The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 11.04.2023.–20.01.2025.
Amendments not included:
Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State
Language Centre) with amending laws of:
23 October 2003 [shall come
into force on 26 November 2003];
4 Novemeber 2004 [shall come into force on 9 December
17 November 2005 [shall come into force on 21 December
2 November 2006 [shall come into force on 29 November
13 December 2007 [shall come into force on 12 January
17 July 2008 [shall come into force on 13 August
14 January 2010 [shall come into force on 17 February
3 June 2010 [shall come into force on 6 July 2010];
27 January 2011 [shall come into force on 25 February
31 March 2011 [shall come into force on 4 May
7 April 2011 [shall come into force on 11 May
16 June 2011 [shall come into force on 20 July
5 December 2013 [shall come into force on 3 January
12 November 2015 [shall come into force on 15 December
11 February 2016 [shall come into force on 15 March
16 February 2017 [shall come into force on 4 March
30 March 2017 [shall come into force on 1 January
21 June 2018 [shall come into force on 18 July
11 April 2019 [shall come into force on 14 May
10 September 2020 [shall come into force on 7 October
18 February 2021 [shall come into force on 16 March
13 January 2022 [shall come into force on 25 January
16 March 2023 [shall come into force on 11 April
If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the
date of the amending law appears in square brackets at
the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or
clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears
in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph
or clause.
The Saeima 1 has adopted and
the President has proclaimed the following law:
On the Regulated Professions and
the Recognition of Professional Qualifications
Part A
Regulated Professions in the Republic of Latvia
Chapter I
General Provisions
Section 1. Terms Used in the Law
The following terms are used in the Law:
1) adaptation period - a period during which a person
who has obtained a professional qualification in a foreign
country (hereinafter - the applicant) works in a regulated
profession in the Republic of Latvia under the supervision of a
qualified representative of the relevant profession. The length
of such period shall not exceed three years and shall end in the
work assessment of the applicant;
11) Internal Market Information System - an
information exchange system managed by the European Commission
with whose intermediation the mutual administrative cooperation
of the responsible authorities of the European Union Member
States and countries of the European Economic Area is implemented
in the implementation or application of the European Union legal
acts governing the internal market of the European Union;
12) European Professional Card - an
electronic certificate certifying the conformity of the documents
certifying the education and professional qualification of a
person with the conditions under which the professional
qualification required for the continuous professional activities
or temporary provision of professional services in the European
Union Member States and countries of the European Economic Area
are recognised;
2) [17 July 2008];
3) [17 July 2008];
4) certificate of competence - a document certifying
qualification which is issued by a competent authority in
accordance with the procedures laid down in law and in which the
following is indicated:
a) the education of a person for which a diploma of higher
education, diploma for the first level higher vocational
education or a certificate of vocational education within the
meaning of this Law is not issued; or
b) a positive assessment of the abilities, experience, and
knowledge of a person which are necessary to perform independent
work in the relevant profession;
5) aptitude test - an assessment of the professional
knowledge of the applicant performed by authorities which issue
the certificates of the recognition of a professional
qualification in the regulated professions. The objective of the
test is to evaluate the abilities of the applicant to work in the
regulated profession in the Republic of Latvia;
51) country of legal status - the country in
which the applicant has the right to pursue professional
6) home country - the country in which the applicant
obtained his or her professional qualification. If a citizen of a
European Union Member State has partly or completely obtained a
professional qualification outside the European Union, the
European Union Member State in which this professional
qualification was recognised the first time, shall be regarded as
the home country;
7) self-employed person - a person who earns employment
income independently, without entering into employment
relationship with an employer, and does not occupy a position
that gives the right to remuneration;
8) [17 July 2008];
9) professional qualification certificate - a document
issued by an authorised authority in accordance with the
procedures laid down in law, which certifies the professional
qualification or specific level of the professional qualification
of the owner thereof, or certifies that the owner thereof has
successfully fulfilled the certification requirements for the
acquisition of a specific profession or professional
specialisation (including work involving new materials,
machinery, and technology);
10) professional experience - previous actual and
lawful work in the relevant profession in the Republic of Latvia,
and also a European Union Member State or another foreign country
if it is determined by law or international agreements approved
by the Saeima;
11) regulated education - any specially organised
education for the acquisition of specific profession, the
structure and level of the programme of which in the Republic of
Latvia, other European Union Member States and member states of
the European Free Trade Association is determined by legal acts
and is approved and controlled by authorities authorised for this
12) regulated profession - professional activities
regulated in the Republic of Latvia or the aggregate of regulated
professional activities in the professions specified in this Law,
and also such professional activities or aggregate of regulated
professional activities in other European Union Member States and
member states of the European Free Trade Association for the
commencement and performance of which a requirement for an
adequate professional qualification has been put forward in the
legal acts of the relevant country;
13) speciality - the field of activities corresponding
to the profession in which the relevant person has obtained the
professional qualification. The narrowest field of the relevant
speciality forms a sub-speciality or professional specialisation,
but the field which is common to two or more specialities forms
additional speciality;
14) [17 July 2008];
15) regulated professional activity - an activity which
in aggregate or a separate type of which has special requirements
laid down in the laws and regulations governing the relevant
field of professional activities in relation to education,
documents certifying the professional qualification or the use of
the title of the professional activity of the performer of
professional activity.
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008; 7 April 2011; 12 November
2015; 10 September 2020]
Section 2. Purpose and Operation of
this Law
(1) The purpose of this Law is:
1) to ensure the conformity of professional activities with
specific quality requirements and criteria, if these activities
are related to the protection of public interests, the safety and
the protection of health thereof;
2) to protect individual socially important professions from
the involvement of unqualified persons therein, determining
higher requirements for these professions;
3) to ensure the opportunity for professional qualifications
obtained in the Republic of Latvia to be recognised in foreign
countries and the professional qualifications obtained in foreign
countries to be recognised in the Republic of Latvia;
4) to promote free movement of persons in the European Union
Member States and the member states of the European Free Trade
(2) The Law determines the regulated professions, and also the
basic requirements to be observed for the recognition of the
qualifications obtained in these professions in the Republic of
Latvia and in foreign countries.
(21) The Law prescribes the procedures for testing
proportionality of such requirements by which new regulated
professions are determined or amendments in relation to the
requirements for the commencement or performance of independent
professional activity in regulated professions are made.
(3) The provisions of the Law for the requirements to be put
forward for education and professional qualification shall apply
to natural persons who wish to commence work in the regulated
professions or to work therein independently as self-employed
persons or employees.
(4) The provisions of this Law for the recognition of
professional qualifications for citizens of the European Union
Member States obtained in the relevant foreign countries shall
apply to citizens and non-citizens of Latvia who have acquired
their education and professional qualifications in foreign
(5) The provisions of this Law for the recognition of
professional qualifications shall apply to stateless persons who
have received a travel document of a stateless person issued in a
foreign country, and also to refugees and persons who have been
granted alternative status.
(6) The same provisions of this Law which apply to the
citizens of the European Union Member States shall apply to the
citizens of those countries which, in accordance with the
Agreement on the European Economic Area, have the rights of the
European Union Member States specified in the abovementioned
agreement in the field of the recognition of professional
qualifications and to citizens of the Swiss Confederation.
(7) The provisions of this Law shall not apply to:
1) cases where activities in the regulated professions are
related to the performance of the functions of State
administration or the judicial power;
2) professions which, in accordance with the law or Cabinet
regulations, have been put forward any of the requirements
referred to in Section 3, Paragraph five of this Law, but the
evidence of education or formal qualification necessary for the
regulated professions have not been indicated;
3) professional activities in the field of road transport,
rail transport, and civil aviation.
(8) The same provisions of this Law which apply to the
citizens of the European Union Member States shall apply to the
citizens of those countries which, in accordance with the
international agreements approved by the Saeima, have the
rights of the European Union Member States specified in these
agreements in the field of the recognition of professional
qualifications and to citizens of the Swiss Confederation.
(9) The same provisions of this Law which apply to citizens of
European Union Member States shall apply to third country
nationals who, in conformity with the provisions of the
Immigration Law, are transferred to the work of a manager,
specialist, or trainee in the Republic of Latvia within the scope
of a group of undertakings.
[4 November 2004; 13 December 2007; 17 July 2008; 16
February 2017; 11 April 2019; 10 September 2020; 16 March
Section 2.1
Proportionality Test of the Requirements for the Regulation of
Professional Activity
(1) Prior to the determination of a new regulated profession
or adopting amendments in relation to the requirements for the
commencement or performance of independent professional activity
in regulated professions, and also in relation to the
requirements to be brought forward for the providers of temporary
professional services in the Republic of Latvia in regulated
professions, a proportionality test of the requirements for the
regulation of professional activity in the scope corresponding to
their essence, content, and impact shall be performed.
(2) The proportionality test shall be performed not less than
once in five years, taking into account the changes which have
occurred since the last proportionality test under circumstances
which determined the requirements for the commencement or
performance of independent professional activity in regulated
professions, and also the requirements brought forward for the
providers of temporary professional services in the Republic of
Latvia in regulated professions.
(3) The proportionality test shall be performed by the
ministry which is the leading State administration institution in
the field of policy corresponding to the regulated profession.
Proportionality shall be tested in accordance with the procedures
for the possible impact assessment of legal acts specified in
laws and regulations.
(4) The ministry which is the leading State administration
institution in the field of policy corresponding to a regulated
profession shall prepare and submit a proportionality test to the
Saeima for draft laws which provide for the laying down of
new regulated professions or the requirements for the
commencement or performance of work in regulated professions, and
also the requirements to be brought forward for the providers of
temporary professional services in the Republic of Latvia in
regulated professions and the submitter of which is not the
Cabinet. The relevant ministry shall prepare and submit this
proportionality test within the time limit stipulated by the
responsible committee of the Saeima.
(5) The proportionality test of such requirements for the
regulation of professional activity which are determined in a
law, Cabinet regulations, or by professional organisations
authorised in the accordance with the State Administration
Structure Law shall be performed by the State administration
institution to which the authorised professional organisation is
(6) The proportionality test shall not be performed in
relation to such requirements for the regulation of professional
activity which are laid down by international agreements binding
on the Republic of Latvia and the directly applicable legal acts
of the European Union.
[16 March 2023]
Section 3. General Requirements for
Education, Professional Qualification and Activities in the
Regulated Professions
(1) The minimum requirements for the education programmes of
the regulated professions shall be determined by the law and
Cabinet regulations.
(2) Such person has the right to work in a regulated
profession who has completed an accredited education programme
corresponding to this profession or obtained a professional
qualification and it is certified by evidence of education or
formal qualification, which is specified in the law and has been
issued in the Republic of Latvia, or evidence of education or
formal qualification issued in other countries which is
recognised in the Republic of Latvia in accordance with this Law
and the international agreements approved by the
(3) Evidence of education and formal qualification issued by
the educational institutions of the former U.S.S.R. shall be
recognised in the Republic of Latvia, except for:
1) the documents issued by educational institutions of the
former Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the All Union
Leninist Communist Youth League;
2) the documents which do not conform with the requirements
put forward for education and professional qualification in the
international conventions and international agreements approved
by the Saeima.
(4) The rights of a person who is preparing to commence work
in a regulated profession for the first time may be restricted by
the law or Cabinet Regulations, determining the requirement to
acquire professional traineeship during or after acquisition of
an educational programme by working under supervision of a
certified (licensed) specialist or to work without the right of
use of the title corresponding to the profession or determining
restrictions for activity in the status of a self-employed person
for a period of time which does not exceed five years. The
content of such professional traineeship, the description of its
course and results to be achieved shall be included in the
requirements set out for the regulated profession. A person may
acquire professional traineeship abroad and it is recognised if
it conforms to the description of the content of the professional
traineeship, its course and results to be achieved. These
provisions shall not apply to a person whose evidence of
education and formal qualification obtained in a foreign country
has been recognised in accordance with the procedures laid down
in this Law.
(5) The following additional requirements may be put forward
in the law or Cabinet regulations for the commencement of work,
independent activities in a profession or for activities in the
status of a self-employed person for individual regulated
1) the giving of an oath or solemn declaration;
2) the observation of the professional code of ethics;
3) an appropriate reputation, a person does not have a
criminal record, he or she has not been imposed administrative
fines or disciplinary measures in relation to violations of the
norms of the relevant professional activities;
4) adequate health;
5) insurance against civil legal liability or financial
6) an appropriate level of proficiency in the official
7) regular repeated professional certification
(re-certification) or attestation which is performed after a
specific period;
8) additional provisions for activities in the status of a
self-employed person, including the necessity of a special
licence for separate types of activities.
[23 October 2003; 4 November 2004; 10 September
Section 4. Regulation of Professions
in Professional Organisations
Professional organisations authorised in the law, Cabinet
regulations, or in accordance with the State Administration
Structure Law shall:
1) issue evidence of formal qualification and grant the right
to use the title corresponding to the profession and
2) ensure the retention of high criteria for professional
qualification and the maintenance and raising of qualification in
the relevant field of activities;
3) develop and approve the rules of professional conduct in
the relevant field of activities and supervise the conformity
with these rules;
4) develop proposals for the requirements to be brought
forward for the commencement or performance of independent
professional activity in regulated professions, and also for the
providers of temporary professional services and submit such
proposals to the ministry which is the leading State
administration institution in the field of policy corresponding
to the regulated profession.
[16 March 2023]
Section 5. Protection of the
Regulated Professions and the Titles of Professional
The use of the titles of the regulated professions specified
in this Law and the specialities, sub-specialities or additional
specialities thereof is only permitted in cases where the
relevant person has an adequate evidence of education and formal
qualifications specified by law. This provision shall also apply
to the titles of positions if they are identical to the titles
referred to in this Section.
