 100 employees of school administration were surveyed in the research, as well as 20 experts of the field of acquisition of the Latvian language were interviewed.


Latvian Language 2013 - the Latvian language. Riga, Academic Publishing House of the UoL. 2013.

Written Language of the Livs 2011 - V.Ernštsreits. the written language of the Livs. Riga, Latvian Language Agency, Livõ Kultūr sidām. 2011.

LLA Survey 2009 - the research "Socio-linguistic Research of the Language Situation 2009" was carried out by Data Serviss Ltd. according to order by the LLA. The research survey was carried out on May 2009. The method used - direct interviewing of respondents at their place of residence. 924 respondents took part in the survey (including 557 with Latvian as mother tongue and 367 with Russian as mother tongue) at the age from 17 to 74 years.

LLA Survey 2012 - the quantitative research "Socio-linguistic Research of the Language Situation 2012" was carried out by Aptauju aģentūra Ltd. according to order by the LLA. The objective of the research was to acquire data, assess and compare socio-linguistic situation of the language in the target groups speaking in Latvian and Russian. The survey of the research was carried out from December 2011 until February 2012. 1109 permanent inhabitants of Latvia took part in the survey (including 689 respondents with Latvian as mother tongue and 420 with Russian as mother tongue) at the age from 15 to 74.

SKDS survey 2014 - the survey "Belonging to Latvia feeling. Survey for inhabitants of national minorities of Latvia. May - June 2014" was carried out by the research centre SKDS. Available: http://www.mk.gov.lv/sites/default/files/editor/atskaite_piederiba_08_2014.pdf

Language 2008 - long-term research "Language" was implemented by the BISS (the Baltic Science Institute of Social Science) from 1996 until 2008 according to the order by the Latvian Language Acquisition State Agency. In 2008 in the last survey of this research 2002 respondents took part (1425 with Latvian as the mother tongue, 456 with Russian as mother tongue and 121 with another mother tongue) at the age from 15 to 74.

Language Proficiency 2013 - the quantitative and qualitative research "Examination of the official language proficiency in Latvia: results and analysis thereof 2009-2012" was carried out by the LLA in co-operation with the Official Language Division of the State Examination Department of the NCE. The research was implemented in the end of 2012. Results of the research and analysis thereof were published in 2013. The research provides data regarding persons acquiring the official language who have partly or mainly acquired the Latvian and improved their language proficiency outside formal education system. The research provides also data regarding persons acquiring the official language who have acquired the official language in a formal education system, namely data regarding the school-leavers of the schools, which implement national minorities education programmes, in conformity with their level of language proficiency in a centralised examination. Available: http://valoda.lv/downloadDoc_903/mid_509



Linguistic diversity or language diversity development trends in the world, rapid paces of linguistic assimilation, multilingualism as a feature of the future human being, global information exchange systems, economic integration trends in modern world cause more and more greater language competition and threats of disappearance even for languages with rather great number of speakers. In accordance with reasoning of the 21st century each language is a unique cultural heritage of the mankind, identity basis of ethnoses. Diversity of languages and cultures is a treasure of mankind and civilization. Languages are not anymore perceived only as a communication code, but as a depositary of culture traditions, the basis of national identity. Therefore any language has its own place in the system of human values and each language is recognises as a value to be preserved regardless of the number of its speakers and economic value.

However in a real life theoretical recognition of languages as the basic elements of the ethnos identity is forced to compete with the priority of languages of high market value. Under the circumstances of the language competition the greater prospects to be preserved will be for those languages which will be able to follow modern science and technology development, improve machine translation and language acquisition methodology, in which one will be able to express nuances of thoughts and feelings. Nowadays preservation and development of a language does not occur in a spontaneous drift, but countries must develop a consequent language policy and carry out measures for the preservation and development of languages.

The official language policy planning documents are required component of the internal policy strategy in Latvia, in order to facilitate linguistic quality and competitiveness of the Latvian language, to ensure complete functioning of the official language, to preserve, protect and develop traditional culture environment of the Latvian language, to promote comprehensive research of the Latvian language, as well as to ensure qualitative acquisition of the Latvian language in both, educational system and life-learning.

Guidelines for Official Language Policy for 2015-2020 (hereinafter - the Guidelines) are a medium-term policy planning document which determines the basic principles, objectives and action directions of the official language policy for the next six years. By taking into account the fact, that the official language policy processes affect directly every inhabitant of Latvia, it shall be considered as through-composed policy and referred to all demographical groups of Latvia.

In the implementation of the official language policy, including in the achievement of the results of directions laid down in the Guidelines, the State administrative institutions, higher educational establishments and scientific institutions, the participation of which is laid down in the implementation of the tasks and measures of the guidelines. Certain measures of the guidelines shall be implemented also by non-governmental organisations. The institutions involved in the implementation of the guidelines ensure the implementation of directions and tasks by the State budget resources granted to them (see Chapter VI of the Guidelines).

The objective of the official language policy is to ensure the development and sustainability of the Latvian language as the only official language. In order to achieve successfully the language policy objectives set out, the policy must be implemented at the concurrently, co-ordinated and unified with the basic directions of the language policy implementation: in legal, linguistic, pedagogic and community participation aspect.

2. Connection of the Official Language Policy Guidelines for 2015 - 2020 with the significant development planning documents

Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030 approved at the Saeima on 10 June 2010) is hierarchically the highest long-term document of national significance. In the priority long-term action direction of this document "Strengthening of the feeling of belonging to culture space of Latvia" it is laid down regarding the conservation of the Latvian language and use of language diversity potential that the conservation of language diversity is one of the basic provisions of the EU. The development of the Latvian language as extensively used language is the responsibility of the state of Latvia within the context of the European and world culture diversity and heritage conservation. Language diversity must be used as a resource for the State development, by retaining and developing co-existence of the Latvian language and other languages. Latvia 2030 contains a conclusion that regions and countries which will strengthen and develop their identity will acquire comparative advantage in the global competition in the future, because increasing value will acquire the different and original. Within such context it is important for Latvia to retain and develop identity, language, national treasures thereof and lifestyle characteristic to culture space thereof, in order, by creative use of fruitful influence of other cultures and by facilitating openness, to strengthen the potential of competitiveness of the country.