Section 6. Competence of the Cabinet
in the Determination of Regulated Professions and the
Requirements to be Put Forward Thereto
The Cabinet shall:
1) approve the lists of specialities, sub-specialities and
additional specialities for the regulated professions indicated
in the law if no other procedures for approval of these lists
have been specified by law;
2) determine the minimum requirements for education programmes
or the requirements in relation to the professional knowledge and
skills in those regulated professions and specialities in which
it is necessary for the recognition of professional qualification
in foreign countries. The abovementioned requirements shall be
included in the relevant standards of professions and education
Chapter II
Requirements for Education and Professional Qualification in the
Regulated Professions in the Field of Architecture and
Section 7. Regulated Professions in
the Field of Architecture and Construction
(1) In the field of architecture, the regulated profession is
architect in which the minimum requirements for the acquisition
of the professional qualification are determined by the
(2) In the field of construction, the regulated professions in
which the qualification requirements are determined by the
requirements specified by accredited educational programmes and
the laws and regulations in the field of construction, are as
1) construction work manager;
2) construction engineer;
3) construction expert.
(3) [12 November 2015]
[4 November 2004; 27 January 2011; 12 November 2015; 18
February 2021]
Section 8. General Requirements for
Education and Professional Qualification of Architects
(1) The right of a person to commence activity in the
profession of an architect shall be certified by a diploma of
higher education issued by a higher education institution
regarding the completion of an accredited study programme in
(2) The education of an architect shall be acquired through
studies which conclude with the successful passing of
examinations corresponding to an architect's diploma or the
requirements for an academic degree, the issuance of a diploma,
and the awarding of the title of the profession and shall conform
with one of the following conditions:
1) the total duration of the acquisition of education in a
higher education institution shall be at least four full-time
study years and two years of practical work experience under
supervision of a certified architect;
2) full-time studies of at least five years in a higher
education institution.
(3) The education of architect may also be acquired by gradual
raising of qualification or by acquiring the study programme
referred to in Paragraph one of this Section with interruptions
which ends in successful passing of examinations if the person
has worked under the supervision of a certified architect or with
a merchant who provides architectural services for at least seven
years. Examinations shall conform to the requirements referred to
in Paragraph two, Clause 2 of this Section which are applied to
education of full-time studies.
(4) In order to acquire the right to independent practice in
the field of architecture, the relevant person, in addition to
the diploma of higher education issued by a higher education
institution referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, shall
require an architect's practice certificate awarded in accordance
with the Construction Law which certifies that the relevant
person has, under supervision of a certified architect, acquired
the knowledge and skills necessary for independent practice.
(5) In accordance with the procedures laid down in the law,
the title of the profession of architect may also be awarded for
exceptional achievements in the field of architecture if the
conditions of this Section have only been fulfilled partly. In
such cases the professional qualification certificate of
architect which gives the same rights as the education determined
in this Section shall be issued.
[4 November 2004; 17 November 2005; 12 November 2015; 11
February 2016]
Section 8.1 General
Requirements for Education and Professional Qualification in the
Regulated Professions in the Field of Construction
The right of a person to pursue independent professional
activities in the professions referred to in Section 7, Paragraph
two of this Law shall be attested by a certificate of the
building specialist which has been acquired in accordance with
the laws and regulations of the field of construction, and
1) in the profession of a construction work manager - a first
or second level higher vocational education diploma;
2) in the profession of a construction engineer - a second
level higher vocational education diploma;
3) in the profession of a construction expert - a higher
education diploma corresponding to that specified in Section 8,
Paragraph two or to Clause 2 of this Section.
[21 June 2018; 18 February 2021]
Chapter III
Requirements for Education and Professional Qualification in the
Regulated Professions in the Field of Health Care
Section 9. Regulated Professions in
the Field of Health Care
(1) In the field of health care, the regulated professions for
which the minimum requirements for the acquisition of
professional qualification are determined by the Cabinet shall be
as follows:
1) a doctor;
2) a dentist;
3) a pharmacist;
4) a nurse (general care nurse);
5) a midwife.
(2) In the field of health care, the regulated professions in
which the qualification requirements are determined by accredited
education programmes and the provisions for professional
certification in cases specified in the law shall be as
1) a doctor's assistant (paramedic);
2) a pharmacist's assistant;
3) a biomedical laboratory assistant;
4) a dental technician;
5) a dental hygienist;
6) a physiotherapist;
7) an occupational therapist;
8) an optometrist;
9) a physiotherapist's assistant;
10) an occupational therapist's assistant;
11) [21 June 2018];
12) [21 June 2018];
13) a technical orthopaedist;
14) a cosmetician;
15) a dentist's assistant;
16) a nurse's assistant;
17) [10 September 2020];
18) a speech therapist;
19) a radiology assistant;
20) a dietician;
21) a military paramedic;
22) a podologist;
23) a radiographer;
24) a beauty specialist in cosmetology;
25) a masseur;
26) an art therapist.
(3) In professions and specialities regulated in the field of
health care, the clinical training of medical education shall be
implemented by medical treatment institutions and medical
practitioners who have the right to teach students in medical
treatment institutions, but practical training - by educational
institutions or medical treatment institutions and medical
practitioners who have the right to teach students in medical
treatment institutions.
[4 November 2004; 2 November 2006; 17 July 2008; 31 March
2011; 16 June 2011; 12 November 2015; 21 June 2018; 10 September
2020 / The new wording of Paragraph one, Clause 4 shall
come into force on 1 January 2022. See Paragraph 9 of
Transitional Provisions]
Section 10. General Requirements for
Education of Doctors
(1) The right of a person, in accordance with the competence
specified in laws and regulations, to pursue independent
professional activities in the profession of doctor shall be
certified by a higher education diploma certifying the basic
education of a doctor and the inclusion of the person in the
Register of Medical Practitioners. The right of a person to
practice in any of the primary specialities, sub-specialities, or
additional specialities of the profession of doctor shall be
certified by a diploma of higher education regarding the
completion of an accredited full-time medical study programme, a
professional qualification certificate which has been obtained in
accordance with the procedures laid down in the Medical Treatment
Law, and the inclusion of the person in the Register of Medical
(2) Persons with a secondary education which gives the right
to study in a higher education institution shall be accepted in
medical study programmes.
(3) The minimum duration of a study programme for the
acquisition of a diploma of higher education certifying the basic
education of a doctor shall be six years or 5500 contact hours.
The Republic of Latvia shall recognise a diploma of higher
education certifying the basic education of a doctor issued in
another European Union Member State or country of European
Economic Area for the completion of a study programme of at least
five years in the amount of not less than 5500 contact hours.
(4) Higher medical education shall ensure adequate knowledge
for the profession of doctor in the key sectors, clinical
disciplines and practice of medicine, and also adequate clinical
(5) [4 November 2004]
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008; 12 November 2015; 11
February 2016]
Section 11. General Requirements for
the Residency Education Programme for Doctors Entitled to
The general requirements for the residency education programme
for doctors entitled to practice following the completion of
which a diploma of higher education certifying the specialisation
of a doctor or another equivalent certification of qualification
is issues, shall be as follows:
1) persons who have acquired the study programme referred to
in Section 10 of this Law and persons who have a recognised
professional qualification in the profession of a doctor in
accordance with the procedures laid down in this Law shall be
admitted to this programme;
2) the programme includes theoretical and practical knowledge
according to an accredited residency education programme and may
be completed at a higher education institution, a clinic or, if
the circumstances are appropriate, in another medical treatment
institution which conforms to the requirements referred to in
Section 9, Paragraph three of this Law.
[12 November 2015; 11 February 2016; 10 September
Section 12. General Requirements for
Education of Dental Practitioners
(1) [4 November 2004]
(2) The right of a person to perform professional activity in
the profession of a dentist shall be certified by a higher
education diploma regarding the completion of an accredited
full-time dental study programme and the inclusion of the person
in the Register of Medical Practitioners.
(21) The right of a person to pursue independent
professional activities and the right to practice in the basic
speciality of a dental practitioner shall be certified by a
diploma of higher education regarding the completion of an
accredited full-time dental study programme, a professional
qualification certificate the provisions for the acquisition of
which are governed by the Medical Treatment Law, and the
inclusion of the person in the Register of Medical Practitioners,
but in one of the sub-specialities of the dental profession -
also a diploma regarding the completion of the accredited
residency education programme of dentistry.
(3) Education in dentistry shall be an accredited study
programme acquired in full-time studies the minimum duration of
which is at least five years or 5000 contact hours.
(4) Persons with a secondary education which gives the right
to study in a higher education institution shall be admitted to
the dentistry programme.
(5) Education in dentistry shall ensure the knowledge and
skills which are necessary for the performance of all the
activities which include the prophylaxis, diagnosis, and medical
treatment of diseases of the teeth, alveolar ridges and the
mucous membrane of the oral cavity, jaw and the tissue related
[4 November 2004; 16 June 2011; 12 November 2015; 11
February 2016]
Section 13. General Requirements for
the Residency Education Programmes of Dentistry
(1) [4 November 2004]
(2) The general requirements for the residency education
programme of dentistry sub-speciality after the completion of
which a diploma of higher medical education is issued or another
equivalent certification of qualification is obtained shall be as
1) persons who have completed the study programme referred to
in Section 12 of this Law and persons who have a recognised
professional qualification in the profession of a dentist in
accordance with the procedures laid down in this Law shall be
admitted to this programme;
2) the programme includes theoretical and practical knowledge
which is acquired in full-time studies according to an accredited
residency education programme.
[4 November 2004; 10 September 2020]
Section 14. General Requirements for
Education of Nurses
(1) The right of a person to pursue professional activities in
the profession of a nurse shall be certified by a diploma of
secondary vocational education or a diploma of the first level
higher vocational education, or a diploma of higher education
regarding the completion of an accredited study programme for
nurses which conforms to the requirements of Paragraph three of
this Section, and the inclusion of the person in the Register of
Medical Practitioners.
(2) A person has the right to pursue independent professional
activities in the specialities of profession of a nurse if he or
she has fulfilled the requirements laid down in the laws and
regulations governing the relevant field of professional
(3) The minimum duration of an education programme for nurses
shall be:
1) at a nursing school or medical college - full-time studies
for three years or 4600 theoretical and clinical contact hours,
the duration of the theoretical training representing at least
one-third and the duration of the practical training at least one
half of the total duration of the training;
2) at a higher education institution after acquisition of
secondary general education - four years;
3) full-time studies of four academic years in the amount of
160 credit points which include at least 4600 theoretical and
clinical contact hours, the duration of the theoretical training
representing at least one-third and the duration of the clinical
training at least one half of the minimum duration of the
education programme. Educational and medical treatment
institutions ensuring the implementation of the education
programme for nurse shall be responsible for coordinating the
theoretical and clinical training during the whole study
(31) A document certifying the education of a nurse
issued in a European Union Member State or a member state of the
European Free Trade Association shall be recognised in the
Republic of Latvia regarding the acquisition of an education
programme of at least three years which shall include not less
than 4600 theoretical and clinical contact hours of which
theoretical training shall cover at least one third and clinical
training - at least half of the minimum duration of the education
(4) Persons with a secondary education which gives the right
to study in a higher education institution shall be admitted to
the education programme for nurses.
(5) An education programme for nurses shall include knowledge
in the branches of science on which the care of patients is
based, knowledge of the nature and the ethics of the profession,
and also an adequate clinical experience.
(6) Clinical training of nurses shall be part of an education
programme implemented in medical treatment institutions which may
ensure the completion of the education programme for nurses,
direct contact with a healthy or ill individual and the public as
training based in the work environment under management of
qualified nurses and in cooperation with other medical
(7) [10 September 2020]
(8) [10 September 2020]
[4 November 2004; 12 November 2015; 11 February 2016; 10
September 2020; 13 January 2022]
Section 15. General Requirements for
Education of Midwives
(1) [4 November 2004]
(2) The right of a person to pursue independent professional
activities and the right to specialist practice in the profession
of a midwife shall be certified by a diploma of secondary
vocational education or a diploma of the first level higher
vocational education, or a higher education diploma regarding the
completion of an accredited study programme for midwives which
conforms to the requirements of Paragraph four, six or seven of
this Section, a professional qualification certificate the
provisions for the acquisition of which are governed by the
Medical Treatment Law, and the inclusion of the person in the
Register of Medical Practitioners.
(3) Persons with a nurse education or secondary education
which gives the right to study in a higher education institution
shall be admitted to the education programme for midwives.
(4) If the acquisition of an education programme for midwives
is commenced with a secondary education, the minimum duration
thereof shall be three years of full-time studies or 4600
theoretical and practical contact hours and at least one third of
the total duration of the education programme shall be taken up
with clinical training. This education programme shall comprise
knowledge in those branches of sciences on which the professional
activities of midwives are based, knowledge of the ethics of the
profession and the laws and regulations in the field of
professional activities, and also the practical skills and
clinical experience corresponding to the abovementioned
(5) The clinical training of a midwife shall be performed in
medical treatment institutions under management of qualified
midwives in cooperation with other medical practitioners. The
practical training and clinical training of a midwife shall be
consistent with the theoretical part of the education
(6) If the acquisition of the education programme for midwives
is commenced after acquisition of the education programme for
nurses in accordance with the requirements referred to in Section
14 of this Law, the minimum duration thereof shall be two years
or 3600 contact hours. This education programme shall be acquired
in full-time studies and the minimum thereof shall be the
subjects and courses conforming with the requirements of
Paragraphs three and four of this Section which do not form part
of equivalent subjects and courses in the education programme for
(7) If the acquisition of an education programme for midwives
is commenced after acquisition of the education programme for
nurses in accordance with the requirements of Section 14 of this
Law, the minimum duration thereof shall be 18 months or 3000
contact hours if it has been supplemented with one year of
professional traineeship during which the person has successfully
worked as a midwife in a hospital or another relevant health care
institution after obtaining the qualification of a midwife. The
education programme for midwives shall be acquired in full-time
studies and the minimum thereof shall be the subjects and courses
conforming with the requirements of Paragraphs three and four of
this Section which do not form part of equivalent subjects and
courses in the education programme for nurses.
[4 November 2004; 12 November 2015; 11 February 2016; 10
September 2020]
Section 16. General Requirements for
Education of Pharmacists
(1) The right of a person to commence the professional
activity of a pharmacist shall be certified by a diploma of
higher education regarding the completion of an accredited
vocational or academic study programme for pharmacists.
(2) The education of pharmacists shall be supplemented by
professional experience in the relevant field, if higher
requirements are put forward for individual types of professional
activity in the laws and regulations governing the field of
(3) Persons with a secondary education which gives the right
to study in a higher education institution shall be admitted to
the study programme for pharmacists.
(4) The diploma of the education of a pharmacist shall certify
that the owner thereof has acquired a study programme in the
duration of at least five years which comprises:
1) full-time studies of at least four years in a higher
education institution;
2) a traineeship of at least six months during theoretical and
practical training or at the end thereof in a general or
open-type pharmacy or closed-type pharmacy or pharmacy of a
medical treatment institution.
(5) The diploma of the education of a pharmacist shall certify
that the relevant person has acquired appropriate theoretical and
practical knowledge regarding medicinal products and substances
which are used in the production of medicinal products, regarding
the pharmaceutical technology and control, the use of medicinal
products and regarding the laws and regulations in the field of
[4 November 2004; 12 November 2015; 11 February
Section 17. General Requirements for
Education of Optometrists
[10 September 2020]
Section 17.1 General
Requirements for Education of Military Paramedics
(1) The right of a person - a professional service soldier -
to pursue independent professional activities in the profession
of a military paramedic shall be certified by a diploma of the
first level higher vocational education which conforms to the
requirements referred to in Paragraph two of this Section, and
the inclusion of the person in the Register of Medical
(2) The minimum duration of the education programme for
military paramedics shall be two years in the first level higher
vocational education programme.
(3) Persons - professional service soldiers - with a secondary
education shall be admitted to the education programme for
military paramedics.
(4) In the education programme for military paramedics,
knowledge of the nature and ethics of the profession, the
provision of emergency medical assistance in circumstances
dangerous to health and life, and also corresponding clinical and
military experience shall be acquired.
(5) The clinical traineeship of a military paramedic shall be
organised under management of qualified medical practitioners in
medical treatment institutions, but the military traineeship - in
the National Armed Forces.
[31 March 2011]
Chapter IV
Requirements for Education and Professional Qualification in the
Regulated Professions and the Regulated Professional Activities
in the Field of Transport
[17 November 2005]
Section 18. Regulated Professions in
the Field of Transport
(1) [11 April 2019]
(2) [10 September 2020]
(3) In the field of seafaring, the regulated professions shall
be as follows:
1) the person in charge of a ship;
2) an engineering officer;
3) a rating;
4) a radio specialist;
5) [12 November 2015].
(4) [23 October 2003]
(5) [23 October 2003]
(6) [11 April 2019]
(7) [11 April 2019]
(8) [12 November 2015]
[23 October 2003; 4 November 2004; 17 November 2005; 12
November 2015; 11 April 2019; 10 September 2020]
Section 19. Requirements for the
Regulated Professions and Regulated Professional Activities in
the Field of Road Transport
[11 April 2019]
Section 20. Requirements for the
Regulated Professions in the Field of Rail Transport
[10 September 2020]
Section 21. Requirements for
Professional Qualification of the Carriers of Goods and
Passengers by Inland Waterways
[23 October 2003]
Section 22. Requirements for
Regulated Professions in the Field of Seafaring
(1) The conformity of the professional qualification with the
requirements of the International Convention on Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as
amended, the International Convention on Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel,
1995, and the conventions of the International Labour
Organisation shall be a mandatory prerequisite for a person,
after receiving a relevant professional qualification
certificate, to be entitled to pursue professional activities in
the field of seafaring.
(2) A professional qualification certificate which has been
issued on the grounds of the international agreements approved by
the Saeima or the laws and regulations of the Republic of
Latvia shall be a mandatory prerequisite for a person to be
entitled to pursue professional activities in the following
regulated professions in the field of seafaring:
1) the person in charge of a ship;
2) an engineering officer;
3) a rating;
4) a radio specialist.
[4 November 2004; 12 November 2015]
Section 23. Requirements for the
Regulated Professions in the Field of Civil Aviation
[11 April 2019]
Section 24. Requirements for the
Regulated Professions in the Field of Airport Operations
[23 October 2003]
Section 25. Requirements for the
Regulated Professions in the Field of Carriage of Dangerous
[11 April 2019]
Chapter V
Requirements for Education and Professional Qualification in the
Regulated Professions in the Field of Veterinary Medicine and
Breeding Activities
Section 26. Regulated Professions in
the Field of Veterinary Medicine and Breeding Activities
(1) In the field of veterinary medicine, the profession of
veterinary surgeon shall be regulated, in which the minimum
requirements for the acquisition of professional qualification
are determined by the Cabinet.
(2) The regulated professions in the field of breeding
activities, in which the qualification requirements are
determined by accredited veterinary or zootechnical study
programmes and in cases specified in the law - the provisions for
professional certification, shall be determined by the law in the
field of breeding activities.
Section 27. General Requirements for
Education of Veterinary Surgeons
(1) Persons who conform to the requirements of the laws and
regulations of the veterinary medical field may engage in
veterinary medical practice.
(2) The education diploma of a veterinary surgeon shall
certify that the owner thereof has acquired a full-time study
programme for at least five years in a higher education
institution which comprises theoretical and practical
(3) Persons with a secondary education which gives the right
to study in a higher education institution shall be admitted to
the study programme for veterinary medicine.
(4) The study programme for veterinary medicine shall comprise
the theoretical and practical knowledge corresponding to the
profession in those branches of sciences on which the activities
of the veterinary surgeon are based, knowledge of the anatomy and
physiology of animals, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of
diseases, of the hygiene and technology which apply to the
foodstuffs of animal and plant origin intended for human
consumption, knowledge of the regulatory documents in the field
of professional activities, and also adequate clinical and other
practical experience under supervision of qualified
(5) Practical education may be acquired in full-time studies
under direct control of the authorities stipulated by the
Cabinet. The acquisition of the practical education within the
total duration of the study period shall not exceed six
(6) [4 November 2004]
[4 November 2004; 12 November 2015; 11 February
Chapter VI
Requirements for Education and Professional Qualification in
Other Regulated Professions
Section 28. Requirements for
Regulated Professions in the Field of Education and Sport
(1) Regulated professions in the field of education and sport
in which the qualification requirements are determined by
accredited education programmes or the provisions for
professional certification in cases specified in the law shall be
as follows:
1) a teacher;
2) a sports specialist.
(2) The education and professional qualification requirements
in the regulated professions of teachers and sports specialists
shall be determined by the laws governing the field of education
and sport.
[2 November 2006]
Section 29. Requirements for the
Regulated Professions in the Field of Electric Power
(1) Regulated professions in the field of electric power
engineering in which the qualification requirements are
determined by accredited education programmes or the provisions
for professional certification in cases specified in the law
shall be as follows:
1) an electrical engineer;
2) an electrical equipment specialist;
3) [21 June 2018];
4) [21 June 2018].
(2) The right of a person to pursue independent professional
activities in the professions referred to in Paragraph one of
this Section shall be certified as follows:
1) in the profession of an electrical engineer - a diploma of
the second level higher vocational education and qualification of
an electrical engineer or a Master's degree in engineering;
2) in the profession of an electrical equipment specialist - a
diploma of the first level higher vocational education and
qualification of an electrical equipment specialist;
3) [21 June 2018];
4) [21 June 2018].
(3) In individual fields of professional activity, in addition
to the documents specified in Paragraph two of this Section, a
professional qualification certificate which certifies the
acquisition of an additional qualification in the relevant field
shall be necessary in accordance with the laws governing the
field of electric power engineering.
[4 November 2004; 21 June 2018]
Section 30. Requirements for the
Regulated Professions of Lawyers
(1) The regulated profession of lawyer shall be the profession
of lawyer (sworn lawyer, sworn lawyer's assistant) in which the
qualification requirements are determined by accredited study
programmes and - in cases specified by the law - the provisions
for professional certification.
(2) The right of a person to apply for work in the profession
of lawyer shall be certified by:
1) a diploma of the second level higher vocational education
regarding the acquisition of a programme in law accredited in the
Republic of Latvia and the qualification of a lawyer;
2) the conformity with the requirements for the professional
qualification and professional experience which are determined by
the Advocacy Law.
[4 November 2004]
Section 31. Requirements for
Education and Professional Qualification of Sworn Auditors
The requirements for the education and professional
qualification of sworn auditors shall be determined by the law or
Cabinet regulations in the field of financial and auditing
Section 32. Requirements for
Regulated Professions in the Field of Land Survey and Valuation
of Immovable Property
(1) Regulated professions in the field of land survey and
valuation of immovable property in which the qualification
requirements are determined by accredited study programmes and in
cases specified in the law - the provisions for professional
certification shall be as follows:
1) a surveyor;
2) an evaluator of immovable property.
(2) The right of a person to pursue independent professional
activities in the profession of a surveyor shall be certified by
a diploma of higher education issued by a higher education
institution regarding the completion of an accredited study
programme and the professional qualification of a geodetic
engineer or a land management engineer, or a cartography
engineer, or a photogrammetric engineer, or a Master's degree in
engineering sciences and a professional qualification certificate
of a surveyor, the provisions for the acquisition of which are
governed by the laws in the field of land surveying.
(3) The minimum total duration of the acquisition of education
in the study programmes referred to in Paragraph two of this
Section shall be four years in a full-time study programme or
studies of equivalent duration in a part-time study programme,
and they shall end in successful passing of examinations
corresponding to the requirements of the diploma of an engineer
or an academic degree and the issuance of a diploma.
(4) The professional qualification of a surveyor may also be
obtained by gradually raising the qualification or by completing
education programmes with interruptions which end in successful
passing of examinations if a person has worked for at least three
years within the last five years under management of a surveyor
or with a merchant who provides surveying services.
(5) [12 November 2015]
(6) The Cabinet shall determine the requirements for the
professional qualification of an evaluator of immovable property
and the procedures by which a professional qualification
certificate for the evaluation of immovable property shall be
[4 November 2004; 17 November 2005; 5 December 2013; 12
November 2015; 11 February 2016]
Section 32.1 Requirements
for Regulated Professions in the Field of Conformity
[21 June 2018]
Section 32.2 Requirements
for Regulated Professions in the Field of Tourism
[14 January 2010]
Section 32.3 Requirements
for Regulated Professions in the Field of Detective Activities
and Security Activities
(1) The regulated profession in the field of detective
activities shall be detective and in the field of security
activities - security employee.
(2) The right of a person to pursue independent professional
activities in the professions referred to in Paragraph one of
this Section shall be certified by a certificate for the
performance of detective activities obtained in accordance with
the procedures laid down in the laws and regulations governing
the relevant field of professional activities and, accordingly, a
security guard certificate.
[13 December 2007]
Section 32.4 Requirements
for Regulated Professional Activities in the Field of Protection
of Species and Habitats
(1) The regulated profession in the field of protection of
species and habitats shall be an expert in the field of
protection of species and habitats.
(2) The right of a person to pursue independent professional
activities in the field of protection of species and habitats
shall be attested by a certificate issued in accordance with the
procedures stipulated by the Cabinet.
[3 June 2010]
Section 32.5 Requirements
for Regulated Professions in the Field of the Circulation of
Explosives for Civil Uses
(1) The regulated professions in the field of the circulation
of explosives intended for civil uses shall be as follows:
1) a blaster;
2) a blasting manager.
(2) The right of a person to pursue independent professional
activities in the profession of a blaster shall be certified by a
blaster certificate acquired in accordance with the procedures
laid down in the laws and regulations governing the relevant
field of professional activities.
(3) The right of a person to pursue independent professional
activities in the profession of a blasting manager shall be
certified by a blasting manager certificate acquired in
accordance with the procedures laid down in the laws and
regulations governing the relevant field of professional
[5 December 2013]
Section 32.6 Requirements
for the Regulated Profession in the Field of the Circulation of
Pyrotechnic Articles
(1) The regulated profession in the field of the circulation
of pyrotechnic articles shall be a pyrotechnician.
(2) The right of a person to pursue independent professional
activities in the profession referred to in Paragraph one of this
Section shall be certified by a pyrotechnician certificate
acquired in accordance with the procedures laid down in the laws
and regulations governing the relevant field of professional
[5 December 2013]
Section 32.7 Requirements
for the Regulated Profession in the Field of Psychology
(1) The regulated profession in the field of psychology shall
be a psychologist.
(2) The right of a person to pursue independent professional
activities in the profession referred to in Paragraph one of this
Section shall be certified by a psychologist certificate acquired
in accordance with the procedures laid down in the laws and
regulations governing the relevant field of professional
[30 March 2017]
Section 32.8 Requirements
for Regulated Profession in the Field of the Protection of
Industrial Property
(1) The regulated profession in the field of the protection of
industrial property shall be a professional patent holder.