The National Development Plan of Latvia for 2014-2020 (approved by the Saeima on 20 December 2012) is hierarchically the highest medium-term development planning documents of the national level, the action direction of which "Co-operation of People, Culture and Civil Participation as Basis for Belonging to Latvia" states: "Latvia is the only place in the world where the Latvian people, language and culture may exist and develop, but there is a wide range of people outside Latvia with sense of belonging to Latvia that all together make a global network. At the same time the Latvian language and culture is also a conjunctive basis for the community of Latvia, therefore the purpose of the community and also the State is to take care of the language and look after national identity, civil community and community integration values in a long-term".

NDP2020 determines purposes and tasks related to the official language policy. NDP2020 stresses the necessity to increase the use of the Latvian language in the community, by strengthening the position of the Latvian language in the everyday communication situations. Facilitation of re-emigration and maintenance of the identity of Latvian nationals living abroad is defined as a significant objective, including availability of the education and culture abroad and ensuring of support measures which include maintaining of the Latvian language skill in a diaspora. NDP2020 underlines the necessity to enlarge integration possibilities of the community, by developing exciting forms of acquisition of the Latvian language. The establishment of the co-ordinated system for the acquisition of the Latvian language for children and adults, which promotes the use of the Latvian language in the community, is put as a priority.

Guidelines on National Identity, Civil Society and Integration Policy for 2012-2018 (approved by the Cabinet Order No. 452 of 20 October 2011) are essential for the official language policy with the policy goals defined in the direction "National identity: language and cultural space":

1) to ensure the use of the Latvian language in the public space of Latvia;

2) to strengthen the skills of the Latvian language for Latvians living abroad, national minorities, non-citizens, new immigrants;

3) to strengthen Latvian identity and belonging to Latvia for Latvians living abroad.

Plan for re-emigration support measures for 2013-2016 (approved by the Cabinet Order No. 356 of 30 July 2013) have been developed with a purpose to determine specific support measures for those Latvian nationals and family members thereof who are considering the possibility or have already decided to return and work in Latvia, or want to establish their own undertaking or develop business links with Latvia. The competence of the official language is required condition for the integration of this target group in the community of Latvia, therefore the measures for ensuring of the acquisition of the Latvian language for re-emigrants and family members thereof are included in the plan. The tasks regarding development of electronic aids and other types of aids for the acquisition of the Latvian language, regarding ensuring of support measure in the educational institutions, in order to help to integrate in the education system of Latvia for pupils, associate with the competence of the official language policy field.

Action plan "Regarding co-operation with diaspora of Latvian for 2015-2017" (the draft proclaimed in the meeting of the State Secretaries on 17 July 2014) is inter-sectoral policy planning document developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The purpose of the plan is to compile those measures which will be taken in order to co-operate with the diaspora, and the implementation of which is included in the competence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries, and also State administrative institutions. Therefore the tasks current for the official language policy complying with policy objectives of the diaspora are included in the plan.

The plan outlines several working directions - provision of support for weekend schools and school teachers in the improvement of professional competence, and also development of educational aids, including electronic, for the needs of the diaspora, organising of the Latvian language camps for children of the diaspora and re-emigrated children.

Education development guidelines for 2014-2020 (approved at the Saeima on 22 May 2014) defines qualitative and inclusive education for the development of personality, welfare of people and sustainable State growth as overarching objectives for the education development policy.

The action direction "Broadening of possibilities and accessibility of extra formal education for children and youth" intends to implement support measures for the diaspora in the acquisition of the Latvian language and culture. The support for the development of modern education methodology aids for the acquisition of the Latvian language as a second and as a foreign language and for the maintenance of professional improvement for teachers who are teaching adults is intended in the educational direction "Broadening of educational possibilities for adults".

Provision of the support for the diaspora for acquisition of the Latvian language and culture includes creation of educational and methodology materials, professional improvement of teachers, educating and informing of parents, language acquisition camps for children, and also the support for schools of the diaspora and development of the support/adaptation materials in order to help re-emigrated pupils to integrate in the educational system of Latvia..

Improvement of appropriate descriptions of proficiency levels of the Latvian language as a foreign language and creation of modern education methodology aids for acquisition of the Latvian language as a foreign language and establishment/maintenance of professional improvement for teachers who are teaching adults are defined in ECG. EDG intends to promote establishment of the support system for acquisition of the Latvian language as a foreign language for students of foreign higher educational establishments, as well as establishment and maintenance of the distance learning system.

Action direction "Support for acquisition of the Latvian language and culture in foreign higher educational establishments" of EDG includes financial support for lecturers of the Latvian language, development of educational aids, professional improvement courses for training staff and establishment of the network for exchange of experience.

Cultural Policy Guidelines for 2014-2020 "Creative Latvia" (approved by the Cabinet Order No. 401 of 29 July 2014) defines overarching objective: Latvia is a country with rich and cared cultural heritage, vital and divers culture life, creative people, competitive creative industries and growing life quality for everybody. Creative Latvia stresses the significance of modern technologies in the creative process and preservation of the Latvian language, including the necessity to ensure the accessibility of culture content and services with the help of modern technologies in the entire territory of Latvia, as well as in the diaspora and for interested persons outside Latvia.

The task "To develop solutions and resources of natural language technologies (including establishment of language corps, thesaurus, dictionaries and related data, and other competences mandatorily necessary for the Latvian language in the digital environment)" will strengthen the status of the Latvian language and use of the Latvian language in the digital environment.

Information Society Development Guidelines for 2014-2020 (approved by the Cabinet Order No. 468 of 14 October 2013) underline the increasing significance of digital technologies in the economic and social development o the State. The content in a digital form has a significant role in the research and education, as well as cultural and State administration services. Among other tasks facilitation of the use and spread of the Latvian language in the digital environment are distinguished separately in the document that are closely related to the development of the language technologies and level of use thereof. Insufficient technological provision of the language reduces inclusion of the Latvian language in the economical, political and cultural space of the EU.