(2) The right of a person to pursue independent professional
activities in the profession of a professional patent holder
shall be attested by the inclusion of a person in the list of
professional patent holders of the Patent Office in accordance
with the procedures laid down in the laws and regulations
governing the relevant field of professional activities.
[21 June 2018]
Section 32.9 Regulated
Profession in the Field of Energy Efficiency
(1) In the field of energy efficiency, the regulated
profession shall be an independent expert on the energy
efficiency of buildings.
(2) A person has the right to pursue independent professional
activities in the profession referred to in Paragraph one of this
Section if he or she has fulfilled the requirements of competence
laid down in the laws and regulations governing the relevant
field of professional activities.
[21 June 2018]
Part B
Recognition of Professional Qualifications Obtained in Foreign
[4 November 2004]
Chapter VII
General Provisions for the Recognition of Professional
Qualifications Obtained in Foreign Countries
[4 November 2004]
Section 33. Recognition of
Professional Qualifications Obtained in Foreign Countries
(1) A person who has obtained a professional qualification in
foreign countries may apply for the recognition of the
professional qualification in such regulated profession of the
Republic of Latvia which includes professional activities
comparable with the professional activities which he or she has
pursued in the home country thereof.
(2) A person whose professional qualification has been
recognised in accordance with the procedures laid down in this
Law has the same right to activities in the relevant regulated
profession and the same obligations related to such activities as
persons who have obtained the qualification required for
professional activities in the profession regulated in accordance
with the procedures laid down in the laws and regulations of the
Republic of Latvia.
(3) The following systems for the recognition of professional
qualifications obtained in foreign countries shall be applied for
the recognition of professional qualifications obtained in
foreign countries in the Republic of Latvia:
1) the special system for the recognition of professional
2) the general system for the recognition of professional
3) the recognition of professional qualifications on the basis
of the professional experience of the applicant.
[17 July 2008; 21 June 2018]
Section 34. Application of the
Special System for the Recognition of Professional
(1) The special system for the recognition of professional
qualifications shall be applied:
1) to the regulated professions for which the qualification
requirements are determined by the international agreements
binding to the Republic of Latvia, i.e., to the following
a) seafaring professions;
b) [11 April 2019];
c) [10 September 2020];
2) for the acquisition of such evidence of education and
formal qualifications corresponding to the unified minimum
requirements specified in the European Union Member States which
conform to the evidence of education and formal qualifications
issued by the competent authorities of the European Union Member
States or member states of the European Free Trade Association,
the titles of which have been specified in accordance with
Section 36, Paragraphs five and six of this Law or in the
directly applicable legal acts of the European Union in the field
of the recognition of professional qualifications, in the
following regulated professions:
a) an architect;
b) a doctor;
c) a dentist;
d) a pharmacist;
e) a nurse (general care nurse);
f) a midwife;
g) a veterinary surgeon;
3) in the recognition of the right of lawyers to practice, if
a lawyer of a European Union Member State or a member state of
the European Free Trade Association wishes to practice in the
Republic of Latvia under the professional title of the home
country thereof;
4) [11 April 2019];
5) [12 November 2015];
6) [21 June 2018];
7) to the profession of a professional patent attorney.
(2) If the home country of the applicant has not joined the
international agreements referred to in Paragraph one of this
Section, the professional qualification of the applicant shall be
recognised only if his or her education and level of professional
experience, in terms of the content and duration, does not differ
significantly from the requirements laid down for the relevant
profession in the Republic of Latvia.
(3) [17 July 2008]
(4) [17 July 2008]
[23 October 2003; 4 November 2004; 17 July 2008; 3 June
2010; 12 November 2015; 21 June 2018; 11 April 2019; 10 September
2020; 16 March 2023]
Section 35. Application of the
General System for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications
and the Recognition of Qualification on the Basis of the
Professional Experience of the Applicant
(1) The general system for the recognition of professional
qualifications shall be applied:
1) to the professions referred to in Section 34, Paragraph one
of this Law, if the evidence of education and formal
qualifications of the applicant does not conform with the
requirements of Section 34 of this Law;
2) to other regulated professions in the Republic of
(2) Both the general system for the recognition of
professional qualifications and the recognition of qualification
may be applied for the recognition of professional qualifications
in individual fields of economic activities on the basis of the
professional experience of the applicant which he or she has
acquired in the home country.
(3) The recognition of professional qualification on the basis
of the professional experience of the applicant shall be applied
in relation to the citizens of the European Union Member States
and the member states of the European Free Trade Association, if
their professional qualification has been obtained in the
European Union Member States or in the member states of the
European Free Trade Association. In the cases referred to in
Paragraph two of this Section, the general system for the
recognition of professional qualifications shall be applied for
the recognition of the professional qualifications of citizens of
other countries if different procedures have not been specified
in the international agreements approved by the
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008]
Section 36. Competence of the
Cabinet in the Recognition of Professional Qualifications
Obtained in Foreign Countries
In conformity with the norms of the relevant international
agreements approved by the Saeima which ensure the
opportunity for mutual recognition of professional qualifications
in the Republic of Latvia and foreign countries, the Cabinet
1) determine additional requirements for the recognition of
professional qualifications obtained in foreign countries in
regulated professions (also for citizens of the European Union
Member States whose education and professional qualification
partly conform to the requirements specified in the Republic of
Latvia for the relevant profession);
2) determine the duration and type of the professional
experience for the recognition of professional qualifications
obtained in foreign countries on the basis of the professional
experience of the applicant, in the regulated professions in the
fields of those economic activities to which specific
requirements have been put forward in relation to general or
professional knowledge and skills;
3) determine the information authorities and authorities
issuing the certificates of the recognition of professional
4) approve the sample documents related to the recognition of
professional qualifications and the issuance of qualification
recognition certificates;
5) determine the evidence of primary specialities,
sub-specialities, or additional specialities of doctors and the
profession of doctor, education and professional qualification of
pharmacists and veterinary surgeons which are recognised by
applying the special system for the recognition of professional
qualifications, the institutions which have issued these
documents, and the titles of the qualification obtained (the name
of the institution and the title of the qualification shall also
be indicated in the language of the country which issued the
6) determine the evidence of professional titles of
sub-specialities of architects, nurses, midwives, and dentists
and education and professional qualification thereof obtained in
foreign countries which are recognised by applying the special
system for the recognition of professional qualifications, the
institutions having issued these documents, and also the titles
of the qualifications obtained (the name of the institution and
the title of the qualification shall also be indicated in the
language of the country which issued the document);
7) determine the professional titles (qualifications) of
lawyers obtained in foreign countries which are recognised by
applying the special system for the recognition of professional
8) determine the procedures by which an applicant shall submit
and the information authorities and authorities issuing the
certificates of the recognition of professional qualifications in
the regulated professions shall review the documents submitted by
an applicant;
9) determine the regulated professions in the Republic of
Latvia in which the provider of temporary professional
a) is required to submit a declaration on the provision of
temporary professional services, and also to determine the
content to be included in this declaration, the documents to be
attached thereto, the procedures for the submission, examination,
and updating of the declaration;
b) may carry out an aptitude test as well as determine the
procedures for such a test;
c) has an obligation to provide the information specified in
Section 42, Paragraph ten of this Law to the recipient of the
10) determine the professional organisations of the European
Union Member States and the member states of the European Free
Trade Association the professional education and qualification
documents issued by which are recognised in the Republic of
11) determine the procedures by which, within the scope of the
Internal Market Information System, information shall be
exchanged between the authorities of the Republic of Latvia and
the authorities of other European Union Member States and the
countries of the European Economic Area, and also the liability
of the authorities involved in the exchange of information and
the supervision of the exchange of information in the field of
regulated professions and the recognition of professional
12) determine the procedures by which a professional
qualification acquired in foreign countries the European
Professional Card of which has been issued by the competent
authorities of other European Union Member States and the
countries of the European Economic Area shall be recognised;
13) determine the procedures for the recognition of
professional qualifications in relation to part of the
professional activities of the regulated profession;
14) determine the procedures by which the applicant shall
cover the expenses related to the recognition of professional
qualifications, the examination of qualifications for the
provision of temporary professional services, the processing of
the application for a European Professional Card, and the issuing
of a European Professional Card, and also the amount of such
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008; 7 April 2011; 12 November
2015; 21 June 2018; 10 September 2020]
Section 37. Evidence of Education
and Formal Qualifications Obtained in Foreign Countries
(1) The evidence of education and formal qualifications
obtained in foreign countries which an applicant submits for the
recognition of professional qualification in accordance with the
procedures laid down in this Law must certify that:
1) the applicant has the education and professional
qualification which is necessary in order to allow him or her to
commence and pursue independent professional activities in the
relevant profession in the home country thereof;
2) the applicant has acquired at least three years of
professional experience in the relevant profession in a European
Union Member State or in a member state of the European Free
Trade Association, if the evidence of education and formal
qualifications has been issued in a country which is not a
European Union Member State or a member state of the European
Free Trade Association, and the professional qualification of the
applicant has already been recognised in any of these
3) the applicant has professional experience in a European
Union Member State or in a member state of the European Free
Trade Association in an unregulated profession which has been
acquired for at least a year in work with a normal working time
or an equivalent duration of part-time working time during the
previous 10 years prior to submitting an application for the
acquisition of a certificate of the recognition of professional
qualifications(hereinafter - the qualification recognition
certificate). If the applicant has acquired a regulated
education, the requirement for the experience of one year need
not be applied;
4) the applicant has acquired the professional experience
specified in laws and regulations of Latvia in the relevant
regulated profession if the documents certifying education and
professional qualification have been issued in a country which is
not a European Union Member State or a member state of the
European Free Trade Association, and the professional
qualification of the applicant has not been recognised in any of
these countries.
(2) Certifications of vocational education and qualification
issued by professional organisations of the European Union Member
States and member states of the European Free Trade Association
shall also be recognised as the evidence of education and formal
qualifications obtained in foreign countries referred to in
Paragraph one of this Section, if the right of the abovementioned
organisations to issue such certifications in relation to the
regulated professions has been recognised in the European Union
and such organisation has been specified in accordance with
Section 36, Clause 10 of this Law or in the directly applicable
legal acts of the European Union in the field of the recognition
of professional qualification.
[17 July 2008; 21 June 2018; 16 March 2023]
Section 38. Provisions for the Use
of Professional Titles and Academic or Scientific Degrees
(Designations, Titles)
(1) If the professional qualification of a person has been
recognised in accordance with the procedures laid down in this
Law, this person has the right to use the corresponding title of
the regulated profession specified in this Law.
(2) In the case referred to in Paragraph one of this Section,
a person also has the right to use the academic or scientific
degree (designation, title) lawfully recognised in his or her
home country and, if necessary, the abbreviation thereof in the
language of the home country.
(3) The authorities of the Republic of Latvia which issue the
certificate of the recognition of professional qualification are
entitled to request that, in addition to the academic or
scientific degree (designation, title) referred to in Paragraph
two of this Section, the name and location of the relevant
institution or the institution having organised the examination
and awarded the degree (designation, title) is indicated.
(4) If the relevant academic or scientific degree
(designation, title) used in the home country of the applicant is
identical to a degree which may be used in the Republic of Latvia
and which certifies that the relevant person has acquired
additional or other education, the authorities which issue the
qualification recognition certificates, are entitled to request
that the degree (designation, title) of the home country of the
applicant is supplemented with the necessary explanatory
[4 November 2004]
Section 39. Professional
Qualifications Obtained in Foreign Countries and the Professional
Organisations of the Republic of Latvia
(1) If persons whose qualification conforms to specific
requirements for professional qualification are accepted into a
professional organisation of the Republic of Latvia, these
requirements shall be regarded as fulfilled in relation to the
person whose professional qualification has been recognised in
accordance with the procedures laid down in this Law.
(2) If the evidence of education and formal qualifications
specified for members by a professional organisation authorised
by the law or Cabinet regulations are necessary for practising in
a regulated profession, the person whose professional
qualification has been recognised in accordance with the
procedures laid down in this Law has the right to use the
professional titles or the titles certifying qualification and
abbreviations thereof of the abovementioned organisation only if
he or she has been accepted in this organisation.
(3) If, in accordance with this Law or other laws and
regulations, the right to pursue professional activities in a
regulated profession are related to the mandatory registration of
the relevant person in a register of the professional
organisation or in other registers, the qualification recognition
certificate referred to in Paragraph one of this Section shall
concurrently give the right to such registration.
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008; 21 June 2018]
Section 40. Documents Necessary for
the Recognition of Professional Qualifications Acquired in
Foreign Countries
(1) An applicant shall submit the following to information
1) an application for the acquisition of the qualification
recognition certificate, indicating the type, the status
(employee or self-employed person) and the duration (temporary or
permanent activities) of professional activities;
2) documents which certify the education, professional
qualification, and professional experience of the applicant;
3) additional documents which are necessary for the
recognition of the professional qualification in the cases
specified in this Law.
(2) For activities in any of the regulated professions for
which any of the requirements of Section 3, Paragraph five of
this Law are put forward, the applicant shall submit documents
which certify the fulfilment of these provisions in the home
country of the applicant. In cases when the requirements of
Section 3, Paragraph five, Clause 3 of this Law should be
complied with, the abovementioned documents shall certify that
the applicant has not been temporarily deprived of the right or
prohibited from working in the relevant profession.
(3) The documents referred to in Paragraph two of this Section
shall be valid for submission to an information authorities three
months from the date of issuance thereof. The term of validity of
the relevant documents certifying appropriate proficiency in the
official language shall be governed by the laws and regulations
regarding the level of proficiency in the official language
necessary for the performance of the professional and office
duties and the procedures for the verification of the proficiency
in the official language.