Several widely used basic technologies are developed for the Latvian language - tools for writing in the Latvian language, correction of spelling mistakes in certain operating systems and digital devices, possibilities to divide words for transferring to the next lines, several electronic dictionaries and terminology databases. Several innovative researches are carried out in the field of machine translation and semantic technologies. Creation of digital training resources are intended in the document for promoting of the Latvian language acquisition.

In the field of IKT research for complete functioning of the use of the Latvian language in the digital environment the establishment and accessibility of the base technologies and wide base of Latvian computer-linguistics research shall be ensured. Essentially necessary precondition for the development of the language research and technologies is the establishment of the Latvian language national corps that must be created as a generally balanced computerised collection of the written and spoken language, by demonstrating the modern Latvian language and historical development thereof. It is necessary for the development of computer technologies, creation of dictionaries, research and development. of the Latvian language. The terminology of IKT field in Latvian shall be developed and made accessible.


The Latvian language in our country is not only linguistic and legal, but also symbolic concept that is inseparably related with the State and community and also varied aspects of the identity of the inhabitants of Latvia. (Latvian Language 2013: 393)

It is laid down in Article 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia that the official language in the Republic of Latvia is Latvian. On 1 September 2000 the Official Language Law came into force the purpose of which is to ensure preservation, protection and development of the Latvian language, preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of the Latvian people, inclusion of national minorities in the community of Latvia, by taking into account their right to use mother tongue or other languages, and also to ensure increase of the Latvian language influence in the culture environment of Latvia, by promoting faster integration of the community.

In conformity with the Cabinet Regulation No 1178 of 13 October 2009, Regulations for Development of Planning Documents and Influence Evaluation, when drawing up policy planning document, influence evaluation must be carried out with a view to forecast the socio-economic influence of the planned decision and to determine the consequences caused by the decisions taken (see detailed assessment of the Guidelines in Annex 1 "Assessment of the initial influence of the offered solution"), however within this context it must be noted, that in comparison to other State policy fields the official language policy is a special, by taking into account the both, significance thereof as a national symbol and basic element of the national identity and consideration that the existence, development and sustainability of the language is directly dependent on the both users thereof and factors that in mutual interaction may significantly influence the results planned within the framework of the policy (see Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Determinant factors of the language situation specifics

Assessment of the implementation of the Official Language Policy Guidelines for 2005-2014 shows that positive resultss have been achieved in the official language policy:

1) strengthening of the legal status of the official language is slow, but with a positive trend;

2) the positions of the official language are strengthened in the field significant for the State,

3) the quality of the Latvian language is high;

4) the Latvian language proficiency and number of language users have increased;

5) the educational reform for national minorities has been implemented successfully;

6) the tolerance of national minorities towards the official language and readiness to acquire it have increased.

During a time period from 2005 until 2014 the official language policy was implemented by taking into account the Official Language Policy Guidelines for 2005 - 2014 (see http://polsis.mk.gov.lv/view.do?id=1722) which were approved by the Cabinet Order No. 137 of 2 March 2005, Regarding the Official Language Policy Guidelines for 2005 - 2014.

In order to ensure succession of the development of the official language policy, the works done during the previous planning period and the influence thereof on changes in the official language situation have been assessed, the practice of successful implementation of the measures and possibilities for solving of the detected problems have been analysed.

The informative report Regarding Problems in the Implementation of the Official Language Policy has been examined during the Cabinet meeting of 28 February 20016 (minutes No 12, 43.§, see document http://polsis.mk.gov.lv/LoadAtt/file42585.doc).

The Official Language Policy Programme for 2006-2010 (hereinafter - the Programme) seehttp://polsis.mk.gov.lv/LoadAtt/file44466.doc, which has been approved by the Cabinet Order No. 770 of 4 October 2006, Regarding the Official Language Policy Programme for 2006 - 2010" and it was the policy planning document for the achieving the objectives laid down in the official language policy (see http://polsis.mk.gov.lv/LoadAtt/file44468.doc). By the Cabinet Order No. 470 of 11 August 2010, Amendments to the Official Language Policy Guidelines for 2005 - 2014, the actual part of the Programme was included in the text of the Official Language Policy Guidelines for 2005 - 2014.

In accordance with Paragraph 5 of the Cabinet Order No. 770 of 4 October 2006, Regarding the Official Language Policy Programme for 2006 - 2010, the MoES drawn up informative reports regarding the progress of the implementation of the programme in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009:

1) the Informative Report, Regarding the Implementation of the Official Language Policy Programme for 2006 - 2010 in 2006, (see http://polsis.mk.gov.lv/LoadAtt/file25316.doc);

2) the Informative Report, Regarding the Implementation of the Official Language Policy Programme for 2006 - 2010 in 2006 and 2007, (see http://polsis.mk.gov.lv/LoadAtt/file46202.doc);

3) the Informative Report, Regarding the Implementation of the Official Language Policy Programme for 2006 - 2010 in 2008, (see http://polsis.mk.gov.lv/LoadAtt/file25729.doc);

4) ) the Informative Report, Regarding the Implementation of the Official Language Policy Programme for 2006 - 2010 in 2009, (see http://polsis.mk.gov.lv/view.do?id=2057).

Informative reports regarding the progress of the implementation of the programme which were published on the website of the Cabinet in the database POLSIS maintained by the State Chancellery: http://polsis.mk.gov.lv/view.do?id=2057, covers the information regarding measures and activities in the implementation of the directions laid down in Paragraph 6 of the Programme:

1) in the strengthening of the legal status of the official language (in conformity with the programme tasks 6.1.1 - 1.1.4);

2) in the official language education policy (in conformity with the programme tasks 6.2.1-6.2.6);

3) in the research, care and development of the scientific research of the official language (in conformity with the programme tasks 6.3.1-6.3.7);

4) for ensuring of the participation of the community in the official language policy implementation (in conformity with the programme tasks 6.4.1-6.4.5).