(4) If the competent authorities of the home country of the
applicant do not issue the documents referred to in Paragraph two
of this Section which certify the fulfilment of the requirements
of Section 3, Paragraph five, Clause 3 or 4 of this Law in the
home country thereof, the applicant may substitute the
abovementioned documents with a written declaration on the
fulfilment of the relevant requirements, but this declaration
shall be approved and the authenticity thereof notarised or in a
judicial institution of the home country of the applicant, or an
administrative institution of this country, or a recognised
professional organisation of this country, as determined by the
legal acts of the home country of the applicant.
(5) If a person who wishes to work in a regulated profession
gives an oath or pledge in accordance with Section 3, Paragraph
five, Clause 1 of this Law, but it is not acceptable to the
applicant, the authority issuing the qualification recognition
certificate shall offer the applicant an acceptable and
equivalent form of oath or pledge.
(6) Upon request of an information authority, the applicant
has an obligation to submit the following:
1) certified translations of the documents referred to in this
Section in the official language if they have been issued in a
European Union Member State, a member state of the European Free
Trade Association or another country which has been granted the
right of a European Union Member State in the field of the
recognition of professional qualifications in accordance with the
international agreements approved by the Saeima;
2) certified translations of the documents referred to in this
Section in the official language if they have been issued in
countries not referred to in Clause 1 of this Paragraph and with
which the Republic of Latvia has entered into bilateral or
multilateral agreements on legal assistance and legal relations
in civil matters, family matters, and criminal matters, and
conform to the provisions of these agreements;
3) the documents referred to in this Section legalised in
accordance with the procedures laid down in the international
agreements approved by the Saeima, appending certified and
legalised translation of these documents in the official
language, if they have been issued in countries which are not
referred to in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Paragraph or do not
conform with the documents referred to in Clause 2 of this
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008; 21 June 2018]
Section 41. Documents which Certify
the Conformity of Education and Professional Qualification
Acquired in Foreign Countries with the Requirements Specified in
the Republic of Latvia
(1) The conformity of education and professional qualification
acquired in foreign countries with the requirements laid down in
the Republic of Latvia shall be certified by the certificate of
the recognition of professional qualifications or the equivalent
documents referred to in Paragraph two of this Section which are
issued by the authorities referred to in the law or Cabinet
(2) In professions in which the right to commence work or
pursue independent activities in the Republic of Latvia is
certified by certificates or other documents issued by competent
authorities, these certificates or other documents may be issued
instead of qualification certificates.
(3) The documents referred to in Paragraph two of this Section
shall be issued according to the same procedures and in
conformity with the same provisions by which the issuance of the
qualification recognition certificates are provided for in this
(4) The qualification recognition certificate shall not be
necessary for professions in which the international agreements
approved by the Saeima allow the recognition of a
professional qualification without the professional qualification
aptitude test.
[4 November 2004; 21 June 2018; 11 April 2019]
Section 42. Temporary Professional
Activities in the Regulated Profession with Evidence of Education
and Formal Qualifications Obtained in Foreign Countries
(1) A person whose country of legal status is a European Union
Member State or a member state of the European Free Trade
Association shall be regarded as a temporary professional service
provider in the profession regulated in the Republic of Latvia if
his or her professional activities in the relevant profession in
the Republic of Latvia are limited in terms of duration or have
the nature of being occasional.
(2) A provider of temporary professional services shall not
require the recognition of the documents certifying education and
professional qualifications in accordance with the procedures
laid down in this Law, but, when commencing the temporary
provision of professional services in the Republic of Latvia for
the first time, has an obligation to notify the authority issuing
the certificates of the recognition of professional
qualifications in the relevant regulated profession thereof. This
obligation shall be fulfilled by submitting a declaration on the
provision of temporary professional services. When providing
emergency medical assistance or other services corresponding to
the professional qualification thereof, the urgency of which is
determined by special circumstances, the declaration may be
submitted as soon as possible after the provision of the
(3) The declaration referred to in Paragraph two of this
Section shall be renewed not less than once a year if the
provider of temporary professional services intends to provide
temporary professional services recurrently during the
abovementioned period. The declaration shall be renewed without
delay if the information provided therein has changed
significantly or if changes in the documents appended to the
declaration have occurred.
(4) A provider of temporary professional services in a
regulated profession in the Republic of Latvia has the same
rights and obligations in the provision of services as the
inhabitants of the Republic of Latvia who pursue independent
professional activities in the relevant regulated profession. The
conditions of good practice and the requirements of professional
ethics laid down in the laws and regulations of the Republic of
Latvia shall also apply to the provider of temporary professional
services even if they differ from the requirements of the country
of legal status thereof. If the provider of temporary
professional services violates the relevant laws and regulations,
he or she shall be held liable as specified in the laws and
regulations of the Republic of Latvia and information shall be
sent to the relevant authorities of the country of legal status
thereof on the commencement of the abovementioned procedure,
giving them an opportunity to participate in the procedure, and
also these authorities shall also be informed of the decisions
(5) In the professions stipulated by the Cabinet, a service
provider shall be required to receive a permit for the provision
of temporary professional services prior to the provision of
services in the Republic of Latvia. An authority which issues
certificates of the recognition of professional qualifications,
prior to issuing a permit to provide temporary professional
services, has the right to verify the professional qualifications
of such service provider before he or she provides services in
the Republic of Latvia for the first time in order to ascertain
the professional qualifications of the service provider.
(6) The aptitude test may only be performed in such regulated
professions in which the professional service is related to the
health and safety of the recipient of services. The aptitude test
shall not be performed and the professional qualification of the
provider of temporary professional services shall be regarded as
corresponding if the evidence of education and formal
qualifications of the service provider conform to the
requirements of Section 34, Paragraph one, Clause 2 of this
(7) A permit for the provision of temporary professional
services and the results of the aptitude test or the decision not
to perform an aptitude test for the provider of temporary
professional services shall be notified within one month from the
day of the receipt of the declaration and the documents appended
thereto. If the provider of temporary professional services has
not appended all the necessary documents to the declaration or if
additional information has to be requested from the country of
legal status thereof, the deadline for taking a decision may be
extended in accordance with the procedures laid down in the
Administrative Procedure Law for a period which is not longer
than four months after receipt of the declaration.
(8) The authority issuing the certificates of the recognition
of professional qualifications shall register the provider of
temporary professional services free of charge, if registration
in a professional organisation or register is necessary for
activities in the regulated profession in the Republic of Latvia
in accordance with the laws and regulations, or send copies of
the decision to issue a permit for the provision of temporary
professional services, declaration, and the documents appended
thereto to the authority which performs temporary
(9) Temporary professional services shall be provided, using
the professional title of the country of legal status. The title
shall be indicated in the language of the country of legal status
of the service provider and the translation thereof in the
Latvian language shall be appended. If there is no professional
title for the relevant service in the country of legal status of
the provider of temporary professional services, in providing
temporary professional services, the title of the professional
qualification of the service provider in the language of the
country of legal status thereof shall be used and the translation
thereof in the Latvian language shall be appended.
(10) If temporary professional services in the regulated
profession in the Republic of Latvia are provided, using the
professional title or the title of the professional qualification
of the country of legal status, the provider of the temporary
professional services in a profession stipulated by the Cabinet
has an obligation to provide the following information to the
recipient of services:
1) the registration number of the service provider or an
equivalent means of identification in the Commercial Register of
the country of legal status or equivalent national register,
indicating the title of this register;
2) the name and address of the supervisory authority of the
service provider if a permit is required for the provision of the
relevant services in the country of legal status;
3) the title of the professional association or register in
which the service provider is registered;
4) the professional title or the title of the professional
qualification of the service provider;
5) the registration number of the service provider in the
register of persons subject to value added tax in the country of
legal status, if the service provider is a payer of value added
6) professional liability insurance or equivalent guarantee of
professional liability.
(11) If the evidence of education and formal qualifications of
the provider of temporary professional services have been
examined in accordance with the procedures laid down in Paragraph
five of this Section, he or she shall provide temporary
professional services, using the professional title specified for
the relevant regulated profession in the Republic of Latvia.
[17 July 2008; 21 June 2018; 10 September 2020]
Section 43. Procedures for
Examination of Applications, Documents and Evidence of Rights of
(1) [21 June 2018]
(2) [21 June 2018]
(3) The application of an applicant and the documents appended
thereto shall be reviewed and the decision with the justification
thereof shall be notified to the applicant:
1) not later than within three months after submission of all
documents in relation to the regulated professions to which the
special system for the recognition of professional qualifications
is applied, if the person wishes to pursue independent
professional activities in the Republic of Latvia;
2) not later than within four months after submission of all
documents in relation to the regulated professions to which the
general system for the recognition of professional qualifications
is applied on the basis of the professional experience of the
3) [17 July 2008];
4) [17 July 2008];
5) not later than within six months after submission of all
the documents, if a person who obtained professional
qualifications in the home country which is not a European Union
Member State or a member state of the European Free Trade
Association on the day of the acquisition of the qualification
applies for the recognition of professional qualifications. If it
is necessary to request, obtain, and assess additional
information in accordance with Paragraph six of this Section, the
time limit for taking he decision and notification may be
extended to 12 months.
(31) The submission of the applicant - a member of
the diaspora - and the documents appended thereto shall be
examined and the decision with the justification thereof shall be
notified to the applicant:
1) not later than within one and a half months after
submission of all the documents in relation to the regulated
professions to which the special system for the recognition of
professional qualifications is applied if the applicant wishes to
pursue independent professional activities in the Republic of
2) not later than within two months after submission of all
the documents in relation to the regulated professions to which
the general system for the recognition of professional
qualifications and the recognition of professional qualifications
shall be applied on the basis of the professional experience of
the applicant, if the applicant has obtained the professional
qualifications in another European Union Member State or a member
state of the European Free Trade Association. If it is necessary
to request, obtain, and assess additional information in
accordance with Paragraph six of this Section, the time limit for
taking the decision and notification may be extended to four
3) not later than within three months after submission of all
documents, if a member of the diaspora who has obtained
professional qualifications in a Member State of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the Australian Union, the Federal
Republic of Brazil, New Zealand, or a country with which the
Republic of Latvia has entered into an agreement for the
recognition of dual citizenship applies for the recognition of
professional qualifications. If it is necessary to request,
obtain, and assess additional information in accordance with
Paragraph six of this Section, the time limit for taking the
decision and notification may be extended to six months.
(4) The time limit for the examination specified in Paragraphs
three and 3.1 of this Section shall be counted from
the day when the applicant has submitted all the documents
necessary for obtaining the certificate of the recognition of
professional qualifications.
(5) The applicant may contest the decision referred to in
Paragraphs three and 3.1 of this Section in accordance
with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law
in the ministry which is the leading State administrative
authority in the field of policy relevant to the regulated
profession in accordance with the procedures specified in the
by-laws of this ministry.
(6) An authority which issues the qualification recognition
certificates has the right to request additional information from
the competent authorities of foreign countries or from the
applicant if it has justified doubts of the authenticity of the
documents of the applicant, has information on the actions of the
applicant which are not permissible in professional terms outside
the Republic of Latvia, or there is a lack information on the
education, professional qualifications, or professional
experience acquired by the applicant. In the request it shall
indicate the deadline for the provision of a response, taking
into account the total time limit for the examination of an
application specified in Paragraphs three and 3.1 of
this Section. If a response is not received within the specified
period, the authority shall take the decision in accordance with
the information at the disposal thereof.
(7) [21 June 2018]
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008; 21 June 2018; 10 September
Chapter VIII
Provisions for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications in
Relation to Professions to which the General System for the
Recognition of Professional Qualifications and the Recognition of
Qualifications is Applied on the Basis of the Professional
Experience of Applicant
Section 44. General Provisions for
the Recognition of the Professional Qualification of
(1) An education and professional qualification obtained in a
foreign country in the regulated professions of the Republic of
Latvia, applying the general system for the recognition of
professional qualifications, and also on the basis of the
professional experience of an applicant, shall be recognised by
determining the conformity of education and professional
qualification of the applicant with the requirements specified in
the Republic of Latvia for the relevant regulated profession, in
accordance with the following criteria:
1) the conformity of education and professional qualification
of the applicant with the requirements specified in the Republic
of Latvia in relation to the level, content, and nature of
education (regulated or non-regulated education), and also the
duration of education;
2) the status of the profession or professional activities
corresponding to education and professional qualification of the
applicant in the home country - regulated or non-regulated
profession or professional activity;
3) the duration and type of the professional experience of the
applicant in the home country;
4) the certification by the competent authority of the home
country of the applicant - a citizen of a European Union Member
State or a member state of the European Free Trade Association,
that the education acquired has been recognised as corresponding
to the requirements specified for the relevant profession in the
home country. The abovementioned certification shall be necessary
in the following cases:
a) the evidence of education and formal qualifications of the
applicant has not been obtained in the home country which is a
European Union Member State or a member state of the European
Free Trade Association;
b) the home country has raised the requirements for obtaining
professional qualifications in the relevant profession and the
documents obtained by the applicant certifying education and
professional qualifications do not conform to the raised
requirements, if they have been acquired prior to the raising of
such requirements;
c) the applicant has obtained documents certifying education
and professional qualifications outside the formal education
(2) For the application of the general system for the
recognition of professional qualifications the evidence of
education and formal qualifications shall be divided into the
following levels:
1) Level 1 - documents attesting to the completion of a
full-time education programme of at least four years or a
part-time education programme of corresponding duration at a
level of higher education the amount of which may be expressed by
a specified number of credits, and, if necessary, have been
supplemented with the documents certifying the completion of
professional training;
2) Level 2 - documents attesting to the completion of a
full-time education programme of at least three to four years or
a part-time education programme of corresponding duration at a
level of higher education the amount of which may be expressed by
a specified number of credits, and, if necessary, have been
supplemented with the documents certifying the completion of
professional training;
3) Level 3 - documents attesting that after completion of such
secondary education programme which is necessary in order to
start studies at a higher education level, at least one of the
following programmes has been completed:
a) a full-time education programme with the duration of at
least one year or a part-time education programme of
corresponding duration;
b) a secondary education programme;
c) a vocational education programme following the acquisition
of the education programme referred to in Sub-clause "b" of this
d) a regulated education programme;
e) a professional training programme with a special structure
corresponding to the level of the education programmes referred
to in Sub-clauses "a" and "b" of this Clause the acquisition of
which ensures the level of knowledge, skills, and competence
required for the professional qualifications corresponding to the
regulated profession, as attested by a document issued by the
competent authority of the home country of the applicant;
4) Level 4 - documents which certify that at least one of the
following programmes has been acquired at the level of a
secondary education:
a) a general secondary education programme, if the documents
certifying its acquisition are supplemented by documents
certifying the acquisition of professional training other than
that referred to in Clause 3 of this Paragraph or the acquisition
of professional traineeship;
b) a vocational secondary education programme;
c) a vocational secondary education programme, provided that
the documents certifying the acquisition have been supplemented
by the documents supporting professional training or training
referred to in Sub-clause "a" of this clause;
5) Level 5 - documents which certify that education or
practical working skills have been acquired in at least one of
the following ways:
a) general basic education or general secondary education;
b) a vocational education programme at the basic level and
other education for the acquisition of which an education
document corresponding to the Level 1, 2, 3, or 4 is not
c) the passing of a special examination without the
acquisition of previous education;
d) the duration of at least three years of professional
experience at work with a normal working time or an equivalent
duration of part-time work in the relevant profession during the
period of the preceding 10 years prior to the submission of an
application for the acquisition of the qualification recognition
(3) The professional qualification of an applicant shall be
recognised in the following cases:
1) the documents submitted by the applicant conform to the
requirements which have been specified for the relevant
profession in the laws and regulations governing the field of the
relevant professional activities in the Republic of Latvia;
2) the applicant may compensate the significant differences in
the nature, content, and level of education in accordance with
the additional requirements stipulated by the Cabinet for the
recognition of professional qualification in such profession to
which the general system for the recognition of professional
qualifications is applied;
3) the duration and type of professional experience of the
applicant conforms to the duration and type of professional
experience stipulated by the Cabinet in relation to the
professions to which the recognition of professional
qualifications is applied on the basis of the professional
experience of the applicant;
4) [10 September 2020];
5) [21 June 2018].
[17 July 2008; 12 November 2015; 21 June 2018; 10 September
Section 44.1 Provision of
Temporary Services in the Field of Education, Science and
[17 July 2008]
Section 45. Cases when Education and
Professional Qualifications of Applicants Differs from the
Requirements Put Forward by the Republic of Latvia
(1) Education and professional qualifications of applicants
shall differ significantly from the requirements put forward for
the relevant profession regulated in the Republic of Latvia in
the following cases:
1) the education acquired by the applicant is shorter by more
than one year than that specified in the Republic of Latvia;
2) the content of the study subjects (study courses) and
courses of further education acquired by the applicant differs
significantly from that specified in the Republic of Latvia or
the education acquired does not comprise all the study subjects
(study courses), the knowledge of which is significant, when
pursuing professional activities in the relevant profession in
the Republic of Latvia;
3) the regulated profession in which the applicant wishes to
pursue professional activities in the Republic of Latvia
comprises one or several regulated professional activities, which
are not included in the relevant profession in his or her home
country, and for the pursuing of such professional activity or
activities in the Republic of Latvia, such study subjects (study
courses) shall be acquired, which are not comprised in the
education acquired by the applicant;
4) the relevant profession is not regulated in the home
country of the applicant, and the evidence of education and
formal qualifications submitted by the applicant have been issued
for the acquisition of non-regulated education.
(2) If the professional qualification of the applicant does
not differ significantly from the requirements put forward in the
regulated profession in the Republic of Latvia, the professional
qualification shall be recognised in accordance with the
procedures stipulated by the Cabinet, applying additional
requirements in relation to the duration and type of the
professional experience of the applicant in his or her home
(3) If the professional qualification of the applicant differs
significantly from the requirements put forward for the relevant
regulated profession in the Republic of Latvia, the institutions
which issue qualification recognition certificates, in accordance
with the procedures stipulated by the Cabinet, are entitled to
put forward the requirement to the applicant for an adaptation
period or the taking of an aptitude test:
1) giving the applicant the right of choice to fulfil one of
the abovementioned requirements;
2) determining the fulfilment of one of the referred to
requirements as mandatory (without giving the applicant the right
to choose);
3) determining the execution of both abovementioned
requirements as mandatory.
(4) The requirements laid down for professional experience in
Paragraph two of this Section and the requirements laid down in
Paragraph three for the adaptation period or for the examination
of the conformity of professional qualifications shall be
substantiated by the applicant. The adaptation period shall not
exceed three years. The applicant may also acquire the necessary
education and training during the adaptation period.
(5) The professional qualification of the applicant shall be
recognised as non-compliant with the requirements put forward for
the relevant regulated profession in the Republic of Latvia, if
the evidence of his or her education and formal
1) does not meet the additional requirements laid down in
accordance with Paragraph two of this Section;
2) is not applicable to the conditions of the professional
aptitude test or adaptation period;
3) is not applicable to the recognition of professional
qualification on the basis of the professional experience of the
applicant in the regulated professions in the fields of those
economic activities for which specific requirements have been put
forward in relation to the general or professional knowledge and
4) does not meet the requirements laid down in Section 37,
Paragraph one, Clause 4 of this Law.
(6) In the cases specified in Paragraph five of this Section
the applicant has, in order to commence professional activities
in a regulated profession, the obligation to fulfil the
requirements which have been laid down for the acquisition of the
relevant professional qualification in the Republic of Latvia in
the laws and regulations governing the field of professional
activities. Information authorities and authorities issuing the
certificates of the recognition of professional qualification
shall assess the content and duration of education of the
relevant person on the basis of the diplomas, certificates, and
other evidence of qualification submitted, taking into account
the professional experience of the person, the vocational
in-service training in the profession and shall inform the
applicant of the necessary duration and content of additional
training the acquisition of which is essential for activities in
the relevant regulated profession in the Republic of Latvia. In
such case the applicant has the right to take an examination
immediately, in order to prove that he or she has the necessary
(7) If the professional qualification of the applicant differs
significantly from the relevant requirements brought forward for
the profession regulated in the Republic of Latvia, the
authorities which issue certificates of recognition of
professional qualifications in the regulated professions are
entitled, in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the
Cabinet, in assessing each case separately, to recognise
professional qualifications in relation to part of the
professional activities of the regulated profession, if the
following conditions have been fulfilled:
1) the professional qualifications of the applicant have been
recognised in his or her home country in the professional
activities in which the recognition of professional
qualifications is requested in relation to part of the
professional activities of the regulated profession;
2) the differences between the professional activities
performed by the applicant in his or her home country and the
relevant profession regulated in the Republic of Latvia are so
great that the application of additional requirements for the
recognition of professional qualifications would mean the
completion of a full education programme;
3) the professional activities to which the recognition of
professional qualifications is applied in relation to part of the
professional activities of the regulated profession may be
objectively distinguished from other activities which are part of
the relevant profession regulated in the Republic of Latvia. The
authorities issuing professional qualification certificates shall
take into account whether the professional activities may be
pursued separately in the home country of the applicant.
(71) In regulated professions in the field of
health care, Paragraph seven of this Section shall apply to
professional qualifications acquired in a European Union Member
State or a country of the European Economic Area.
(8) An aptitude test may be determined for a candidate in
accordance with that specified in Section 42, Paragraphs five and
six of this Law before he or she provides temporary professional
services in the Republic of Latvia for the first time if the
relevant services conform to such regulated professional
activities which are related to the health and safety of the
recipient of services and the conditions referred to in Paragraph
seven of this Section.
(9) After recognition of the professional qualifications
referred to in Paragraph seven of this Section in relation to
part of the professional activities of the regulated profession,
a person shall use the professional name accepted in his or her
home country when pursuing his or her professional activities or
providing temporary professional services. The title shall be
indicated in the language of the home country of the service
provider and the translation thereof in the Latvian language
shall appended. The title shall clearly reflect the scope of the
professional activities.
(10) The recognition of the professional qualifications
referred to in Paragraph seven of this Section in relation to a
part of the professional activities of the regulated profession
shall not be applied to applicants whose professional
qualifications are recognised in accordance with that specified
in Section 34, Paragraph one, Clause 2 of this Law.
(11) Professional qualifications in respect of a part of the
professional activities of the regulated profession need not be
recognised and the procedures referred to in Paragraphs seven and
eight of this Section need not be applied if it is necessary for
the protection of public health and safety.
(12) If the applicant has acquired the professional
qualification in a country which is not a European Union Member
State or a member state of the European Free Trade Association,
Paragraph three, Clause 1 of this Section shall not be applied to
the recognition of his or her professional qualification.
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008; 12 November 2015; 21 June
2018; 11 April 2019; 18 February 2021; 16 March 2023]
Section 46. General Provisions for
the Professional Adaptation and Aptitude Test of Applicants
(1) An authority issuing the qualification recognition
certificates in the relevant profession, in accordance with the
requirements stipulated by the Cabinet shall determine the
duration of the adaptation period of an applicant and, in
conformity with the wishes of the applicant as much as possible,
shall approve a specialist under whose supervision the applicant
shall spend the adaptation period. At the conclusion thereof a
work assessment shall be given, the criteria and procedures of
which are determined by the abovementioned authority.
(2) In order to perform an aptitude test of the applicant, the
authorities issuing the qualification recognition certificates in
the relevant profession shall determine detailed procedures for
the aptitude test, develop a list of study subjects or courses
for the acquisition of which, in comparison with the extent of
education specified in the relevant regulated profession in the
Republic of Latvia, the applicant does not have a document
certifying the relevant education and the acquisition of which is
essential in order for a person to work in the relevant
profession. The abovementioned subjects and courses may include
both theoretical knowledge and practical skills which are
necessary in the relevant profession, and also knowledge of
professional standards in the relevant field.
(3) In determining the content of the aptitude test, the fact
that the professional qualification of the applicant in his or
her home country is recognised as sufficient for work in the
relevant profession shall be taken into account.
(4) The professional aptitude test shall take place not later
than within six months from the date of the determination of such
examination. The applicant shall, not later than a month before
the aptitude test, be informed of the content and procedures
(5) The provisions for the entry and residence of the
applicant at a time when he or she is preparing for the aptitude
test or is spending the adaptation period in the Republic of
Latvia shall be determined by the Immigration Law.
(6) During the adaptation period of the applicant in the
Republic of Latvia, the laws and regulations of the Republic of
Latvia governing employment relationship shall apply thereto. The
applicant shall acquire the right to State social insurance
services at the time of the occurrence of a case of social
security if the criteria for obtaining the relevant social
insurance service are met and the applicant is socially insured
in accordance with the law On State Social Insurance.
[4 November 2004; 12 November 2015; 10 September
Section 47. Recognition of
Qualification on the Basis of the Professional Experience of
(1) This Section applies to the recognition of professional
qualifications in the regulated professions in such fields of
economic activities for which specific requirements have been
brought forward in relation to the general, commercial, or
professional knowledge and skills and shall be applied by issuing
the qualification recognition certificate to citizens of the
European Union Member States.
(2) The issuance of qualification recognition certificates in
the regulated professions referred to in Paragraph one of this
Section may not be refused, using a non-compliant qualification
as the grounds for refusal, if the professional qualification or
skills of the applicant and his or her right to pursue
independent activities in the relevant profession certified in
the documents issued by the competent authorities of the home
country have not been compared with the requirements which have
been brought forward for this profession in the Republic of
Latvia. If such comparison is necessary, the authorities issuing
the qualification recognition certificates in the relevant
professions shall make such comparison and:
1) issue the qualification recognition certificate in the
relevant profession to the applicant, if the professional
qualification of the applicant conforms to the requirements
brought forward for this profession in the Republic of Latvia
(including the requirements of Section 3, Paragraph five of this
2) determine the necessity of an adaptation period or aptitude
test in accordance with Section 46 of this Law, if the
professional qualification of the applicant differs significantly
from the requirements brought forward for this profession in the
Republic of Latvia.
(3) In relation to the regulated professions referred to in
Paragraph one of this Section, the certification of the
professional qualification of a citizen of a European Union
Member State shall be both the certification of the professional
qualification referred to in Paragraph two of this Section and an
adequate professional experience in the relevant profession in
the home country. The duration and type of experience necessary
for the recognition of the qualification of the applicant shall
be determined by the Cabinet.
(4) The fulfilment of the provisions of Paragraph three of
this Section shall be certified by a document issued by the
competent authorities of the home country of the applicant which
the applicant shall append to the application for the issuance of
the qualification recognition certificate for the relevant
professional activities in the Republic of Latvia.
[4 November 2004]
Chapter IX
Provisions for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications in
Relation to Professions to which the Special System for
Recognition is Applied
Section 48. Recognition of the
Professional Qualification of Architects
(1) This Section shall relate to activities in the field of
architecture, if the title of the profession of architect is
(2) Such diplomas, certificates, and other evidence of formal
qualification of an architect shall be recognised in the Republic
of Latvia which are recognised in the European Union, conform to
the requirements which are laid down in this Law and Cabinet
regulations regarding the minimum requirements of an education
programme for the acquisition of the professional qualification
of an architect, and give the right to operate in the relevant
countries, using the title of the profession of an architect.