In accordance with that laid down in Paragraph 5 of the Cabinet Order No.137 of 2 March 2005, Regarding the Official Language Policy Guidelines for 2005-1014, the MoES drew up the Informative Report Regarding the Implementation of the Official Language Guidelines for 2005 - 2014 from 4 October 2006 until 31 December 2009 (hereinafter - the Informative Report). The Informative Report covers a time period from 4 October 2006 until 31 December 2009 (see ttp://polsis.mk.gov.lv/view.do?id=1722) and demonstrates the implementation of the action directions included in Paragraph 5 "Action directions for achieving the official language policy objectives" of the Official language Policy Guidelines for 2005-2014 in conformity with that laid down in Paragraph 6 "The results of the official language policy and performance measurements". It is concluded in the informative report that during the report period 2006-2009 the Official Language Guidelines for 2005-2014 are implemented successfully on the basis of the action directions laid down therein for the achieving the official language policy objectives.

In the first direction - in the strengthening of the legal status of the official language - co-ordinated activities of the State authorities in the language policy implementation have been achieved, improvement, performance and control of the Official Language Law and laws and regulations related thereto have been ensured, defence of the national interests of Latvia, including language and culture, is endured in the international information space and international organisations; complete functioning of the Latvian language in the European Union institutions is promoted.

In the second direction - in the official language education policy - the co-ordinatedd and appropriate for the needs of the community official language policy in the education has been implemented; the professional improvement of the language teachers and other language specialists are ensured; the improvement of the Latvian language proficiency for inhabitants of Latvia and foreigners has been promoted; modern educating of the Latvian language teachers and development of the methodology materials have been implemented; the Latvian language proficiency testing system has been improved.

In the third direction - in the scientific research and development of the Latvian language - the problems of the development and use of the Latvian language have been solved, proposals for further language policy planning and implementation have been developed; comprehensive research of the Latvian language has been carried out; publication of the Latvian language research results, especially sources of norms, has been promoted; establishment of the Latvian language texts and speech corps was facilitated, the development of the software necessary for the establishment and maintenance thereof and the base of scientific research has been ensured; general accessibility in the databases of the developed and co-ordinated terminology has been ensured; the methodology for translation of the laws and regulations has been established and developed; general accessibility in the databases of the translated international legal acts and translations of the legal acts of the Republic of Latvia has been ensured.

In the four direction- community participation in the provision of the official languagepolicy implementation and development of the Latvian language - the understanding of the individual and the community regarding the language as a national value has been promoted; unified understanding of the community regarding the Latvian language policy has been created; the issues of the acquisition of the Latvian language, proficiency improvement, usage quality and necessity of preservation of the language, development and research have been made current in the community; the availability of the information regarding scientific researches of the Latvian language in Latvia and abroad has been ensured; the community of Latvia has been educated in the language culture issues; the development and popularisation of the Latvian language by means of the literature and art have been supported and promoted; the Latvian language cultural environment has been broadened and protected.

In general it has been concluded that the activities carried out have promoted the recognisability of the Latvian language, increase of the Latvian language proficiency among inhabitants of Latvia and understanding regarding the significance of the acquisition of languages nowadays, especially in the aspect of the labour market and competitiveness, and also have provided sustainable investment in the scientific research and development of the Latvian language.

Ethno=demographical aspect of the language situation. In the beginning of 2014 (see figure 2). In Latvia lived 2 million 1468 inhabitants or for 22.4 thousand less than before a year. In 2014 the number of inhabitants in Latvia continues to reduce - in the beginning of May 1 million 997.5 thousand inhabitants were living in the country. The number of inhabitants in Latvia reduces due to both, the natural growth (prevailing of the number of the dead persons over the number of born) and migration.

Figure 2.

Number of permanent inhabitants in 2009-2014


Number of inhabitants

in the beginning of 2009


in the beginning of 2010


in the beginning of 2011


in the beginning of 2012


in the beginning of 2013


in the beginning of 2014


in the beginning of May 2014



Data of the population census of 2011 demonstrates that inhabitants of more than 160 nationalities live in Latvia. According of the CSB data 61,1% of the inhabitants of Latvia are Latvians, but 38.9% - inhabitants of other nationalities, 84% of all inhabitants are citizens of Latvia, 13% - non-citizens of Latvia, 3% - citizens of other countries as of 1 January 2013.

Since the population census of 2000 the number of representatives of numerically largest nationalities has decreased. During the population census of 1989 there were 1.39 million Latvians in Latvia, during the population census of 2000 - 1.37 million and during the population census of 2011 only 1.26 million Latvians.

Although the number of Latvians in Latvia along with other nationalities decreased each year, the proportion of Latvians slowly increases in the community of Latvia. The proportion of Latvians in total number in Latvia has increased from 57.7% in 2000 until 61.1% in 2013 (see Figure 3). Without prejudice to the abovementioned changes, the indicators of the number of basic nationality of Latvia are still the lowest among the EU countries (the Republic of Latvia, CSB data).

Figure 3.

Ethnic composition of the permanent inhabitants of Latvia in 2013




In total

































other nationalities, including non-selected and -indicated nationality




Migration and competitiveness of the Latvian language. In the 21st century under the circumstances of free movement in the European Union and relation to gradual opening of labour markets of the Member States migration has become a current issue.

CSB data indicates that during a time period from 2005-2013 the decrease in the number of inhabitants due to emigration is more than 200,000 thousand persons. In 2009 (see Figure 4) 38,208 inhabitants emigrated from Latvia, in 2010 - 39,651, in 2011 - 30,311, in 2012 - 25,163 and in 2013 - 22,561. Although the emigration has minimised in the last years, before 2008 the emigration level was distinctly lower. Whereas a large part of emigrants do not register their departure and remain registered in local governments of Latvia, these people are counted as inhabitants of Latvia in the CSB database. From 2009 until 2012 the most part of people have emigrated from Latvia to EU countries (in 2009 it made 73% of all emigrants, in 2010 - 72%, in 2011 - 76%, in 2012 - 80%) (CSB data).

Figure 4.