(3) The certificate of an architect which has been awarded in
a European Union Member State or in a member state of the
European Free Trade Association according to the same provisions
as are referred to in Section 8, Paragraph five of this Law shall
be regarded as conforming to the requirements laid down in
Paragraph two of this Section.
(4) The documents referred to in Section 34 of this Law and
Paragraphs two and three of this Section, after the relevant
procedure of recognition performed by the authorities issuing the
qualification recognition certificates in the profession of
architect, and after receipt of the qualification recognition
certificate, give the right to pursue independent professional
activities in the profession of architect in the Republic of
(5) [3 June 2010]
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008; 3 June 2010]
Section 49. Recognition of
Professional Qualifications in the Professions in the Field of
Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, and Pharmacy
(1) Such diplomas, certificates, and other evidence of formal
qualifications which are recognised in the European Union and
conform to the requirements laid down in this Law and Cabinet
regulations regarding the minimum requirements of an education
programme for the acquisition of a professional qualification
shall be recognised in the Republic of Latvia in the following
1) a doctor;
2) a dentist;
3) a nurse (general care nurse);
4) a midwife;
5) a veterinary surgeon;
6) a pharmacist.
(2) [10 September 2020]
(3) [10 September 2020]
(4) The documents referred to in Section 34 of this Law and
Paragraph one of this Section, after the relevant procedure of
recognition performed by the authorities issuing the
qualification recognition certificates in the profession of
architect and after receipt of the qualification recognition
certificate, give the right to pursue independent professional
activities in the profession of architect in the Republic of
(5) An applicant who wishes to acquire the basic specialities,
sub-specialities, or additional specialities of the profession of
doctor or dentist or a diploma in the sub-speciality of dentistry
or other corresponding certificates of qualification which are
not awarded in the home country thereof shall fulfil the
requirements laid down in the Republic of Latvia for the
acquisition of the relevant professional qualification.
Information authorities and authorities issuing the certificates
of the recognition of professional qualification shall assess the
content and duration of education of the relevant person on the
basis of the diplomas, certificates, and other evidence of
qualification submitted, and taking into account the professional
experience of the person, the vocational in-service training in
medicine, shall inform the applicant of the duration and content
of the necessary additional training.
(6) A person with a recognised professional qualification in
the profession of a doctor, dentist, nurse, or doctor and a
person who has obtained an education and professional
qualifications in the relevant profession certified by a document
in accordance with Section 10, 12, or 14, Section 36, Clause 5 or
6 of this Law or directly applicable legal acts of the European
Union may apply for the recognition of a professional
qualification in the basic speciality, sub-speciality, or
supplementary speciality of the profession of a doctor, dentist,
nurse, and physician assistant, applying the general system of
recognition of professional qualifications.
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008; 12 November 2015; 21 June
2018; 10 September 2020 / The new wording of Clause 3 of
Paragraph one shall come into force on 1 January 2022. See
Paragraph 9 of Transitional Provisions]
Section 50. Provision of Temporary
Services in the Field of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine or
[17 July 2008]
Section 51. Recognition of
Professional Qualifications Obtained in Foreign Countries in
Seafaring Professions
In the professions in the field of seafaring for which the
qualification requirements are determined by the international
agreements approved by the Saeima and the legal acts of
the European Union, professional qualifications obtained in a
foreign country shall be recognised in accordance with these
agreements and legal acts of the European Union.
[10 September 2020]
Section 52. Recognition of
Professional Qualifications in Other Professions in the Field of
[11 April 2019]
Section 53. Provisions for the
Professional Practice of Lawyers of the European Union Member
States and the Member States of the European Free Trade
Association in the Republic of Latvia
(1) The professional qualification and the title of the
profession of lawyer of a European Union Member State and a
member state of the European Free Trade Association (also other
countries which, in accordance with the international agreements
approved by the Saeima have the rights of the European
Union Member States specified in these agreements in the field of
the recognition of professional qualification), which has been
recognised in the European Union and certified by evidence of the
professional rights issued by the competent authorities of his or
her home country, without determining the conformity of the
referred to qualification with the requirements laid down in the
Republic of Latvia, shall be recognised in the Republic of
(2) The recognition of the professional qualification of
lawyer within the meaning of Paragraph one of this Section gives
the right to pursue professional activities in the Republic of
Latvia, using the title of the profession specified in the home
country and expressed in the language of the home country,
specifying the authority which has granted the relevant person
the right to pursue professional activities, i.e.:
1) to provide temporary services (if evidence of the
professional rights has been submitted to the Latvian Council of
Sworn Lawyers);
2) to work independently in the profession (if the person is
registered with the Latvian Council of Sworn Advocates).
(3) A lawyer whose professional qualification and rights have
been recognised within the meaning of Paragraphs one and two of
this Section is entitled to participate in court proceedings only
together with a lawyer of the Latvian Collegium of Sworn
(4) For applicants from the European Union Member States,
member states of the European Free Trade Association and other
countries which have the rights of a European Union Member State
in the field of the recognition of professional qualification,
the certificate of the recognition of professional qualification
in the profession of lawyer in the Republic of Latvia shall be
issued by the Latvian Council of Sworn Advocates, if:
1) the applicant has the evidence of professional
qualification and rights of lawyer recognised in the home country
and he or she has successfully passed the aptitude test in
accordance with Section 46, Paragraph two of this Law; or
2) the applicant has pursued professional activities in the
Republic of Latvia for at least three consecutive years, using
the title of the profession in accordance with the provisions
referred to in Paragraph two, Clause 2 of this Section, and has
certified the necessary knowledge and practice acquired in the
field of law of the Republic of Latvia.
(5) A lawyer of a European Union Member State and a member
state of the European Free Trade Association (also other
countries which,, in accordance with the international agreements
approved by the Saeima, have the rights of the European
Union Member States specified in these agreements in the field of
the recognition of professional qualification), whose
professional qualification has been recognised within the meaning
of Paragraph four of this Section, has the same right to
professional activities as a lawyer of the Republic of
(6) The requirements referred to in this Section for the
professional qualification, certification of knowledge and the
procedures for the registration of lawyers of a European Union
Member State and a member state of the European Free Trade
Association (also other countries which, in accordance with the
international agreements approved by the Saeima, have the
rights of the European Union Member States specified in these
agreements in the field of the recognition of professional
qualification) practising in the Republic of Latvia, and also the
provisions for the professional practice thereof shall be
regulated by the Advocacy Law.
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008]
Section 53.1 Recognition
in the Republic of Latvia of the Qualification of Professional
Patent Attorneys of European Union Member States and Countries of
the European Economic Area
(1) The qualification of a professional patent attorney of a
European Union Member State and a country of the European
Economic Area which has been certified by the documents issued by
the competent authorities of the relevant country regarding the
right to operate as a professional patent attorney in this
country shall be recognised in the Republic of Latvia.
(2) The qualification of a professional patent attorney within
the meaning of Paragraph one of this Section shall be recognised
by the Patent Office in accordance with the Law on Industrial
Property Institutions and Procedures.
[16 March 2023]
Section 54. Cases When the
Professional Qualification of Applicants Partially Corresponds to
the Minimum Requirements
(1) If an applicant for activities in the regulated
professions in the field of medicine, pharmacy, veterinary
medicine, or architecture has evidence of education and formal
qualifications which certifies that he or she has acquired an
education conforming to the requirements of this Law (in relation
to the structure, content, and specialisation), but which does
not conform to the relevant minimum requirements stipulated by
the Cabinet, he or she shall also need a document issued by the
competent authority of a European Union Member State or a member
state of the European Free Trade Association which certifies the
professional experience of a specific duration in this profession
in the relevant Member State. The duration and type of the
additional experience necessary shall be determined by the
(2) [17 July 2008]
(3) If an applicant for activities in the regulated
professions in the field of medicine, pharmacy, veterinary
medicine, or architecture has the evidence of formal
qualifications which has been issued in a European Union Member
State or a member state of the European Free Trade Association,
but whose title does not conform with the titles approved by the
Cabinet, he or she shall additionally need a document which has
been issued by the competent authorities of the European Union
Member State or the member state of the European Free Trade
Association in which the qualification has been obtained
regarding education and the professional title (qualification)
awarded in the relevant country being equivalent to the
education, qualification, and professional title referred to in
the list approved by the Cabinet.
(4) [17 July 2008]
(5) [17 July 2008]
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008]
Part C
Ensuring the Implementation of Law
Section 55. Accreditation of
Education Programmes of Regulated Professions
The accreditation of the education programmes of regulated
professions shall take place in accordance with the procedures
laid down in the Education Law and other laws.
Section 55.1 Issue of a
European Professional Card
(1) A European Professional Card shall be issued to a person
who has the right to pursue professional activities in the
Republic of Latvia and who is applying for the provision of
temporary professional services in a profession regulated in
another European Union Member State if the professional
activities in this profession are not related to the health and
safety of the recipient of services or if the special system for
the recognition of professional qualifications is applied for the
recognition of professional qualifications.
(2) A European Professional Card shall be issued to a
1) who has acquired education and professional qualifications
in another European Union Member State and is applying for
independent professional activities in a profession regulated in
the Republic of Latvia;
2) whose country of legal status is another European Union
Member State and who is applying for the provision of temporary
professional services in a profession regulated in the Republic
of Latvia in which the professional activities are related to the
health and safety of the recipient of services and the special
system for the recognition of professional qualifications is not
applied for the recognition of professional qualifications.
(3) If a person who has the right to pursue professional
activities in the Republic of Latvia is applying for the receipt
of a European Professional Card for independent professional
activities or for the provision of temporary professional
services in another European Union Member State in a regulated
profession in which the professional activities are related to
the health and safety of the recipient of services, the
application for a European Professional Card shall be received,
examined, and sent to the competent authority of the host
(4) A European Professional Card shall be issued in
professions which have been specified in the directly applicable
legal acts of the European Union in the field of the recognition
of professional qualifications.
[21 June 2018; 10 September 2020]
Section 56. Functions of
Coordination and Information in the Field of Mutual Recognition
of Professional Qualification
(1) The Cabinet shall:
1) approve the coordinator for the recognition of professional
2) determine the procedures by which a European Professional
Card shall be issued and cancelled in the Internal Market
Information System and the procedures by which information
related to the receipt of applications for a European
Professional Card and the keeping of the personal file of the
applicant, the processing and further direction thereof shall be
ensured in the Internal Market Information System;
3) determine the procedures by which applications of such
persons who have acquired education and professional
qualifications in the Republic of Latvia and are applying for the
receipt of a European Professional Card in other European Union
Member States or countries of the European Economic Area shall be
received, examined, and sent to the competent authorities of the
host country in the Internal Market Information System;
4) determine the procedures by which information shall be sent
in the Internal Market Information System to the competent
authorities of other European Union Member States and countries
of the European Economic Area on persons with a professional
qualification to whom the right to pursue professional activities
in the regulated profession is restricted or denied in the
Republic of Latvia;
5) determine the procedures by which information received in
the Internal Market Information System from another European
Union Member State or country of the European Economic Area on
persons with a professional qualification to whom the right to
pursue professional activities in regulated professions is
restricted or denied shall be transmitted for processing,
including deletion, to authorities which issue certificates of
the recognition of professional qualification in regulated
6) determine the authorities which issue and cancel the
European Professional Card and ensure the receipt of applications
for a European Professional Card and the keeping of the personal
file of the applicant, the processing and further direction
7) determine the authorities which shall accept, examine, and
send to the competent authorities of the host country the
applications of those persons who have acquired education and
professional qualifications in the Republic of Latvia and are
applying for the receipt of a European Professional Card in other
European Union Member States;
8) determine the authorities which shall send information to
the competent authorities of other European Union Member States
on persons with professional qualifications to whom the right to
pursue professional activities in the regulated profession is
restricted or denied in the Republic of Latvia.
(2) The coordinator for the recognition of professional
qualifications shall:
1) coordinate the cooperation between authorities issuing the
qualification recognition certificates and information
authorities in issues related to the recognition of professional
2) maintain communication with the European Commission and the
relevant foreign authorities and ensure exchange of information
on the legal acts and the responsible authorities in the field of
the recognition of professional qualifications;
3) participate in the work of the Committee for the
Recognition of Professional Qualifications of the European
(3) The Academic Information Centre:
1) [21 June 2018];
2) shall maintain and continuously update the website with
information on the recognition of professional qualifications in
the Republic of Latvia, and also maintain and continuously update
the database of regulated professions;
3) shall provide consultations and support in issues of the
recognition of professional qualifications;
4) [21 June 2018];
5) shall cooperate with the competent authorities and ensure
that information on persons with professional qualifications to
whom the right to pursue professional activities in the regulated
profession is restricted or denied in the Republic of Latvia is
received in the Internal Market Information System and sent to
the competent authorities of the European Union Member States and
the countries of the European Economic Area;
6) [21 June 2018].
(4) [21 June 2018]
(5) The information authorities in the field of activities
thereof shall:
1) provide information to those inhabitants of Latvia who wish
to work in European Union Member States and member states of the
European Free Trade Association on the legal acts, the
requirements, the information authorities, and the competent
authorities of the relevant countries in the field of regulated
2) provide information on the laws and regulations,
requirements of the professional ethics, academic and
professional requirements for education and professional
qualification in the field of the regulated professions in the
Republic of Latvia;
3) [21 June 2018];
4) [21 June 2018];
5) [21 June 2018];
6) maintain communication with the competent authorities of
foreign countries in order to ensure mutual exchange of
information in the field of the regulated professions;
7) [21 June 2018];
8) maintain a register of the applications submitted and
9) [21 June 2018].