Emigration and immigration in Latvia


(number of persons)

(number of persons)


17,643 6,691


17,019 8,212


15,463 7,517


27,045 4,678


39,651 3,731


39,651 4,011


30,311 10,234


25,163 13,303


22,561 8,299


It is in the interests of Latvia to promote purposefully the relations with compatriots who have settled themselves in other countries, by co-operating with diaspora and by strengthening the involvement of the potential thereof in the State development. It complies with that laid down in the National Development Plant of Latvia for 2014 - 2020 that the country must actively and purposefully form conditions in order to facilitate re-emigration of people, and also it must co-operate with people who belong to Latvia in order to maintain their identity and promote development of Latvia.

Nowadays emigration character has changed: if previously people emigrated for permanent life in other country, most often discontinuing any relations with the country of origin, now it is possible more freely to move from one country to another and return back, and also it is easier to maintain links with native country from a distance. Maintaining of the Latvian language in the diaspora is essentially important element in the ensuring of belonging of the diaspora to Latvia, especially among youth recently emigrated and children born abroad, because they most directly face with integration and assimilation processes in the country of residence. Therefore the policy of Latvia and organisational and financial support for functioning of weekend schools of the diaspora, professional development of teachers of these schools and ensuring of appropriate educational aids have very great importance in the maintaining of the Latvian language in the diaspora.

The most part immigrants (see Figure 4) during a time period from 2004 until 2012 have arrived in Latvia from the countries other than EU Member States, for example, CIS countries. In 2009 in Latvia arrived 3731 persons, in 2010 - 4011 persons, 2011 - already 10,234 persons and in 2012 - 13,303 persons. Taking into account the fact that the number of immigrants has increased in Latvia and that a large part of the immigrants from these countries are Russian speakers, who quickly integrate in the Russian-speaking part of the community of Latvia, it is necessary to include the measure for stabilisation of the competitiveness of the Latvian language also in the immigration policy conception, where acquisition of the official language is taken as primary and includes measures for the acquisition and improvement of the Latvian language as one of the pre-conditions for successful integration. By the European Refugee Fund committee decision No. 4 of 18 July 2014 of the General Programme "Solidarity and management of migration flows for 2008 - 2013" the activity and financial plan of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund for 2014 - 2020 was approved. In accordance with it the following measures are planned in the activity "measures promoting the use of the Latvian language in the public space, including development of various approaches to acquisition of the Latvian language": 1) teaching of the Latvian language and other preparation measure in order to ease integration of immigrants in the education system and labour market, and also access to services; 2) development of educational content and different educational methodological material for the acquisition of Latvian as a foreign language in order to use various language acquisition approaches, teaching forms and methods; 3) support measures for studying the needs of the persons acquiring Latvian and broadening of the language use environment, including establishment of a network of volunteer assistants and other measures to improve the Latvian language skill of immigrants and to make the possibility for practical language usage.

Language skill and usage by the inhabitants of Latvia. The number of language users significantly influences the language situation, because it is significant for ensuring of the language competitiveness. The results of population censes of 2011 demonstrate that mostly used language among inhabitants of Latvia used at home is Latvian, that was used by 1 164 894 persons or 56.3% of the inhabitants of Latvia (see Figure 5). Russian is mostly used at home by 33.8% of the inhabitants of Latvia. In its turn 0.7% of the inhabitants speak other languages at home, for example Byelorussian, Ukrainian, Polish, and Lithuania (CSB data).

Figure 5.

Language used mostly at home


Number of users




















Other language



Not indicated



SOURCE: CSB data, population census 2011

In the largest cities of Latvia - in Daugavpils, Rēzekne, Riga, Jūrmala and Ventspils - Latvian is used at home lesser than by the half of the inhabitants of these cities. Besides in Daugavpils, Rēzekne and Riga the inhabitants use Russian at home more than Latvian. The Latvian language at home is mainly used in Liepāja, Jelgava, Jēkabpils and mostly in Valmiera (CSB data, population census of 2011).

The use of the language of their own nationality at home mainly matches with belonging to the nationality for Latvians and Russians. Latvians mainly use Latvian at home (85.2%) and less Russian (7.0%). Russians use mainly Russian at home (86.2%) and less Latvian (5.9%). In its turn Lithuanians and Estonians living in Latvia mainly speak Latvian at home (54.3% and 44.7% accordingly), less in Russian (26.7% and 37.7% accordingly). But Polish, Ukrainians and Byelorussians living in Latvia mainly use Russian at home - 68.2%, 76.4% and 79.7% accordingly. Only 17.8% Polish, 8.0% Ukrainians and 9.3% Byelorussians use Latvian at home. (CSB data, population census of 2011).

The population census data of 2011 demonstrate that 9% the representative of national minorities of Latvia mainly use Latvian at home, in its turn 78% of the representatives of national minorities mainly use Russian at home (CSB data, population census of 2011).

Data of the research Language 2008, LLA surveys 2009 and LLA surveys 2012 demonstrate the improvement of the official language skill of the inhabitants according to self-assessment of the Latvian language skills by foreigners (in the guidelines the concept "foreigners" covers both, the representatives of national minorities of Latvia and immigrants). LLA survey 2012 indicates that 90% of respondents, the native language of which is Russian, know Latvian at least on the level of basic skills. Comparing to 2009 the number of those Russian speaking persons who know Latvian on average level (from 27% to 33%) has increased and the number of those who have basic knowledge of the official language has reduced (from 16% to 12%).

Similar positive conclusions regarding rather high level of the Latvian language proficiency by the inhabitants of Latvia may be made on the basis of the data of SKDS survey 2014 which indicates that 86.8% of the inhabitants at the age from 18 to 44 and also 75.6% of the persons surveyed at the age from 45 to 54 know Latvian excellently, good or sufficiently.

Competitive level of the Latvian language proficiency may be ensured by the present educational system of national minorities, that is shown by SKDS survey 2014 data, that 97.6% of surveyed persons at the age from 18 to 24 assess their knowledge of the Latvian language as excellent or good. Educational system of national minorities in Latvia has developed gradually and consequently by involving large means of Latvia and foreign countries in close co-operation with the world's best experts. Since 1989 mandatory teaching of the Latvian language in all educational establishments, since 1992 - attestation of language for teachers, in 1995 - 2 subjects in the Latvian language in a primary school, 3 - in a secondary school, in 1994 - introduction of 4 educational models for national minorities, in 2004 - 60:40 proportion in a secondary school.

By improving basic education content, by the Cabinet Regulation No. 468 of 12 August 2014, Regulations Regarding Basic Education Standard, Basic Education Syllabus Standard and Basic Education and Samples of Basic Education Programmes, different proportions for the acquisition of syllabus in Latvian language have been laid down in the sample programme of the basic education of national minorities (see Annex 25 of the abovementioned Regulation, available on: http://m.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=268342) and four model syllabus and sample plans for lessons have been included, and also the fifth model which provides for plan of syllabus and lessons developed by the educational institution. The most often used at schools is the second model. It ensures purposeful use of the native language and Latvian for the acquisition of the syllabus content, in order for a child to know both these languages on equal level. The model is intended for situations when a child has acquired conversational Latvian sufficiently, but he or she has no Latvian environment where to use this proficiency. As it is concluded in researches on education of national minorities (for example, acquisition of the Latvian language and environment 2011), pupils often indicate to insufficiently accessible Latvian environment, the abovementioned model should be used more widely for strengthening of the Latvian language proficiency at schools in the future.

Strengthening of leaning environment and widening of the Latvian language use environment. Exploring of the results of implementation of education of national minorities and needs thereof for the maintaining of the Latvian language knowledge and proficiency proves that essentially significant are those support measures that allow to broaden the Latvian language usage environment in the learning process for teachers who are teaching in Latvian or bilingually. The support planned in the guidelines includes measures for methodology, preparation of training aids and methodological aids, and improvement of professional competence of teachers. These measures will increase the quality of the Latvian language acquisition. In its turn the measures of regular improvement of the Latvian language proficiency of teachers of national minorities, that will be organised by the LLA, could change the choice of bilingual education models in favour for such which not only strengthen the Latvian language role in the teaching process, but also ensure educatees with sufficiently wide environment of the Latvian language use.

In order to evaluate the language usage environment broadening measures in the general education and impact thereof, the implementation of the "Research on the acquisition of the Latvian language as a native language and the Latvian language as a second language in general education system (attitude, characterisation of the situation and impact thereof)" will be started in 2017.

The results of examination of the official language proficiency. Examination of the official language proficiency which is taken by adults is one of the significant control mechanisms of the Latvian language acquisition process in Latvia. During the examination any candidate may assess his or her level of the Latvian language proficiency and acquire the document certifying the official language proficiency level recognised by the State. In the research the Language Proficiency 2013 it is indicated that the official language proficiency examination have taken 90 883 from 2001 until the end of 2012. When assessing the statistics of the official language proficiency examination during the last ten years, it can be concluded that during a time period from 2001 until 2008 the number of candidates has reduced, however during the last five years it has increased (comparing indicators of 2009 and 2010, it can be seen that the number of candidates has doubled). This growth is closely related to the economic situation of Latvia, and also new regulation. Economical crisis and high level of unemployment shows direct connection between competitiveness of persons in the labour market and the necessity for the official language proficiency, because the largest part of the candidates for the official language proficiency examination were unemployed persons from 2009 until 2012. Correlation of the number of the candidates for the official language proficiency with economical situation in the country attests also the fact that 74% of candidates were person at the age from 31-50, i.e. economically active persons, from 2009 until 2012. In this group there is also a part of those persons who have not acquired the Latvian language in formal education process.

The research Language Proficiency 2013 shows that in general from 2001 until 2012 the largest number of the candidates for the official language proficiency examination was on the basic level, however during the last years the number of candidates for intermediate and highest level has increased and the number of those persons who are passing examination on the basic level has decreased. 2011 was the first year when the number of persons passed the basic level was the lesser than the number of persons passed intermediate level.

The official language proficiency and documentary certification thereof is necessary mainly for the performance of professional and official duties. In general 97% of persons want to pass the official language proficiency examination for work needs and only 3 % - for the acquisition of permanent residence permit or status of permanent inhabitant of the EU. Older persons take mostly the official language proficiency examination of the basic level. A part of this group is made of foreigners who want to obtain a certificate of the official language proficiency on the basic level, in order to candidate for the status of permanent inhabitant of Latvia or the EU.

From 2009 until 2012 the assessment of the basic level and intermediate level of the language proficiency has been obtained by almost similar number of the candidates (34%). In its turn the number of persons who have not passed the official language proficiency examination is almost the same as the number of candidates who have obtained the highest level of the language proficiency (16-17%). The research Language Proficiency 2013 also shows a positive fact that a part of the candidates of the official language proficiency examination pass the examination repeatedly and since 2001 approximately 8% of candidates have passed the language examination repeatedly and obtained higher language proficiency certification.

Choice of language in communication. Taking into account the data regarding increase of the proportion of Latvians and persons knowing the Latvian language in Latvia, it may be assumed that prevalence of the Latvian language at least in the most important socio-linguistic functions is self-evident. However socio-linguistic researches and analysis of the public opinion attest the reality that in language contact areas statistics basic data provide only superficial or even wrong notion regarding the language situation. Thus seemingly optimistic basic data - increase of the proportion of Latvians and increase in number of persons speaking Latvian in the population - shall be analysed in connection with the socio-linguistic functions.

The Latvian language proficiency per se has increased in the community of Latvia and it may be assessed as a purposeful official language policy result. However the Latvian language situation is unique somehow: there are not so many countries and territories where exist so large discrepancy between language proficiency and language use. (Latvian Language 2013: 395)

Figure 6.

Selection of the communication language by respondents whose mother tongue is Russian

MOTHER TONGUE IS RUSSIAN: In which language you communicated in the following everyday situations - mostly or only in Latvian, more in Latvian than in Russian, more in Russian than in Latvian, mostly or only in Russian? (%)

Base: Respondents with Russian as the mother tongue, n=420

SOURCE: LLA survey 2012

As it can be concluded from the official language proficiency indicators, the most significant problem is not non-proficiency of the language, but non-use of the Latvian language. LLA survey 2012 data (see Figure 6) indicates that 36% of respondents with Russian as native language, when turning to Latvians, use mainly or only Latvian, in its turn in the State institutions - 25% of the respondents of this group and in local governments - 22%. It indicates that for the main part of respondents with Russian as native language has no problems to use only Russian in everyday situations.