(6) If necessary, the information authority shall prepare a
temporary statement and send it to the authority issuing the
certificates of the recognition of professional qualification in
the relevant profession for the creation of an expert commission.
The composition of the expert commission shall be determined by
the authority which issues the qualification recognition
certificates, also including representatives of the information
authority therein. The expert commission shall submit its opinion
to the authority which issues the certificates of the recognition
of professional qualification.
(7) In the field of seafaring, the functions of a coordinator
and information authority shall be performed by the Register of
Seafarers of valsts akciju sabiedrība "Latvijas Jūras
administrācija" [State joint-stock company Maritime
Administration of Latvia] in accordance with the 1978
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification
and Watchkeeping for Seafarers and the amendments thereto and the
1995 International Convention on Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel.
(8) The Cabinet shall determine the competent authorities of
the Republic of Latvia which shall issue the documents necessary
for the recognition in foreign countries of the professional
qualification acquired in Latvia, the procedures for the issuance
of these documents, and the fee for the issuance thereof.
[23 October 2003; 4 November 2004; 2 November 2006; 17 July
2008; 12 November 2015; 21 June 2018; 16 March 2023]
Section 57. Authorities Issuing the
Certificates of the Recognition of Professional Qualification in
the Regulated Professions
(1) Authorities issuing certificates of the recognition of
professional qualifications in the regulated professions shall,
in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the Cabinet,
examine the applications of applicants for the receipt of the
qualification recognition certificate in the relevant regulated
profession and the documents attached thereto. These authorities
may take the following decisions:
1) to recognise professional qualifications, including
professional qualifications in relation to a part of the
professional activities of the regulated profession, and to issue
a certificate of the recognition of professional qualifications
for professional activities in the Republic of Latvia;
2) to request additional documents in accordance with this
3) to determine an adaptation period and the aptitude test of
the qualification or one of these;
4) to refuse the recognition of professional qualification,
including the recognition of professional qualifications in
relation to a part of the professional activities of the
regulated profession;
5) to issue a permit for the provision of temporary
professional services;
6) to examine the qualification of a temporary professional
service provider in accordance with Section 42 of this Law;
7) to refuse to issue a permit for the provision of temporary
professional services;
8) to cancel a permit for the provision of temporary
professional services if the professional activities of a
temporary service provider in Latvia do not conform to the
characteristics of temporary services specified in Section 42,
Paragraph one of this Law.
(2) The authorities referred to in this Section shall
cooperate with the authorities referred to in Section 56 of this
Law and ensure exchange of information with the relevant foreign
and European Union competent authorities in order to ensure the
coordination of the requirements of education and professional
qualifications in the Republic of Latvia and foreign countries
and mutual recognition of professional qualifications.
(21) The authorities referred to in this Section
shall, in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the
Cabinet, cooperate with the Academic Information Centre and
provide information on persons with professional qualifications
to whom the right to pursue professional activities in the
regulated profession is restricted or denied in the Republic of
Latvia, and also receive information from another European Union
Member State on persons with professional qualifications to whom
the right to pursue professional activities in the regulated
profession is restricted or denied.
(22) The authorities referred to in Paragraph one
of this Section shall cooperate with the responsible authorities
of the European Union Member States and the countries of the
European Economic Area in the field of the recognition of
regulated professions and professional qualifications, using the
Internal Market Information System.
(3) Professional organisations are entitled to participate, in
an advisory capacity, in the work of those authorities issuing
the certificates of the recognition of professional
qualification, when they are reviewing matters related to the
recognition of professional qualifications obtained in foreign
[4 November 2004; 17 July 2008; 12 November 2015; 21 June
2018; 18 February 2021]
Section 58. General Provisions for
the Recognition of Professional Qualifications
[21 June 2018]
Section 59. Annulment and Suspension
of Operations of a Certificate of Recognition of Professional
Authorities issuing the certificates of the recognition of
professional qualification are entitled to annul the certificates
of the recognition of professional qualification or to suspend
the operation thereof, or suspend the operation of a professional
qualification certificate if violations of laws and regulations
or the provisions of professional activities have been
[4 November 2004]
Transitional Provisions
1. Part B of this Law shall come into force on 1 January
2. The Cabinet shall, by 1 January 2002, approve the
requirements referred to in Section 6, Clause 2 of this Law.
3. The persons who, until the day of the coming into force of
this Law, have obtained the right to pursue activities in any of
the regulated professions shall retain this right even if the
professional qualification of this person does not conform to the
requirements of this Law. This right shall be retained for the
period which corresponds to the period between certification and
re-certification, if such is provided for in the relevant
profession. Further rights to activities in this profession shall
be determined by provisions in respect of, and results of,
certification (re-certification).
4. Until the day of the coming into force of the regulations
provided by Section 6, Clause 2, Section 26, Paragraph one,
Section 27, Paragraph five, Section 36, Clauses 5 and 6, Section
54, Paragraph one and Section 56, Paragraph eight of this Law but
not later than by 30 April 2005, the following Cabinet
Regulations shall be in force insofar as they are not in
contradiction with this Law:
1) Cabinet Regulation No. 370 of 20 April 2004, Regulations
Regarding Education of Doctors and Documents Certifying
Professional Qualification which are Recognised by Applying the
Special System for the Recognition of Professional
2) Cabinet Regulation No. 372 of 20 April 2004, Regulations
Regarding Education of General Care Nurses and Documents
Certifying Professional Qualification which are Recognised by
Applying the Special System for the Recognition of Professional
3) Cabinet Regulation No. 373 of 20 April 2004, Regulations
Regarding Education of Architects and Documents Certifying
Professional Qualification which are Recognised by Applying the
Special System for the Recognition of Professional
4) Cabinet Regulation No. 374 of 20 April 2004, Regulations
Regarding Education of Veterinary Surgeons and Documents
Certifying Professional Qualification which are Recognised by
Applying the Special System for the Recognition of Professional
5) Cabinet Regulation No. 375 of 20 April 2004, Regulations
Regarding Education of Midwives and Documents Certifying
Professional Qualification which are Recognised by Applying the
Special System for the Recognition of Professional
6) Cabinet Regulation No. 379 of 22 April 2004, Minimum
Requirements of Education Programmes for the Acquisition of the
Professional Qualification of a Driver (Administrator) for Road
7) Cabinet Regulation No. 394 of 22 April 2004, Regulations
Regarding Education of Dentists and Documents Certifying
Professional Qualification which are Recognised by Applying the
Special System for the Recognition of Professional
8) Cabinet Regulation No. 395 of 22 April 2004, Regulations
Regarding Institutions which Issue the Documents Required to
Inhabitants of the Republic of Latvia for the Recognition of
Their Professional Qualification in Foreign States;
9) Cabinet Regulation No. 424 of 22 April 2004, Regulations
Regarding Education of Pharmacists and Documents Certifying
Professional Qualification which are Recognised by Applying the
Special System for the Recognition of Professional
10) Cabinet Regulation No. 426 of 22 April 2004, Regulations
Regarding the Professional Titles of Lawyers Acquired in Foreign
States which are Recognised by Applying the Special System for
the Recognition of Professional Qualifications;
11) Cabinet Regulation No. 732 of 24 August 2004, Regulations
Regarding the Minimum Requirements of Education Programmes for
the Acquisition of the Professional Qualification of a Veterinary
Surgeon and Regarding Institutions under Direct Control of which
Practical Education in the Profession of a Veterinary Surgeon may
be Acquired;
12) Cabinet Regulation No. 845 of 12 October 2004, Procedures
by which Information Institutions and Institutions Which Issue
the Certificates of the Recognition of Professional
Qualifications in the Regulated Professions shall Examine the
Documents Submitted by Applicants for the Recognition of
Professional Qualifications Acquired in Foreign States for
Independent Professional Activities in the Republic of
13) Cabinet Regulation No. 846 of 12 October 2004, Regulations
Regarding the Recognition of Professional Qualifications on the
Basis of the Duration and Type of Professional Experience in the
Individual Fields of Economic Activities.
[4 November 2004]
5. Section 32.2 of this Law shall come into force
on 1 January 2008.
[2 November 2006]
6. The Cabinet shall, by 31 December 2018, issue the
regulations referred to in Section 36, Clause 14 and Section 56,
Paragraph one, Clauses 6, 7, and 8 of this Law. Until the day of
the coming into force of the provisions referred to in Section
36, Clause 14 of this Law but not later than until 31 December
2018, Cabinet Regulation No. 298 of 10 June 2003, Procedures by
Which an Applicant Shall Cover Expenses Related to the
Recognition of the Professional Qualifications of a Person, shall
be applicable insofar as they are not in contradiction with this
[21 June 2018]
7. Until making the relevant amendments to other laws and
regulations, the term "independent expert in the field of the
energy efficiency of buildings" used therein shall conform to the
term "independent expert on the energy efficiency of buildings"
used in this Law.
[21 June 2018]
8. The Cabinet shall, by 31 October 2020, issue the
regulations referred to in Section 36, Clause 9 of this Law.
Until the day of the coming into force of this Regulation but not
later than until 31 October 2020, Cabinet Regulation No. 168 of
28 March 2017, Procedures for the Provision of Temporary
Professional Services in a Profession Regulated in the Republic
of Latvia, shall be applicable insofar as they are not in
contradiction with this Law.
[10 September 2020]
9. Amendments regarding the new wording of Section 9,
Paragraph one, Clause 4 of this Law, the supplementation of
Section 14, Paragraph three f this Law with Clause 3, the new
wording of Section 14, Paragraph four of this Law, and the new
wording of Section 49, Paragraph one, Clause 3 of this Law shall
come into force on 1 January 2022.
[10 September 2020]
10. Persons who have acquired the education specified in
Section 14, Paragraph three, Clauses 1 and 2 of this Law until 31
December 2021 are entitled to continue independent professional
activities in the profession of a nurse (general care nurse).
[10 September 2020]
11. Students who have been matriculated in an education
programme for nurses implemented by medical colleges until 2
September 2021 shall, until 31 December 2021, undertake an
education programme for nurses the duration of which is three
years of full-time studies and which comprises 4600 theoretical
and clinical contact hours, the duration of theoretical training
representing at least one-third and the duration of the clinical
training at least one half of the total duration of the training,
and from 1 January 2022 continue studies in the second level
higher vocational education study programme with the
qualification to be obtained "nurse (general care nurse)".
[10 September 2020]
12. Persons who have acquired the education specified in
Section 14, Paragraph eight of this Law by 31 August 2020 are
entitled to continue their own professional activities in the
profession of dental practitioner's assistant.
[10 September 2020]
13. The Cabinet shall, by 31 August 2023, issue the
regulations referred to in Section 56, Paragraph eight of this
Law. Until the day of the coming into force of the abovementioned
regulations but not longer than until 31 August 2023, Cabinet
Regulation No. 128 of 14 February 2006, Regulations For
Institutions that Issue to the Inhabitants of the Republic of
Latvia Documents Necessary for the Recognition of their
Professional Qualifications in Foreign States, and Procedures for
Issuance of such Documents, shall be applied insofar as it is not
in contradiction with this Law.
[16 March 2023]
Informative Reference to European
Union Directives
[4 November 2004; 17 November
2005; 13 December 2007; 17 July 2008; 3 June 2010; 5 December
2013; 12 November 2015; 16 February 2017; 21 June 2018; 10
September 2020; 16 March 2023]
The Law contains legal norms arising from:
1) Council Directive 77/249/EEC of 22 March 1977 to facilitate
the effective exercise by lawyers of freedom to provide
2) [21 June 2018];
3) [21 June 2018];
4) [21 June 2018];
5) [21 June 2018];
6) [21 June 2018];
7) [21 June 2018];
8) [21 June 2018];
9) [21 June 2018];
10) [21 June 2018];
11) [21 June 2018];
12) [21 June 2018];
13) [21 June 2018];
14) [21 June 2018];
15) [21 June 2018];
16) [21 June 2018];
17) [21 June 2018];
18) [21 June 2018];
19) [21 June 2018];
20) [12 November 2015];
21) Directive 98/5/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 16 February 1998 to facilitate practice of the
profession of lawyer on a permanent basis in a Member State other
than that in which the qualification was obtained;
22) [21 June 2018];
23) [21 June 2018];
24) [21 June 2018];
25) Directive 2002/84/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 5 November 2002 amending the Directives on maritime
safety and the prevention of pollution from ships (Text with EEA
26) Directive 2003/103/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 17 November 2003 amending Directive 2001/25/EC on
the minimum level of training of seafarers (Text with EEA
27) [12 November 2015];
28) Directive 2011/95/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 13 December 2011on standards for the qualification of
third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of
international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or
for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the
content of the protection granted;
29) Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional
qualifications (Text with EEA relevance);
30) [10 September 2020];
31) Directive 2013/55/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 20 November 2013 amending Directive 2005/36/EC on the
recognition of professional qualifications and Regulation (EU) No
1024/2012 on administrative cooperation through the Internal
Market Information System m (Text with EEA relevance);
32) Directive 2008/106/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 19 November 2008 on the minimum level of training
of seafarers and Directive 2012/35/EU of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 21 November 2012 amending Directive
2008/106/EC on the minimum level of training of seafarers;
33) Directive 2014/66/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 15 May 2014 on the conditions of entry and residence
of third-country nationals in the framework of an intracorporate
34) Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 28 June 2018 on a proportionality test before
adoption of new regulation of professions.
The Law has been adopted by the Saeima on 20 June
President V. Vīķe-Freiberga
Rīga, 6 July 2001
1 The Parliament of the Republic of
Translation © 2023 Valsts valodas centrs (State
Language Centre)