Mass media are essential socio-linguistic field and language use by the, and also media used by the inhabitants for the acquisition of information demonstrate actual use of the official language and other languages and actual hierarchy of languages. The most often use language in media along with Latvian is Russian. SKDS survey 2014 data indicate, that for example 90% of the respondents of national minorities acquire information regarding social, economic and political events in Latvia from TV broadcasts in Russian. The highest use of English is on the Internet. As it is concluded in the quantitative studies, the choice of television language matches with their native language, in its turn in the Latvian audience there are more those who are watching television in Russian, than in the Russian audience those who are watching broadcasts in Latvian. Latvian audience is watching more television in other languages, usually - English (LLA survey 2012).

Latvian language research and development. In the last decades due to the influence of mass media and schools, and also due to migration of the inhabitants, peculiarities of variations, even the entire dialects rapidly disappear. The process in variations are affected also by changes in the economic and social field, and also in the entire cultural landscape of Latvia. The change of generations of variation speakers must be especially admitted, because by disappearance of the older generation the lexical layer related to the ancient material culture and traditions has disappeared. (Latvian Language 2013: 253-254). Research projects of variations as inseparable history, language, culture and values of Latvia regarding the variations of the Latvian language, digitalisation of the material of variations, researches of the Latvian language in regionalistics, including drawing up of popular science publications.

In 21st century only languages with improved and developed literary language form - unified terminology an orthography, codified lexical and grammatical norms are competitive. Our cultural practitioners and word art masters have been creating the Latvian literary language for more than 400 years. It cannot be identifiable with a variation of the particular region of Latvia, but is over-dialectal, has taken all the most valuable from all more than 500 variations of Latvia. It is a symbol of unity of our country, regions and inhabitants thereof, it is the basis of linguistic integration of the community and in such form represents Latvia as one of the official languages of the European Union. To doubt the uniting role of the Latvian literary language means to doubt territorial integrity of the Latvian country. (Latvian Language 2013: 412)

The Latvian language, as well as the majority of languages, is varied in its expression - this variety is both territorial (dialects and variations) and social (sociolects). Representatives of one nation, who belong to different territorial or social groups, are characterised by different features for the both, choice of language units and communication habits. The key of these different codes is not available often for those who are not belonging to the relevant group, thus communication even between representatives of one nation may be burdened.

Therefore each nation the first and main brand and kernel of which is a joint language drives to establish such language form in which the best from a multi coloured language rainbow is compiled. This common over-dialect form then is acquired, known and used by all the people. Moreover it is necessary, when ethnos wants to establish and preserve its national country. (Latvian Language 2013: 241).

Care for and development of the Latvian language is recognised as essential direction in the achievement of the official language policy objectives. We must ensure linguistic quality of the Latvian language as means of integration, we must develop rich possibilities of expression in the Latvian language in absolutely all spheres of the community life, preserve the Latvian language as a component part of the cultural and historical heritage of the country and ensure competitiveness of the language in the language space of Latvia and European Union. In order to carry out these tasks, it is necessary to ensure sufficient funding and to create and maintain community support for the language care and handlers. (Latvian Language 2013: 251).

Liv language. The number of the Liv language speakers is very small, we may say that nowadays in Liv language can communicate approximately 40 people in the world. The largest part of them are researchers of the Liv language and interested parties, others are Liv descendants who have acquired the language by self-studies or from grandparents. During the last decades the number of those has increased, who have acquired the basic Liv language - according to the optimistic forecasts it is estimated that there are approximately 210 such persons in the world. (Written Liv Language 2011: 15) Since 2013 when the last native speaker of the Liv language has passed away, acquisition of authentic Liv language samples from the native speakers is not possible anymore.

Nowadays the sources of the written Liv language are the main continuators of the Liv language use traditions, because direct transfer of the language from parents to children does not occur anymore, from Livs as native language speakers to those who want to acquire the Liv language. The process of the Liv language teaching and acquisition occurs mostly through written language - published publications, study materials - that imposes a special responsibility for retaining and development of qualitative language for those who are learning Liv language or create publications in it. (Written Liv Language 2011: 18).

2011 was the year of International Liv Language and Culture. During this year the monograph of V.Ernštreita "Written Liv Language" issued by the Liv Culture Centre and Latvian Language Agency was issued. In 2013 an issue of publications "Livs. History, language and culture" devoted to Livs was issued. The book, which was issued in Estonian as a dedication for the year of International Liv Language and Culture, is a joint work of Latvian, Finnish and German scientists; a contribution by researchers with Liv origin is essential for it. Latvian publication is almost identical to Estonian publication.

Taking into account that laid down in Section 4 of the Official Language Law, that State shall ensure the maintenance, protection and development of the Liv language as the language of the indigenous (autochthon) population, it is necessary to ensure sufficient funding for the Liv language support also in the future.


Since 1989 the following main principles have been on the basis of the Latvian language policy:

1) the Latvian language is official language in Latvia;

2) the State guarantees a possibility to preserve, develop and use for the laid down functions languages of the national minorities of Latvia;

3) to promote and maintain multilingualism of each inhabitant of Latvian, a positive attitude towards Latvian language and language diversity.

These main principles contain an idea regarding co-existence of languages and legal hierarchy of languages with the priority of the official language. Thus is ensured both, the linguistic human rights of Latvians and representatives of the national minorities of Latvia.

The purpose of the Official Language Law that is laid down in Section 1, Clause 3 of this Law is to ensure the right to freely use the Latvian language in any sphere of life within the whole territory of Latvia, in its turn Section 24 of this Law determines, that "the State shall ensure the development of an official language policy, incorporating in it scientific research, protection and teaching of the Latvian language, promoting enlargement of the role of the Latvian language in the national economy, and cultivating individual and public understanding of the language as a national value".

In conformity with the laid down in the law, Guidelines have been developed - a medium-term policy planning document directed towards achievement of a certain objective significant for the State, by defining the State policy purpose, four action directions directed towards achievement of the objective, and also tasks (in total 12) and measures(in total 104) complying by theme and content to action directions.

The official language policy purpose is defined in the Guidelines: to ensure sustainability of the Latvian language - the official language of the Republic of Latvia and official language of the European Union - the linguistic quality thereof and competitiveness in the language market of Latvia and the world, and also impact on the culture environment of Latvia. The objective shows the keywords to which the official language policy is based on in the next period - "sustainability", "linguistic quality", "competitiveness" and "cultural environment".

The objective demonstrates the laid down in Article 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia that the official language in the Republic of Latvia is Latvian. It intends that the strengthening of the status of the Latvian language in Latvia, the European Union and the global space, the development thereof, by concurrently ensuring the possibilities for acquisition of the Latvian language, complete use thereof and environment promoting it. The definition of the objective is related to the context of language existence, development, strengthening of the national identity and promoting of the Latvian language cultural environment stipulated in the hierarchically most significant policy planning documents of Latvia (see Paragraph 2 of the Introductory Part).

The objective of the official language policy can be achieved:

1) by introducing the basic principles for the development and competitiveness of the Latvian language, including Latvian sign language, in legal, pedagogical and linguistic sphere;

2) by promoting qualitative acquisition of the Latvian language among both, Latvians and representatives of the national minorities of Latvia;

3) by supporting maintenance of the Latvian language proficiency in the Latvian diaspora and promoting the acquisition of the Latvian language in higher educational establishments abroad;

4) by promoting comprehensive research of the Latvian language, scientifically justified standardization of the literary language and codification of norms;

5) by developing varied possibilities of expression in the Latvian language in all spheres of life of the community;

6) by broadening and protecting the cultural environment of the Latvian language, including Latgalian written language, and also improving and strengthening the quality of the Latvian language in the information space of Latvia, especially in the mass media and digital environment;

7) by supporting and promoting the development and popularization of the Latvian language culture by means of literature and art;

8) by providing support for the development of the Liv language and cultural environment.

Within the context of the official language policy, the basis of the language sustainability and ensuring of competitiveness is an individual - language user who acquires, uses and improves language in the personal, educational, professional and public environment. Improved language linguistic quality, that is supplemented by increasing number of the Latvian language speakers and users, will ensure further development thereof in the dynamically changing and full of information environment.


Four action directions have been laid down for the achievement of the objective stipulated in the official language policy laid down for the next period:

1) strengthening of the official language legal status;

2) official language education policy;

3) scientific research and development of the Latvian language;

4) ensuring of the participation of the community in the official language policy implementation and Latvian language development.

The indicated action directions (Figure 7) are mutually related and supplementing, and each concerns some of the official language policy aspects as priority - legal, pedagogical, linguistic and participation aspect.

Figure 7.

Tasks intended within the framework of the official language policy

Within the framework of four action directions the tasks are laid down in the Guidelines in conformity with the official language situation - a set of measures related in terms of content and measures appropriate for the performance thereof - a separate activities or actions for performance of tasks. The most significant keywords characterising the tasks are indicated in Figure 7, the complete formulation of tasks see Chapter V of the Guidelines.

The first action direction Approval of the legal status of the official language concerns the legal aspect of the official language policy and two directions in total are defined within the framework of it which are directed towards enforcement of the Official Language Law and other related laws and regulations and international co-operations, see translation of the regulatory documents in the institutions of Latvia and EU.

In the second direction Official language education policy the measures related with issues of the Latvian language education and concerned with the pedagogical aspect of the official language policy are planned within the framework of four tasks, by updating the Latvian language teaching methodologies, the conformity, accessibility, attraction of the educational aids, as well as the significance of preparation of the field specialists and teachers for the strengthening of the official language positions.

In the third direction Scientific research and development of the Latvian language, that include linguistic aspect of the official language policy, the support for the official language situation analysis, scientific research and the Latvian language and development of the language technologies, including establishment of databases and national corps of the Latvian language, terminology development, and also publishing of academic and popular science, are intended within the framework of four tasks.

Within the framework of two tasks of the fourth action direction Ensuring of the participation of the community in the official language policy implementation and the Latvian language development the measures directed towards creation of the public opinion, involvement and participation of the community, and also development of the Latvian language culture and promoting of the Latvian language and Liv language will be implemented.

The interconnections of action directions identified for the reaching of the objective set out for the next policy planning period, the components of the official language policy, including objects of influence, are demonstrated in figure 8 "The road map of the official language policy influence for 2015 - 2020".

Figure 8.

Map for the way of influence of the official language policy for 2015-2020

Most essential objects (human resources and community) of influence by the tasks and measures planned within the framework of the official language policy during 2015-2020 are demonstrated in Figure 9.

Figure 9.

Objects of influence by the official language policy
























































































































Special target groups: unemployed persons, persons seeking employment, non-citizens, third country nationals, re-emigrants, asylum seekers, refugees and persons with alternative status.


Foreigners, excluding indicated special target groups.


Foreigners - students of the Latvian language in foreign higher educational establishments language specialists, researchers etc.


Intellectual and material resources that are used/ensured for a particular target group or in the development/use of which the relevant target group is directly involved.


Intellectual and material resources that are indirectly used/ensured for a particular target group or in the development/use of which the relevant target group is indirectly involved.


Translation © 2015 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Tiesību akta pase
Nosaukums: Par Valsts valodas politikas pamatnostādnēm 2015.–2020.gadam Izdevējs: Ministru kabinets Veids: rīkojums Numurs: 630Pieņemts: 03.11.2014.Stājas spēkā: 03.11.2014.Publicēts: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 221, 06.11.2014. OP numurs: 2014/221.20
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Politikas plānošanas dokuments Nosaukums: Valsts valodas politikas pamatnostādnes 2015.–2020.gadam Veids: guidelinesPolitikas joma: Izglītības un zinātnes politika Atbildīgā iestāde: Ministry of Education and Science
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